How to Detect Intruders Entering Holiday Home

Hey OzB community,

Looking for some advice on a cost effective security setup.

Unfortunately, I've had some unwelcome visitors over the years. While the disturbances have been minor, I've noticed items disappearing and unexplained messes that can't be accounted for. It's concerning not knowing what's happening when we are not there.

My goal is to implement a solution that allows me to monitor, detect, and verify any intruders so I can promptly alert the police if necessary.

I've taken some measures to secure the house, such as placing dowels in all external windows and doors to prevent access and changing the locks on the main entrances. I've also informed the neighbours, but our property is somewhat secluded, so I can't rely on them for consistent monitoring.

The property doesn't have internet and is a solid drive so can't regularly visit. I was thinking just using an old phone with some Boost sims for data to make a personal hotspot. I have a Synology NAS at home if this is useful information. Is there a camera setup you'd recommend that I can monitor remotely? Other motion sensing devices you'd suggest? Open to all ideas, thank you for your help :)


  • +40

    Tesla coil

  • +11

    Any device that provides information to you, is going to need the internet or 5G modem to communicate over.

    Options include hard wired from NBN or fixed wireless. Sounds like you'd be in the latter category.
    Potentially you could also look at 5G modem or satalite(starlink).

    Next would be deciding on security.
    - Secure perimeter (Fence, gates)
    - Motion activated lights
    - Security system,
    - CCTV

    • +4

      Second this setup, but I would also add a UPS to any security or cctv setup as I have heard stories of houses around near where i live in regional vic where the thieves have switched off the power and then come back the next day to check whether its been switched back on again.
      Have the UPS setup to alert you when it detects a power outage and then have someone on standby to go and check it for you.

  • +2

    If you go with a hotspot there will always be a need at some point to reset by power cycling. Are 4G security cameras on your radar?

    • Hey, they haven't been but I'll take a look. There's someone there at least once a month for regular home maintenance. But if power goes done or other tech maintenance, then the setup could be down for a while. I do have a 5g modem I could temporarily relocate there.

      • +1

        Why is it empty so often? Maybe you should have a regular internet connection there and let friends/family use it for cheap. Put cameras everywhere too, which is why you'd want the regular internet connection in the first place.

        • +1

          Why is it empty so often?

          Because it’s a holiday home?

          Monthly is pretty frequent. Back in my school days most of my friends that had holiday homes only used them in the school holidays, so that was every 3 months.

          • +13

            @jjjaar: How the other half life I suppose.

            • +19

              @AustriaBargain: So many peeps dreaming of their own home right now. OP has a spare one ages away that they seldom use lol.

              • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: If everyone in Australia owned a home, and a holiday home, and three investment properties, how many millions of houses would we need? And how many millions of Indians would we need to take in to rent the IPs out.

                • @AustriaBargain: We're about to find out. It won't improve with the migrant & OS student influx. More residential,long term and born here citizens set to be homeless.

                • @AustriaBargain:

                  If everyone in Australia owned a home, and a holiday home, and three investment properties, how many millions of houses would we need?

                  Let's see - about 26 million people times five houses each, that's about 130 million houses. You're welcome :-)

            • +3

              @AustriaBargain: It was quite common when I was growing up. Now I don’t know of anyone who has one.

              • -6

                @jjjaar: You must have had an easy childhood.

                • +1

                  @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Because I went to school with people who had holiday homes?

                • +11

                  @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: It's called 'middle class'. Now people think being middle class means you aren't unemployed.

                  • +1

                    @greatlamp: Everyone middle class owns a house and a holiday house in your view? Interesting take.

                    • +4

                      @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: You’re better at comprehension than this.
                      greatlamp is obviously talking historically when jjjaar was a kid, you even accused jjjaar of having an easy childhood so should know that.

                      You might want to have a look at how cheap basic holiday properties were back in the 70s and early 80s prior to Australia becoming overpopulated and an over-competitive property cesspool.
                      It wasn’t just the middle class, it was common for hard working lower class workers to own holiday properties or permanent sites at caravan parks back then because property was so affordable.

                • +3

                  @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I didnt know a single person who had a holiday home when i was growing up :) .

          • -1

            @jjjaar: most holiday home you can rent out went don't need old day leave them close up like my family did or there 3 for many year only 6 to 7 time year most our old family holiday home rent 90% family home only key time of year still our family used them but most of the time they are rent out pay for plus some.

    • +5

      It's a holiday home. I doubt it makes a difference.

      • +10

        And it’s in an area without internet so unlikely to be a huge demand for long term rentals.

    • +10

      Pssst you’re bitterness and jealousy is showing

    • +12

      What is it with people being so entitled? People who are fortunate enough to have been in the right time of their life and have some money to invest in both their own and kids futures have the right to do whatever they want with their properties. The judgement around it is astounding. Same as the government suggesting they have some right to tell those same people what they can and cant do with something they own and pay for. Thoise people pay their mortgages, pay their ragtes and all the associated bills. As a holiday home you arent negative gearing so you arent taking advantage of any tax breaks. They are doing it off their own backs. If you want your own property, work hard and make sacrafices. Has been the case for a long time for those who arent earning big money. It can be done.

      • -1

        It depends, In this scenario its different but if you mean in general, then I dont think Houses should be used as investments when there are so many other options for that and every extra house someone is buying as an investment property, is one less home for someone else.

        In this case, it sounds like its somewhere far off in the bushland and use as a holiday home so quite a different scenario.

        • -1

          every extra house someone is buying as an investment property, is one less home for someone else

          That might be the case with holiday homes but every investment property built is actually one more property added to the rental pool and we are currently in a rental crisis.

          • -1

            @donga100: We are currently in a rental crisis, because people cant afford to buy property when others with multiple investment properties are bidding against them. And then raising the rent to pay for the next purchase.

      • If you want your own property, work hard and make sacrafices. Has been the case for a long time for those who arent earning big money. It can be done.

        I think the issue is that these days, the above statement is no longer applicable.

        Low wage growth, ridiculously high growth on property prices, interest rates, inflation, etc have moved the goalposts on the upcoming generations. Things do need to change, but the incumbent population - both sitting (and non-sitting) parliamentarians and the voters that support them - have zero incentive to make those changes.

  • +1

    Reolink Go

  • +2

    Watch "the watcher" on Netflix for ideas.

    • Hmmm

    • +8

      That show really fell apart by the end. Wouldn't recommend watchering it.

      • +4

        Up to episode 6 and it's turning south already. Shame, it had some real potential.

  • +61

    You could make it look like theres always someone at home, the illusion is quite simple to pull off:

    All you need is:

    *semi transparent blinds, and strong backlighting
    *some mannequins
    *life size cut out of michael jordan
    *some string
    *record player
    *train set

    here is an example of it in operation

    • +5

      Just get a fake tv light, runs at dusk for 8hrs, doesn't consume much power.

      • True, could take some actions to make it more actively lived in when not there. May deter them. Cheers

    • +4

      Classic. Just need Macaulay Culkin to house sit. Problem solved :)

      • +4

        Given how his career’s going, that may actually be the cheapest option.

    • +6

      Just park a cheap European car in the driveway permanently - you know, the ones that leaks oil, etc., that's constantly posted in the forums.

    • +1

      Get outta here you nosey little pervert, or I'm gonna slap you silly.

    • +1

      That’s a brilliant idea…… you filthy animal.

  • +9

    You can have automations set to mimic a home schedule with Philips Hue lights, it's what I use when I go on holiday.
    Basically, have them come on from 6am-9am and then from 4:30pm to 10:00pm so that people think that you're home. They also have an option to come on periodically and sporadically to further deter people. Even just something like a Smart Doorbell and a Spotlight Camera is enough too.

  • btw - even if you do spot the intruders, if you say your area is quite secluded, by the time police got in there they would be long gone? If its a B&E, they'd prob be in and out within 10-15min?

    in conjunction with a mobile hotspot running 24/7, you could get some smart floodlights eg eufy , which also have built in alarm function that you trigger remotely.
    if you are as secluded as they say, maybe you need to rig it up next to an always active mic+speaker…

    • +2

      Cameras have intercoms on them, you could tell them the police are 1 minute away. There's no law against lying to burglars.

    • +5

      It's not a B&E for theft it seems, it appears they are staying a few nights for free accom. Beds occasionally messed up. Cops should have time to arrive but want to verify someone is there and not false alarm.

      • +1

        That’s wild af… like how do they know you’re not secretly a serial killer and will murder them and skin them alive when you catch them asleep ?

        • +1

          Because they go through the bins. No spent chianti bottles

      • +1

        Sounds all very Malcolm Naden. Also, very gross having your beds used.

  • +2

    Dahua/Hikvision/Anything else you like camera setup with Motion alert should do the trick IMO

    • I'll take a look later today. Thanks

    • Hikvision is very good at this
      Just be mindful you'll need an internet connection to get instant Mobile intrusion notifications of when someone crosses a "line"

      It'll cost you minimum 3k to setup including NVR +cameras

      You also need to store the NVR in a safe and secure place so they can't tamper with it or take it away.

      Alternatively you can do cloud storage but again you need internet and also monthly subscription

  • +6

    Get a 4G Solar camera.

  • +5

    Do you Airbnb it? Scumbag squatters use the booking calendar to find empty properties and stay at places for only a night and then move on.

    The more intelligent ones actually book the place and get the keys cut to a heap of properties and try to make them look untouched. One guy out western Victoria way was actually cutting the keys, finding out when the place was empty, and then renting it out to unsuspecting guests who thought they were getting a legitimate rental.
    The dumbass types, which as you can imagine there are a lot of, just break in.

    Or at least this was a thing 5 or so years ago.

    • +5

      Na never Airbnb or rented it out. Located in a private area and at the end of the road. I get this is a valid concern if we did ever rent it out. I suppose someone comes by, checks if cars home and moves on otherwise makes themselves welcome for a day/two.

    • +4

      Wow, that's fiendishly clever.

      • +1

        Yeah gotta say, that’s a legit clever scheme

  • +4

    Hot spot, cameras with a siren (Ring), home base with a siren (Arlo), a doorbell with chime and siren. Put the cameras high up with a solar panel.
    Calling the police will take too long, just trigger siren(s) manually or on motion detection.

    • +1

      Thanks Marty, will suss. As mentioned before seems they stay for a period of time so there is a capture window for police to arrive.

    • -2

      Can +1 for EUFY as well, the solar cams are worth it

  • +7

    Steal (or mock up a fake) police car. Park it in the driveway.
    Or get a roll of the blue and white chequered tape and put it around the house. Set up a forensic gazebo look alike and leave some white disposable overalls hanging near front/back doors. Leave a radio on classic FM.

  • Starlink? Use it for your camera system and then also the internet when staying there. Probably a bit more reliable (and faster) than a 4G solution through a phone and/or hotspot.

    Then setup Ring Cameras (my personal favourite) or other solution that can easily notify you and do wiz-bang things like sounds (sirens) etc as per the above comments.

    • +2

      Yeah reliability is a factor if I go down the 4g route. The location is intentionally designed to offer an escape from the usual busyness of life so speed and regular connection to internet were low priority before considering the camera setup.

  • +10

    Give Ozbargainers Free Stay when it's not booked or you want someone to go and check 😁

  • +1

    Maybe Ppl are using the place as a 'movie' set.
    Do you have the UV light to check it out?

    *Kyle Sandilands might loan you one, but wash your hands immediately after using in, or wear several sets of gloves

  • Bikies… let them live in it rent free while you're not there.

  • +6

    This sounds like the famous reddit post where things were out of place but it turned out to be a carbon monoxide leak.……

    For speed can we rule out carbon monoxide?

    • OP has mice

  • +4

    Don't over think this, just install an alarm system.

    • Yeah I'll explore this option too. Suppose I am trying to over complicate things. Thanks

      • How far to nearest neighbours / different occupied dwellings nearby??

    • Don't over think this, just install an alarm system

      And what if the alarm goes off? I don't think you've thought this through.

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