This was posted 1 year 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Whittaker's Chocolate Blocks 250g $5.50 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen nearly all the varieties at this price, whilst 2 blocks are $0.10 higher. Not the record lowest, but if you missed out on the previous deals, then maybe this is a good alternative or you may just want to stock up!! There’s also no milk chocolate caramel, only the dark chocolate variety, which was very tasty last time.

And Amazon have also decided to add the Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate varieties to this sale as well!

The dark caramel one was particularly tasty and I felt less guilty about indulging after reading @hamza23's description on the sugar comparison! Although that comparison was only for the Milk Chocolate version.


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closed Comments

  • +7

    $5.50 in store at Cole’s as well

  • +6

    The best Choc

    • You chocking right!

    • +1

      Only one I will buy nowadays on those special occasions (every week)

  • +3

    What happened to the Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter Jelly varieties?
    Can’t find them anywhere anymore…Maybe it’s a good thing, was hard to portion control those things.

    • +1

      I know my local Coles still has the Peanut Butter ones. They are so good

    • +3

      The GOAT! Got me through COVID recovery in 2022. There is no portion control possible.

    • Found the pesnut butter one st big w yesterday

  • +1

    I bought this chocolate a lot cheaper at Big W nopt so long ago.

    • Wow, really……?
      The standard BigW price is $7

      • +1

        Sure… 1/2 price or even more for chock is not uncommon, I got this from Coles as well
        But Big W price was $2.50 per bar.
        And $2.75 in subject per 100 grams is nothing to brag about.

  • -4

    I don’t get it. This was once a budget brand of choc. Now it boutique and priced accordingly….

    • +21

      Ahhh no, Whittaker's has never been budget brand.

    • +4

      Now it boutique and priced accordingly

      It's all about marketing and brainwashing people's mind.
      In my opinion Aldi's dark hazelnut one still has the best value for money featuring the most expensive ingredients such as 27% roasted hazelnuts and minimum 35% cocoa.
      And I tried many times Whittaker's dark chocolate but it doesn't come even close to Aldi's cheap one!

      • +2

        Agree, the Aldi range is far better value and in terms of quality, arguably better than a lot of other mainstream brands. It's all I buy…

        • +2

          +1 for Aldi Choceur!

        • -2

          arguably better than a lot of other mainstream brands

          Too many people don't know that crook and deceptive producers add carrubba (or carruba, carob) as substitute of cocoa and unfortunately our government allow these producers to label this ingredient under unknown meanings.
          Whittaker's chocolate tastes right like that!

      • +1

        yep the aldi one is goat for the value - especially if nothing good on sale @ coles that week

      • +1

        Lovingearth chocolate has better ingredients and packaging, currently half price for $3.45 for 80g

        • currently half price for $3.45 for 80g

          The one people don't buy also I know a Swiss brand they sell much better quality than Lovingearth for $100 per Kg. LOL

  • is it gonna melt buying chocolate from amazon?

    • can confirm mine arrived melted today :'(
      their postie left it in the sun. (it is a sunny day)
      I picked it up after my 1hr work meeting finished.

      but during last purchase of this in Aug 2022. it arrived fine.

  • I wish they would bring back the Peanut block. The ratio was so much better than the slab.

  • +1

    Can never seem to find the chocolate with caramel one lately. The Whittakers Blondie is much better than caramilk too

  • +1

    I remember when you could get a full 250 gram Cadbury on rare sales at $2

    Those were bad times for my body

    • +1

      Only the mind understands what the body really needs

  • +3

    Yes some real chocolate and not the wax stuff that is Cadbury…

      • +10

        Yeah but look at some of the other things the average Australian goes for…

        Whittakers clearly way better than oily, sugary Cadbury IMHO.

        • +4

          If only you could beat some sense into the general population…

      • +9

        Just goes to show that most people don’t know what quality chocolate is anymore. But good on Cadbury for continually lowering the quality and size while increasing the price and still having customers that will sing their praises. Will give them a point for variety though.

      • I think it depends on the person. I find Whittakers amazing c.f. Cadbury. They have distinctive differences in taste. Personal preference.

      • +1

        It's because the average obese Australian will pick the cheapest, nastiest piece of garbage that will give them the sugar hit. This person could also not find their own arse with two hands and a mirror. Their "rating" of a chocolate means jack s*** to me.

        You may as well get something good like a Whittaker if you eat chocolate once in a while instead of for breakfast like those slow movers.

  • +1

    Those people whose taste buds can tell the difference between a real chocolate and a fake one will testify under oath that 33% Whittaker's chocolate is best a peasant can buy and enjoy without a doubt.

    • Lies, damn lies, and testimony

      • +1

        Sir you are out of order

  • +3

    Weren't these 3.50 recently?

  • Why is OLD GOLD not in the conversation?

    • +2

      old gold is disgustang!~

      • +1

        OLD GOLD = quality in my biased opinion.

        Try the cherry ripe or rum and raisin…..

      • +1

        I bet Cher Lloyds all over it

    • Old Gold is Cadbury is crap.

  • Dahm shame the oat milk variety is unavailable. But $5.50 considering our dollar value is pretty good.

    • Unsure what AUD vs NZD has to do with the price of these? It's pretty average FX rate

    • +1

      It's $5.50 in Coles.

  • Rum and Raisin

  • +3

    Oh berry forest, where are ya.

    • I haven't seen any in months sadly.

  • Oh dang coconuts gone

  • Coconut sold out - game over

  • -5

    Ghastly chocolate, Cadbury much better imo !

  • This is not a bargain

  • Looks like the prices have reverted

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