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Breville Smart Toaster, Brushed Stainless Steel BTA825BSS $160.65 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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$199 elsewhere. It has a motor lowering and rising the slices!!!

2022 discussion

About this item
- Fruit Bread
- Motorised Lift and Look
- A Bit More
- Crumpet and bagel setting
- Extra wide and deep slots

Customer Care Number - 1300 139 798 or via email at [email protected]

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closed Comments

  • +33

    I'm sick and tired of manually pushing down that lever on my toaster.

    • -1


    • I get spooked by the sudden PLUHSGSH sound 😭.

      • You could manually flick it up to launch the toast into the air and try to catch it with a plate like a mini game. Unfortunately you can't do this with this toaster.

    • +1

      Don't knock it until you try it. Mine has been solid for 4 years. Perfect toast each time. Lift and look function. Never jams. Satisfying motor movement.

      • I’ve had mine more for around 14 years… that’s allot of bread. So far so good.

    • Life's that bad , you've got problems

  • +1

    Can someone outline to me the benefit of having a motor lowering and rising the slices.

    • +6

      Um, it’s cooler for a start

      • -5

        Cooler as in temperature, or cooler as in an impressive "feature"?

        • +3

          Cooler because you'll have less cash in your wallet to carry around

    • +2

      immense satisfaction every time you press the button. Priceless!

      • +9

        Or, yet something else that could go wrong.

        • Yep, never had a toaster who could break because of the motor malfunction. There is a first for everything :-)

    • +6

      It's a moving part that will break over time and won't be economic to replace/repair. So that's a bonus.

      • +2

        This is exactly what I think whenever I see a pointless actuation.. I'm even a bit suspicious of touch sensitive panels vs mechanical switches when it comes to something you hope will last a decade or so and/or exposed to heat, steam etc.

      • +1

        True, but the last 2 toasters I've had have failed because the lever wouldn't stay down, whatever mechanism engaged to hold it down must wear out over time.

        • Mine has the same issue. Apparently it's an easy fix though, so I'll pull mine apart and have a look soon.

        • This. A manual mechanism might not be subject to electronic failure, but the main issue with these mechanisms is wear and tear, which if anything would be greater with a manual since we tend to be rougher or rushed, vs what a little motor would be.

          It also won't fling lighter pieces clear out of the toaster like some do.

      • +3

        Having said that, we owned a older version of this (but had the motorised lift and lower functions). Got it as a wedding present in 2002, threw it out last month as the “toast” button gave up. We used it several times each morning most days (family of 4).

        21 years x 365 days x 2 operations a day is just over 15,000 cycles.

      • i've had the four slice version of this toaster for 5-6 years and it's solid as a rock, feels very well made.

      • Na we have used these since 2012 and they're built really really well. We have had 2 of the 4 slice version. Very solid. Only paid $110 for my newest 4 slicer version

        • Only paid $110 for my newest 4 slicer version

          How? I don't see anyone selling for less than $200. Even on Amazon it's never been less than $135. Was it selling for half price or something when you got it?

          • +1

            @ak47wong: Breville do 20% price rises every year. My last one I purchased back in 2015. When they first came out they were only around $160 for 4 slice.
            Even Big W sold them back then

    • +9

      I have this toaster and have been using it for 2-3 years. It is satisfying pushing the go button. It doesn't spring up and scare you. Has a progress indicator. Has nice features and gives a really even toasting.
      Did I need it? No. But I don’t regret buying it.
      Also just checked and I paid $135 for it from tgg when it was on sale.

      • Can you put bread in it and then use your phone to activate toaster to cook said bread?

        • +13

          Maybe if I use the corner of the phone to press the go button lol

      • jeez, you must of had an almighty toaster before to scare you! 😅

        Toast in the face🤣🤣🤣

    • it has a "look" button so raises bread and lowers again and cooks longer incase you don't want to overcook and you can stop early …. no all breads cook at same rate and you don't always now the right setting when trying out new bread types.

    • Same reason to get this:
      To get an extra part that can break.

    • If your bread gets stuck you have to fish it out with a fork because there is no way to manually raise the platform, so thats a plus.

  • Is this the Wifi or Bluetooth version and does it work yet with Google Home?

    • +1

      This appears to be the "push a button and wait instead of touching a lever" version.

      • 😲

  • +2

    2 slice toaster I can't justify that price let alone the $199 maybe 4 slice but it's a toaster & my breville SS bread maker rusted & went bang couple of months out of warranty so I'm very weary.

    • +4

      I could see how a broken toaster would be tiring.

      • +1

        No energy due to no carbs

    • Get $19 Breville Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish 250 ml

  • +3

    Customer Care Number - 1300 139 798 or via email at [email protected]

    I just called them and they have no idea what the proxy settings should be… 😕

  • What is the world coming to..

  • +1

    After I bought this Steam Oven from Kmart, I don't use my toaster anymore, so much better.

  • +4
    • Was considering this but put off by the fact it didn’t have 4K cameras so I could view toasting factor in real time

    • I just started, not there yet

  • +1

    Why does applying heat to the surface of bread justify more than a Kmart toaster?

    • +1

      Big thing I saw when looking at these a while back was that it evenly toasts, and adjusts to accomodate your bread (so no manual adjustment on crumpets, etc). But, worth it is up to you.

    • Kmart toaster? Sounds fancy, I just sit on my bread

      • I just use the sun, it’s free after all.

        • +2

          The European/American sun atm would burn your toast

  • How is it "smart" when you actually have to press the button anyway?

  • +4

    I have this toaster and I like it. Best feature is the "A bit more" button for when, you guessed it, want a bit more time added once it is done. No more burned toast because I thought I would remember I put it back in for a bit more but it ends up being way too much.

    • +1

      I have the non-smart breville toaster and that has that feature as well but it didnt cost over $100.

  • The same, but 4-slot model, for only $20 more ??…

    • This one is in used condition

    • +1

      I have had the 4 slot version for a number of years and it has been really good. Had thought about a Dualit, but this was way cheaper and toasts pretty evenly, and has been reliable other than one time one slot didn't rise - but turning it off and letting it rest for a while fixed it. Oh, and once it tripped the breaker switch - but I can't blame it for that as the toaster was full of crumbs and hadn't been cleaned out for ages.

      Basically, after a string of crappy toasters that would fail to toast anything evenly it's been one of our most reliable appliances, up there with our Breville microwave. Only comment is it of course struggles if trying to toast 'artisnal' bread. You have to toast one side then flip it over to do the other. It is very rare that we are toasting anything more than two slices of anything, but if I was in the market for a toaster now I'd probably go the long slot version eg - can still do four normal size slices of bread/crumpets/etc but can also handle a couple of longer slices of bread….

  • Or here for $117.99?

    • I would not, smells fishy. I saw it but got one from Amazon.

  • I got this for while now, bought it for around $100 probably around 5 years ago. Great toaster but bit confused about why its call itself , "Smart" lol
    Got tons of features tho.

  • +1

    The bread better come out with vegemite on it for that price.

  • +4

    I got one of these for $34 ten years ago. The setting slider never worked well, but I still loved it. The lift/drop motor died a few weeks ago, and I've got a 'manual' toaster now, and the violent flinging of toast is nowhere near as nice.

  • +1

    We've have the 4 slice version of this and it's still going after 10 years maybe?

  • +1

    Will it fit the massive slices from the Breville smart bread maker? Those loaves are giant.

    • massive slices from the Breville smart bread maker?

      Depends on how you cut it.

      • I feel like they're massive no matter which way I cut it. Top-to-bottom usually.

          • @superforever: I'd love to get one of those guides. My parents made one out of wood and used it regularly when I was a kid.
            But what do you mean by no way? Loaves are always cut from top to bottom. Even the pre-cut loaves from supermarkets.

            • +1

              @nuttapillar: When you said top-to-bottom did you mean cut from stand straight up, if just like the guide, the toaster should enough.

              • @superforever: In the same way that these guides suggest. Now I have to make sure these guides will be big enough lol

                • @nuttapillar: I don't have the Breville smart bread maker, I had a Target, no name and now Panasonic, guide all fit well.

  • Too hard to clean toaster, use mini oven for toasting now.

  • +1

    People are shitting on this, but I got this because my wife really wanted one (much to my disdain) and secretly and not so secretly I love this thing. It's just so pleasant watching the bread go down and come up gently. Hard to explain, but sort of soothing.

    Definitely over priced, but no regrets. Also wife is happy with her toast, so brownie points.

    • Your wife is smarter than you.

      • +1

        Yea I know that's why I married her

  • Priceless … I mean Pointless.

  • -1

    Lol I must be rich…I thought all toasters these days had pushbutton lower/raise.

  • I got one for the 4 slices 3 years ago, very good machine. it still working, I threw it away. Too hard to clean

  • Reminder this will not toast longer slices of bread i.e the 'artisan' bread. For that you need the 4 slice version.

  • Got the 4 slice one. Did I need the fancy functions? No. But I, too hate the violent flinging of toast when it's done. Sometimes it's nice to treat yo self.

  • I should be able to toast a whole loaf of bread for this price

  • I was given one of these nearly 11 years ago. It still works PERFECTLY (and is used daily).

  • How do you know your toast is ready if it doesn't scare the crap out of you? Does it have a melody and will I get confused and think my dishwasher or washing machine has finished?

    • One would assume that the operator could program the toaster to play a musical track, probably via Shazam or similar.

  • +1

    Had this, looked good, i hated it. Too much going on for a toaster and it failed quickly.

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