• expired

FREE iPhone App Can Extend Your Life by 10 Years. Normally $1.99


I just launched my new App called 'Seven More Minutes'.
It is currently free on the iPhone App Store.

The whole premise is that you complete 4 little challenges per hour in order to earn 7 minutes and 35 seconds of bonus life.

It is based on research by Jane McGonigal that showed that if you increased your 4 resistances (social, mental, physical and emotional) each once per hour then you live longer. Essentially gamifying your life to earn bonus life.

Would be great to know what you think. If you like it leave me a rating on the app store, if you have any feedback leave me a message here and I'll try to respond!

It is going to be free all this week to celebrate the launch and then I think I'll make it 1 or 2 dollars next week.

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Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • +39

    Can we get a refund if it doesn't work?

    • +74

      Definitely, I'll refund $0.00 back into your account if you die early. (Since it is free)

      • -1

        Since we're into fixing sentences, back is redundant for refund. So is into. You could have written more concisely: :)

        Definitely, I'll refund your account $0.00 if you die early. (Since it is free.)

        • s/fixing/correcting/g;

        • Either word is appropriate. :P

        • I'm not letting facts get in my way…

          Edit: hey greenpossum, can you please sort this out as well thanks.

        • Sorry, but some cases are just hopeless. :)

    • +1

      can and by - two words which invalidate any sort of guarantee. I mean seriously the title could of said "FREE iPhone App Can Help Extend Your Sexytime By 10 Minutes" and technically it would be true :D

      • That app could be called 'Thirty More Seconds'…

        • +3

          That's what she said :D

        • +16

          I think sex related apps are difficult to get approved on the app store. I guess you could tap the screen when you're getting close and it get's you to do maths to distract you from the task at hand.

        • +1

          Yer whipping out my phone mid love making would go down really well with the missus. Just do what everyone else does - think about cricket.

        • LOL yeah I don't think they'd like that.

      • +3

        I would have thought that someone so anal/pedantic would refrain from 'could of'.
        It's could've, or could have.

        • +1

          Ozbargain is helping me find good deals as well as improving my grammar. Awesome!

        • +2

          *correcting my grammar.

          (whether it's improved will be proven with time).

  • +2

    Based off this concept: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfBpsV1Hwqs

    Do you have a description of what your app actually does. Is there a very finite list of activities?

    • +3

      The app presents you with different challenges and once you've done that challenge you press that challenge's button. Once you've completed a challenge from all four categories you get some extra bonus life. You can change the difficulty of the challenges.

      I think there's about 150 challenges in there for the moment but I'll be updating it if it seems people are using the app.

    • Originally (& still) on TED.com, gamer Jane McGonigal's talk is:

      • "The game that can give you 10 extra years of life"

      Oh, she tries to increase Life-spans 7.5 minute ay a time, not 7 min's, but who's counting…

      If it works, go read [or play] Gladwell's [audio-] book:

      • "Outliers, The Story of Success"

      ..and get extremely good at something you love to do, ie,
      by practicing it for 10,000 hours ie, across (You guessed it!)
      about 1,000 hours / year, for 10 years… ;-)

  • +4

    I'd like more info on what these tasks are.

    • +2

      same, it looks interesting..

    • The tasks vary, from physical challenges such as doing some pushups to social challenges like winking at somebody or texting a friend an sms that rhymes. There's a difficulty setting that you can change so there's plenty of easy tasks or harder ones if you're up to the challenge.

      • I would love to do the winking stuff..!!!! ;)

  • Why dont you make Tarot Wheel Free as well

    • It was actually free last week. I think I might have priced it a bit too high though so I might bring Tarot Wheel down to $0.99 tomorrow.

        • +19

          haha I did ;)

  • +10

    i would suggest that by the time my time is up.. i'd have spent more than 7.35 on this.

    • +3

      Yeah, I'm very challenged in all aspects. I would actually lose time. ;)

    • Haha perhaps, but most of the challenges can be completed in less than a minute though and you can earn 7:35 every hour.

      • +3

        First challenge for me - count the number of blue objects around me. Simple enough. Oh, wait. It turns out that I'm worse than a bower bird and there are many many many many many many many many blue things around me. Dammit!

  • +4

    What's the name of the research paper that you base your app from? Care to share?

  • +1

    Did you do any focused testing on how many minutes the 4 tasks should usually take? Cause if it takes an average person 7 minutes and 35 seconds to complete them.. then well.. LOL

    • +1

      There are tasks in there that take 10 seconds and there are tasks in there that could take 10 minutes. For any category you can choose from an easy, medium or difficult task. It's up to you how long you want to spend on it but you'll hopefully be having fun and fun+ longer life is a good thing right?

  • Look forward to trying it. Cheers

  • +20

    I spent 7min 35sec reading this, and i'm pretty sure i'm never going to get that back.

  • +3

    Not interested, but congrats on a local dev.

  • +6

    Its like 7minute abs (instead of 8 minutes)

    • Lol

      • +6

        Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you're in trouble, huh?
        "Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. "

        • +6

          Hitchhiker: 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.Ted: Why?Hitchhiker: 'Cause you're f*****' fired!

        • Don't forget 3 and 10
          3 bears.
          3 billy goats gruff.
          The rule of 3 in comedy

          10 fingers and toes.
          10 Commandments.
          The top 10 (of everything)
          10 things I hate about you.
          10 most wanted.
          And…..the metric system

  • +3

    good job, keep it up !!

    • That's what she said!

  • +19

    Good on you for making an interesting app.

    It's kind of depressing that I'm destined to live less because I bought an Android device.

  • -4

    BTW OP, your marketing of the app would be covered by these provisions: http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/815335

    While no one is likely to bother you (given you would need the intellect of plankton to accept your claim re the 10 years), you might at least make an effort to accord with the law & order of the land.

    Unless of course you're serious - if you are please let me know so i can pop an email off to the ACCC.

    • +1

      A fair point, the whole premise of the app is based on a TED talk I watched which is supposedly based on a bunch of research, not sure that would satisfy the government though. The talk is below:


      • +1

        I take back everything i've said above & below.

        I'm off now to buy an iPhone, if only to run your app.

        • +4

          I think there's a deal on iPhones below:

        • Don't be silly, the idea is -not- hardware platform dependent…

          Just visit her web site already… ;-)

  • +4

    if my grandfather installs this app on his 2 iphones and 1 ipad will it extend his life by 30 years?
    P.S. he is 80 years old…

    • Well if the theory behind it is correct then he'll get an extra 7 minutes and 35 seconds every hour that he does the four challenges. To get the full 10 years you have to start pretty young ;)

      • and what IF the theory behind it is not correct? How can someone tell that it really works?

        • +2

          and what IF the theory behind it is not correct?


        • +3

          IF you buy enough iDevices and run this app all day then you can be IMMORTAL !

          But…there can be only ONE MacGonnical !!

        • Did you make the app itself?

      • +3

        If I keep playing this app, I might not have a job but I sure will have a life.

  • +5

    I don't get it??

    If I complete these 4 challenges, I LOOSE 7 minutes and 35 seconds of my Life!

    • +9

      But you gain a vowel.

  • +9

    It is based on research by Jane McGonigal that showed that if you increased your 4 resistances (social, mental, physical and emotional) each once per hour then you live longer.

    Hey, this is getting to be quite funny.

    For the uninitiated, which included me until 7min 35sec ago, Jane MGonigal is an alternate reality games designer.

    You got it: she designs games. I'm not sure Jane would be in any better position than my pet goldfish to make any statement regarding the extension of my miserable life.

    Anyway, given computer games of any sort are a waste of life, i reckon this app will merely leach my life force.

    Upshot: peterpeterpumpkin can relax.

    • Sounds like you didn't watch the TED talk.

      • +2

        Now I have watched the TED video.
        Sweet Jesus, watching that thing has triggered so many negative emotions!
        Where do I start?

        She asks whether games are a waste of life.

        She then says: “There is actually some scientific research on this question – it’s true …. Hospice workers …. recently issued a report on the most frequently expressed regrets that people say when they are literally on their deathbeds”.

        What was it really?
        One palliative care nurses account of death bed regrets, that evolved from a blog into a book.

        Misrepresentations so far:
        1. It is not ‘research’, as there is no scientific method nor is it peer reviewed.
        2. It is not a ‘report’ in the traditional sense – it’s a blog/book.
        3. It is not by multiple ‘hospice workers’ as she claimed, but one only.

        Her qualifications to talk about ‘death bed regrets’?

        “Recently I did spend three months in bed wanting to die” (triggered by concussion). “I’m either going to kill myself, or turn this into a game”.

        This is what is called in the marketing game as a hard sell, and no one plays it harder than the Americans.

        She then bangs on about “devouring” the “scientific literature” – bang bang bang bang.

        Thumbs up to the OP for a local development, but the premise of the game is a crock.

        Games are a waste of life, and is recognised by most players as a waste of life. You want to live longer & happier? Get away from the PC and start interacting with other human beings, if you can find them.

        Having said that, I’m staying right here, as I need to finish playing my farming simulator.

  • I was about to say bogus!

    but I must say at I'm glad you didn't use promo codes instead!

  • +9

    My life challenge is to get as many people as possible to give me 1 or 2 dollars next week.

  • They're right of course. Quite right. I'm inadequate, inadequate. Disharmonious. But I'm grateful, truly grateful. Believe me. Beleive me, believe me!

  • +4

    wasted few minutes reading and I dont have an iphone

    • if you don't have an iphone there is no way you can extend your life, sorry…

      • +1

        If only it extended the iphone's battery life.

  • +1

    Those 10 years will be added to the end of your life right? I don't want to endure an extra 10 years as an old man especially if I have to spend those 10 years doing annoying exercises, which might not be updated if some day you decide to stop bothering. If it could reduce my aging by 10 years over the rest of my life span, maybe. Extending your life by 10 years in which those 10 years can only be spent doing these exercises makes those 10 years meaningless.

    I'd rather die at 80 than 90, or 90 than 100. The best years of your life happen early not late.

    To get the full 10 years, do you have to start doing this as a toddler? I mean, if an 80 year old starts doing this now, I doubt he'll get the full 10 years from it right?

    • +8

      It could be worse. The 10 years could be added to the start of your life, in which case your mother would have to endure a decade-long pregnancy.

  • +4

    OMG, so this app reminds you to stretch your arms above your head, click your fingers 50 times and look out windows every hour (or should I say 'away' from Windows TM).

    I'm so glad that Apple invented the iPhone for the likes of this. The Power of Positive Emotion (reminders).

    Oh, anyone whose hand I shook persistently for 6 seconds would think I was trying to have digisex with them, not invoking trust as this fast talking woman would like to congratulate me for comprehending.

    Surely the most obvious indication of the value of this 'therapy' is the quantification of earning such an amount of extra life 'per day'. Pfft. Make a recipe app or something mate. Maybe a flight calculator, I could actually use one of those.

  • "Find a person. Convince them to give you a massage."

    Yuk - human contact! That's quite ikky!

    • +2

      this is 'gamification of life', so it should be "Find an elf. Convince them to give you safe passage".

      And I thought Amway staging was dead.

    • +2

      "Find a person. Convince them to give you a massage."

      Hmm, if only I was in Phuket…

  • +1

    +VE for a home grown developer! Good work!

  • Can you only do this once per hour to get your 7:35? What happens if you play this non stop for 24 hours? Will you gain more than 7:35 x 24 in extended life?

  • Well in that case,, u'll probably die snapping your fingers or giving a massage to someone..

  • +4

    btw.. did anyone notice that to live 7.35 mins more, you have to do this exercise every hour.. so to increase your life by 10 years, you have to spend 715102.041 hours doing this.. that comes to 81.63 years..

    To enjoy the full 10 years extension, you have to do these exercises every hour for 81.63 years.. i am already 25.. so i have to do this until 106.63 years to live a life of 116.63 years..

    OMG. my maths teacher would be so proud of me.. :D

    • To enjoy the full 10 years extension, you have to do these exercises every hour for 81.63 years.. i am already 25.. so i have to do this until 106.63 years to live a life of 116.63 years..

      Does that include during your sleep? Is it possible to do it twice an hour to make up for the time you can't do it because you're asleep or at work or driving, or at the cinemas?

      I don't think this is worth the trouble for me.

      • +1

        Yup that includes your sleep time too.. well u either have to sacrifice your sleep or you have to wake up every hour to complete your challanges

        • sacrifice your sleep

          Hmm I thought that quintessential restorative process is what actually allows the body to repair and function optimally. Any years gained doing the challenges would be lost dying early from an overtaxed body.

  • -2

    If It's free i get it

  • +4

    I know how to get 10 years and more back. Rather than sticking your nose in your iphone, put the thing away and wake up and rediscover the big wide world. Its actually quite a nice place sometimes.

  • Good work on the local dev :)


  • ok dump your iphone, you will surely waste 10 years of your life looking at it

  • android app? ;)

  • Meh. Requires IOS 5.

  • Rather get the original…http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/superbetter/id536634968

    Also see https://www.superbetter.com/

    • Yea check out Jane's App it's much prettier than mine and also free ;)

  • Here is my new app:
    Free to download.
    Runs on any platform.
    Totally free to use forever.
    Easy to use, you won't even see it.
    Endless life so no need for extension.
    It will save you all the time you would have spent on above "app".
    Saved time can be used for meaningful things in your life (if you have one)
    Full refund anytime for any reason + lifetime new for old replacement guarantee
    Guaranteed that no one (now or later) will make money from your stupidity (if you happen to be one)

  • Oh my god.. why would you want to extend the life time anyway?? average OECD life time is almost 80 Years old now and to add extra 10 years. What do you think you can do for 10 years when you are 80 years old??

    Oh and think about all those money the next generation will need to pay for your extra 10 years pension…

    I will pay if you have apps to give me 80 years full of health and then i can drop dead.

  • BTW.. OP.. this app crashes a lot… runs for 30 secs and crashes

    • +1

      Ah that sucks, What are you running it on? iPhone/iPod? Do you have Network Connection? Any info you could give me would help me to fix the bug. Thanks.

  • i ma running it on iphone 4S… yes i do have network connection.. (vodafail).. but i tried it on wifi too

  • +1

    surry mate.. i am an accountant.. i can definately help u fix your accounts.. but pls let me stay away from those bugs… ;D

    • Cool well I'll look into it, thanks.

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