My job title is a console operator as I work at a site that sells fuel.
Happy to answer anything. Pay, details about products, stories, app stuff, POS stuff.
The only things I won’t answer is where I work and things I don’t know the answer to.
My job title is a console operator as I work at a site that sells fuel.
Happy to answer anything. Pay, details about products, stories, app stuff, POS stuff.
The only things I won’t answer is where I work and things I don’t know the answer to.
Is you name Sanjay?
Are you really the head of the Kwik-E-Mart?
Nope. But I have been told me having a common English name played a part in why I got the job.
Your name is Bruce?
@stickyfingers: Presumably we have the same name and I resent being called by this bizarre alternative.
What is corporates position on helicopters?
I’m unsure about corporate, but we don’t care.
We can’t see the location, time, price, or anything about your fuel lock. We don’t even push a button for it. We just scan your card like any other item.
All we see is how much you saved as it comes up as a seperate line item in red with a negative amount. Corporate pay for it all. I wrote a comment further down explaining how corporate basically control the entire fuel operation.
(also, pro tip, show your card first, or at least mention it because we usually just tap EFTPOS as soon as we scan your items as it’s slow to start the reader, then when you show your card we have to cancel the EFTPOS which is slow too.)
Have you ever been told to flag an account for obvious "choppering" ?
Yes, plus can I unlink my Velocity card from a banned account?
Not as far as I’m aware. Mine is locked in there too.
We can scan your Velocity card at the counter though so you can always try that.
Nope. Check out my comment above. We don’t know, and neither myself, my manager, or my owner would care even if we did know.
With the recent fuel price increases, most customers have saved $10 - $30+ this week.
I also have two banned accounts lol
how many have been hospitalised by the sushi?
Our store doesn’t sell sushi. Probably for the best.
lol! watching now…
"Please don't let this video make you be scared of sushi"
I am scared! 😂 I had them today =l
Much 'smarter' choice to stick with the egg salad sandwiches…
Does the homeless guy out the front collect more money than you?
Very likely. He seems to get a fair few Ice Break bottles from the bins. Whether he’s recycling them for cash or to use as a billy is unknown though.
how long does it take to learn to automatically know who came from which pump number?
I generally work overnights so you can tell who has come from which pump as you can see which pumps are active so it’s usually the one finished.
We can also see the fuel type and amount, so if they um and uhh about their pump I just ask if they have the diesel for example.
95% of customers just tell you the pump number. Which surprised me because I’m in the 5% when I fill up.
Do you get to eat the expired food and ice cream? Do you guys still sell nude magazines?
Had a family member who worked at 711, they made them throw the doughnuts out on the night shift, staff wasn't allowed to have any. Seemed pretty silly but I guess it stopped the staff hiding them so they didn't 'sell.
No. We’re not supposed to. We’re also not supposed to give the Krispy Kreme’s out before they expire (around 11 pm - midnight) at midnight.
Supposedly years ago Krispy Kreme encouraged us to give away the unsold doughnuts at midnight so that customers could try different flavours. Turns out that the customers then stopped buying doughnuts and just waited until midnight.
Supposed to is the key phrase here as my housemates have gained a lot of weight since I got the job.
What a champion!
We don’t sell any magazines by the way, just newspapers. I heard the internet has some good content though if you’re looking for raunchy content.
p.s. we sell lube
So have you had that little request yet, at 10pm+ when only the little 'pay here' window is being used to….avoid late night theft/robberies in the store?
Btw, what the policy on using that little window late at night? Can you, do you sometimes just buzz someone in who wants to browse? Or is it not recommended…?
I’m not sure what the first part means but it’s usually females who buy the condoms.
I did have a guy who was drunk come in one morning asking my female staff member which condoms have the most lube. I told him any are a good and safe choice and that we sell lube. There was also a line of like 8 customers while this was happening.
He decided to raw dog it in the end.
Our store doesn’t have a night pay window. I’ve never had anyone I haven’t let in.
Favourite Krispy Kreme doughnut flavour?
The Choc Custard slaps 👋
How old are the Sausage Rolls?
You mean the sawdust stuffed leather socks?
You should see what happens when the staff leave them in the oven accidentally for a few hours. They’re light and extremely hard.
They are removed from the fridge and marked to expire 6 hours from then. They take 1 hour in the oven although stores without an oven will microwave them and put them at the top of the warmer to crisp up for an hour.
All the hot pastries are made by Patties.
Whats happening to the slurpee deal years ago, you can bring your own bucket. They still male anymore deals
I… can't decipher this
His talking about slurpee day, where you can BYO container and fill it up.
beeep beeep beeep
keep backing it up
I’m not too sure to be honest. I heard the machines really took a hit back then lol
Do you speak to family members on the phone through your fake apple ear buds while serving customers?
We’re not supposed to have our phone out at any point during our shift (except your break, which you don’t really get on a night shift).
But my colleagues and I use ours when customers aren’t in the store or they’re browsing. Usually just to respond to a text.
I sometimes wear my AirPods when it’s quiet as the music in the store is the same every day and the voice overs drive you mental.
On another note, have you tried 7-Eleven’s new coffee blend? It’s smooth, aromatic, and oh so delicious. And you can try a free regular sized cup with your next fuel purchase at 7-Eleven.
T&Cs apply. Only valid til August 28. See in store for details.
Weird, none of my local 7 Eleven have music or ads.. or maybe I haven't noticed..
There is a box called QSIC that does all the music. We have no control over it. I assume they deal with licensing, etc.
Every time I ask to swap the free coffee for hot chocolate I get told no. Would they know any different if I just got a hot chocolate instead?
I don't drink coffee and never used the machine in my life
The hot chocolate comes in a cup with chocolate powder at the bottom (covered in foil). So if all 7 Eleven use these cups, they would know.
We can’t because they cost the store so much more. The chocolate dusting powder is Nestle Rich & Creamy Hot Chocolate powder, so use the hot milk button on the machine, take the lid off the duster, pour as much as necessary (the bag says 2 heaped teaspoons to a cup) and stir. We won’t know, I wouldn’t care even if I did.
A pro tip when you’re getting a coffee and want extra shots is to just do as many short blacks as you want and then top up with milk.
@stickyfingers: I put two coffee shots in the choc cups before the milk. One of my 7 Eleven stores is fine with it, the other charges me extra. Fair enough either way :)
Do you own a helicopter?
I get paid $32.76 with no penalties, except for weekends. So, I’m making progress.
Has anyone ever tried to trade sexual favours for a full tank of gas?
Have you ever been a victim of armed robbery? What’s your managers stance on what to do in event of robbery?
What are you planning?
I like to know my options
Maybe you should start with a quarter tank and work up?
With the customers who come into my store at night it’s a “fortunately not” on the sexual favours.
I haven’t. I do want to get robbed however so I can get workers comp. Feel free to pay me a visit anytime. I’ll even chuck in a few donuts as a thank you.
We are told to give them what they want. The office area is known as a “Safe Haven”. There are deadbolts on all the doors leaving into it that can only be unlocked from inside, a screen for viewing the cameras, a phone, etc. We also have to wear a lanyard with a panic button on it incase we get hurt but also for other emergencies. There are also panic buttons hidden in the console, they are silent.
We are informed to let customers into the safe haven if it is safe to do so during a robbery, etc.
Hi I work at 7-11 AMA……
disappears from chat
Would you respond to the comments here?
It's an AMA……..
My bad. I didn't see the ( stupid,if you want ) written in invisible ink after AMA)
Yeah I was mid shift and then slept the whole day oops
Are you on a coffee break from answering questions, or is this just a tribute to 7-Eleven's customer service in store?
I’m actually on an overnight shift. I snuck my phone in on a bin run earlier to answer some questions and I’ll smash through the rest when I finish up in a bit.
i’ll have you know I give great customer service fyi 😒
You're not allowed to have your phone?
Nope. If I’m working with the manager or a coworker I’ll use it in the cold room, bathroom, or where the bins are because there’s no cameras in there
What’s the pay like? Overtime?
Which shifts you prefer and why?
We're paid an award. The award is the 'Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award [MA000089],' which is unfavorable. The pay is $32.76 per hour for a casual (which most of us are), and this might seem decent, except there are zero penalty rates for night shifts as a casual—none at all.
This topic frustrates me because overnight shifts are undeniably the most demanding. They're challenging not only in terms of tasks but also in disrupting your body clock, especially with a varying casual roster.
During an average overnight shift, you'd begin at 10 pm or 11 pm (some stores have different schedules) and finish at 6 am or 7 am. We have to lock the doors from 11 pm. My store lacks a night pay window, a fact my owner appreciates because it encourages customers to buy more. However, staff detest it because customers spend upwards of 10 minutes in the store—making coffee, looking at sandwiches, talking on the phone, etc.
This 10-minute period forces us to stay inside the console (the locked checkout area) since we can't be in the store when customers are inside, and this lasts until 5 am.
The problem is that these 10 minutes eat into the time we have for tasks. We get paid for our breaks on night shift since we can't easily take them. After completing your tasks and attempting to eat, someone might show up, forcing you to wait before you can resume eating. Some shifts, I don't even get a break.
On an overnight shift, your responsibilities include (note that overnight is the only shift where you're alone until 5 am, when a coworker joins you for 1-2 hours as they begin their shift):
Counting your float
Accepting the delivery, which usually arrives at the start of your shift; this involves checking security tags on tobacco, counting cages and crates as they come in
And my favorite part: when your co-worker arrives and you can interact with customers, you get to go out and empty every bin and clean every pump and touchable surface.
During other shifts, two people will face up the store, perform another temperature check, serve customers, and make the same amount of money I do (though they won't get paid for their break, they can at least take it). If you're assigned to nights, you're stuck with nights.
This might not sound like much, but when customers keep coming in and you have to activate pumps, let them in, wait for them, etc, it takes up your whole shift.
Damn, i skimmed but that' a lot more work then people think. I guess we forget that you also having to adhere to 'strict' (strict?) health and safety standards because you sell food and what not.
What's the biggest health and safety issue that's happened at 7-11?
You guys should probably get paid more.
Inb4 'I only earn $20 p/h as a paramedic'. You should also earn more. Basically if someone earns more then $300k p/y - just that, ignoring company profits and bonuses on top - they're why people are only earning $20 p/h and paying $500+ p/w to rent anywhere. Those rich people rent those investment homes to you.
I’m not aware of any issues. We only ever hear anything about our franchisees stores, and I haven’t heard about any.
I don’t think we should be paid more. The pay is fair. I just think night staff should be paid more. The work load is significantly more and it sucks having to go to sleep when the sun has just come up.
I have seen the cutest guy for quite some time at one of my locals, what should I do?
You crack me up! There's a post in there ….. somewhere …… just post it so that we can give it due consideration & advise accordingly.
i like to picture pam as Tanya from the white lotus
Tanya wearing the bright pink Sketchers from the new marketing campaign
Ask him if he's seen your keys.
lol - is that ….like …..code for something ?
ask him to fill you up
Tell him he’s cute and ask him to join you for a freshly ground coffee from 7-Eleven.
Play the damsel in distress card.
What would you score his cuteness as? Is he a…7/11?
@screensaver Perhaps its OP?
As long as the commenter is cute I’m down.
pretty sure i met your partner at the ozbargain meetup lol
@belongsinforums: Thank you, life moves on to open up bigger opportunities. We’re still good friends.
Everything happens for a reason ☺️
Does 7/11 sell gift cards?
I'd get a gift card, $10 or something. Go into a corner, fill it out. 'Hey, let's go get a coffee or something sometime. If not, here's $10 for us to pretend this never happened. Haha. 04123456, Marie.'
Actually i lied. I would never do this. Because i am chicken.
We sure do!
AMA! Except I don't care and wont answer any questions.
Do you care how customers are dressed?
One time, i was pumping petrol, the attendant stopped the pump and over the PA said something something. Couldn't work out what he said as he had a bit of an accent, went inside and he said i wasn't wearing shoes and i shouldn't be pumping petrol like that. I said i was used to going barefoot and luckily i just received an email from 7-Eleven a few days ago which actually mentioned barefoot servo trips. Showed it to him and he reluctantly let me continue. First time confronted by a 7-Eleven employee like that.
You can't help some people.
I couldn’t care. The only thing I would ask you to do is remove your helmet incase you ride off.
I see plenty of crackheads.
Not wearing a helmet driving my car lol
You also don’t ride a car lol
Why aren't you as famous as Khalid Attaf?