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Four Seasons Pure Water Based Lubricant, 500ml $10.44 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Lowest price on Amazon ever according to camelcamel. Insert joke here.

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  • +11

    Organic coconut oil works wonders 😏

    • +36

      Why not just use spit?

      • +3

        Aye do whatever works for you 🤢

      • +6

        Thats what she said ?

      • +1


      • +1

        Mucous. Ewww

      • +2

        Dried spit is a foul smell.

        • +2

          These aren't for legos kids.

        • -1

          use that same coconut oil for oil-pulling and spit shouldnt be as bad

      • head & shoulders shampoo

      • Why dont u swalllalala?

      • oi just spit on it

        • Not even close to being the same

    • +3

      Don't use with condom. It breaks

      • +5

        You're doing it wrong. That's what she said.

      • +2

        Moniker checks out

      • +1

        Too late for Julian A. Not to be used inside Volvos?

      • Being water based, this should be safe to use with natural latex condoms. I have no idea about it suitability with the polyurethane ones though.

    • +1

      Wouldn't the oil break down condoms causing them to break?

      • +2

        Yes correct. But not everyone uses condoms. But from lube point of view, coconut oil cannot be beaten.

        If water based is a must, highly recommend Sliquid H2O or Sliquid Sassy.

        Do not recommend this as it contains glycerine and that's the same with KY.

        For anyone shopping for Lube, do yourself a favour and spend more on better lube

    • -2

      how ut ell its organicc/?

    • Won't it weaken non-latex condoms?

    • +6

      15-40w full synthetic dexos1 works wonders

  • +6

    can I use it on the door hinges?

    • yes, a great alternative to WD40

      • +4

        So this and the WD-40 are interchangeable for all uses?

        • +2

          Yes, if you are a mechanophilia.

      • +1

        WD = Water Displacement, it is not a lubricant.

    • -1

      You can use your "personal" lubricant for that.

      • +5

        Hella smooth segue my dude. If a government were to mandate that toilet doors must extend below my knees I would back that.

        Putting aside complex stench dynamics, science confirms we find our own smell more tolerable so by all means install more of a stink shield between me and the rest of the potty punters of Flinders St Station.

        • +8

          I don't understand why it's not done in the first place. What's the idea behind semi open toilets? Everybody finds it disgusting yet they are implemented everywhere.

          • +5

            @John Doh: Communism! The semi-open design is much closer to true communal toilets. Only this design allows you to hold hands between the stalls and sing kumbaya in shared suffered.

            • +3

              @makeyouryear: Provocative capitalist propaganda! Holding hands would distract you from the work of the motherland and hasten the spread of harmful western disinformation. The true reason the stalls are open: so that you can continue working in the assembly line by passing finished work pieces to the comrade on your left and accepting incomplete pieces on your right.
              The gap under the door is to increase discomfort, which is communistically proven to increase productivity by reducing time spent bowl-gazing and drip-fondling.

              • @schquid: Love a good drip fondle. Now that I am for the gallows I will admit I think my filthiest capitalist thoughts in the privacy of a closed loo. Long live the mighty dollar!

          • +3

            @John Doh: Easier to clean (no corners for grossness to hide out in), easier to check for someone who is not having a good time, easier to get in to help them.

            • +1

              @OZKap: The toilet seats are already more grossier than any corners you can think off.

            • @OZKap: RMIT has unisex toilets which are my favourite. The floor of the stall is continuous with the wall with a nice curve eliminating said pesky corners. You make a good point but if helping me ever meant being dragged across the stall floor please just leave me to die.

    • +1

      I use this, works fine https://www.harveynorman.com.au/silicone-oil-treadmill-lubri… My hookups complain it burns their backsides though..

      • SVU would like to have a word.

    • I was thinking of adding it to engine oil for additional lubrication…

  • +2

    this is the new hand sanitiser trend?

    • +1

      Same mechanic of rubbing

  • Suitable for water sports? 🤔

    • Not in my experience, but this is - doesn't need to be organic either.

    • whos the one getting the watering ?

  • +5

    Got one to put on Mrs Muzeeb's bedside table.

    • +8

      Just need a deal on eneloops now

      • +11

        They make 8 pack D size eneloops?

        • +4

          I see this 8——D

    • -1

      Cause you cant make her wet?

      • +23

        Neither can her boyfriend, so I don't feel bad.

        • shes sure good at picking .. twice .

        • +1

          Why you change your comment? You said she had premature menopause at first

          • -2

            @8azinga: I did. Then I thought that was a bit personal. But now that we are talking about it. Yes, she has early onset menopause.

    • +1


      …. any deals on a Mrs Gunn?

      • +4

        Great. So another guy buying a bottle for Mrs Muzeeb.

        • +2

          Well yeah, if you're her spouse she's bound to be top notch ;-)

  • Good price for a 1-week supply.

    • 1 week? must be a typo, i think you meant 1 day.

      • +3

        Pffft! Years worth.
        Probably dry out in the pack before it gets used.

      • +4

        I can drink this in one minute tops

  • +5

    Fantastic - just the right amount of lube to be respectfully rogered by inflation.

  • +3

    Insert joke here.

    Well thats one way to dash a guys esteem is by calling it a joke :)

    • +4

      Just let it slide

      • Just give him a tip

  • 125ml per season? Sounds about right

    • +1

      Yep, should last me through the post honeymoon period. About 9-11 years. FYI.

  • +3

    Great for the back door

    • +14

      Agreed, no longer hear creaking sound when someone comes in the back!

  • +1

    "Insert joke here"
    Bravo OP, bravo.

  • +2

    whoa, now my amazon suggestions are NSFW.

  • We're sorry. The item Four Seasons Pure Water Based Lubricant, 500 milliliters is no longer available from the seller you selected. To see if it's available from another seller, click here to return to the item's product detail page.

  • +1


    • +17


      • +1

        Where have you been all my life

  • this should work better than semi synthetic and full synthetic.

  • +2

    Came for jokes, and was not let down.

    I also wanted to see the comments

    • Are you satisfied

    • +1

      Came for jokes, and was not let down.

      I normally wait until I get home…

    • Is it good for conduction?

    • You can upgrade your olight now.

  • I only ever use Aloe Vera Gel

  • Recommended by the TSA and ASIO!

  • Needs to be S&S

    • slop & slap?

      • -1

        Subscribe and Save. You know, since it will be used so much.

  • +1

    Anyone know how this compares to Motul Synthetic 2 Stoke oil?

    • +8

      this one can handle unlimited strokes

      • So you're saying it's of no use to me then.

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