• expired

Boost Mobile: $12.50 Cashback ($2.50 Profit) on 50GB 28-Day SIM @ Cashrewards


Boost is currently selling the 50GB $35 SIM for $10 when you apply code BOOST10 at checkout, so stack with this offer from Cashrewards for a $2.50 profit!

Special Terms

  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

  • Cashback is ineligible on prepaid phones, recharges, and any plans or products not specifically listed in the cashback table of rates.

  • You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

FAQ thanks to BG

Question Answer
1. Is Boost operated by Telstra network? Yes, on the full Telstra network
2. Does Boost support 5G? Yes, for all Boost prepaid customers and it is currently on trial until 3 April 2023
From 4 April 2023, 5G network access will be included as standard on your service and we’ll be introducing capped download speed caps on our 4G and 5G networks
3. Does Boost support e-SIM? Sadly not at this stage. However there are plans to do so
4. Do you have to activate the SIM within 30 days? Every Cashrewards Boost cashback up to and including June 30 has been approved (confirmed by TA) - provided you activated within 30 days of order
5. How long is the SIM expiry? Usually 1 year, but to qualify for cashback the SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering
6. It is showing “new customer” on Boost website. What does this mean? New customer term is only for the additional Boost data, and nothing to do with the cashback offer
7. Can I receive international text message (aka int. roaming) with this SIM by default? Yes, you can receive SMS while overseas, but can’t send outgoing to Australia
8. How long does it take to receive the SIM? According to the Boost Rep: Once dispatched, you should receive your order within the following business days: Metro Areas – 2-5 business days for capital cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart & Brisbane (order before 4pm). Non Metro or Regional / remote areas – 3-7 business days
9. Is porting in a Telstra number to Boost considered a "new customer"? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Porting a number from Telstra to Boost is definitely considered a new customer
10. Are you able to purchase multiple plans using different names / ID (or can I purchase 4 x plans for the family using my own details)? From Boost Mobile rep via dm: Received clarification from the team and this is a tricky one since for compliance the terms is showing the customer is only allowed 1 sim per transaction but he can buy multiple SIMs and then activate them all under his name and he will then be able to manage all the numbers when he logs into the App with his Boost ID.
11. Information on what to do when the "please try again later" message comes up List of indicators that can affect how your order is flagged in different financial systems, which can hopefully help you understand what is going wrong
12. Can this be used to recharge? No, this is a starter pack. Using as a "recharge" is being dis-allowed and activating first and moving the number may be allowed but is frowned upon and may not be allowed in future depending on how you ask for it.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3750)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +1

    I've been waiting

  • +5

    The only time when procrastination actually pays off!

  • +2

    Still having error 'something went wrong' when paying

    • Same, tried with different cards, emails, etc nothing works.

  • +1

    A new month, boost profit grows, everything is right with the world.

  • +1

    error 'something went wrong'

  • +3

    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

    • +2


      • Yup, that's never been resolved for me, have tried so many different methods, unsure what the root cause is

        • -3

          People need to troubleshoot because the rest of us aren't there watching or doing it ourselves. One big thing I'd try early on is using all the same details but on a different computer AND connection (like at a neighbours). If it works ok then the problem was obviously not Boost, and not your bank either, so that leaves only your computer/phone. But if it fails in the same way at the same point then your device is probably fine, and the problem is with either Boost or bank. So then I'd phone the bank first (because getting someone at Boost who knows what they're doing is unlikely) and ask the bank can they see some kind of log of Boost trying to take payment, and does it show why it's failing. If the bank says they can't see/don't know, then I'd ask someone in technical support at Boost to contact me. i.e. Just keep asking, "Can you escalate me to someone in tech support" until they do.

        • -3

          Oh and if the neighbours didn't work I'd try a different card at their place.
          And if that didn't work then I'd pay them $12.50 to buy using their card. It would be worth it to narrow it down.


          • @[Deactivated]: To anyone having the same issue, I had to use the same email address as my Telstra ID account! Once I did that it work. That was the ONLY change I made.
            Missed the CB though. :(

            • @internet-stranger: Did your CB track?

            • @internet-stranger: Why did you lose cashback?

              Anyway, it would be good if that solves it for those having difficulty.

              I've said a few times in these Boost threads, I don't do anything differently between purchases but have had no problems (so far). I use the same name, email (gmail.com), street address, bank card details, same drivers license, and I buy 2x SIMs each time a couple of minutes apart. After activation each new SIM gets automatically added into the same Boost app on my phone, which I guess could be related to the Telstra ID(?), but if it is, I don't enter that myself (I don't even know what mine is or how to find it), and I never "click to confirm your email address" when Boost asks me to via email.

              If Boost keeps this up (without changes) we'll work it out eventually. Until then it's annoying for sure.

              • @[Deactivated]: I tried so many things, reloads and re-attempts I would be VERY surprised if it tracked.

                • @internet-stranger: If it tracked you would have got an email a couple of minutes later saying so.

                  If someone is using a browser on a PC, you just have to install their extension and make sure the green tick is still there just before paying. But yeah, with all the mucking around people have to do to try and get it to work, the extension can disable itself after a few minutes without you noticing, so you can forget to check the tick is still there.

                  MAYBE all of this is just their servers are third-world junk and can't handle more than a couple of people buying at the same time. I've suspected this for a while, because I have no problems and I always buy late at night when there would be no-one else trying to buy. i.e. Maybe it's none of the reasons we all think it is, and it just requires paying over and over again until it finally goes through.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Yea, I tried different browsers, devices, laptop and iPhone, 5 different cards etc… trying to find why it wouldn't let me purchase.
                    I didn't get the email, but I probably didn't click through the time it actually worked :/

    • Had the same error 15 min ago but finally placed order

      • Did your order track with CR? Mine did not

        • Yes, mine shows 'pending approval' in CR.

    • To anyone having the same issue, I had to use the same email address as my Telstra ID account! Once I did that it work. That was the ONLY change I made.

  • Sorry, something went wrong upon activating sim card from previous deal!!!
    What should i do?

  • +2


    This is one of my alternate boost months. Today I ported out of boost into a $6 Lebara Sim from the supermarket. I just noticed on the back of the pack it expired over two months ago on 11 June but was still able to activate it online with no issues.
    Bloody Woolies selling expired sims !!!!
    Just asking if the same works with the Boost Sims ?
    I know I have to activate the Cashrewards Sims within 30 days, but I have quite a few boost sims from the Zip Offer a few months ago. They all expire early May next year and I bought quite a few Lebara Sims and they all expire late December this year. I know now that the Lebara ones can be activated after expiry date. I think you can activate Vodafone sims up to 12 months after purchase.
    Not sure about Telstra, Boost, Optus and others

    Has anyone been able to activate a Boost Sim after the expiry date on the back of the pack ?


    • +1

      No, it actually expired on the day. You must activate at least one day before it. I learned the lesson from past.

      You may also activate an Optus SIM successfully after expiry.

      • Thanks. Good to know

    • +2

      This year I've activated Voda SIMs from around 2019

      • +1

        VF SIM shows manufacture date, not expiry date. Unless VF does a through phase-out process in order to take back all pre-assigned numbers, its SIM should never expire in my view.

        Kogan Mobile did the same phase-out process in 2020 as under the same management.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Not working for me anymore as well. Is the show over?

  • Can't buy it. Not being addressed by Boost / CR?
    Suddenly so many people are having the same problem.

  • +1

    After seeing all these sorry something went wrong comments tried an order, got the same thing, exited and clicked through again and inputted exactly what I'd just entered and it went through the second time.

  • Does anyone know if this can be delivered to a Parcel Locker?

    • +1

      No, it says in the delivery address section that it cannot be delivered to Parcel Lockers, Parcel Collects, PO Box(es) & Collection Points. Can only be delivered to a house address.

      • When I give my street address on the order it ends up in my PO Box.

        • How?

          • +1

            @Pub Envelope: AusPost conditions of carriage allow them to opt to deliver your mail to the PO Box registered to your street address as they see fit for operational reasons.

  • +1

    When will they do a great deal on the 365 haha

  • Can we get as many cashback as we can by purchasing this every time there’s promotion like this?

    • +5

      I've retired thanks to Boost sim deals with profit.

      • +1

        But does your Tesla get out of bed to buy Aldi noodles? That is the question.

  • Will they get esim already …. so slow or have the option like kogan to activate the plan without having to wait for the sim to come in snail mail

  • Waiting for $4 cashback

    • +2

      Buy this while you wait.

    • You can dollar cost average when (and if) the $4 profit returns. Buy a few of these, then buy twice as many of the $4 profit sims. Done.

      • I've found that the 'Sorry something happened' error message occurs whenever I attempt to purchase a 7th sim. It 'remembers' over a few days, so I also wait for the bigger cashbacks before pulling the trigger.

    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

    Changed browser, card, windows/mac/phone but still the same error.

  • very first time this is happening after many months of buying. getting the something went wrong and unable to buy this. 😞

  • Just purchased without any issues. Tracked after 30 seconds.

  • +1

    Judging from last month, I'm going to predict that we get $4 cashback in 2 days time (5th September).

    • +1

      Good prediction. It is up to when the code expires.

      $45 SP special price ends on 19th Sep, which indicates it may be the last day for the code here as well. Generally, a better deal usually drops on Tuesday.

  • Tried yesterday once and today 2 times. On 2nd time trying today I swapped from mobile to tablet using different details totally, but still got Sorry… message 😔

  • +1

    I've been facing the same error for past few days. Here is the API returns during purchase. I also chat with their live chat last week and was told that in this case you need to use your friends details to order. :(
    "status": 403,
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Possible Fraud",
    "time": "2023-09-03T09:38:51.126+1000",
    "correlationId": "",
    "requestId": "",
    "path": "/orders",
    "method": "POST",
    "data": {
    "orderId": "BO56836",
    "orderDateTime": "03/09/2023 09:38:51",
    "referenceNumber": "",
    "remainingPoints": 0,
    "fraudAssessment": {
    "orderId": 56836,
    "kountTransactionId": "",
    "status": "DECLINE",
    "score": "94",
    "fraudAssesmentExecuted": "Y",
    "serviceRequestRaised": "N"
    "errors": [
    "message": "Possible Fraud",
    "code": "403"

    • Yeah a couple of people in past threads have posted the same code that anti-fraud is getting triggered.

    • Thanks, added an additional to the FAQ: dot pt 13

      Just confirming, is the error code: “Possible fraud” that pops up? I haven’t stumbled across that before, only the Sorry, something went wrong

      • +1

        It only shows up in the code of the page, it's never stated anywhere on the screen itself.

        • Gotcha, I’ve rearranged it to add to dot pt 11 instead :)
          Thanks for the heads up too!

  • @jv , just in case you missed this deal, one step closer to your next tesla

  • Used completely different details and delivery address. Still not working

  • Is anyone able to clarify how to make this work with multiple sims? I have one active Boost from a previous deal that I need to cancel (used for data only). Also want to port my main number to Boost soon, and use these deals now and then for ad hoc data needs.

    How do I make this work with cashrewards? Will the cashback go through if I have multiple sims active in my own name? Do I need to provide a new name each time I activate? Different email? Or is a new number each time enough?

    • Once you've activated the sim it's got nothing to do with Cashrewards anymore. You simply activate a new number each time using the same account/email.

      • Ok, so cashrewards only care that I activate within 30 days?

        And Boost is ok with me activating a second sim as a 'new' customer?

        I've seen other posts talking about using a new email each time, etc. So I'm quite confused and trying not to trip myself up.

  • I have just started using these sims for home internet, saving the household $100/month (not including the profits made!).

    Does anyone have an easy way to see how much data is left if using their sims in this manner? I am using a Telstra 5g Wi-Fi pro sim modem. On Telstra, it shows you the data usage on the screen but won't for Boost.

    • I just log into the boost app to see how much data is left on the current sim, been doing the same for some time, use as home internet.
      Could probably log into the Boost accnt via webpage on PC to I'd expect.

      • Cheers this worked a treat. I thought it would be painful and you would need to log into each individual Sim, but the one account has all of them on there. Awesome!

    • Do you just activate a new sim each month? Any catches?

      • The Sims currently have 50GB on them, and I just used 48GB of it in 3 days haha. I just activate them as needed, making sure to activate them within the 30 days for the cashback.

        • Ok, and you just activate each one using the same details - boost id, name, email address, credit card, etc? Nothing 'tricky'?

          I wonder how long they will keep letting people do this. I have no idea how much my monthly home data usage is tbh.

  • Well that was a wasted effort. I've tried three times now, using Firefox, Chrome, and a Firefox derivative browser, on my PC and on my phone. Every one lets me get as far as the "enter your credit card details" page, but you can't click into the boxes to enter those details. Using the tab key just cycles through other tickboxes on the page, there's no way to enter credit card details.

    • Where are you using Visa or MasterCard? It does not take Amex? Just a thought.

      • It wouldn't let me enter any card number, not even a single digit, so the card type is moot. I recall only the MC and Visa logos were displayed, it looks like one of them would have highlighted depending the card number.


    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later

  • $3 profit now via ShopBack

    • +1

      Code isn’t listed, so may not approve the cashback.

  • Can’t purchase. Keep on getting the something is wrong message.

    I think it was heavily abused in the last four dollar profit offer and they are tightening up how many you can buy or possibly banning for a period. Some person in that post bought 22 of them.

    • Yeah I was fine yesterday, got the error this morning, managed one order after trial and error to my sisters address now nothing I do works, device, IP, completely different details, I ordered 15 during the $4 profit, 1 on each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd and now I can't even activate without a CS rep doing it for me.

  • Also worth noting that $230 sim is $200 on Boost website.

    And after $40 cashback, its $160.

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