Next week's upcoming Coles gift card deal!
just sign up for a burner flybuys get the point use it and be ready for next time.
Surely the activation fee negates most of the benefit of the 2000 points?
Half of it. $5 activation fee, $10 of points. $5 profit. On the $100 denomination.
Let's stop buying this giftcard for 2000pts people! Then 10% off deal should come earlier.
NSW has had the 10% deal off twice since they did it last time in QLD. Bit of a downer. Used to save a chunk on my rates bill with them.
probably revenge for QLD winning Origin
It’s sorta useless lol. Usually is a good deal if gift card have bonus 15% value lol
I’m happy to buy heaps at 10% off.
Me too. We ended up with about 8k last time. My rates are 4k so it was a decent saving.
@bigspike: Dont you love "owning your own house"…yet still paying rent to the council at an extorniate rate of $75 a week!
@tunzafun001: @tunzafun001 - I am less keen on the $3mil investment for a moderate hard-fill waste station, $400,000/year for trees, shrubs/bushes and their upkeep on short walk to work, the $12mil to buy land, demo, level, install irrigation and sow lawn for an occasional game of cricket at at the park etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
@wildstone: Our council will allow part payments prior to the final due date. So I get on the day before and plug them in on the website.
@bigspike: I've snagged about $25k of the 10% ones all up. I couldn't convince any of my friends or family to buy any!
@bigspike: Where on earth you can find that many cards? Around NSW coles you hardly find any $250 still hanging on the shelves.
@thomalfa: One good supermarket and it would be possible, last year my local was the only one that had 250 cards and I inceptioned just over 50 in 3.5 days before they shut me down(being my local I couldn't really be a dick about it)
@thomalfa: Some stores seem to have more than others. We have 3 stores within a few km, so the wife and I go buy the 5 each at each store in the morning and then go again in afternoon or night after the staff change. Go several days in a row. Go home and pay rates and utilities and phones etc. Done deal.
Without it being enabled on Paypal now, what are people using as the easiest way to use the cards?
Pay my council rate, due this month.
Too much hassle trying to get them to work with Paypal. Heritage bank being dodgy buggers moving the goal posts.
When did this happen?
2000point = $10 that can only be spent at Coles.
Spending $105 to get a $110 value equals 4.55% off for $100 GC.
Spending $257 to get a $260 value equals 1.16% off for $250 GC.
lol, inflation is creeping in Coles' promotions. Used to be 10% off, then only 5% off and now 4.55% (assuming you will shop at Coles). WW rewards perks are better IMO so going to skip this one unfortunately.
should it be called deflation
would still say inflation, since we're still referring to a reduction in the value of goods/services we receive.
2000point = $10 that can only be spent at most Wesfarmers owned or previously owned stores.
This is not a good deal - giving the fact that this gift card is easily hacked
I will pass and wait for the 10% off to balance the risk
Still waiting on my flybuys points from Disney+ for last year
I never got it as well
Easily got 2 x 4000pts on 2 Disney+ (on 2 Flybuys accounts) 10 months ago.
Was a popular $1.99 for 1 month Deal!
Waiting for points?…
If didn't receive pts, needed to lodge complaint… last year. Others were successful in claiming missing points!
I didn’t till the time I sent them a strong email with threat of going to ACCC.
Report them to the ACCC. Apparently not enough people have reported them for the ACCC to take action.
With points it normally has a max number per account. Wonder if it is 5 like last time. Doesn't make it as good as unlimited 10% off. I normally use them to pay the rates. Still 20 free dollars per account is still better than zero discount on the rates.
It's still five per Flybuys account.
Thanks for confirming. So, 5 by 100 cards each is best then. Good luck punters.
In total or per day, as for some of these deals previously?
5 per account total during the promotion.
Damn wish they didn’t have activation fee, really kills the deal for me.
Anyone know in terms of equivalent cash value is airline points more worthwhile or in terms of credit for shopping at coles? I mean considering you’ll definitely be using the points to travel.
An airline point is worth one cent and up. Depends how you use it what it is worth.
This is good. FlyBuys points instead of 10% discount means less demand and easier to find stock.
But probably only means 5 per account.
same 5 per account last time but i saw ppl borrowed hundreds of flybus cards so card owners got basic points and the buyer got the 10%, but borrowing account wouldnt work for this
Anyone having trouble logging in to flybuys account? I cannot login since yesterday.
sooooooo - 10% off coming in the next 2 weeks then?
It's a hassle but I will buy 5 x $100 and stack by spending them immediately on Super Swap (2% rebate) or Woolies GC'S (5% off for Seniors)
Super Swap (2% rebate)
Buy Supermarket Visa Card instead from ShopBack (2.5% rebate) then use to buy more Coles MasterCard gift cards inception?
You are going to need a huge number of shopback accounts for that. Not very practical.
Why would you need multiple ShopBack accounts?
@wavesgreen: You'll trigger suspicious card activity and be given a cooldown period where you can't add new cards or buy giftcards for a period of time.
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Interesting. Do you happen to know any threads I can read people's experiences with this?
@wavesgreen: Not really, I've seen ppl mention they triggered it with 3 cards added in quick succession, last year I triggered it with 5 cards added in quick succession.
I've also triggered it by deleting a bunch of dead cards in quick succession.
@wavesgreen: I was only able to add 3 Coles MC gc in one day and needed about a week's break before I could add another. ShopBack seems to limit the Coles gc payment and rejected after 3 purchases. This may vary with your account
@trixieb: Added 1 yesterday, 1 today, going to try and add 2 tomorrow and see if I can add 2 more the next day.
@trixieb: @wavesgreen
1 coles MC a day for 3 days and the 4th card on the 3rd day wasn't accepted, triggered the cooldown period w/ 1 card a day for 3 days.
Also can't add a single use Zip card so seems they've tightened the cooldown trigger point. :-(
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Yeah I've been inceptioning one a day so far but I'm a day behind you so haven't hit a trigger yet.
@wavesgreen: @trixieb
Update, Wouldn't let me add 4th coles mc earlier today with something like wow thats a lot of cards.
There was a lot of cards and hitting that error I figured I'd delete all the dead cards, guess I was wrong about deleting quick triggers cooldown as I then tried adding a normal bank card after deleting, it worked so then I tried another coles mc(the 4th, 2nd for today) it accepted it, will try 2 more tomorrow.
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Thanks for the update again.
What's the maximum number of cards you can link before you get an error message?
@trixieb: Donno I'm trying to figure that out, based on your comment of 3 in one day I'm now trying 2 a day, I'll see what happens tomorrow.
If you mean total cards stored/linked at SB, I didn't count how many I deleted but it was more than 10 and that seemed to be what stopped me adding a coles mc earlier, too many cards linked.
@trixieb: I used five Coles Mastercards to buy five ShopBack Supermarket cards without any problems. I also linked several cards last week for a different promotion so I'm a bit surprised I haven't run into any issues yet. I have 11 payment methods on my account right now.
@VantageXL: That's great.
I'm fairly new to ShopBack and buying gift cards. I didn't have any issues initially this year and could add more than 5 Coles MC gc in a day and the next day.
However in the last few promotions, I couldn't add more than 3 Coles MC in a day and the following days. Didn't seem to make any difference when I removed the payment methods. My account needed a week's break.
I heard other members having similar issues. Seems to be random who is affected.
@trixieb: @wavesgreen
Today I've found cooldown has been triggered, after 4 coles MC's added in 3 days, no recent activity with them, also single use Zip cards also can't be added as well and that was only maybe 2 or 3 added over a weekish.
Also found SB no longer accepts the Special Super Shopper cards. :-(
3 errors.
Wow thats a lot of cards blah blah, too many linked.
Unable to contact issuing bank or something to that extent, not compatible.
Unable to link card for security reasons blah blah, cooldown has been triggered.
Also no more buying a coles MC with a coles MC…. :-(
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Oh no. When this cool down was triggered in the past, I assessed ShopBack on a second phone but still couldn't add Coles MC cards, even after deleting other stored cards.
However another member here test8888 mentioned that using a third iPhone worked with the same ID login (see below).
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Okay interesting. I've just added my 4th ColesMC in 2 days to both my SB accounts (4 each) and no trigger yet.
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Tried adding a 5th ColesMC to one SB account today and got the denial trigger, added a 5th to my other SB account fine though. Both accounts have had the same number of ColesMC cards attempted/added each day (Th1,F1,S2,M1) but only the first account triggered.
The first account had 11 linked cards, 2 of which I deleted yesterday. The second account had 5 linked cards. Make of that what you will.
Have you managed to add your 5th card yet?
@wavesgreen: I'll try now but doubt it, tried a Zip yesterday no luck, when I've triggered it before it was a week cooldown.
So, based one what you said, it varies from accnt. to accnt. but a factor that could contribute is non coles MC card activity in the days leading up to the use of these MC's.
@wavesgreen: Couldn't add Coles, can't add Zip(MC, and has been used recently), can't add Bendigo MC(not previously used).
Had a Visa already there, deleted it and re-added it and it worked.
Also let me add an ANZ visa.
Irrelevant now but last year when I hit cooldown I converted the coles MC's to a digital card and can't tell if that was visa or MC and that worked and allowed me to continue with SB, but that no longer works sadly.
@HopSkipJumpFallSplat: Yeah my feeling is that it's targeting specific issuers and/or triggering from too many cards added from the same issuer in a specific timeframe.
And maybe if you've also removed cards inside that same timeframe.
@VantageXL: curious do u use iPhone and how many SB sm cards linked?
I just found on my 2nd iPhone after less 10x sm cards added (kept 2 active in wallet), it blocked to add more.
same error as on 1st iPhone kept saying "add again or try later".
EDIT, borrowed 3rd iPhone (all same ID login) could add new sm card straight away.
@test8888: I added all five Shopback Supermarket cards to Apple Pay. I was surprised I could add that many cards because I've never been able to add more than one or two Ultimate gift cards (also issued by Blackhawk Network) to Apple Pay before my device was blocked from adding another.
I believe the blocks are hardware-based as earlier this year when I kept getting blocked from adding Ultimate cards to Apple Pay I found that I couldn't even circumvent them by performing a factory reset and setting up the device with a new Apple ID and SIM card.
Limited 5 per flybuys card?
seems like. bought 5 today & read small words a few times it just said "5 per FB" not as previously 5 per day.
I think it’s worth waiting for when they are 10% off instead.
10%+ ON 250 OR BUST
Buy the mastercard gift card, then use it to pay for the disney+ gift card. Double+ the points?
I think you need a credit/debit card to activate, not a prepaid card.
Yeah but buy the disney+ gift card with the mastercard gift card? That will get the points twice won't it?
True , unless Coles restricts buying one form of GC with another form of GC.
The mastercard you buying is a prepaid mastercard, which is unable to activate the gift card. At least it wasn't working the last time I tried, you can try again and share back?
How much is the 3-month Disney+ GC anyway?
From the image it appears to be a $45 card
how many disney+GC can you buy to redeem the points is it like 5 like normal GC?
Are they worth the hassle though?
As 12mnth sub costs 139.99, same price as 4 of these after FB points.
I have 10X bonus on my flybuys account, last time it stacked.
So I'll end up with 3000 flybuys per $100? not great. last time I did $250 cards, i got like 10k pts bonus onto of the discount! I think it was 5X only.
Looks like id still save $10 per $100 gf after fee. the 5X a day is a bit annoying.
You can transfer flybuys to velocity cant you?
What’s the best/fastest way to use the Coles Mastercards ones so they aren’t sitting around. I like to use them where I can’t use my Amex but also don’t want them lingering too long.
Beware buying coles gift card will sky rocket your targeted weekley spend.