• expired

Nasi Lemak (Choice of Fried Chicken, Curry Chicken, Vegetarian Curry Mutton) for $10 @ PappaRich


$10 nasi lemak all day 30th - 31st August 2023 to celebrate Malaysia's Independence Day

Can pick between:

  • Fried chicken
  • Curry chicken
  • Vegetarian curry mutton

banner from the email I received

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closed Comments

  • +14

    $17.50 normal price according to https://www.menuspot.com.au/papparich-menu-prices/

    • +1

      If you click on the link that goes to papparich website, you can see papparich is available in:







  • +5

    They just closed down in Brisbane CBD :(

    • Noooooooo!!

    • +1

      Try the one in Indooroopillly, their fried chicken nasi lemak is amazing

    • +1

      Locations Only 2 choices now in Qld:
      Indooroopilly & Coorparoo in Brisbane

      Westfield Mt Gravatt (Garden City) Temporarily CLOSED (relocating?)
      Brisbane CBD - Permanently CLOSED

      Coorparoo store is very quiet, by Aldi.
      Have bought there up to 40% off through EatClub app… making Nasi Lemak $10.50!

      Usually get the fried chicken Nasi Lemak. Love it, but of course better in Malaysia.
      Been going there since these MID offers were $5.

      • +1

        Garden City is closed for good/that shop space is being replaced by Ya Hoo Dining (who already have a store nearby on Logan Rd).

        The franchisee who was running Papparich Garden City went into liquidation. Things were better under the previous owner.

        • Ah quop, thanks for advice from a local😉

          Walked past on Friday. Noticed location is boarded up to establish different restaurant.

          But PappaRich list it as "Temporarily Closed". That's why I listed it as a possible relocation.

          I never paid full price! Last ate there during COVID. Chatted with the franchisee then - was very worried, store was not doing well. So wasn't surprised to see it gone.

          A few stores have closed at Garden City, including long term tenant David Jones that established Garden City.

          Surprised Coorparoo is still operating. Rarely see customers there.

        • What about the CBD one? Is it owned by the same franchisee?

          • @leiiv: Not too my knowledge. Haven't been for a while and was kinda surprised to hear it closed recently - it was the first Papparich in Brisbane.

      • nasi lemak 2 ringgit

  • +10

    Vegetarian curry mutton

    Didn't know that mutton is suitable for vegetarian diet !!!

    • +13

      All muttons are vegetarian, right? I thought they only ate grass

    • +8

      According to the website they use mock meat, likely made from soya bean/tofu.

    • +1

      It's fake meat that's supposed to taste like mutton - I've had it before, it's not bad

  • Good deal.
    "While stocks last"

    • Good luck!
      Happy to pay full price if the food looks as good as the photo!

      • +8

        Ngl the food at paparich is terrible, even at $10 I'm hesitating…

        • +4

          Odd I've always found their food quite tasty and consistently so. Perhaps it varies per restaurant? Their Seafood Laksa is yummy and so is the Nasi Lemak. I've tried the Melbourne CBD one and the one in Chadstone and was always satisfied. My only complaint would be that they normally don't bring out dishes together, just as soon as they are ready, however if requested they will oblige and bring out some dishes together.

        • Agree. There are far better restaurants that serves Malaysian food.
          But might depend on the branches too. Found the one in epping is good than the one in QV. Northland is the worst.

          • @Donpisang11: Please share your favorite Malaysian restaurant?

            • @sim36: Lim Kopi for their curry me. Rojak n roti canai in Mamak.

    • +1

      Maybe certain amount for $10. I can't see them running out of their flagship product. If that's the case they should advertise how many are available for that price.

      • +3

        Last few times they've had it, it was available all day, wasn't quantity limited like 100 a day but more with their stock availability.

  • +14

    Went once to Papa Rich. Wasn’t impressed.

    • +10

      It's not bad depending on what you order. But it's too expensive now.

    • +1

      I agree - I really like Malaysian/Singaporean food from Killiney Koptiam

      • +2

        totally agree paparich is just crap. Killiney Koptiam is actually good if not great.

        • Got one in fitzroy, i think the place is named old raffles place.

    • +1

      it's like going to maccas and expect to be impressed.

      you're going to a fast-food joint what do you expect lol? Unless it's stir-fried stuff like CKT, Wat Tan Hor, Fried rice etc most of the food come from central kitchen, pre-cooked, vacuum sealed and they just defrost it before serving it to you.

      • Omg WHUT!?

        Can you please do me a solid and give me a reliable link so that I can prove this to the OH who always gushes about this place? @dukeGR4

        • no reliable link but i worked there. Hainanese Chicken for example is frozen too. They use chicken stock to thaw it and then serve it to customers.

          like it shouldn't come as a surprise, if customers complain about cold food we just put them in the microwave…. it's standard practice in the shop.

        • +2

          What's the big deal? All restaurants pre cook their food. They don't have magic that lets them turn something that's an hour to cook to be ready to eat in 10min.

          • @star-ggg:

            All restaurants pre cook their food. They don't have magic that lets them turn something that's an hour to cook to be ready to eat in 10min.

            My guy, name one half decent Hainanese chicken joint that thaws their chicken. The entire population of Singapore + Malaysia will laugh at this proposition.

            • @dukeGR4: My dude, The entire population of Singapore + Malaysia laugh at us for not using freshly butchered chicken from the local wet market. Name any chicken joint in Australia that guarantees they do this.

              • @star-ggg: The government doesn't allow it for hygiene reasons

        • Can you please do me a solid and give me a reliable link

          That's how fast food works. When you watch them make your burger in McDonalds, the guy literally picks up the pre-cooked ingredients and puts them in the bun. That's it.

          How else do you think these places get a entire Big Mac Meal or Nasi Lemak out to you in a couple of minutes ?

    • Agreed ive been to papa rich 3x now not very good. Mamak is way better if you are after that cusine.

      • +1

        Mamak has nice roti but the rest is on par with Papa Rich for me, just premium prices due to CBD location and slightly fancier service.

      • Try Hojiak if you're in Sydney - 4 shops there, each shop has different style, like hawker street food at the one at Strathfield, higher end dining in Townhall.

      • Mamak cost more and most stuff is add $ one by one

    • +1

      mama poor

  • +2

    PappaRich is probably my most frequently visited restaurant as I love Malaysian food. My top dishes from there are the Wat Tan Hor , Chicken chop with Hainan curry gravy, and the Chicken curry laksa. The roti dishes are amazing as well. Haven't personally tried the Nasi Lemak as it looks too similar to dishes I have at home, but I'm sure it's great.

  • +8

    Last time they had this, some stores alleged they ran out of the rice and this was around lunchtime. Also their quality has gone down massive, and I hate how alot of their foods is just reheated.

    At least the stores I go to in Sydney have also increased their prices. Just not worth going to when there are better Malaysian restaurants for better prices and food, shame as i used to like these guys

  • +2

    Most of the Paparich restaurants in Malaysia have closed, wonder why the overseas stores still remain open

    • +2

      No money lor. Papa Poor lah.

      • +2

        Papa Pokgai

        • +3

          Hopefully not hum gar chahn.

          • -5

            @Munki: What the hell are you guys talking about? Looks like partial English but not really.

            They don't close here probably because their prices are higher here than what the poorer people in Malaysia can afford.

            • @Fuzor: If only they were richer, they would pay more for the inferior food

            • @Fuzor: opening a shop like Papparich in Malaysia is like having Domino's or Pizza Hut in Italy.

              Last time i was there, it's about RM18+, which is STANDARD price by KL standards, so it isn't about the price. Even KFC costs more these days over there.

              Also we're speaking in Cantonese and Manglish.

  • How do they make the mutton vegetarian?..

    • +1

      you feed the vegetables with dead goat/sheep meat

      • I laughed way too hard at this

    • +1

      This is a pretty normal meat replacement title for a variety of asian restaurants.

      • what is it exactly? isnt mutton animal

        • +1

          There are a lot of "mock" meat available that still use words like chicken, fish, beef etc. It is alternative/replacement for their meat equivalent

    • Quite easy. Mutton has never been a carnivore in the first place.

  • +2

    Fried chicken skin!

  • We love PappaRich but it's so expensive now. I was keen to try Killiney Kopitiam but the thing I wanted was going to be a 30 minute wait, which was not what I was looking for at a food court. I tried again another day and it was the same thing so I gather certain dishes there always take that long.

  • +4

    pappa-rich, me-so-poor 😵‍💫

    tried their food when it was opened in vic next to southern cross station. was below average and was too expensive (pre covid).

  • I always order W02 when I'm at this joint, unfortunately their price is too much lately

  • +1

    Do they microwave their food ? I went their twice many years ago and felt it was microwaved. I don't know if things have changed

  • -1

    My experience with their management is less than ideal. Tried to find work with them but got rejected. Even though i knew back then they were still looking for people. I went straight to their outlet and I knew why. Let's just say all of the staff working in that particular outlet are Chinese (I'm not Chinese). I grew up in Malaysia and I felt betrayed by the brand name. Since then I feel hesitant to dine with them.

    • +3

      when i worked there, most people were brought in through connection. I don't know if I've ever met another person that ever rocked up and applied and got a job. Do you know anyone on the inside? if not that's why you got rejected.

      it's a horrible place to work anyway, the supervisors get paid 50c more per hour and run the shop like it's theirs. they go on massive power trip as if they have some kind of additional equity in the franchise than the rest of us do not get.

      oh yeah, at least in my shop people did not last that long working there. it was always understaffed (on purpose to save money) but they put out a sign saying it's due to "staff shortages". Employee turnover was super high as a result.

      • +1

        the vacancy was advertised. and yes u are right, i SUSPECT new staff is brought in through inside connections. why do i say this? because the outlet i went to were ALL chinese, who spoke NO malaysian (malay). and im not talking about malaysian chinese (who can speak malay). its probably just that particular outlet i went to. idk. who cares. but that experience left a sour taste in my mouth. the food is OK in my opinion but the management leaves a lot to be desired.

    • +2

      I don’t get it, you felt betrayed that they don't hire you just because you grew up in Malaysia?

      • +2

        Clearly… They think because it's Malaysian cuisine they should be prioritised because they're authentic… Idiots

      • -1

        there should be fair chance for everyone to be hired and not just based on skin color. thats racist.

        • So how did you know they reject you based on your skin color? Did they tell you that or did you just deduce it yourself?

          • @j0hnd0e: rejected before reaching the interview stage. a few days after, they are still looking for people. found out a chinese person got the position not wanting to name names but found out that person got in because he knew someone inside. just so happened, all of the people working there were chinese. i was not even considered. i guess they prioritise referrals. or staff recommendations. also, im not the only example. i know another of my friend (not chinese) that was also not considered i wish they would have considered external applicants. i couldnt care less now but back then as a student, i was desperate for a job, literally the difference between having a roof over your head vs sleeping in a car.

            • @rasserie: So it seems like they prioritise referrals, how has it got to do with your skin color? Why would they hire you over someone who has been referred? Just an example If you and the other applicant has the exact same skills and experience etc, but the other applicant has an advantage of a referral from someone working there, isn't it logical to hire the other applicant? It's not about you skin color but your connections.

              • @j0hnd0e: They should not have advertised then. Giving people false hope.

                Also when everyone is Chinese it certainly looks like they favour a certain race.

  • Northbridge (WA) store was decent when it first opened. Cockburn (WA) sucks.

  • In Sydney at least, there are so many beautiful Malaysian restaurants that are independently run. By comparison, Paparich is not good value (ordinarily) and certainly not good taste.

    • what are your favs? I love malaysian food generally but struggle to find good restaurants. nanyang malaya is great though

      • +2

        Try Hojiak if you're in Sydney - 4 shops there, each shop has different style, like hawker street food at the one at Strathfield, higher end dining in Townhall.

  • I am not Rich enough to visit Pappa :)

  • Pappa too rich…

    Too overpriced….on just regular Malay food

    • +1

      $10 for nasi lemak is overpriced for you?

      • It's a curry with rice…

    • +2

      Yes you are right, Malaysia sells the food for $4. But then they also make like $2 an hour. So if you are willing to work for $2 an hour I'll sell you food for $4 a meal.

    • This fella is still living in 1993. When $10 was $10.

  • Halal?

    • Yes.

      • -1

        Thanks. Will skip.

  • Tbh, I've had nicer Nasi Lemak from the oriental market, wrapped in brown paper. Papparich is becoming an overpriced Malaysian restaurant with average food, service and atmosphere.

  • We visited paparich 3 times, different locations, and my missus was food poisoned 3 times…but strangely I was okay. Haven’t been visiting since.

    • +1

      did she eat mushrooms in her meal?

      • she doesn't have any allergies

  • I don't see $10. Is it over?

    • My local store hasn't even opened yet XD

      Still showing on the front page of their website


      • Maybe $10 is for dine in only? I can smell the curry chicken already going to order for lunch and dinner for the whole family if it is really $10

        • Available in store and take away

  • I thought PappaRich was ok. I'd eat it for $10 but wouldn't pay full price for it.

    My new go-to hawker centre style Malaysian is Bliss Kitchen in Brandon Park (VIC).

    Everything I've had there is good but I usually have the Beef Rendang.

    • haven't to BP for a number of years, I thought BP was closing down when i hear kmart had left.
      Whats a dish set me back for at Bliss Kitchen?

      • +1

        BP isn't great but is like the old school shopping centre without an anchor tenant.

        They still have Coles and Aldi.

        They'll be around for a few more years before it turns into apartments.

        about $2-3 cheaper than on Menulog https://www.menulog.com.au/restaurants-bliss-kitchen-wheeler…

        • +1

          thanks, i'll give them a try on my next lunch run.

          • @godofpizza: It was recommended to me and I’ve been a fan since.

            Let me know how you go.

            One good thing about BP is parking is pretty easy. The food court is near the upper carpark (Aldi)z

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