• expired

Niimbot D110 Portable Bluetooth Label Printer + Labels US$13.58 (~A$21.37) Delivered @ Factory Direct Collected Store AliExpress

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This deal is back for those who missed out last time. Alternatively you can get the printer with an additional 3x 12x30mm or 12x40mm rolls from this listing for US$22.64 (~A$35.62).

The Niimbot D110 is a little portable label printer that connects to your phone via Bluetooth and allows you to easily print out labels on the go. I use mine a lot for doing cable labels as it's much easier than using bigger clunky Brother label printers. Especially when the app is really easy to use with plenty of settings including QR codes, barcodes, images, text and more.

They have quite a few models with this one being good value compared to the D101 that sells for ~US$30. It'll take labels that are 12-15mm wide, has 203dpi resolution, USB Type-C charging and a 1200mAh battery. As a test from last time I printed out this suss looking RAM label to test the quality.

There's all sorts of different labels around AliExpress and eBay including Pokemon (Official), cute animals and transparent.

AU$ based on current Mastercard rate and GST inclusive.

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Factory Direct Collected Store
Factory Direct Collected Store

closed Comments

  • What's the longest 12/15mm label that is available for D110?

  • +2

    Has anyone got one of these? I got one in the last sale, plugged it in to charge, blue light was on. After a few minutes, the blue light was off and I could smell burning plastic and the unit was dead. I did get a refund, but not sure if its worth buying another one.

    • +4

      so you had an air freshener ? ;)

    • +5

      Niimbot are reputable and my unit works fine. Seems you got a dud but at least a refund.

  • What's the difference between this and say a dynamo one?

    • +1

      Depends on which Dymo model you get. Dymo are good if you're using them with a PC but in my experience with their Bluetooth printers the app is shoddy.

    • +1

      US$15.08 inc GST at checkout. If you're a new user your first purchase at AliExpress will always be cheaper.

      • Thanks OP. I got it at USD 9.58 but that must be because of first purchase.

        • Yep that would be why. My special URL does block the new user discount. Your link has the same normal price as this does.

  • Got x2 D110, from last deal. Both work without issues. Seems as though have to sign up to be able to save custom labels. Easy to use and format text remembering that you can only work within the limit of the size of label. Haven't used other sizes of labels yet. I presume the printer automatically senses the label type?

    • +1

      I presume the printer automatically senses the label type?

      Yep it does. It'll tell you if it's misaligned too.

  • Love the JV label

  • +1

    Anyone else getting unavailable in your location?

    • Are you using a VPN?

      • No. Starlink, though. ๐Ÿคท

        • +2

          Usually it's only funny about VPNs because of the location being different. Is using a mobile an option?

          • +1

            @Clear: A very slow option. It worked! Thanks.

  • Qs for those who already have it. Can this print multiple names? Say I need 50 name labels for a birthday party. Can you feed the data in one go? or do you have to print one name at a time. ta

      • I suspect the parent poster was asking if this supports mail merge, i.e. you feed it a list of 50 different names and it'll print those 50 names in a batch, without manual intervention.

        • +1

          Oh right. I believe so with the Excel spreadsheet option.

      • +1

        Even when it's sold out the legend of Thai Honey lives on ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • it says page not found in all the links

    • Turn off your VPN. Or if you're using Starlink use your mobile if possible.

  • +1

    Are the cable labels paper? Just wondering how strong they are once attached. Good thing about the PTouch labels is being plastic they dont tear off easily.

    • +2

      They're plastic.

  • Got one thanks OP! I have a Dymo but at this price it's a fun toy for cable labels.

  • Thanks ordered two

  • As a test from last time I printed out this suss looking RAM label

    How wide was the label for that?

    • +1

      I think that was 12x40

      • 12mm is the equivalent to Dymo LetraTag but I don't believe those have bluetooth, and you have to use the cutter for the label.

        Are these any good for postage label or should I be using something else?

        And you said you use them for cables, do they remain stuck on the cables after a few years? some labels will come off after a while from heat etc.

        • +1

          If you're doing parcels I think they'd probably be too small. The Niimbot B series like the B1 printer support larger labels.

  • +3

    where is the best place to buy spare rolls of labels from?

    • Yes, need a cheap source. Temu and Ali have them but they're a little expensive.

  • Can anyone link replacement labels?

    • They are on aliexpress for about $7 a roll.

  • +7

    The rolls have nfc tags on them, you can make your own to put on a generic roll with ntag215โ€™s and an android phone. If anyone wants dumps for writing, pm me and Iโ€™ll put on GitHub :)

    • interested…

        • I wonder if Niimbot varies the power based on genuine/non genuine labels.

          While looking at the B1 reviews on AE I saw some cheap generic labels for it that buyers were giving bad reviews for because they bought for their B1/21 and then weren't happy that they didn't work properly. The print was very light. More than likely the labels just require more heat than the Niimbot delivers, but I did have the thought that Niimbot was purposely reducing the power for 3rd party labels (I'm suspicious of devices that use RFID for consumables ๐Ÿ˜†)

          • +1

            @bamzero: I reckon that they are definitely lowering the power for non-genuine. I am really against products that perform worse with non genuine replacement parts ๐Ÿ˜‚

            • +1

              @meooow: Yeh, so they are definitely messing with it. Here's a sample of some random thermal stickers I had here.

              I wrapped a strip around the legit roll and they printed great as you can see on the left. Installed without the roll as a custom template and suddenly get the crap on the right. No amount of messing with paper type or print density made any difference but the output was repeatable either way.

              I don't have any NFC tags here yet, nor anything to dump the Niimbot ones so that will be the next step.

              Do you know if they are read only? ie, its not keeping track of the number printed and expiring the roll once empty or anything like that.

              • @bamzero: I really doubt that they would be rewritable ones because it costs a lot more for the hardware. if you wouldn't mind shipping me some empty rolls, i can put more of the dumps onto GitHub, and send you some rewritten tags back ;)

                • @meooow: Sure thing, but only got my B1 today and might be a while before I get through these rolls. In the meantime, hopefully get my hands on a reader next week that I can a least do a binary dump with (love to get a Flipper but bit pricey)

                  I've got a T50*30-230 and T40*60-125 here at the moment and T25*38+40-100Cable Yellow on the way.

                  • @bamzero: Great, if you want to do some nfc hacking, get a clone proxmark3 from aliexpress (cant post links pm me ๐Ÿ˜‚). They can do so much for $70

                    • +1

                      @meooow: Kinda wish I got a Detonger P2 instead of the B1 now though. They don't use RFID in their direct thermal printers, it has a slightly larger size range of 15-55mm and and as well as mobile and PC apps, also have web version you can run direct in your browser. Maybe I'll get one of the bigger DP30/80 models one day.

                      Did find out I as long as I have a legit tag in the B1, I can then manually change the template to whatever matches my labels so long as don't mind getting reminded that the labels dont match each time I print. Still prints properly and at least don't have to try and guess the positioning.

                      • @bamzero: Yeah I wouldnโ€™t have bought this printer if I knew it had this shit drm. Was taking the tag off the roll to try to crack it and accidentally punctured it now it doesnโ€™t scan ๐Ÿ™„ the labels are now 10x lighter text. Now have to waste this roll and buy a new one ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

                        • @meooow: Are you not able to write a new one from the dumps you got?

                          • @bamzero: Donโ€™t have any spare tags atm, aliexpress ones taking years to arrive

                          • @bamzero: Also need one original to compare my dump to ๐Ÿ˜‚

                            • @meooow: ok so update, the reader is strong enough to read from the backside, so all you need is a proxmark3 or a flipper, download the dump .bin i sent, turn printer on open lid then emulate the dump, hold to top section on button side and close lid it will be detected as the original tag and you can remove the emulator.

                              • @meooow: Ah thats good, yeh I've been holding my genuine roll under the printer when turning on or changing labels, once it's recognised it's good until turning off or opening the lid again. Good to know can just emulate in a pinch though.

  • Thanks OP, bought one :)

  • Got this last time, love using it more than the obsolete Dymo.

  • Got one last time. Great product and came super fast.

  • Perhaps a dumb question, but can you print from a PC or Mac with this?

    • +1

      Unfortunately not. Only the B21 which prints wider labels supports Windows.

      • Cheers

    • +1

      Thinking about getting the B1 so I downloaded the software to have a look. There are driver links for the B21, B3S and B1 so seems at least those 3 are supported (PC only. The driver files are actually the same for each model, just a USB serial driver.)

  • Coming up as USD12.59, and checkout total is USD14 for me. Has the price changed?

    • Yeah looks like the price has been increased.

      • Still a good price? What is the the normal price?

        • This store normally sells it for US$15.50. Niimbot's official store sell it for US$23.68 full price.

          If you're a new user you can probably get it even cheaper with the new user discount from the regular listing

          • +1

            @Clear: Ok, I guess it's still ok. Will have to skip the $4 7/11 Sandwich tomorrow.

  • +1

    Never knew about such a product or never thought id want one but got one anyway. Cant go wrong for $21

  • Got one thanks OP. Came up to $16.63 with new user bonus but plus GST.

  • oh no missed out

  • Damn missed out! Looks awesome

  • +2
    • +2

      I'd probably pay the extra to get the 3 bonus rolls.

  • will the sticker/label leave sticky marks when we take them out after weeks/months/years?

    • +1

      Dunno. I've only owned them a couple of months and haven't needed to peel any off. Just use a bit of vinegar or metho for sticky residue. Even WD-40 works!

  • The Brother labels are extremely durable with the clear laminate on top. What's this like in comparison?

    • From what I can tell this has the same. Time will tell.

  • Received today! Amazingly quick delivery.

    Looks like the item is also back in stock again?

    • +1

      I recently discovered the store is run by AliExpress themselves. It explains why the shipping is fast.

  • Received yesterday. 12 days earlier than promised. Well done AliExpress.

  • Got my B1 today. Ordered day after this deal, wasn't a guaranteed 15-day delivery item but the ETA was the same as those that were (26/9).
    Meanwhile, an order sent from the east via Aramex at the same time… ๐Ÿ˜’

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