New Outrageous Surcharge at GP

Went to my usual GP today and noticed they introduced a new 1.5% card surcharge. On top of the new gap fee they've introduced.

All good, that's normal these days. However, my consultation today also included a small procedure fee. So the total out of pocket is $49 exactly.

They charged me $133.72 (inc surcharge to my card). Without surcharge it's $131.74. There is a $82.74 Medicare rebate. However, the rebate obviously doesn't include the surcharge which is on the ENTIRE amount, not just the out of pocket cost. Therefore my total out of pocket cost is closer to $51.

Unethical? Essentially the surcharge cost on this transaction is now closer to 4.1%, considering my initial out of pocket was $49 exactly.

Is Credit Card Surcharge at GP Unethical?

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  • +3

    How did they explain it?

    • +63

      Probably along the lines of how the federal government has in practical terms not been funding healthcare adequately for the past decades by not pegging the Medicare funding to inflation? I guess spending hundreds of billions on fancy nuclear subs to fund the US military industrial complex is more important than the health of the nation.

      • +16

        I agree with your comments, but I doubt that relates at all to a credit card surcharge discussion.

      • +6

        Funny enough, lot of employers are going out of their way to explain that inflation / CPI shouldn't directly link to remuneration increases.
        Also, RBA is keen to get more people off work to reduce CPI.
        So why would be Medicare be different?

        • +3

          plus, blah blah blah I (an executive) am pleased to increase your wage by 2% according to the market conditions blah blah blah.

          while inflation data shows that the inflation rate is far less than 10% but all the essential needs costs a lot higher than 10% :D.

          worse yet, using credit card to pay your purchase hardly costs you less than 1% while everyone falls into saving points :D.

          what else? paying cash is sometimes a lot cheaper than card i.e a cheap haircut costs 30 AUD (cash) or 35AUD (card) lol.

          the list goes on and on….

      • +8

        I am so frugal that I get more sick when I go to the doctor and need to pay out of pocket. 😞We don't all earn a sufficient salary. No wonder Emergency Departments are packed and huge waiting times.


        • +2

          Write to your local MP and complain. More people need to do this, otherwise you will continue to see Medicare issues be made worse.

      • Neo-liberal politics brought to you but the very shit coalition.

    • +5

      "We run a business, the bank start to charge us a fee, and we pass it on to the customers?"

  • +71

    They charged you correctly, and you agreed to the card surcharge.

    Can always pay in cash next time if you don't want to pay the credit card surcharge.

      • +30

        What is the gotcha if you been told there is a surcharge for card payment?

          • +78


            Seems like a cash grab arbitrage by the clinic.

            The clinic isn't pocketing the money you pay as surcharge lol they pay that to their bank who impose the surcharge to use credit card facility.

            Looks like you don't even understand the basics. I encourage you to get more educated before the next GP appointment.

            • +5

              @CodeXD: and don't get sick lol

            • -2

              @CodeXD: Technically they could impose a higher surcharge with their POS than the cost of the transaction and pocket it.

              But 1.5% on the transaction is quite standard

              • +7

                @rover100: Actually they cannot impose a higher surcharge with their POS than the cost of the transaction and pocket it. It is illegal.

                The surcharge is equal or less than what it costs them.
                Op could always complain to the bank that's supplying the POS tho.

                • +2

                  @furyou: It's illegal but plenty of merchants do it. Customer would need to complain to ACCC about the business as the bank has no idea what the merchant is charging through their 3rd party POS. And if standalone, they could manually be calculating and inputting the surcharge, bank has no idea.

                  • +1

                    @rover100: Citation please?

                  • @rover100: Yeah, like the Thai restaurant in Macquarie Centre (Sydney). Doubt anyone ever complained about the inflated surcharge. I use the same machine for my business and know the rate, even still don't charge a surcharge at all.

                    Also you are correct, the added % can be set manually. This can come out on the invoice as whatever you like, and whatever additional % charges.

          • +10


            Seems like a cash grab arbitrage by the clinic.

            This is a meaning of the word arbitrage I haven't previously encountered.

            Arbitrage: the simultaneous purchase and sale of something in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in its listed price

            • +2


              Arbitrage: the simultaneous purchase and sale of something in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in its listed price

              OP came here looking for confirmation bias, but got schooled on the meaning of the word arbitrage.

            • +2

              @Motek Benzona: that extra dollar that he could've avoided if he had chosen is hardly outrageous.

            • +2

              @Motek Benzona:

              The moron's replying to you ……

              Do you include yourself in this cohort?

            • +1

              @Motek Benzona:

              The moron's (sic)

              My moron's what?

            • @Motek Benzona: It's 'morons' you moron!

              • @Amaris: Enjoy your mutual backslapping with the other children ….Ive fed Yaks who have been more articulate, with their mouths full, but…please continue…im sure you will get a + and a laugh from the usual suspects

      • +8

        The tile of your post is

        New Outrageous Surcharge at GP

        and in response to that, 1.5% is standard credit card fee.

        Do they allow you to pay by cash to avoid the fee? Did they let you know about the fee before you paid? There is no question of ethical unless they were trying to hide the surcharge from you or charged you extra (charged you 2% when they said it would be %1.5).

        What are you suggesting is the alternative? You pay with your credit card on the full amount but they only charge you the 1.5% on the amount that isn't covered by Medicare rebate? That doesn't make any sense since the practice will be paying the full surcharge for you.

        You paid the 1.5% surcharge for the convenient of not carrying cash, the breakdown of what is charged is irrelevant as long as that is the amount you are getting charged.

      • +1

        "normal people"

      • +1

        Hey spammingb, that is YOUR fault.

        Firstly to other commenters, NO this is a Doctor's Clinic they usually do NOT hold cash or accept cash transaction. That means usually you have NO OPTION but to use card and be slapped with a surcharge, even though it is unconstitutional (read up legal tender stipulations).

        Now coming back, yes spammingb you got surcharged on the doctor's fee plus the rebate. Again that's your fault. Just like how the vendors have exercised their rights and implemented a 1.5% surcharge on cards, you also have that right. You SHOULD HAVE charged Medicare (Australian Government) a +1.5% increase on the rebate. If you cannot that is no-one's fault but your own. You should go out there and amass power so that you can exercise such a clause. Either become a billionaire, or I find, if you can become the local mafia then the doctors tend to treat you for free.

        • +2

          That means usually you have NO OPTION but to use card and be slapped with a surcharge, even though it is unconstitutional (read up legal tender stipulations).

          Asking on behalf of Denis Denuto - are you sure about that?

    • +5

      Just another whinger.

      Should read

      "Outrageous post"

      • +1

        If it was (and it probs will be) on, it would have 'fury' in the banner headline, and it would be the ALP/union/the 'Voice referendums fault

        • +3

          New OUTRAGEOUS Post at

          Readers in a fury at Dan Andrews

          • @OZKap: Everyone in Vic cheering for joy at news of Dictator Dan's sudden departure
            Its all over the front pages.
            So you got that one right!

            • @HeWhoKnows:

              Everyone in Vic cheering for joy at news of Dictator Dan's sudden departure

              Probably the same ones who will be cheering for the Wobblers on Saturday.

    • OP can pay cash, some dr may take kidney take crypto with a discount

      • +2

        I guess it depends how they bill at the practice. When I go, I pay the full amount on my card and then Medicare refund the rebate. So as far as the eftpos machine goes it is only seeing me tapping the full fee.

      • It is illegal for a doctor to bill Medicare directly if they charge a gap. The patient is required to pay the full amount. The practice can facilitate the rebate to the patient's account or just give the patient an invoice/ receipt and ask them to do the claim themselves.

    • +1

      Some clinics don’t take cash.

      • +2

        If there's no way for a consumer to pay without paying a surcharge, the business must include the minimum surcharge payable in the displayed price for its products. This occurs when a business doesn’t accept cash and it applies a surcharge to all card payment types.

        • Yeah i believe those enterprise clinic display the surcharge

  • +21

    Why would the government or the bank give you a rebate on your card surcharge? The rebate is a fixed amount regardless of how much the clinic charge. The bank is charging the card fee and your doctor is passing it on. Otherwise it eats into their costs.

    Either pay with cash/EFTPOS or live with it.

    • +1

      "Why would the government or the bank give you a rebate on your card surcharge?"


    • +1

      Nowadays even EFTPOS transactions attract surcharges

      • +3

        Nowadays even surcharges attract surcharges

  • +1

    They can pass on whatever the bank charges them to process your CC payment..…

  • +44

    So you're having whinge over $1.98… ??

    • +5

      That was where I was headed.

    • +2

      The amount in question is actually only $1.24.. hahaha

      • +7

        He'll be taking back his soy sauce next.

    • But its unethical!!! Screech…!

    • -2

      People on this site don't understand the principle of things, they just look at the dollar amount.

      • +1

        What exactly is the principle we’re meant to be looking at here? OP is literally complaining about the cost of something. If they didn’t bulk bill and OP paid the whole amount the had it refunded the credit card fee would be the same dollars with and infinite credit card fee

        We should be more worried about how we’re going to fund healthcare with an overburdened medical system, an aging population and lack of people studying medicine to fill the ranks than complain about $1.98.

        Sticking to your principles is all well and good when your principles mean something. In this case, they don’t.

      • What principle? that they should not pass on real costs incurred to the consumer? not sure how that is a reasonable principle.

  • +6

    My GP now has a $3 payroll surcharge (plus a free lecture on the evils of them having to pay payroll tax)

      • +1

        Dear leader is truly visionary and inventive I am blessed to have his portrait grace the walls of my government sanctioned abode.

      • +1

        hahaha who you gunna blame now? Anybody ALP I'm guessing.
        I think Vic deserves a LNP govt for the feral behaviour proliferating there. The young nazi Liberal party should sort out the zombie dunny roll eaters, in about 50 terms of govt, after gutting health,education and public transport, of course

        • -1

          hahaha who you gunna blame now?


    • +1

      In ACT the payroll tax only starts at $2,000,000 a year.

      • It is yet another pointless tax that just makes our products and services less competitive to those from overseas.

        • +3

          How would you suggest States & Territories raise taxes then? Considering income tax, company tax, and GST all go to the Feds.

          • @barcer:

            How would you suggest States & Territories raise taxes then?


            GST all go to the Feds.

            GST goes to the states….

          • +1

            @barcer: As jv mentioned all GST goes to states not feds, it is administered by the feds. they also get income from rates, land tax etc

        • +1

          So, we should hop on a plane to go overseas to see a GP?

        • Robert Menzies (UAP/Country coalition aka Liberals old brand)

          Did this.

          • @deme: and Dan increased it…

        • which OS Dr or clinic do you use for a GP visit?

      • From memory 650000 in Vic

      • Good point. I will ask them what their total payroll is. They do have about 8 gps and a bunch of nurses so could crack the $2mill

  • +4

    Geez you must be living the good life to complain about 1.5%


  • +6

    Even more reason to keep some cash on hand then. The media and banks keep pushing for a cashless society but its reasons like this that convince me to at least keep some cash on hand.

    • give them 131.75 in loose change and put sunnies on and an upwards nod

      Keep the change

    • Why not pay for everything 1 in cash? It's really not that hard. You will still get medicare rebate (usually same day), just make sure bank details are up to date in myGov

      1. Of course online purchases you'd use your card. 

  • +4

    oi mister prime ministerrrrrrr

  • +5

    You're paying the medical centre $131.74, so the surcharge is payable on that total.
    The $49 rebate is from the government. That's got nothing to do with the surcharge to the medical centre.

    Unethical? Essentially the surcharge cost on this transaction is now closer to 4.1%, considering my initial out of pocket was $49 exactly

    It was a government decision for the medical centre to charge you the full amount and THEN refund you the rebate. (as opposed to the medical centre charging you the 'difference' and then getting the rebate directly into their account). Probably a fraud prevention thing..

    • government decision for the medical centre to charge you the full amount and THEN refund you the rebate

      Really? Because my GP does exactly this, only have to pay the gap. They get the Medicare rebate themselves. Are they acting illegally?

      Edit: I answered my own question, it is illegal. But it seems at least 50% of GPs in my area are doing it. How does the Government stamp out illegal billing on this scale?

      • +2

        You could report them? Definitely never seen a GP in Canberra do this

      • +1

        That is a major no-no. It shouldn't be the case but those are the rules.
        They may be using a payment system that allows an instantaneous rebate somehow but this is not normal with Medicare, only HICAPS.

  • +5

    It's a payment method, you chose the payment method, the surcharge is from your choice. What has that got to do with the surgery's ethics?

  • +5


    How much did you last pay for a plumber or electrician or someone to fix your washing machine?

    • They probably posted on FB about the evils of plumber or electrician and started a gofundme…

  • Was that tap and pay or inserting the card?

    • +6

      i pay more to insert then tap, but I don't recommend you go to the establishments that I have been to.

      • Cash is King! …. while it lasts :P

        • either way its a happy ending

  • More than 1 GP at my local medical center.

    My regular GP gets me in every time quick smart, nobody has to wait long, nobody wants to hang around in waiting rooms. Even has appointments at 7pm if you work.

    He can have $2.00 extra for saving my time.

    Therefore my total out of pocket cost is closer to $51.
    considering my initial out of pocket was $49 exactly

    outrageous I tells ya….

    • +1

      …yet will pay whatever they ask, for a latte…

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