Erratic Truck Drivers...

In my daily commute on the M80 Ring Road I frequently come across truck drivers that either:

  • Tailgate me right up the ass, some even honk and flash their high beams. Mind you, this is while I am driving at the speed limit.
  • Speeding at least 20k's above the speed limit
  • Erratic lane changes
  • Changing into my lane without checking, forcing me to move to the other lane.

I clearly see the company they drive for, so I'm thinking the next truck driver that drives erratically, I should at least report to their company. Sometimes I think maybe it's not the drivers fault and they are actually under the pressure of their employer to get the delivery done as soon as possible. Are freight companies really pressuring their drivers so much that they have to drive this way.

And do not get me started on those tradie ute drivers or the 4x4 drivers…


  • +50

    Mind you this is while I am driving at the speed limit.

    in which lane?

      • +75

        On multi lane roads posted as over 90 ur Supposed to keep left unless overtaking

        • +20

          For NSW readers and people who drive in NSW, this rule applies when it's 80km/h+

          • +14

            @kerfuffle: Almost.

            If there are Keep Left signs on any road you need to keep left regardless of the speed limit.
            If the speed limit is above 80KPH, not 80KPH+ as you stated.

            • +10

              @[Deactivated]: OR you could just be courteous and leave the right lane open at any speed limit, unless you are, indeed, overtaking, intending to overtake another car or turning right within the next Km or two. :)

              Actually agreeing with you just expanding.

                • +2

                  @Willy Beamish: Everytime anyone raises the point of disobeying road rules and driving in the right lane, someone like you brings up speeding.

                  Why do you automatically assume I speed? Bit defensive do you not think?

                  "and you are not special like everyone else,"

                  Wow you need to calm the farm here you're making BIG assumptions and being very personal.

                  For the record I do not speed - I have all my demerit points and haven't had a traffic offense in decades.

                  Don't assume anything. This discussion is about being in the right hand land when you shouldn't. Stop trying to deflect and turn this around by making false accusations.

                  If you don't drive unecessarily in the right hand lane, the topic doesn't even concern you. Stay on topic.

                • @Willy Beamish: "why not just drive on the other side"

                  Because you have absolutely no idea of why they are driving in such a manner, even if you believe the type, style and accessorisation of their vehicle offer really good clues.

            • @[Deactivated]: See. I guess (???) the catch-22 is the law doesn't specify that cars technically wanting to get over in the right lane because they want to illegally speed, while you're in the right lane, and you are going the speed limit.

              You're not overtaking, they are. That they're going over the speed limit? Not your problem. You - we - technically, are told to keep left unless overtaking.

              Probably one of those sheit things that weirdly works, and works when it the cops become involved. The unofficial truth is that some will go under the speed limit, - often because their odometers lie - and some will speed going over. Rule followers left, rule breakers 'overtaking' right, you might not like it. But it probably causes a lot less accidents on the road. And that is likely so much more important then the actual rules.

              • +1

                @TiredKitty78: @TiredKitty78 where did I mention anything about speedo calibration, people speeding, hogging the right lane or anything else you mentioned?

                If it's a 3 lane 80kph road like the GWH through Greystanes, Wentworthville, etc…. there is no reason to 'stick to the left' because whatever 'overtaking' you do you will just be caught at the next red light, hence the people smarter than you don't tell you to stay left.

          • +1

            @kerfuffle: Also 80km/h and above in QLD

          • @kerfuffle: That's the same in Victoria.

          • -1

            @kerfuffle: Doesn't apply to 80kmh roads, only over 80kmh roads, as fake id homer simpson stated (we are talking NSW here)

        • +1

          You also can't go over the speed limit while overtaking…

          • +1

            @skidexa: Shouldn't have to. If you're doing the speed limit and the person in front is, there is no need to overtake. Both going the same speed.

            for all other occasions:

            You're in the left lane
            You come up to slower traffic, you want to go faster, and you KNOW you can pass them at your speed in the right lane.
            Traffic is clear so you move to the righ lane.
            You pass the slower traffic.
            You move back a lane left.

            Easy really. Speeding does not need to come into the equation, although judging by some weird comments here if you're in the right lane it's automatically assumed you're a devil speeder.

      • +1


      • +34

        Hand in your licence bro. Keep to the left on multilane roads over 80kmh in Victoria. FFS.

        Also, is your speed limit reading GPS or car speedo?

        Perfect example of someone saying…

        But I'm a really safe driver and never had an accident

        No. You are the hazard and probably cause others to have accidents. FFS.

      • +8

        If you are over eighty and not making a turn and in the Right (lane), and not overtaking in the next few seconds, then you are in the wrong lane

        • +8

          M80 is a freeway, so exits are to the left. Expect OP to take last minute manoeuvrer across three lanes of traffic.

          • +3

            @Baysew: While breaking braking in front of trucks that are trying to get around them. FFS.

      • +8

        If you are not overtalking GTFO of our lane you kent.

      • +3


        Times a dozen.

      • +5

        Right most lane, but does it actually matter if I'm driving at the speed limit?

        Right lane, solved your own problem.

        Thread closed.

      • +4

        but does it actually matter if I'm driving at the speed limit?

        depends, do you want to be like this persons and clearly hold up traffic being a contributing factor to road rage and aggressive driving and then complaining about it?

        I asked the question as I was already 95% sure of the answer as to why you're possibly 'observing' such behavior

      • +4

        Right most lane, but does it actually matter

        Yes, keep left unless overtaking.

        Learn to read signs.

        • +9

          Learn the road rules too. The signs are only there as a reminder for forgetful drivers

      • +3

        Hahahah… FFS…

        Dives like arsehole
        Other drivers honk and flash lights
        *surprised Pikachu face.jpg*

      • +2

        YES it does matter.

        Over 80 is compulsory to keep left.

      • +2

        Dude if you’re hogging the overtaking lane it’s a traffic offence. This is infuriating and that’s why they are flashing and beeping you cause it’s really not on. There’s signs constantly saying “keep left unless overtaking”!

      • That's about right. Piss everyone off by hogging the right lane and then come here and whinge.

        Expecting negative vote count to hit three digits.

      • I've called in sick after reading this comment. I just can't cope.

      • found the crappy driver, this guy probably does 90km in a 110 zone and then gets angry when people tailgate him.. pathetic.

      • you deserve it

      • +1

        Not only are you breaking the law, but your behaviour can lead to other drivers becoming (justifiably) angry. And angry drivers make poor decisions.

      • It's people like you! Driving 5km/hr under the limit because you're clueless to the fact that spedos in modern vehicles read high, all high and mighty that "iM dOiNg tHe sPeEd liMiT". Get out the right hand lane!

      • Keep left unless overtaking. Perhaps you are the problem. You single out people who drive for a living and are on the road all the time. Yet your don't follow the basic road rules.

      • Came for confirmation bias, but got reamed for being completely in the wrong.

        Classic ozbargain

      • +1

        You idiot? Don't do the policemans job. Stay in the left lane unless overtaking.
        While absolutely not right from the drivers behind you and tailgating is inexcusable, they are imagining you under a snow plough getting pushed off to the side of the road…

    • +9

      Also OPs speedometer could be inaccurate. Most cars I've tested have been about 10% over reporting their speed.

      So when you think you're doing 100 you're actually doing 90.

      • what cars have you tested with?

        • +6

          jeez do you want an exhaustive list? Basically any car I go in where I'm using google maps in the passenger seat to help navigate or when i'm driving myself

          mazda, bmws, subarus, hyundais, toyotas, vws,

          they're all almost universally over reporting their speed ranging from 5km to 10km/h over @ 100km/h

          • @Odin:

            jeez do you want an exhaustive list?

            hmm no, but i was interested on your comment below

            Most cars I've tested have been about 10% over reporting their speed.

            I’ve used corolla and a tiguan and they both seem to be just about 3kph below the displayed speedometer value when doing 100kph, which is about 3% at that speed. (compared with reference to smart phone speedometer apps that uses gps data for calculation and waze)

            • @kaleidoscope: I've tested a few cars and most have reported approx ~5% over, some closer to ~10%. I now habitually go 105 in 100 zones and i'm pretty sure i'm generally doing 97-99.

          • -7

            @Odin: you believe google over the car? how dumb can you get

        • +2

          For the various vehicles I drive currently. According to GPS data normalised to 100km/hr all with the same device.

          Own - 2005 2wd Toyota Hilux - 100km/hr
          Own - 2012 Toyota Prado - 100km/hr (was inaccurate until I went up a tire size)
          Own - 2012 Susuki VStrom - 110km/hr (10% out)
          Own - 2015 Hyundai i20 - 106km/hr (6% out)

          Work - 2018 2wd Toyota Hilux - 109km/hr (9% out)
          Work - 2012 4wd Nissan Navara - 110km/hr (10% out)
          Work - 2020 MG3 EV - 108km/hr (8% out)
          Work - 2021 Hyundai Kona EV 110km/hr (10% out)
          Work - 2017 Toyota Carolla - 105km/hr (5% out)

          This percentage difference can be noticed at all speeds.

      • +2

        I can agree with this. I use GPS to track my speed, to sit right on the limit. My speedo usually says I'm doing 5 over the limit. And I usually end up overtaking pretty much everyone, except those who are blatantly speeding well over.

  • +6

    I’d like to believe it’s just then copping ridiculous deadlines from the managers rather than them being a-holes in general.

    • +1

      what about drugs?
      drug use used to be massive amongst truck drivers, has it improved/reduced?
      being bent or on a come down will certainly contribute to ahole and erratic driving

      • I'm sure it varies place to place. But you can't get away with shit now. Every trucks got something - they know when you get in, get out, you log when you take your lawfully required rest break, when you can technically get on the road again. Doubt things fall of the back of a truck so much anymore these days either. Obligatory.
        But i hear this second hand, someone will know better.

      • +1

        For long haul interstate driving. Not for tootlimg around major cities.

  • +6

    Pointless thread is pointless.

    Erratic drivers are everywhere. An individual’s perception will affect who they think are the worst drivers. Personally, I haven’t seen an erratic truck driver for a while but plenty in other vehicles.

    Generally if a truck driver is flashing/tailgating and you’re doing the speed limit they’ll be trying to get you to move over. Also, don’t forget that speedos read differently. A truck driver probably has an accurate idea of their speed and doesn’t rely on a dual that could be up to 10km/h out. My car reads about 4 over my actual speed. My last car was closer to 10%.

    • +17

      Click on the hidden followup. OP is driving in the wrong lane and pissing everyone else on the road right off.

      The drivers around him are not being erratic, the OP is just being a bad (and self-righteous) driver.

    • Yep, but now that OP has got this gripe off his chest he/she may feel better !!
      What's that song…………….."Lord its hard to be humble when I'm perfect in every way"

      • +1

        Nah. They came here seeking validation of their opinion. They wanted to hear everyone hating on truck drivers too but ended up getting burned.

        • -1

          Wrong site, they should have been on ""

          I love a good confirmation bias seeking thread that goes arse up. It truly is the gift that just keeps on giving.

    • +2

      99% of the time of you stick on the left lane and drive below the speed limit then you'll be fine. Worst are those oblivious to the fact that you're coasting 10kph below the speed limit and in the most right lane of a 3 lane freeway at 110kph.

      That's why people flash their lights at you because you're in the wrong lane and can potentially cause a traffic accident. Driving slow doesn't mean you're a good driver. Being aware of your surroundings and not just head to the front is key.

  • +20

    Sounds like you're in the wrong lane lol

    Most speedometers come out of the factory calibrated high, you can have 80kmph on the speedo and be going 75 or under in reality.

    • I've noticed this with the GPS speed reported by Waze/Google maps when using Android Auto vs the car speedo..

      One of our cars is; speedo 110km/h Waze 108km/h and is pretty consistently 2km/h at a range of speeds,
      The other car is; speedo 110km/h Waze 105km/h but the gap reduces to 2-3km/h at lower speeds, smallest at 40km/h

      • Yep same! I checked the Waze speedo against a separate GPS and it appeared accurate, and the "speed check" zones on highways that display the speed measured concur with Waze as well.

      • +2

        Same, Manafacturers do this intentially. Reading low is fine but imagine the bad PR and lawsuits if your speedo was reading 100 but you were actually doing 105. Gives them a bit of wiggle room.

        I set me cruise control on 116 in 110 zones and the dashcam gps will show a steady 110.

      • +5

        Most speedos are wrong. They read over the actual speed, but not under in accordance with the standard. This is to allow for differences in tyre diameter as they wear.

        Most people don’t bother to check the speedo against gps so will typically be travelling up to 5km/h less than what they think.

      • +4

        Strange how I never have received a single speeding ticket despite driving through cameras several times a day? Almost as if I'm right and have done my research and even my own practical in-car tests? Enjoy the downvotes

      • And here you are still talking about speed when the conversation literally started because the OP was getting raged at because he was in the right lane when he was not overtaking.

        Willy, seriously, obviously you're the best driver in the world and your speedo is 100% accurate - whatever.

        It's not even the problem mate. Get this whole speed thing out of your head. Please.

        Just move over if you're in the right hand lane and not overtaking. It's not rocket science, or an evil government conspiracy, you just make sure YOU follow the road rules and don't worry about anyone else.

        If you DO the right thing and you're not a right hand lane hogger - why are you even here arguing?

        Are you a troll?

        • -1

          As an independent observer to this conservation, your style of writing makes it seem like you are actually the troll here…

          You might not care about the speed, but it's absolutely relevant. "They are blocking me from driving at the legal speed I want to" is a VERY different argument to "they are preventing me from illegally speeding".

          As I said, you don't have to care about the distinction - most people seem to think they have the right to speed (and to park illegally) - but you can't claim that there isn't one.

  • +12

    Guess OP will now ask to have this thread unpublished now we know that they definitely deserve the attention they get from 'erratic' truck drivers.

    • +9

      I'm thinking it's a troll post now. Post and ghost. Come back tomorrow sometime to review the carnage.

      • +1

        from the looks of their replies it's someone who is just completely oblivious.

        Can you believe they are in a multi-ton vehicle travelling at those speeds. god help us.

      • As in whether those who ran out of negs on just the most outrageously inane of the "justifications" on first reading have come back to continue where they left off?

      • +24

        and I'm supposedly holding up traffic

        You are breaking the road laws…

      • +14

        Two wrongs don't make a right. You're not responsible for what other drivers do, you're responsible for what you're doing. And what you're doing is clearly breaking the law.

      • +3

        No you are holding up traffic by illegally sitting in the right lane.

    • +20…

      As above, see the keep left bit

      But honestly if this is news to you thank god I don’t live anywhere near you as I dread to think what else you do on the roads

    • +15

      I don't understand why am I in the wrong

      Hand in your licence then…

    • +10

      I don't understand why am I in the wrong

      Because you are breaking the law.

      Next thread….Highway patrol issued me a $436 fine for driving in the right lane on the M80. Should I take it to court?

    • +6

      How thick can you honestly be?

      The law is literally that you are only to be in the rightmost lane at those speeds if you are overtaking.

      Are you overtaking? no. you're just sitting there "at the speed limit" (which is actually about 3-5km/h below it, but anyway).

    • +1

      Or you could just accept that according to the road rules you ARE wrong and just admit that you did not know or something instead of arguing a useless point?

    • +2

      Why are you even in the right most lane? Why are you not in the other lanes and what is your safety reasoning for not being in those lanes as opposed to the lane you are in?

    • Blows my mind how many people think that sitting in the right lane of a highway "doing the speed limit" is their right

      Keep left.

    • Driving in the right lane on the highway unless you are overtaking is illegal. Do you need any other reason to move over?

    • The rule is crystal clear. "keep left unless overtaking" In a multilayer freeway it's the general courtesy and is how people drive.

      I know there's an emergency lane but sometimes there isn't that right lane is also reserved for ambulances and various emergency vehicles.

      Bottom line is that you should just stick to the left lane and you won't have problems.

  • +35

    I'm going to guess 90% of the erratic lane changes are them overtaking you on the left then cutting you off because you're a complete knob of a driver.

      • +31

        You should be in the left unless overtaking…

      • +7

        You mean moving to the left like everyone is legally required to do?

        Also, you said they were doing erratic lane changes, I'm curious what those are. Keep in mind sometimes trucks actually just do need to change lanes and it's incredibly difficult to do so due to the size and stopping distance. If they need to get in, you should let them in. I know some drive like dicks and do the same lane hopping that cars do, but generally I find it's rare with trucks (they're just more noticeable).

      • +6

        It sounds like there's a road rule requiring you to stay on the left. Why not stay on the left, drive the speed limit and if they want to risk getting into trouble they can zoom through the right hand lane and accept the consequences?

      • making everyone else move to the left

        Hard to do when "zooming along". Is it mind-control, do you think, or telekinesis?

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