What Are Your Top 3 Most Hated Companies? *Due to First Hand Interactions

Vent space for one and all

What are your top 3 most hated companies due to personal experiences with them?

Everyone knows of some companies with unhelpful employees or bad policies, here is your opportunity to share them with the ozb community :)

I will add a poll of every company commented to see who the most disliked company is !

Feel free to share why you dislike them so much as well as the company itself

A reminder that most people working these roles are just working within the work guidelines/resources - try to be decent with them where possible (Credit: Jimothy Wongingtons )

Edit: Samsung has lost its crown as number 1 :(

Edit 2: removed two options with 0 votes and added Ticketek and Foxtel

Edit 3: removed five options with only 1 vote to make room for larger companies (Australia post, Linkt, Citibank, Jetstar, GoPro)

Edit 4: removed 3 options with 1 vote to make room for new companies

Edit 5: * Note Terrywhite Chemist is excluded as it carries the best name ever in its business name.

Poll Options expired

  • 281
    Harvey Norman
  • 167
  • 99
  • 90
  • 78
  • 76
    Coles Insurance/ Coles Financial services
  • 74
  • 55
  • 39
  • 35
    Australia Post
  • 28
  • 24
    CentreLink/Australia post
  • 18
  • 14
  • 14
    Big 4 Banks (ANZ/Westpac/CommBank/NAB) *Note Citibank is owned by NAB
  • 13
    Weak ACCC/Toothless ombudsman
  • 13
    Big 4 consulting firms (PwC/Deloitte/KPMG/EY)
  • 12
  • 11
  • 11
    Chemists (Amcal/Chesmit warehouse/Priceline)
  • 10
  • 7
    CPL (Computers and Parts Land)
  • 7
    Ali Express/Temu/Wish
  • 6
  • 5
  • 5
    American Airlines
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
    Mobile carrier resellers (Kogan/Tangerine/Catch connect/Belong/Flip/Felix/Adli)
  • 1


            • @Lord Fart Bucket: Bummer.
              Parts are expensive too, but I think a lot of car manufacturers are in the same boat now. These long warranty periods are filled with loopholes too. It's shit that consumers have to be prepared to fight claims etc, from the getgo , but it saves time I suppose.

    • Added x3

  • +3

    Centrelink like Medicare is a government program not a company. The entity that runs Centrelink is Services Australia.

    • You are not wrong, but I'm not being ultra-specific with the list. eg. amazon whereas it might be US amazon or AU amazon or an affiliate store on amazon ect.

      • +2

        Amazon is correct because Amazon US aka Amazon Inc is the right corporate entity and Amazon AU aka Amazon Commercial Services Pty Ltd is the subsidiary so by that nature, the group entity covers all.

    • if centrelink was a company the shareholders would be pissed

      • +1

        Righht they are virtually giving away money ! /s

  • +1

    If only we had 3 votes 1.2.3, or a way to bundle the hated

    • That would be perfect, although apparently no function to have multiple votes, only changing votes (which is already on)

      • Bugger.

        Oh well, I reckon the universal top 3 are never going to change their habits anyway.
        I think they see consumer derision as a KPI
        Like Elon

  • Bankwest, BGC, Allianz

  • Please add Cognizant, Infosys, Tata and Hoyts to the list.

    • +1

      Added x 4 :)

      • Also can you please add Deloitte, EY, PWC and KPMG to the list? Maybe just Big 4 consulting firms if you want to keep it in one choice.

        • +1

          Good call, can only have 30 options !

    • +3


      My wife had to deal with Tata consultants last year in her previous job. That was fun.

      And I immediately declined when a recruiter offered to put me through for one of their roles.

  • Ikea, Tangarine, Coles financial services

    • Added Ikea + Coles - ran out of poll options for Tangarine !

  • +4

    Telstra. Signed up for my parents and my own place for their $1p/m NBN plan. Went in to return my parents modem, they cancelled my account instead. it was my husbands busiest WFH day and we had nfi what happened. Had to sign up for Launtel. They then reinstated me, didnt give any credit and just gave me a 'special offer' of $20p/m off their plan which is what was advertised anyway. I clarified multiple times that they werent going to charge me until my original billing date, they said yes. Got charged the next day.

    Spent about 5-6 hours on live chat just for the whole NBN ordeal, with each response from them taking at least 10 minutes for a sentence.

    Redeemed a couple of items with their points from the deal in July, 3 of them defective in December. Brought them into store in January and still NO WORD from them even after a complaint a few weeks ago.

    Never again Telstra. Not even for your $1 offers.

    • +2

      This is them. Gold medal scale AHs.
      Their deaf instore zombies are trained to force customers onto plans more $$ or bigger than they need. They don't care how old or vulnerable customers are. As found out by a whole lot of ppl, they don't listen. They bill dead ppl, or send their accts to relatives left behind, months and years later. They employ THICK customer support staff. The ones who fail end up at the shop. The best go to the business shop, until they wake up and leave.
      And this org gets free kicks form govts to monopolise rural mobile service, which is piece meal ineffective crap at best.
      Multiple piss weak govts should never have allowed 5G expansion until all blackspots were filled. Some communities have 3rd world 4g, and rely on 3G still.
      I wonder if ppl who work at Telstra tell their friends they do?

  • +4

    Harvey Norman only once, never again…bye bye
    CBA I have to, but dislike them.
    Samsung never again…. bye bye

  • +4

    how many of the 'never again' types here would come crawling back if there is an incredible deal for that brand listed here.

    • Since when are Samsung selling 75" tv's for $300? Beyond that with time wasted over income arguments, gray hair and stress. Took me years, but I'm not taking the shit companies used to think they could get away with before.

    • Can honestly say I wouldn't with Samsung, I have bought numerous flagships from them previously but even if the Samsung Galaxy SXX was $400 at release I wouldn't buy, it because I know that if anything goes wrong I can't get it fixed by them. Would rather pay 200 for a budget phone that I can discard if it's horrible.

  • +3

    Linkt. Refused to withdraw a toll fine that wasn't mine for a car that I’d already sold. Even though I gave them proof. WTF.

    • +1

      I wouldn't say they are 100% at fault if you didn't remove your rego or tag from your account

      Happened to me too twice

      1. ended up getting reimbursed from the buyer
      2. dealer used a toll for some reason, forgot it was for delivery of car or during a service, I chased them up and they reimbursed me

      Yes linkt are sometimes unforgiving

  • +3

    Local council, Aliexpress, Jetstar

  • -3

    Tesla. Shit build quality.

    • -2

      Could it be just yours and ya cut?

    • The American built ones, yes.

      Its very ironic that the Chinese built ones are actually really well made.

  • +4

    Aramex and fastway are the same, no?
    The worst.

    • My bad had them as two !


  • Ssangyong, Ateco, and Australia post

  • +2

    No ability to call someone on a phone, only send support requests. Takes several emails to get the point across to the team.

    My GoPro broke within warranty. GoPro 7, would turn off when scuba diving underwater at 15m+ in the housing and would not turn back on, despite having battery. When on the surface again, I would take the gopro out of the housing and remove and replace the battery, and it would work as normal. Sporratic incidents, could not predict when.
    They gave me some 'fixes' such as reseting, reinstalling software, etc. Started working again temporarily for about a month, then stopped working again. Contacted GoPro again and they treated it as a separate incident, now out of warranty.
    Wont repair as there is no repair centre in Australia, wont replace as it was out of warranty, won't refund as it's out of warranty.
    Offered a 20% discount for a new one… and that's it.

    Reported to all consumer rights bodies and GoPro just didn't respond to the emails so that's the end of story.

  • +2

    Samsung. Every day of the week. My fridge has been the worst appliance I’ve bought in my adult life, and the only reason I haven’t got rid of it is because I couldn’t do that to another person. It’s been repaired 5 times. Same thing every time - clearly a manufacturing fault.

    • Sounds like my Samung fridge, keeps icing up despite being supposedly frost free.

      • This is a known fault with Samsung fridges but they refuse to do anything about it.

        Ours lasted 4 years and developed this fault. Samsung didn't want to know.

        I will never buy a Samsung appliance ever again.

        • Nor I.

          Do you mind if I ask what part failed on yours?

          • @jackary: It was a while ago but if I remember correctly, it was some kind of heating coil that sits just behind the rear wall of the lower part of the fridge compartment. Basically it fails causing ice build up. It's a known fault on Samsung fridges.

    • Same with my phone…

      I hate it so much.

  • +2

    Citibank. KFC. McDonalds. Trying to resolve a problem with any of these will make you certain the human race is doomed.

  • +1


    Easy top 3

  • Hated companies? A bit annoyed at Fujitsu at their poor warranty conditions.
    Top 3?
    Got to be a bit angry to have 3?

    • Yeah I only had two haha

      Some people have received more lemon products than others sadly :/

  • Bank. Atrocious.

  • +3

    Jetstar Jetstar jetstar

  • +2

    Kogan - awful products and worse customer service
    Optus - didn’t keep our info safe
    Kogan - again because they are just that bad

  • +1

    iiinet, they're going to stop providing their email service, and I've been a loyal customer for over 20 years.
    I will dump the scumbags as soon as I have a Gmail account and notified all my email contacts.

    • This. It’s genuinely painful that they’ve done this and I don’t think they’ve accounted for the absolute shit storm it’s created for their customers.

      I do tech support for seniors on a semi-regular basis, and I have a client with an ancient netspace email account that he’s been told he’ll lose. He was incredibly anxious about it, and once I explained what was happening in a way he could understand, he was furious. We’ve set him up with Gmail as well and he’ll be an ex-iiNet customer by the end of the month.

      The company taking over has said that they won’t charge before September 2024, but what happens after that is uncertain. They’ve committed to providing a “cost competitive” service, but what that means in reality isn’t clear.

      It genuinely boggles my mind that they’re risking losing (often) very loyal customers to save a dollar or 2 a month. I understand the cost wouldn’t be insignificant when multiplied by the number of customers they have… but they will lose customers over this.

      • You only need to look at the different threads on Whirlpool (it is not just iiNet, but all the businesses under the TPG umbrella), to see that people are leaving in droves.

  • Australia Post, without a doubt, followed by Telstra, followed by Energex. Based on personal experiences, and their past and current businesses practices.

  • +2


  • -1

    What about Ali Express? Their shipping is awful, tracking won't move for weeks and then they won't refund until 3 months run out.

    I now just buy with PayPal but not often.

  • +1

    Jetstar, airbnb, harvey norman

  • +1

    NBN. Insane installation related charges, installing ugly conduit and boxes in the most prominent spot because they can't be bothered figuring it out, and if you make any inquiry you'll get a phone call from some bozo telling you "bru it's gonna cost heaps mate!!! ummm $10,000!!!! I'm closing this request for quote".

    • I wanted my HFC installation in the exact same spot that my Optus cable had been, when the involuntary NBN rollout occurred. Two idiots came out, told me they'd install the cable in my lounge room and if I wanted it in my home office (spare bedroom) like the Optus cable I'd need to pay to get a cable installer to lay the cable first, before they could hook up NBN. I was less than pleased. Had a bit of a whinge on my social media and a friend who worked for my local MP saw my post and got involved. Within a week I had a functioning NBN connection wired through to my office at no cost. They're supposed to install it where you ask, not where it's easiest for them.

    • +1

      NBN, sounds of rich people laughing

  • +1

    Ozbargains, ozbargains affiliates, ozbargains promoters.

  • +3

    Tangerine — Dodgy customer service people, referral program that doesn't work, processes that are harder and less smooth than other ISPs, dashboard that doesn't provide as much information or tools are other ISPs

    • Added!

    • Agree! Customer service is absolutely pathetic. And don't even bother with the whatsapp chat for service, been 3 months and I still haven't got a reply!

  • +1

    Samsung for me. We have a tab a8 in currently, the problem is it won't charge. Certain cables will bring up the charge logo for a split second and you can slow charge it if you hold the plug on a very precise angle. Charging port looks perfect with all contacts in the right place and nice and shiny.

    We tried their online warranty claim but the boxes to provide detail are intentionally removed so you cannot progress.
    Ended up going in store where they immediately tried an upsell (tsk tsk). Once it was finally sent in we received a call the next day saying something along the lines of:
    "Warranty claim denied, tablet has a small dent in the corner and screen is smashed."

    When told it wasn't smashed when we sent it in and that we have photos of it on their beech, they basically said that you can't actually see the cracks, but they're definitely there (???).
    We are yet to receive an explanation on how a small dent in the corner can damage the charging port.

  • +1

    Aramex and Fastway should be combined since they are the same. Probably the worst company is Australia.

    My other one is AGL. Sent me a bill 10x the normal amount and took 6 months to fix and only because of Ombudsman. Was obviously a very incorrect number entered by the meter reader but no staff member would listen and they all kept telling me it was correct due to estimate. Even though is said actual reading. Complete morons.

  • Most car dealers.

  • +2

    You need to add Volkswagen to this list.

    • Yep. Dieselgate. They washed their hands of that little episode in every country apart from America.

      Wanted Kerr's.

  • Medibank, I transferred from Bupa with a one day gap in between. (an oversight) They set my loading back to10 years when I was already 4 years into paying it off, and then refused to communicate with me about what was going on. Could not get any customer sevice from them. Contacted Ombudsman and problem was eventually resolved. I learnt want an awful company they are, who dont care about their customers. Very stressful.
    Aramex lost 6 parcels of mine and marked them as delivered. Ended my online shop, as no stock

    • Ended my online shop, as no stock

      Was that your face masks shop?

  • +2

    Citibank = dogs (not in a good way)
    Nissan = pigs
    TPG = scum

  • Without a close second Optus. The business model is to confuse you until you give up. I have a real hatred for them based on multiple interactions. Second is Aldi for ripping off all our brands. Third would be uber / uber eats for basically taking advantage of immigrants under paying people while simultaneously putting out ads with a list celebs.

  • Boost Mobile! Three hours on chat with them, chat getting disconnected 7 times and having to repeat to the new representative the issue every single time. Kept telling me to call the office despite my issue being I have no service due to a faulty sim. Finally accepted my request for a refund that has still not shown up months later.

  • +2

    Where's Jetstar??

    • Falls under QANTAS

    • Added by popular demand !

  • +1

    Fitbit. I bought a Fitbit smartwatch years ago. The screen started ghosting about 2 weeks before the end of the 1 year warranty. I contacted them immediately and they kept stalling. Then the day after the warranty expired, they basically said, "Sorry, your watch is out of warranty." Will never buy a Fitbit watch again.

    I bought a Garmin smartwatch instead, and couldn't be happier with their customer service. The watch was out of warranty by a few months. It was supposed to track swimming, and I went into a wade pool with a then-toddler, and the screen ghosted after being in the water. Contacted Garmin support, and they replaced the watch. Happened a second time another year later, and same thing - watch replaced even though it was out of warranty. On the third watch, the vibration motor died in less than three months - no worries, Garmin replaced and upgraded the watch. Fourth watch is still working, but I chose to upgrade it as the battery life wasn't up to my expectations. Obviously, I had no qualms choosing a Garmin watch again.

    • That's good to know, fitbit used to be good when they first came out, I had a couple of their fitness trackers fail they would just send you a new one in the mail after a couple of photos.

  • +2

    Probably Coles SUPERMARKET + Telstra + CentreLink

  • +1

    Dodo, TOLL rebranded to Team Global Express, Ahm

  • +1


    • +1

      Amazed that wasn't on the list to start with.

  • Commbank

  • +9

    Woolworths and Coles should absolutely be on this list. Profits up 15% during a cost of living crisis when inflation peaked at around 8%. Thieves.

    • +5

      Add deceptive pricing, wage theft and the protection racket they subject some producers to .

    • Not a defender of Colesworth by any means. But it's not just the supermarkets, but suppliers and produces too. Infact Coles profits were down from last year, not sure where you got 15%.

  • Autodesk

  • Probably Jetstar. At least pretend to like your job like the rest of us especially when you are working in a customer facing role. Also I never actually had a problem with Centrelink but the staff at the job service agencies are probably one of the worst.

  • 13 Cabs…

    Driver tried to scam us after picking up from domestic airport. Asked to take tolls and they took airport link instead of gateway bridge.. doubled the time and distance + $9 in tolls all up..

    Quickly changed their tone when they realised we were 'returning home' and not visiting.

  • +5


    No staff at counters. Those who are don’t even say hello anymore.

    Packers everywhere in the aisles

    • +2

      Yep! I buy a lot through them and yet so often get the third degree when I try to return something.

      I buy a s**tload of Pepsi Max and if I say it doesn't taste right, it doesn't taste right. And no I can't tell you that without drinking one. 🙄

      • +1

        It happens way too often with Pepsi Max as well.
        In my experiences, they get shitty with me when I don't want to just swap it for the same size carton, when I've had 3x 30pack cartons in a row that taste off/flat, I don't want another 30pack…

  • +4

    Should allow multiple votes

    • yep! too many asshats in that list!

    • Not able to with Ozb tech apparently !

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