Groceries are so expensive, heard ALDI has cheaper prices, are there any alternatives?
Does Anyone Here Still Shop at Woolworths?

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Nope - nobody does anymore. human decide not to eat as of today
Funnily enough their website was down most of last night :)
Yes. Grow your own vegetables and keep a chicken coop
A bit more seriously -price shop and look for cheapest price. Buy home brand. Stock up during promotions. Eat less meat. Get discounted gift cards to pay for groceries at Coles or Woolies.
Eat less meat!? Have not seen the price of fresh vegetables and fruits these days.
Eat less meat, but don't replace that meat with veggies and fruit. Just go hungry! Perfect way to save some money :D
Replace meat with legumes, chickpeas which are cheap
@Tleyx: None of those things are a nutritional replacement for meat.
That's like saying go use discarded sandpaper instead of real toilet paper. It's technically a replacement, but it's at the cost of your health.
Oats still $1.40 per 750g.
That's right! whinnies
No, I switched to Aldi when Woolies stopped my 10% online discount (from Woolies Mobile, which I also cancelled). Turns out its cheaper than WW with the discount.
I did the same, I wish Aldi did deliveries though. I'm so used to doing near 100% deliveries that wandering around the store finding stuff takes forever (and more finding what they do/don't stock)
Woolies were nuts to kill such a good thing, they weren't the cheapest mobile plan nor the cheapest groceries but it was a "eh, good enough" thing. Now all they get from me is the odd delivery (because I'm lazy)
mind you once you get used to aldi you can pretty much get everything with one circuit of the outside loop
But how would you get your chainsaw or garden meercats?
Sweet, all my problems solved. Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep an eye out for it.
@freefall101: It will be interesting how much extra staff will be required per store, and will they use a contractor or Doordash etc.
No doubt they will do it through doordash
Aldi is cheaper in some situations, but where they are cheaper is often with food-alternatives that taste disgusting or item-alternatives that don't work/clean/perform even remotely the same.
nah, there bread/bakery section are excellent value for money, so as the chicken section, canned foods, coffee, their diswashing tablets and washing liquid are excellent. I've worked in food manufacturing and most Aldi food stuff are Australian rip straight off the best available on market, your can easily tell by packing format similarity.
If you're complaining about aldi food tasting bad then it must be the ready made one but you're not going to Aldi for that. Upskill your cooking instead.
I'm astounded people are still discovering this!
I split my shop across multiple stores though. Offers in WW/Coles can often be cheaper than Aldi, and Aldi also isn't cheaper for every single item.
They also have a much smaller range, so there are numerous things I like that I can't buy there.
Yes, I live close to a Woolworths and Coles so it's more convenient to shop there. Also I can get a 5% discount with a seniors card and an additional discount on Everyday Rewards offers. Also I take advantage of bunch and get free things from time to time.
Also I can get a 5% discount with a seniors card
What! I've never heard of that.
Google suggests it is NSW only?
Not just NSW. I'm in VIC and use my mum's seniors card to get the 5% discount.
How do you do this at self checkout? OK I see you have to buy gift card :(
I can get 4% off gift cards for Woolworths thru work. Rather annoyingly though they only do them in set amounts unlike other retailers (JB Hifi etc) where you can select any amount.
For those who aren't aware, get the senior's discount in NSW here:…Woolworths WISH eGift Cards can be used to pay for everyday expenses like groceries and household items at participating Woolworths Supermarkets, BIG W and more.~
To obtain this offer:
Have your physical or digital Seniors Card or Senior Savers Card handy
Click to get to the WW portal
Validate you are a member. Enter your Seniors Card or Senior Savers Card number and surname
Select the Gift Card type as 'eGift Card'. Select the quantity and amount, and then add to cart. Your 5% discount will be automatically applied
Continue to checkout
The WISH eGift Card will be emailed to you within 10 minutes of your purchase.
To pay for your purchases in-store or online, enter the card number at the store register or at the online checkout
Enter your 4 digit PIN as detailed in your eGift Card email to complete the transactionDownload the Woolworths Money App via the App Storelaunch or Google Playlaunch to check your WISH eGift Card balances and transactions^
anything stopping me buying the 5% discounted card via my parents seniors account and using at self checkout?
Not a thing stopping you, other than your parents.
@eyeballz2770: Coz you forget 6.25% discount @ Prezzee. It seems an ongoing changing-cover deal and I don't purchase it every time now.
@Neoika: Maybe you should explain Prezzee, I've never heard of it. Can you stack it with other discounts at WW?
Sometimes, mainly when they have John West salmon half price. Between aldi, the local organic vege shop and the local butcher we've got most of the staples covered.
where's the poll?
yes, shopped there yesterday to do my once a month mega shop - used the 10% off as a mobile customer
.Woolies have raised prices dramatically and cut a lot of the generic and cheaper options at my nearest store.
If the 75c lemon squash becomes $1.10 that is a rip off, labour and sugar did not rise 50%. But if they drop that line and only have $2.20 Solo, that is enough to switch most of my shopping to ALDI.
I still buy small things like bread and milk, as Woolies is in walking distance, but they lost 80%+ of my spend.labour and sugar did not rise 50%
Govt container refund scheme made prices go up more than 10 cents. Greenie environmental tax.
It took 3 years for them to raise the price to cover off the container tax? The manufacturers pay 15c per container, not 35c.
And for what it is worth, drink container litter has dropped very dramatically.
What I said is accurate about the price increase at the time of the scheme taking effect. I used to pay $0.70 for 1.25L at ALDI and it went up to $0.90 overnight. Since then has gone to $1.10 and that component would reflect increased sugar, labour, transportation and energy costs etcetera.
The manufacturers pay 15c per container
Exactly my point then. The scheme increased the prices by more than 10 cents.
Personally I switched to using a Sodastream which seems to work out cheaper and this way I don't need to collect all the bottles to cycle my money through the greenie scheme.
@jackspratt: When the green religion is being forced upon me, I am not left with much choice. No plastic cutlery or bags. Taxes on bottles. Not to mention the huge inflation and the housing crisis.
And all this in the name of worshipping the trees and "mother earth".
@inherentchoice: I'm starting to get the picture - inflation and housing problems are down to "green" policies.
It would be very interesting to see what mother earth looks like if there were no trees. Perhaps we could worship big business and dollar notes.
@jackspratt: Yes, just think if only humanity took dominion over the planet and actually fill it like God commands. Then we could still steward wild forests, but also realise that many need to give way so we can make our planet full of spectacular man made gardens, dams and lakes, with staggering and truly sustainable futuristic cities everywhere, plus our deserts turned into green pastures and super productive farmland. And the only real model to do this is not by big government, but by visionary entrepreneurship and extremely productive enterprise and companies with even millions or billions of employees each. True cooperation and wealth creation, with plenty for all… rather than some forecast impending doom of "overpopulation" and crises of shortages, not to mention the reality of inflation caused by intentionally stifling cheap energy, big business and productivity.
But never mind that, let's just keep reducing our footprint and follow all the lies of the green religion instead. One less plastic fork at a time.
@inherentchoice: Do you have any particular god in mind?
The one that seems to be the favourite of most Western countries seems to have fuuccked things up pretty badly, so far.
@jackspratt: Currently Western countries are guilty of rejecting God in favour of idolatry, including both literal fabricated idols like Lucy in the Smithsonian, plus also the idol worship of nature and "mother earth" as stated. And this is done upon the basis of a completely made up false revisionist history.
But sure, let's now just blame everything bad on God and keep on worshipping our idols and even sacrificing our unborn by the millions, as part of our ode to worship nature and spare it from our overpopulation.
@inherentchoice: I doubt that many rational people would blame everything bad on god, because most rational people would understand that god (of whatever make) is a convenient fiction.
I'll leave it there, because this has become way off-topic.
@jackspratt: Yes, well rational people are free to ignore God in favour of idolatry and supporting mass slaughter of children. Not an inconvenient truth at all.
Every single time we read and write the date we will also rationally and wilfully ignore the inconvenient truth of the real man it points to whom demonstrated authority over death itself.
Exactly right. They increased the price by 15c and you get 10c of it back if you drive for miles and queue up for hours to return the containers. "Return and Earn" is actually "Return and get two-thirds of the increase back, not counting your petrol costs and time wasted". All this when most suburbs have this convenient service that picks up recyclables directly from your kerb every week or fortnight!
As I understand, its "pay 15c extra for the friendly neighbour to collect them from your yellow bin so they have an actual chance of getting recycled. "
@ripprind: Not from my bin they don't, as I ensure that either labels are removed or containers sufficiently destroyed that they can't be used for the so-called "return and earn" scheme. They can however still be recycled.
A2 milk up 32% from $5 to $6.60, absolute rort.
Wasn't A2 a scam to begin with?
Yes, mainly due to convenience & practicality , it's located on the wing of the mall with seafood shop, butchery, fruit shop, and also Aldi & Tong Li.
How else am I going to collect those cards for my kids??
But seriously, I do my larger shopping at Asian grocery, green grocer, butchers, Aldi and then the top up at Woolworths
Sure, only few limited tings are any good in Aldi, and much more consistent than Aldi.
I only buy their macro organic pasta on the regular. Just as good as la molisana but a third the price.
On rare occassions I buy a sushi or a sandwich.
For some reason that has stayed at $1.65 (Perth) over this whole period of inflation.
That is my only go to Pasta.
I saw it spike up to ~$2 but then returned to $1.65 in Sydney. I just wish they had a few more shapes.
Spag, Penne and Twirls, good enough.
Are you that isolated that you never been to Aldi? It's not like Costco that only has 3 locations in NSW.
I do a big fortnightly shop at Aldi and swing by Woolies for extra items as required due to convenience. The sweet spot (at my local) is 4:30pm when they markdown short dated goods. There's a lot of that meat in my freezer that's better than half price.
Markdowns are a goldmine. But the time and discount seem to vary between stores, and some never do good discounts. At my local though, I can grab stuff off the shelf and the staff will happily mark it down further to 90% off for me.
How does this work? Do I approach any staff & request my items to be discounted by 90% or do I need to ask for the manager?
heard aldi has cheaper prices
What rock have you been living under? Do you live in an area that doesn't get junk mail? or do you have a "No Junk Mail" sign on your letterbox?
Yes, but only for 90% markdowns
i go at night when they have almost expiry yellow special markdown price stickers out and buy at 50-60-70-80% off rrp,
im talking about from $3 lettuce bag down to 90cents!and hang around deli before they close because they sell the roast chickens half price
I've got 1kg La Casa ricotta, macro free range chicken breast, organic steaks, ready meals etc all for around $1-$2 each. They have gotten a lot more generous with the markdowns recently, I suppose due to the complaints about over flowing dumpsters, price gouging etc.
What an odd format for a question.
I get my canned/packaged food from Aldi, and fill the gaps with stuff from ColesWorth.
For fresh fruit and veggies I make a trip to Flemington markets every other Saturday morning and it's insane the price differences you will see there vs Colesworth. Sometimes it's on par, but even when it's the same price, the quality is better.
Some insane examples I've seen:
Chilli: $2 for a bag of 200g birds eye chilli (woolworths wants $35kg or $4 per 20g punnet LOL)
Celery: $2 ea (woolworths wants $3-5 on a good day)
Potatoes: I can get 5-10kg of potatoes for what Woolworths will charge for 2kg
Mushrooms: Generally about 25% cheaper than woolworths and better types/variety
Lime & lemons: You can get 8 large lemons for the price of 2 you'd get from woolies
Snowpeas: IIRC these were $4-6kg. Woolworths wants $16kg…
First time I went to the markets I was in awe of how reasonable everything was. That's when I knew how woolies makes billions of dollars..That's when I knew how woolies makes billions of dollars
Unsophisticated comment. Their volume is massive.
Net profit margin ~2.5%.
After paying a bunch of massive executive bonuses, kickbacks and a 2.6% dividend…
Can I ask how far out do you live from the markets and how much extra time you spend.
Eg. If you are 15 minutes out and spend an extra 30 minutes in the market, to save $5 / $10 total but wasting an hour by not going to your local supermarket is it really worth it?
For me, Woolworths and Coles are much cheaper than Aldi with incentives. We're predominately whole food plant based with a bit of fish; family eats some meats.
Even without incentives, some products that we buy are cheaper at the majors.
And most tastes better than the Aldi equivalents
And fresher.
Aldi meat supplier (at least in newcastle) is leagues ahead of Woolies/coles. Im starting the think the woolies/coles sausage is just meat flavored sand
woolies/coles sausage is just meat flavored sand
It literally is that
I think it's mutton flavoured flour.
have a Woollies and Coles basically next to each other and Woollies is more expensive for almost everything. Suppose their discounts (seniors, mobile, insurance customers) have been calculated in the higher price. Don't understand why people actively choose to go to woollies
Was thinking the same thing.
Coles is usually cheaper for everything compared with WW near me.
Even their sales are rubbish in comparison.If coles has something for half price, WW will have the same thing on sale, but make you buy 2-3 of them and still not get the same discount value.
When did this happen? Serious question. Always thought Woolies was the cheaper of Coles.
Personal experiences, may be location dependent 🤷🏽♂️
Edit: And a big fat round LOL at the person that neg’d personal experiences between the two shops.colesrules 😂
Coles started their aggressive prices are down campaign a couple of years ago and has consistently been cheaper per basket but it is also showing in their costs and overall profit. WW was beating the pants off them for a few years running so they had to do something as market share splits had gone from roughly even to about 35 WW and 30 Coles. Aldi is still cheaper than both based on average basket size.
From my own observations WW seems to really target bigger families with their specials (thus the larger amounts needed to get the discounts and bigger perceived savings)
Where coles just throws out eye catching individual sales (and wins me over big time)
I find i waste more money at aldi because of the dangerous middle isle of crap haha
I go to fruit/veg market, Aldi, then Woolworths (only if needed for anything I can't get at Aldi), in that order. They are all next to each other.
I am always amazed at the people with full trolleys at Woolworths - so much more expensive
nope no one, all done.
everyone on Ozb shops at Aldi
Or drive Audi :)
My weekly shop cost like $100 for 2 people at Colesworth.
People swear by Aldi but if you are savvy enough and shop weekly deals etc then it isnt that bad.
Mixed with flybuys, giftcards, discount cards etc in my eyes its just as cheap.
Also i can shop the brands I know and love rather than take a punt on unknown brands.
My local Aldi fruit and veg is also below par, but that's just my experience.Agree with all of the above, but $100 per week on food for two does not seem like enough. Apparently meat & fruit/veggies are sourced somewhere else?
No, we just mostly eat chicken. And mostly buy frozen veggies.
I’ve been shopping at DoorDash/Amazon and haven’t gone in the branch for ages
Groceries are so expensive, heard ALDI has cheaper prices
Hi ALDI marketing department.
Nah, their marketing department is better than this. I like their new ads, basically admitting that a lot of people shop there first and then have to go to Colesworth for the products they don't have.
Good different?
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Nope - nobody does anymore. They're closing down as of today 🙄