Cube Tablets are taking the world by storm since they announced the release of Cube U9GT2 in September 2011.
This September, Cube releases its new tablet computer U9GT V. With a retina display screen, a lovely design,
its great media options a competitive price, the U9GTV would the best 9.7-inch tablet available and one of the top tablets on the market.
With no doubt that U9GTV comes with a 2048×1536 Retina Display. Compare with U9GT2’s 1024×1536 display,
The resolution of U9GT5V makes it easier on developers, as a clean multiple is always easier to adapt visuals for than a fraction.
At 9.7 inches, the Retina display has a pixel density of 264 and it has 40 percent better color saturation
which makes U9GTV a higher resolution 9.7 inch tablet.
Lightake releases the presale news of U9GTV, and for just $299 with the coupon code:
LIGHTAKEOZB. 4% lower than the original presale price $311.66.
Cube U9GT5V:
What's the estimated delivery time for this one, since this is a pre sale item?