This was posted 2 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Whittaker's Chocolate Block 250g Varieties $3 Each @ Coles (Flybuys Membership Required)


Noticed that Whittaker's was on special starting today for $5, but there is also $2 off the marked price for Flybuys members, bringing it down to $3 a block.

Fantastic price, past deals have been generally $4-$5 a block.

Did a mock online order to confirm it worked and also you can buy more than 1:

Block Chocolate Creamy Milk Block 250g
Whittaker's Block Chocolate Creamy Milk Block 250g on special 10 for $50.00

Trolley total $50.00
Credits and Promos
Flybuys member price - $2 off selected products!Flybuys member price - $2 off selected products!-$20.00

Order total

Varieties available (will probably vary store to store, some say temporarily unavailable here):

Whittaker's Block Milk Creamy Caramel Chocolate
Whittaker's Coconut Milk Chocolate Block
Whittaker's Block Chocolate Creamy Milk Block
Whittaker's Berry Forest Block Chocolate
Whittaker's Hokey Pokey Block Chocolate
Whittaker's Block Chocolate Dark Ghana
Whittaker's Peanut Butter Block Chocolate
Whittaker's Chocolate Block Oat Milk
Whittakers Blondie Chocolate Block
(all 250g)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Going to stock up on these!

    • +3

      Very smart marketing by Coles. Instead of doing 1/2 price offer, they put it on special for - $1.90 and then another -$2 off if you're a member. That way they insure that you sign up, in order to get the deal.

      • +5

        pretty standard "members only" type of deal. i hate it even more in regular retail stores though

        • +3

          To be fair I assume a majority of coles shoppers have Flybuys.
          Just load it onto your iPhone and away you go.

      • *ensure

        • It's an older and lesser-used version but 'insure' in that sense is still current.

      • Very true. There’s been a notable decrease in 1/2 price deals. Now I’ll be checking what’s in 1/2 price and what’s on the member price deal - a bit annoying, but some good deals so far. Great when stacked.

      • Whittaker is a very good brand, and they rarely have half price specials. The most I have seen in the last few years is like $2 out of $7.

        I haven't seen it half price for years.

        I am already signed up to flybuys. It's about time they give me some benefit.

  • +9

    Their milk chocolate is good.

    • Thanks for the recommendation. Did you mean creamy milk block?

      • If you're looking for recommendations, their coconut block is a must have and peanut butter block is quite nice too. The peanut one is for people who like peanut butter though as it's stronger.

        • Thanks mate 👌

  • +4

    Who took all my Whittaker's Peanut Butter Block Chocolate ( unavailable ) ? : (

    • +4

      Could get a raincheck in store if needed (Flybuys deal runs until 14 March which would hopefully still stack when redeeming).

      • Is it coles or woolies who don't do rainchecks anymore?

        • +1


          Also no idea why I got negged, Coles certainly still do rainchecks, at least my local does.

    • God damnit

  • +23

    coconut block is the best…… great deal OP

    • I miss their milk chocolate cashew block…. was soo good before they discontinued

    • Thanks, guaranteed to be out of stock now :(

  • +1

    Better than NZ pricing. No Hazella in Oz?

    Besides Hazella, the other new flavour is White Blondie & Biscuit.

    • +2

      Russ Eats said it's coming to Australia (mentioned in this vid).

    • Is Hazella like a hazelnut Nutella type flavour?

      • Nutella is hazelnut chocolate, it's not hazelnut nutella

      • +1

        There's no chunks of nuts in it, but it does have a taste of hazelnuts to it. However I found it WAY too sweet. Like teeth numbingly sweet. Would not purchase again.

        • Yea if they reduced the sugar by a lot like 50% reduction across all its range, their chocolate would be way better. I enjoy their dark Ghana chocolate, at least there no over powered sugar tastes. Coconut one is way too sweat, wrecks it for me but a lot of people love it. Sugar lovers

  • +6

    The BEST chocolate, by far!

  • Is this online only?

    • +1

      I'm planning on buying a bunch in store this evening, I'll let you know how I go.

      • +8

        If anyone's still interested at this stage, yes it works in store.

    • I bought one in store last week and got the $2 off.

      • Thx. 10 blocks acquired!

      • Oh, how long has this promotion been running?

        • The $2 off since last week, but the stack with the weekly special just today.

          • @morse: So Monday 13th?

            • @wavesgreen: I don’t know sorry. I noticed it last week, might have been running longer. I think this style of deal is new so I’m not across the cycle of when it starts. All I know is that this one finishes 14 March. I would presume the next lot of ‘member price’ deals starts 15 March.

  • Is the $2 just for one purchase per flyBuy account? if I bought 5 would I get $10 off?

    • +1

      No limit.

  • Why is Coles the only store where you have to input an sms code to log in?

    • +1

      It is by no means the only such store, two factor authorisation (through either SMS or email code, or through apps such as Google/Microsoft authenticator) is a very common method of confirming authorisation on accounts across a huge variety of online stores and companies.

      • I found you can turn it off. I haven't seen it for stores, banks and similar I can see a point.

        • Are you turning off 2 factor on other websites?! Please don't do that, for your own sake. Download something proper like Microsoft authenticator or Authy and use it instead of sms.

    • +1

      probably because the flybuys points can be used as cash

    • -1

      They're just doing their part to make it as hard as possible to claim your flybuys points.

      Used to just be automatic, your ten buck credit would just pop up on screen when available, now you have to login, go through all this crap, activate this and that, apply something and then finally you are able to get your bloody points.. ridiculous garbage

      • +1

        Not to mention the method to redeem the points is archaic, still needing to bring the physical card and swipe it (after loading Flybuys dollars to it in the app)…

      • Huh? I just scan my flybuys card from Apple wallet and it comes up with the normal $10bucks off credit. Don't have to log in or do anything? Is this store / state dependent or something?

        • They mean when people convert their flybuys points into flybuys dollars which they use to deduct off their spend.

          Never seen the point of doing that myself. Like you I just do the auto $10 amounts as they pop up.

  • "Flybuys Membership Required" - what the hecking dickens is this!

  • +35

    The Milk chocolate blocks are terrible. Don't buy them. They are particularly bad at my local Coles. So bad in fact that I may have to save everyone by buying them all.

  • +8

    There's something magical about holding a 250g block of chocolate these days.

    • -2

      Cadbury have a 360g block, if you want some heavyweight magic

      • +3

        Not sure if I'd put cadbury in the chocolate category anymore.

        Compared to a bag of sugar, its crazy expensive!

        • +1

          It’s worth noting that Whittaker’s milk is 44.7% sugar

    • Eat it like a snickers bar

  • +6

    Can confirm it works in store for more than one block, bought five for $15.

  • This is where its at, chocolate like this and a home made ice coffee

  • +3

    Cmon rum & raisin :'(

  • Was going to join the free delivery program but for $2 delivery options to me didn't .
    Only got about 16 blocks and the other Flybuy deal 38 pies :)

  • +1

    Hahaha click and collect minimum order $50, but then discount applies at checkout to $30, syke!

  • +3

    Coles need to drop their $50 C&C. $30 would be much better.

    • You can C&C for $30 and above orders but it will cost $5 unless you are a Coles Plus member (Click & Collect Rapid).

    • Woolies increased to $50 too recently, sadly.

    • This it's really annoying as a single person makes it pretty much impossible to use C&C. For me it's usually cheaper to use DoorDash and get it delivered then C&C… But doordash usually gets thevcompletely wrong items :/ so would much rather be able to C&C.

      • Why not go in store and pick out the item?

        • Single people's time is worth more than that

  • never tried these before, what's the best flavour?

    • -6

      They’re all pretty nasty

  • -6

    Still a lot of money for margarine, corn syrup, food colouring and flavouring.

    • +1

      Take it or leave it mate! This is the cheapest you can even buy for this brand.

      • I didn't neg the deal; just shared my opinion. Personally, I compare chocky prices on a $ per gram of cocoa basis. $20–25 / kg cocoa is good; these — with 33% cocoa — are a whopping $36/kg!

        • Bad comparison though, because nuts are more expensive so nut chocolate will look "cheaper".

          Use weight pricing because you're going to eat (say) 50g whether it's pure chocolate, white chocolate, hazelnut chocolate, etc.

          • @Wolfenstein98k:

            Use weight pricing because you're going to eat (say) 50g

            I just don't value sugar and — especially not! — soy lecithin. Sometimes I even attribute negative pricing to it.

        • If you're looking for cheap cocoa, buy the dark?


          72% Cocoa and $12/kg, or $16.67 per kg cocoa.

          I prefer the Dark Almond though

    • +3

      None of those ingredients are in their chocolate.

      • -8

        You needda learn labels:


        Sugar = corn syrup
        Soy lecithin + milk powder = margarine:

        To produce margarine, first oils and fats are extracted, e.g. by pressing from seeds, and then refined. Oils may undergo a full or partial hydrogenation process to solidify them. The milk/water mixture is kept separate from the oil mixture until the emulsion step. The fats are warmed so that they are liquid during the mixing process. The water-soluble additives are added to the water or milk mixture, and emulsifiers such as lecithin are added to help disperse the water phase evenly throughout the oil. Other water-soluble additives include powdered skim milk, salt, citric acid, lactic acid, and preservatives such as potassium sorbate. — Wikipedia

  • Which are the top 3 popular flavour?

    • +6
      1. Coconut
      2. Coconut
      3. Coconut
      • +1

        Bought it then tried it, went back and bought the rest of it. It's awesome!

    • +1

      milo and porridge

  • +1

    Ok so how do you get it for that price at the self serve?

    Do you scan item, then when you scan your fly buys it'll automatically deduct?

    • +1

      I got some today.

      Don't think the order matters, but I scanned the flybuy first so each block was reduced to $3 as I scanned them.

      • Thanks mate, I've only tried the coconut block, so what else would you recommend? (I see everyone saying milk chocolate in the comments)

        • +1

          I prefer Hokey Pokey over Coconut, surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. Will be trying the Blondie flavour.

    • +1

      I scanned all my groceries first (including 5 blocks of Whittaker's) and then scanned my flybuys card and it took $10 off the total.

  • I hope Amazon price matching these

    • +1

      I hoped so too but had a look and they weren't even available for purchase.

    • They wouldn't match this Flybuys-only price.

  • +7

    For anyone not a FlyBuys member:

    They had a bunch of temporary FlyBuys cards at the checkout, so all you have to do is grab one and scan it when prompted. You get the discount immediately, and can choose whether to register for FlyBuys later. They also had digital sign-ups on the Whittaker display, where you can get a temporary barcode on your phone straight away.

    • I signed up to flybuy first, and after ~20 mins, I got an offer for 1000 points with $30 spend. So might be better to sign up first.

      • You would have missed so much by not signing for years. Check the 2022 summary post in the forum and there are some astonishing flybuys pts return comments. Purchase it at the right time, the chocolate block can be only cost around $1.6 each after all discounts and pts back.

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