• expired

2000 Flybuys Points on $100 TCN Him, TCN Restaurant, TCN Pub & Bar, Good Food and Google Play Gift Cards @ Coles


Full credit to FreePoints

Next week's upcoming Coles gift card deal!


Gift Card Participating Retailers
TCN Him Academy Brand, adidas, Aquila, ASOS, BCF, boohooMAN, Booktopia, Calibre, Calvin Klein, Champion, City Beach, Cotton On, Culture Kings, Decathlon, Drummond Golf, Dymocks, Edge Clothing, Factorie, Foot Locker, Ghanda, Glue Store, H&M, Hallenstein Brothers, Hype DC, INTERSPORT, Jay Jays, JB Hi-Fi, JD Sports, Just Jeans, Kingpin, Macpac, Neverland, Nike, Platypus, PlayStation Store, rebel, Scotch & Soda, Supercheap Auto, Surf Dive n Ski, SurfStitch, The AFL Store, The Athlete’s Foot, The Good Guys, Timberland, Timezone, Tommy Hilfiger, Uber, Uber Eats, Universal Store, Van Heusen, Xbox, Zone Bowling.
The Restaurant Card Use this gift card at restaurants that accept eftpos around Australia. (Gift card subject to individual merchant acceptance.)
The Bar & Pub Card Use this gift card at pubs or bars that accept eftpos around Australia. (Gift card subject to individual merchant acceptance.)
The Good Food Gift Card Use this gift card at participating restaurants around Australia.
This is part of Father's Day deals for 2023.

Related Stores

Goodfood Restaurant Gift Card (Blackhawk)
Goodfood Restaurant Gift Card (Blackhawk)
Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • Perfect to stack with my CBA offer (Targeted) spend $100 for $5 cash back ending on 30 Aug.

  • finally some more restaurant gc, still waiting on restaurant choice gc is the TCN basically the same?

    • +1

      I use both depending on who gives the better discount. I do prefer TCN because a physical card is just EFTPOS and doesn't need to be added to your mobile wallet also some eateries do not charge surcharge for EFTPOS but do on credit.

    • +5

      There are two differences to note between the two gift cards (at least these are differences that come to mind for me):

      • The TCN Restaurant gift card in this deal is a physical gift card that runs on the eftpos network, but it can be exchanged for a digital Mastercard version. The Restaurant Choice gift card is a physical gift card that runs on the eftpos network and cannot be exchanged for a digital Visa version. The reason this is worth pointing out is that any merchant using Square terminals are unable to accept eftpos payments if you swipe the card, because Square only processes eftpos payments if you tap or insert the card. In other words, any merchants using Square terminals cannot accept physical TCN Restaurant gift cards, physical Restaurant Choice gift cards, physical TCN Pub & Bar gift cards, Perfect eftpos gift cards, Westfield eftpos gift cards, etc.

      • Restaurant Choice gift cards clearly spell out the Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) where their gift cards are supposed to work, which interestingly includes MCCs covering hotels, amusement parks and golf courses. On the other hand, the terms and conditions of TCN Restaurant gift cards only tell you that you cannot use it any restaurants, pubs and bars (excluding fast food restaurants1), so it is not obvious which MCCs are permitted on that gift card.

      1. As a side note, you will find comments on this site from people saying they have no issues using it at Fast Food Restaurants, so YMMV. 

      • You're just referring to the physical Restaurant choice GC right? not the digital version.

        • For the first dot point, I was indeed trying to refer to physical Restaurant Choice gift cards. I probably should have made that clearer, since I made the assumption when writing that point that you would be more likely to find a deal on physical Restaurant Choice gift cards than digital Restaurant Choice gift cards.

          For the second dot point, I was referring to both the physical and digital versions of the Restaurant Choice gift card.

          • @WookieMonster: Hey, for digital restaurant choice do you know if those work on square terminals?

            • +1

              @petj: Yes, because the digital Restaurant Choice gift cards run on the Visa network.

              • @WookieMonster: Mine got rejected a few times. I am not sure if it is a setting by the restaurant or on my side (TCN and RC)

      • +1

        I have recently used a physical Restaurant Choice gift card at a venue with an MCC of 7997, but where my digital Restaurant Choice gift card is declined at the same terminal at the same venue.

        Venues with an MCC of 7997 are meant to be permitted for all types of Restaurant Choice gift cards.

        This has happened to me twice with different cards each time, which makes me suspicious that digital Restaurant Choice gift cards make not work at venues with an MCC of 7997, despite what is claimed on the Restaurant Choice website.

        (BlackHawk support has been useless.)

        • +2

          At this point, I would be tempted to lodge a complaint with Fair Trading against Blackhawk Network, because the terms and conditions for the digital Visa version appear to be misleading.

          I have a sneaking suspicion that the eftpos and Visa versions are treated as two different types of gift cards by Blackhawk Network, but don’t ask me for evidence, because I have nothing concrete!

      • Just try the restaurant card at maccas today, got rejected, Restaurant choice card no problems. Lucky i only bought one restaurant card.

  • great

  • +1

    I think you can purchase these using the ShopBack Supermarket gift card which is an extra bonus.

    • +1

      After using a few at woolworths for tcn him, I cannot add more shopback supermarket to apple pay, keep saying invalid card.

      • Yes, same case for me. After adding some Activ VISA World Cup and Supermarket card to my Apple Pay, it keeps saying it is an invalid card for new card added. Then I added them to my Apple Watch and solved the problem. However, these two days, I can't add any cards to Apple Watch too. Sent email to the card CS and seems that they don't know why it happens. @WookieMonster, what do you think? I believe it's not Apple but the card issuer blocked my iPhone and Apple Watch serial number.

        • +1

          This webpage says it could be Apple, the card issuer (Heritage Bank on behalf of Blackhawk Network) or the payment network (Visa) blocking it based on a fraud check. However, considering that I have not had any issues adding any Blackhawk Network cards to Samsung Wallet (and have only encountered issues myself adding Blackhawk Network cards to Apple Pay), I suspect your issue lies with Apple’s fraud detection systems.

          • +1

            @WookieMonster: It's too costly to get a samsung/android phone just for the wallet function :(

          • @WookieMonster: thanks for the reply. What can I do to remove the blocking from Apple? Or there is no way to solve?

            • +1

              @siukwai: No one really knows, tbh.

              GYB has been saying in a number of comments for their recent deal post that they have been pursuing this matter with little luck thus far.

              • @WookieMonster: after reading the post, seems like it is no hope to solve unless getting an Anriod phone

                • +1

                  @siukwai: Android may not be the silver bullet you were hoping for.

                  Google appears to be less strict on people adding prepaid gift cards to Google Wallet than Apple, but if you manage to trip up Google’s fraud detection systems, you may find your entire Google Wallet disabled.

                  • This person found it out the hard way (and I do not know whether they managed to get their wallet re-enabled).

                  • This person also found out the hard way, but managed to eventually have their wallet re-enabled.

                  I think it illustrates the balancing act that Apple and Google (and presumably Samsung) play when trying to police payment cards being added a wallet. You do not want to enable fraudsters to be able to add a large number of payment cards in a short period of time (especially since you do not need to use the physical card to add it to a wallet), but you also want to have people be able to add the cards they bought/own to a mobile wallet… It does not help that prepaid gift cards by definition do not have a verified cardholder attached to them, which makes it basically impossible for Apple and Google (and presumably Samsung) to figure out whether the cardholder was the one who just requested to add their prepaid gift card to the mobile wallet.

  • +3

    If anyone buy Google Play, please keep the receipt and the card even tho you already redeem.
    Google might block your account and ask for origin of purchase and actual gift card photo.

    If you do not have that, your credit would be block.

    • Yeah that's one worry I have when I add too many cards in one go, hence I do prefer the flexibility of having a physical card for places that accept it.

  • With the TCN Him card, you can use it for Uber. Does that work like a Uber gift card, which is a credit in the Uber account, to be used to offset Uber orders until nil. Or does it work like a payment card like any other credit card one can use with Uber? The difference is how easy it is to use up the balance when it's insufficient for a single purchase.

    • +1

      According to the TCN Him gift card webpage, Uber (and Uber Eats) is Online only. That means you need to go to the TCN website and exchange your physical TCN Him gift card for a digital Uber gift card that will be emailed to you. In other words, you will end up with an Uber gift card.

      To do an exchange:

      • Go to the webpage for the TCN Him gift card
      • Scroll down to the How To Use section
      • Enter the gift card number into the box and click/tap Continue
      • Choose Uber from the dropdown list
      • Click/tap on Proceed
      • Follow the subsequent steps to have the digital gift card emailed to you.
      • +1

        Your knowledge of these GC deals is unbelievable. Thanks mate.

        • Just don’t ask me about Luxury Escapes gift cards or 7-Eleven gift cards or ALDI gift cards or Webjet gift cards or many other gift cards, as my lack of knowledge will start to show haha

      • thanks any idea how long does it take to receive the digital gift card by changing TCN to JBHIFI?

        • It should take a few minutes.

  • +1

    What is the limit on these eg if you buy 5 of one card will you receive 10000 points?

    • I wanna know too. Cause if not, then I'm just gonna get one only.

    • did you try ?

      • you will get 10K points,

        I bought 2 cards in one transaction and got 4000 points

  • any idea if we can use immediately after purchase the TCN?

    • Should do.

    • Confirmed yes. Used within 30min of purchase.

  • +1

    If anyone could clarify the following, I'd be really grateful:

    "BONUS POINTS can be awarded more than once for each gift card type including different denominations of the same gift card but can only be collected up to 5 times per Fluybuys account"

    So like, does it mean you get 2k points once for Google card, regardless of how many you purchase? Then if you purchase TCN Him card (regardless of how many), you get 2k points? Or does it mean if you purchase one Google card, you get 2k points, then in a future transaction, if you purchase another Google Play card, you can get another 2k points?

    Thanks for any help

  • How do we check balance of the physical TCN Pub & Bar gift cards plse? Website says to download TCN app. and then scan the QR code. I did this, but wasn't successful in finding the card balance.

  • How long do the points take to come through?

    Seems to take a few days to update transactions in the app

    • The following evening after your qualifying purchase

      • Ah yes they just came through

        Bought 1x $100 restaurant and 1x $100 pub in the same transaction and got 4000 points

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