Who Has The Right to Handle The Merchandise While You Are Paying for It?

Hi OzB,

I had an experience at Bunnings today, just want to know what was the right thing to do.

So I had some timber picked out in a trolley, while the cashier was trying to figure out the length to ring it up, another customer started handling my timber to help out. It was uncalled for, but the cashier didn’t raise an eyebrow, so I thought maybe it’s someone they knew. But he wasn’t wearing the uniform, so I asked if he worked there, he said no. The cashier still didn’t say anything and just went on and pretended it’s not happening. That customer proceeded to remove it from the trolley, hold it in his arm, and returned the trolley to the bay. He then handed it to me when I finished paying. I had to carry it out of the store in my hands.

My question is: who owns the item at this stage? Is it still considered store property so it’s fair for anyone else to do whatever to it? I mean, it’s mid-transaction, does the store have a responsibility to make sure it’s protected from other customers?

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Bunnings Warehouse


  • +220

    Lol. Forums have peaked this week already and it's only Tuesday.

      • +5

        It's all downhill from here.

    • +11

      Peak of the month

      • humpty dumpty's day

      • +1

        I would say year, but @hellopam/@Screensaver is still lurking and with 3 months to go i still think there's a potential for improvement.

    • +4

      If I start posting what happens every day at work, you guys will freak out and forum posts will then certainly peak 😄

      • I will await your forum topic on 27th of September.

    • +11

      Another ridiculous time wasting post and time wasting Bunnings Customer.
      Pls dont waste our time OP

    • +3

      This week sure has been full of people who seem to have to ask for help in every step of their daily lives.
      You wonder how they survive in the world at times.

    • You guys gotta do something. There's this guy Nasty Nate who's after his cocktail fruit, and everyone here likes fresh fish..

    • Peak of this quarter I think, though lucky it's September.

  • +20


  • +2


  • +27

    That is effing weird

  • @brendanm

    • +9

      This post just left me exhausted and in a state of despair 😔

      • +5

        You were just trying to help, and instead of gratitude you get called a weirdo….

        • +3

          The way I see it OP wanted to use the trolley to carry the timber to his car/ute, but the other customer being gung-ho decided to 'force' OP to carry it by hand and return the trolley prematurely.

  • +2


  • +11

    Just grab the lumber back, swing it around to help and apologise if you accidentally bump the helper. Problem solved.

    • -5

      Lol I was not experienced enough to react at the time.

      • -2

        Can’t use your words in public?

      • Not experienced enough for what? To use your words and speak???!!!!

  • +146

    So a stranger handled your wood in public without invitation?

    • +9

      handled wood

      You shake it once, that's fine. You shake it twice, that's okay. You shake it three times….

      • +2

        Wouldn' hurt!

        • +7

          "Wooden squirt"


      • +1

        I now have Good Charlotte stuck in my head

      • Don't shake it, peck it.

      • One shake is all it takes

    • -7

      Strange, right? I’d expected the store to say something about it at least.

      • +3

        Poor shop attendant probably had no idea what was going on either or thought you were together. That was full on weird.

      • So she didn't want to handle your wood?

    • +8

      Was it hard wood or soft wood?

    • So a stranger handled your wood in public without invitation the OP's objection?

  • +2

    Should have asked him to pay for it at the end or told him to f off.

      • +75

        called up the store this afternoon and told the manager about it

        Oh, you're one of those customers….

      • What did the manager say?

          • +36

            @Alley Cat: Now I know this has to be a p*sstake!

          • @Alley Cat: I have to know whether he calls you back …

          • @Alley Cat: If you believe that he's going to bother with that I've got a bridge in Sydney for sale

            • @surg3on: I'd like to buy said bridge. If you have 2, would you do a discount?

      • +18

        Christ, could you be any more petty?

      • I'm like 80% convinced you're trolling at this point

    • +7

      Should have asked him to pay for it

      Could have at least offered to chip in.

  • +17

    You must construct additional pylons

  • +1

    Perhaps the guy was a secret shopper, trying to hurry you along.

      • +10

        I think it's fine to disclose at this point? 😂

        • -3

          This is precisely why I left it out. People are easily distracted by their imagination and internalised trauma.

      • +5

        Huh you're leaving out details that would explain why?

        • +20

          When I got to the counter, I said to the cashier that he’s need a tape to measure the length because it’s sold per LM. The guy jumped in and started to guess how long it was. “3 metres” he said and the cashier agreed, without actually measuring.

          (I was at the yard and had it cut to around 2.9m. The bits that was trimmed off had a lot of cracks in it. The cutting person agreed that I can pay only for the part I take home. It was a nice gesture so didn’t say anything, but it bothered me how casual the cashier was.)

          The customer then said to me “you don’t need a trolley for this”. I said “I’m sure I know what I needed.” And turned to talk to the cashier to sort out the gift card purchase.(Yes, I’m an honourable member of this site lol)

          (The cashier had a bit of an amused look on his face at this stage, which convinced me at this point they have some good rapport going on.)

          Sensing that he’s holding my timber, I turned and asked if he worked here, he said no. I then asked in a raised voice “Why are you doing this then?” He said “Because you are beautiful, I want to help you.”

          (Dude in his 70s, probably has a few generations of grandchildren… )

          I had no idea what to say, turned back to finish the payment, while the man put away the trolley and came back holding the timber in his arms. He said something about helping me when I took the timber off him and rushed out of the store.

          It’s only when I got home, I started to process the whole story and thought to call the store.

          • +11

            @Alley Cat: This makes zero sense. Was it really sold per LM, or did you take a 3M precut, then ask for 5CM to be cut off each end, then being a tighass OZB'er didn't want to pay for the 10CM's?

            If you already knew it was 2.9M, why didn't you simply say to the cashier that it was cut to 2.9M, and that you wanted to pay for only 2.9M?

            When I got to the counter, I said to the cashier that he’s need a tape to measure the length because it’s sold per LM.

            (I was at the yard and had it cut to around 2.9m. The cutting person agreed that I can pay only for the part I take home. It was a nice gesture so didn’t say anything, but it bothered me how casual the cashier was).

            Was it as below?


            • @xuqi: Lol you don’t have to believe any of it. It’s just random texts on the internet. Someone made it up to get attention. There.

              • +3

                @Alley Cat: I find it had to believe ~10cm of wood $ value is worth anyone's time, let alone calling a store and speaking to a manager about it….

                It's something you wanted to buy. If someone else decides to take control of it, or otherwise interfere with your purchase, assert yourself and tell them to mind their own business.

                • @xuqi: You really care about the 10cm of wood, I don’t, and I have actually said that.

                • @xuqi: only 10cm - of Norwegian Wood - wasn't it good - ah !

          • +3

            @Alley Cat: Isn’t the minimum cut 30cm?

            • @EmCKay: I don’t know the rules lol It was a 80cm cut.

            • +8

              @EmCKay: I had a guy tell me he wouldn't trim a 20cm section off a 90cm length of merbau. But he said no problems when I asked him to cut 70cm off of it.

              I still don't quite understand that interaction, but I got the cut I wanted done.

          • @Alley Cat: Is there by any chance that you're an Asian and the 'helper' dude is Caucasian?
            Coz that's probably makes sense being that kind of stereotype gung-ho style trying to teach other people they way he wanted it to be.

          • +1

            @Alley Cat: 'I then asked in a raised voice “Why are you doing this then?” He said “Because you are beautiful, I want to help you.”
            (Dude in his 70s, probably has a few generations of grandchildren… )

            OK - NOW we get to the nub of the question. Guy showed interest in the OP - OP wasn't attracted to them, so regarded them as creepy.

            Oh dear - life's daily question - how do you deal with people who like you when you don't like them - who try to express interest in you - call the police ?

            My first-year law studies told me picking up and carrying goods inside a store is called asportation - treating as your own property - which is an intermediate state before the purchase transaction exchange of payment for goods, whereafter they become your property.

            So if someone else 'tries to help' by 'picking up a length of wood' imagining that this might help a female (or gay male) as a way to maybe show interest in a potential mate or desired friendly contact, that would be more in the category of social interaction, which I would hope an adult has learned something about by the time they reach adulthood.

            • +1


              that would be more in the category of social interaction, which I would hope an adult has learned something about by the time they reach adulthood.


              So why hasn't the old man learnt proper social interactions in the first place, he's been around longer!

              • @John Kimble: Unreliable narrator. Go read her post history, she’s clearly two eggs short of a dozen.

          • @Alley Cat: Sounds like an old man who doesn't give a fk anymore and just wants to help out, doesn't care what society thinks, just wants to keep things moving.

            I'm probably half his age and sometimes I am starting to feel the need to just push things along and interject because I cbf waiting while people stare the ceiling.

            Sounds like he also has a bit of that old fashioned he is the man and he's here to help the 'woman'.

            Leave him be, no point arguing with seniors like that.

            Don't think too much of it. He is also probably old and bored and frequents the store, one of the fundamental tenets of human desire to feel the need to belong to a community and as he is most likely a regular it is basically his 'house'.

            Wouldn't be suprised if he cooked you some calamari.

          • +2

            @Alley Cat: Sounds like he wanted to slip you the missing 10cm of wood.

          • @Alley Cat: If the OP had phased her title more accurately and include this episode in the main topic, she would've received less negs.

  • +11

    R U OK?

    • +1

      Thank you. I’m processing it still.

  • +22

    A simple

    "Hey mate, can I help you with something?"


    "Hey mate, thanks for your help, but I'm fine with it thanks"


    "Could you leave my purchases alone please?"

    Would have put an end to whatever shenanigans was going on.

      • +17

        As a person who lives in QLD and has bought timber from Bunnings, I can confirm the etiquette is exactly as described by Flying Ace.

      • +3

        This isn't anything to do with the geographic location of the interaction, more to do with basic standards of human decency and etiquette. But from reading your comments further down, it seems that it wasn't just a case of another customer handling your purchases, but a more complex situation that transpired.

  • +1

    Give'm the 4x2 to the noggin.

  • +9

    There is definitely some missing details in this story telling, which could possibly make it less perplexing than it currently is.

    • Maybe the guy had a deja vu 🤣.He also commented before leaving the store & had a crush I believe being in his 70's.Personally I feel he is young by heart & would love to deal with a 25 years old I bet.

  • +5

    This sounds like a fever dream. Were you also naked, but no one seemed to notice?

    • +3

      Hahaha no way, splinters!

  • -1

    Just when you think this place can’t get any weirder. So what is the male equivalent of a Karen?

    • A Kevin

    • Greg.

    • +7

      OP is female, fyi

    • +3

      OP is female and was being hit on by someone's grandpa.

  • +1

    LOL! Move on with life… or next time handle it yourself so the cashier life is far easier and not let another customer do it.

  • +2

    How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

  • +7

    Im totally lost. Apparently granddads are hitting on people in Bunnings by touching up their timber (not their timber, their timber). Only in QLD. Cause things are different up there.

    Must be the humidity 🤷‍♀️🤣

    • +1

      Grandpa handled wood for the first time in a decade probably.

      • +1

        it was the way he held it between his legs and stroked it suggestively while making eye contact with the OP that disconcerted them … ;-)

  • +7

    This would not happen if you knew how to interact with other people, if i was in this situation i would ask the person why the eff are you touching my lumber, and ask him to kindly stop and get his own. You should know how to prevent this kind of thing happening to you by not being passive.

    • -1

      Why do you think I’m asking? You come across as if you are condemning me for not knowing how to eat a durian because I haven’t had it before.

      • +5

        Social interaction is the basic of the basics of living your life, most people are prepared for things that happen in their lives.

        Its usually just logical, if someone touches your stuff you dont just stand there slack jawed and let them do it, every situation you have where there is a social interaction should be fight or flight in a certain sense. In this case it looks like you were so stunned that your higher brain functions did not process what was happening.

        There is no way anyone on the forums could know what caused this, could be iq being an issue either logical or emotional, or you just had an off day.

        Next time an interaction feels wrong, stop and take 5-10 secs to think what the appropriate action is, don't just assume something is right cause someone is doing it.

        Most people know this stuff inherently, and don't need to consciously think about a response, its automatic. Someone touches your stuff, you say excuse me, stop touching my stuff and move on with your life.

        • I wasn’t sure if it was my stuff, hence the confusion. If it were my phone he was holding, that’s a clear cut and needn’t any persuasion.

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