This was posted 1 year 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kits from Service NSW Centres


Hi all,

From the NSW Health Facebook post:

Everyone in NSW can pick up a free COVID-19 rapid antigen test (RAT) at Service NSW service centres, mobile service centres and recovery centres.

Due to availability and demand, the number of RATs you can collect is at the discretion of each service and may vary between visits. Use the online map to see where you can get a free RAT near you (main link).

Note also,

You can get free tests at participating neighbourhood and community centres if you are:

  • living with disability or are immunocompromised
  • a carer of someone with disability or who is immunocompromised
  • a Commonwealth Concession Card holder.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    Hmm, covid rats… I am drunk and I want one on a kebab.

    • +14

      Well i read your username as CovidObvious, who the drunk one now

    • yummmm, just like these…

    • For some reason your comment reminded me of this

  • +7

    It’s not free, those interest rates are a tax on stupid government spending.

    • +11

      Waste of time too, spitting on a real rat would be a more accurate test, lol.

      • +6

        I thought it was bats… but who knows what the official story is supposed to be these days.

    • +26

      If the tests help people not spread the virus, thus causing unnecessary sick days, then in terms of not lost productivity I bet it more than pays for itself in extra tax revenue alone.

      • +4

        Wouldn't getting symptoms and being unwell, be the trigger to want to do a RAT ?
        and then again, having no obvious symptoms is also a 'symptom' for carrying the virus too ?

        • +11

          Nah, my housemate was coughing and sniffling for a few days and I realised I should take a rat test. Didn't expect it to be positive, but came out with a strong red line. By the next day my nose was tingling and by the night I was getting pretty sick. Then fever for a few days, wild dreams while sleeping for 48 hours, then a week of using a tissue box per day, then like five days of headache and my ears blocked. Was not fun, wouldn't recommend it. But day 15 after the first positive test the rat was negative. The morning before it was a strong red line, by night it was a faint red line. Big relief, was starting to think I'd test positive forever.

          • +4

            @AustriaBargain: Wow…that's bad,…and it sounds like a bad flu.

            'Sounds like'.

            I find Vitamin D and C, Zinc are very helpful to fighting it,
            and getting better.

            The thing is, the RAT would give me more anxiety, knowing what the actual result.

            I mean, before 2020…or before RATs, if I was unwell, I would just take a rest, \
            and listen to my body and try to get better.
            I would avoid going to work,…but maybe not necessarily avoid going to the chemist for medicine
            or going to supermarket for food.

            Maybe that's what RATs are a tool for - the isolation part.

            I'm still recommended to rest, but the emphasis
            is to stay away from everyone, which is what I guess the RAT encourages.

            It's just that with RATs, is there any treatment for knowing what I have ?

            It's just that knowing what I have, might make it worst…from psychological point of view,
            rather than be able to take objective steps towards treating it,
            because I don't think the doctors are giving out anti-virals like before, because they're expensive.

            • +7

              @whyisave: +1 for the vitamin C, D and Zinc combo! Everyone seems to be getting hammered this flu season and mine only lasted a couple of days.

            • +3


              Is there any treatment for knowing what I have?

              If you know that you have it, and that knowledge makes you stay away from other people, then you've potentially performed a great public service.

          • -2

            @AustriaBargain: The gross overreaction to this fake pandemic (only something like 0.003% of the population does NOT qualify as "pandemic") was absolutely ridiculous. I've had the same, and worse than that description, from the yearly flu season. Ah doctors… such trustworthy experts:…

            • -1

              @[Deactivated]: My mother was in icu on ventilator with it, doctors said the odds of dying in that scenario were huge, like 30%. Well over a million Americans have died from covid, that’s twice as many Americans that died in all world wars combined. Seems to me the virus is a pretty big deal. I don’t particularly want to spread it to some old fool who refused the vaccine because of conspiracy theories they read on Facebook. I don’t even want to spread it to vaccinated people.

              • @AustriaBargain: Apparently for some, something that has killed nearly 7 million people worldwide "does not qualify as pandemic" [sic] and is "fake". They probably wish that we were more like other countries (cough USA) who treated the pandemic as a political and personal freedom issue. Cause you know, only Democrats and liberals get vaccinated.
                And lol, quotes an article on doctors (and other health professionals) and sexual misconduct as if it has some relevance to the ability of doctors to give medical advice. Also doesn't realise it's only about 0.1% of health professionals per year that get complained about - but that statistic is apparently high enough to disregard anything that any doctor says.

                • -1


                  They probably wish that we were more like other countries (cough USA) who treated the pandemic as a political and personal freedom issue

                  So if you are interested in actual science (as opposed to what passes for science in the media these days), then the US is actually a good test case. Because one of the best scientific experiments is to treat different groups with different things to compare different results.

                  In the case of the US, Comparing California which is heavily Democrat, masks, vaccines, lock-downs yadda yadda with Florida which was more pro-freedom, the results weren't much different.

                  Same results in lockdown-heavy Norway vs Sweden, and lockdown-heavy Victoria vs NSW.
                  We have numbers that show the harsh measure didn't really achieve anything, other than destroy our economies.

                  to disregard anything that any doctor says

                  What about when one doctor says one thing and another doctor says another, how do you decide which to believe?

                  • +1

                    @1st-Amendment: When 100 doctors say one thing, and one doctor says another.

                    There was never a dispute among the medical community, a charlatan would be paraded in the media, and the anti vax crowd would amplify the voice of a handful of people who decided that the lives of the elderly and immunocompromised were not worth saving.

                    • @greatlamp:

                      When 100 doctors say one thing, and one doctor says another.

                      Science isn't done a popular vote. The fact that you think this explains a lot though…

                      There was never a dispute among the medical community

                      Lol, who exactly is this 'community'? How many doctors did you speak to about this?
                      I was working for the Health dept at the time, I can assure you that there was plenty of dispute about lots of different things. You only have to look a the 6 different State Health Depts and their different approaches to see they all had differing opinions. But you listen to what the man on TV tells you think… Be Afraid!

                      a charlatan would be paraded in the media, and the anti vax crowd would…

                      Which is why you should stop watching the media. It is a stage show deliberately designed to brainwash you. Its looks like they got you good though…

                      • @1st-Amendment:

                        Science isn't done a popular vote. The fact that you think this explains a lot though…

                        Do you know what is involved for a peer reviewed article to be published?

                        No of course not. You only swallow the logical fallacies of your antivax bubble.

                        • @greatlamp:

                          Do you know what is involved for a peer reviewed article to be published?

                          Yes, I have a science degree, do you?
                          Please show me the peer reviewed literature that show the efficacy of lockdowns. mask laws, and forced vaccines during Covid.
                          Show me the peer reviewed literature that explains the difference is outcomes between places that enacted harsh Covid rules an those that didn't.

                          I think this is about the time when you disappear or try to change the subject…

                          No of course not.

                          Oh I see you asked me a question but then answered it yourself. How scientific…

                          You only swallow the logical fallacies of your antivax bubble.

                          This statement in itself is the Strawman logical fallacy. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about…

                  • @1st-Amendment:

                    We have numbers that show the harsh measure didn't really achieve anything, other than destroy our economies.

                    Yes, when both states gave up on trying to control the spread of COVID, COVID spread. Very scientific.

              • +9

                @AustriaBargain: Died from Covid or with Covid?

                • @DryScissors: If I push an elderly woman down the stairs and she breaks her hip, then dies of a blood clot, it's not my fault according to your logic.

              • -1

                @AustriaBargain: The ventilator + Remdesivir protocol are what killed those on it. That drug has side effects of respiratory difficulties; not something you want to add to a respiratory problem. Its in the spec sheet of the drug if you want to have a look.

                • @skysurfer: So it didn't treat COVID, and 100% of patients who died, died because of a vauge side effect 'breathing difficulties'. We know this because COVID doesn't exist…

                  Also let's ignore that the patients were on a ventilator.

              • +1

                @AustriaBargain: Rubbish. They classed many people who died of something else, but who gave a covid positive test (which are innaccurate too), as a "covid death." We knew this from the start because the numbers of all other things people normally die from simultaneously plummeted. And we know it now too because many of those who propped up the scam are now admitting the same.

                You're one of those who still assumes the vaccine works. IT NEVER DID and STILL DOESN'T. Taking it doesn't mean you get it "less severe" or anything else they've claimed about it. Why people keep shoveling this complete horseshit amazes me. Take a look at Sweden for goodness sake. They did the opposite of the rest of the planet but with far better results. i.e. Less masks and jabs but less infections, less deaths.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Scientific American argued that covid deaths are actually undercounted…

                • @[Deactivated]:

                  Rubbish. They classed many people who died of something else, but who gave a covid positive test (which are innaccurate too), as a "covid death."

                  No. What happened is people with comorbidities such as diabetes or pneumonia caught covid and died, then morons declared that these people didn't die because they caught COVID, they were "dying with COVID" and were part of some false statistics, because they were going to die anyway.

                  You seem to be repeating every talking point spread by anti vaxxers, all of which don't hold water.

                  • +1


                    You seem to be repeating every talking point spread by anti vaxxers

                    'anti vaxxer' is the new version of 'heretic'. When you can't argue a point, hide behind a label…

                    and were part of some false statistics, because they were going to die anyway.

                    It's a very real statistic because it's useful for determining impact if the virus affects different cohorts in different ways.
                    eg If the average age of death from the virus is higher than then national average then maybe we don't need enact draconian and oppressive laws…

                    • @1st-Amendment:

                      eg If the average age of death from the virus is higher than then national average then maybe we don't need enact draconian and oppressive laws…

                      Do you have any evidence that the number of national deaths did not increase when COVID was first introduced? Oh and don't be intelligent dishonest and use Australian statistics.

                      The 'antivax' term is apt, it's no coincidence that a number of individuals are sharing the same misinformed statements, and believe themselves to be part of a select elite who 'know the truth'. You mix evidence of actual fraud with intellectually dishonest arguments so that the general public ignore everything you say.

                      Since you have no interest in correcting your false ideas, your only effect is to protect the guilty.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Correct, if it was only 0.003% of the population, it would not have been classified as a pandemic.

              • -1

                @greatlamp: Well it was that % - and wasn't a pandemic then! Because I saw that figure quoted in a parliament speech just the other day.

                • @[Deactivated]: Ah, so because we took action to prevent as many deaths as occurred in other countries, that proves we didn't need to take action.

                  Why did you waste your money on car insurance if your car didn't get stolen last year? We known you wasted your money, since your car wasn't stolen. The proof is there

                  • +1

                    @greatlamp: Car accidents are not grossly exaggerated nonsense. The equivalent of what the government claimed about coNvid using your own example would go something like this: "Every time you smash your car a jumbo jet full of elephants will fall on you."

                    • @[Deactivated]: Let's make it clear that I understand the antivax argument.
                      Statistically, it's possible that someone who died with COVID didn't die from COVID, for example a death from a serious car accident.

                      You are implying that a death with COVID, COVID didn't contribute to the death.

                      What the antivax are too ignorant to understand is that even if doctors intentionally recorded every death that involved COVID in a hospital as a death with COVID (Let's assume doctors that have no incentive to be intellectually dishonest do it anyway), the number of cases where COVID would genuinely not have contributed to the death would be less than 5%.

                      Most people in hospital that die are in the high risk category. If an 80 year old caught COVID, then died - COVID contributed to their death. It's not false statistics, it's a very simple concept.

                      You would realise this if you could appreciate that COVID is not 'just the flu' and affects multiple systems, had any experience in public health, and were able to set aside your smug superiority that protects you from challenging the logical fallacies that are spread in your antivax bubble

                      • -1


                        You are implying that a death with COVID, COVID didn't contribute to the death.

                        Talk about clutching at straws. The massive slight-of-hand-shell-game with this statement is it more dishonestly implies:

                        a) having coNvid at the same time as stage 3 or 4 cancer, sudden heart failure, and fatal road accidents means the death would not have occurred and so should be attributed to coNvid, and the real, or least far greater cause that DEFINITELY WOULD HAVE KILLED THEM without coNvid was NOT MENTIONED, but ALSO if they hadn't had the other mortal illness/accident coNvid probably would NOT have killed them.

                        b) The FACT remains, which you just brushed aside and tried to replace, the incidence of those and many other things not only magically plummeted (and will now, once the horseshit salesmen have had their shovels taken away) will just as magically begin climbing again AND countries that didn't do it - not did their death stats remain the same, but they didn't have all the toxic reactions reported from the useless jabs EITHER. These facts alone tell any unbiased person who was lying the entire time, too embarrassed and fearful of being punished for it, to admit they made a huge mistake so kept pushing a false narrative.

                        c) It also falsely assumes the "vaccine" (which wasn't even a vaccine at first, until they changed the definition, so the just-as dishonest "anti-vaxxer" eye-rolling desperate to put a point on the board, can just stop right now…) was effective. So if the shell game folks want to claim a death WITH coNvid was actually DUE TO coNvid, there's far more compelling anecdotal evidence people died from that Stage 4 cancer, etc AND the vaccines - because not only is it a fact they had no long term observations or studies of their useless jabs, there's plenty more anecdotal evidence they did a huge amount of harm to countries who mandated or at least coerced were injured/died from them. But we're only supposed to accept anecdotal evidence as valid when it props up the government horseshit, right?

                        Most people in hospital that die are in the high risk category.

                        Exactly. And for most people coNvid was no more than a bad flu at best. So those high risk people could have just as easily died from an ingrown toenail infection, or a thousand other things that wouldn't kill younger or healthier people. Does that justify winding up the cycles on tests to produce false positives, slapping muzzles on the other 95% of the planet, taking kids out of school after saying they'd leave kids in school because they're safe, preventing people driving more than 5km, arresting people for JUST SAYING they might protest, etc. Of course not. But let's follow that logic anyway… going by that logic we should go into old folks homes and proactively remove all their toenails. That would make just as much impact and make just as much sense as all that other USELESS CRAP.

                        Finally, if all you say is correct… then why is government still calling for health care workers, police, etc to return to work… and because they refuse to because these stupid toxic ineffective jabs are still mandatory… are desperately reaching out, creating courses, etc to bring compliant ones in instead? All those health care workers, nurses, doctors, immunologists… are we supposed to believe they're conspiracy theorists!? Or that they just saw the gross over exaggeration of government horseshit shovelers, heard that same misinformation being regurgitated in the media, and saw their fellow workers have toxic reactions to the jab? I guess these people were anti-vaxxers the last 20 years they were… giving people… vaccines. You lose all credibility with this false eye-rolling nonsense.

                        I know who I believe… the workers with all the same qualifications, better than the liars in government in fact, who actively censored, censured, and punished and continues to exclude them even the coercion has now stopped - but who decided to abandon their $140,000 a year jobs rather than risk their health.

                        The only drivel is coming from blind sheep who check nothing for themselves, ignore anecdotal evidence that doesn't suit them, but lick up every regurgitated bit of vomit because government says it's lamingtons, not coconut coated turd.

                        • -1

                          @[Deactivated]: It must be hard for you to understand, advice changes over time based on new information.

                          • @greatlamp:

                            It must be hard for you to understand, advice changes over time based on new information.

                            Here's the part that you are struggling to grasp, the advice that changed is now to do what some of us, including many doctors and scientists said to do from the start. But you can't admit that your were wrong. You bought into the fear and can't handle the fact that others didn't and they turned out to be right.

                            We didn't need harsh lock-downs, we didn't need forced masks, and the forced vaccines. Had we managed it like any other health issue we'd be in a much better position right now.

                            You would realise this if you…had any experience in public health

                            I worked for the Health Dept during Covid, alongside doctors and other 'experts' that all had different opinions on it. What's is your experience so we can compare?

                            • @1st-Amendment: When the fire alarm goes off at your work, do you tell people it's nothing and continue work. Or do you treat the situation as if there could be a fire and evacuate?

                              • @Ughhh:

                                When the fire alarm goes off at your work, do you tell people it's nothing and continue work. Or do you treat the situation as if there could be a fire and evacuate?

                                Was this your attempt at a very lame strawman?

                                Let me throw that back at you. When the fire alarm goes off at your work, do you tell people run around like a headless chook screaming that it's the end of the world and everyone will die unless we all put on asbestos suits and go hide in our basements for 2 years?

                                • @1st-Amendment:

                                  do you tell people run around like a headless chook screaming that it's the end of the world and everyone will die unless we all put on asbestos suits and go hide in our basements for 2 years?

                                  Please show me who has said that? It's not healthy to lie. Don't be childish.

                                  If the alarm goes off at my work, we act like there is a fire somewhere and excerise safety procedures. We don't ignore it and act like it's nothing or know everything without an investigation.

                                  • -1


                                    We don't ignore it and act like it's nothing or know everything without an investigation.

                                    Please show me who has said that? It's not healthy to lie. Don't be childish.

                              • @Ughhh: I tell everyone to take the fire vaccine as its proven to prevent the spread of fire throughout the building and prevent severe burn injuries and smoke inhalation

                                • @easternculture: I think the 5G has penetrated your head. Quick, hide in the basement!

                                  • -1

                                    @Ughhh: What, now you are against the fire vaccine.
                                    You took the covid vaccine no questions asked. You believed that it prevents spread of covid.

                                    • -1

                                      @easternculture: You need to take a lot of things, if only there was one for critical thinking.

                                      Honest question, do you even know what a vaccine is and how it works? (If you say anything related to improving 5G, it'll actually make my day, I need a good laugh.)

                                      • -1

                                        @Ughhh: So have you taken your 5th covid jab yet.
                                        Honestly, i feel sorry for you. And i really hope you dont get a latent side effect from it, seems to be neurological injuries (bells palsy, GBS), pericarditis and pericardial effusion. Ive seen these in healthy active people with no health conditions and no family history too at rates never seen before covid.
                                        As a first line worker, ive seen it all. And can tell you the amount of people coming to ED with vaxx side effects during the forced vaxx period is incredible, even though all media outlets denied it.

                                        • -1

                                          @easternculture: My God. Am I talking to a bot. I feel sorry for you

                                          Assumptions much?

                                          • -1

                                            @Ughhh: Not assumptioms. Real cases.

                                            Unfortunatly you have been fooled by the media.

                                            It was helpful being in the frontline seeing the truth which helped me make the decision not to take the vaccine.

                                            • @easternculture: What is your front line job?

                                              • -1

                                                @Ughhh: Unfortunatly i cant say due to the position i held (NDA).

                                                • -1

                                                  @easternculture: Oh OK. In that case I'm also a front line worker, and my other front line workers disagree with you. I can't say either, not even vaguely. Trust me bro 🤡

                                                  • @Ughhh: Believe what you want bruv.
                                                    In my eyes im winning anyways cause i dont have the mrna poison in my blood.
                                                    And its no longer manadatory except in health so much opportunities for me.
                                                    I guess your the clown now

                            • -1


                              We didn't need harsh lock-downs, we didn't need forced masks, and the forced vaccines. Had we managed it like any other health issue we'd be in a much better position right now.

                              You say this in hindsight, after knowing the result of COVID, and living in a country that successfully prevented the exponential spread of COVID for over a year until a vaccine was available, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

                              Once again you demonstrate the inability to concieve the decision making process in the past, based on the information available at the time, or the potential result of those decisions in the present, based on the information available from countries where effective preventative actions were not possible.

                              This isn't particularly rare in the population, however combined with your apparent psychopathy, demonstrated by your callous disregard for the value other people might place on their lives - lest you be inconvenienced or financially disadvantaged temporarily- makes you a dangerous animal.

                              Don't expect any further response to your insanity.

                              • -1


                                You say this in hindsight

                                Nope, a lot of people were saying it at the start too, but we were told we were all anti-vaxxers/conspiracy theorists/heretics and what ever other insults you had to tell yourself to ignore opinions that differed form your own…

                                saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

                                The data shows otherwise. We have places that didn't have harsh lockdowns and they have similar results to those that did. (NZ v Aus, NSW v Vic, Sweden v Norway, California vs Florida etc etc) There is no evidence that lockdowns saved anything. There is plenty of evidence that they cost a lot both financially and in well-being

                                Once again you demonstrate the inability to concieve the decision making process in the past, based on the information available at the time,

                                The decision making is well documented throughout the Covid debacle. When decisions were questioned or asked for evidence we were labelled the crazy ones simply for asking. We said it at the time, and history proved us right.

                                however combined with your apparent psychopathy, demonstrated by your callous disregard for the value other people might place on their lives - lest you be inconvenienced or financially disadvantaged temporarily-

                                This is cognitive dissonance (profanity) with you.
                                Covid causes harm, but lockdowns also cause harm, but to much more people over a longer period of time. Economic downturns also cause harm.
                                There is no option to not cause harm, so the choice is which option minimises harm the most.
                                The fact that you fail to see this tells us that is you who have the callous disregard for others' health and well-being and you're only interested in your own opinion.

                                makes you a dangerous animal.

                                The most dangerous animal is the one that FORCES others to do what they say under threat of violence, In these case of the Covid debacle, that is you.

                            • @1st-Amendment: No matter what you say you can't get through to the 'greatlamps'. They are deeply brainwashed. History shows the deeper the brainwashing of an individual the harsher critic of the enlightened they will be. They cannot get past cognitive dissonance. There can also be the Stockholm Effect where they may not only defend their oppressors but attack the enemies of them too. In other historical genocides (eg China, Germany) children for example were so deeply hypnotised that they dobbed in their own parents if they spoke against the authorities which often got the parents killed and the children were proud of their action. Censorship with repetitive propaganda, division of people, and loss of freedoms is a very powerful recipe for controlling people to that extent. However it can still be useful to debate the greatlamps publicly because those not so deeply hypnotised may be helped to come round to the truth.

                          • @greatlamp: Translation: They we're WRONG, refused to admit it, kept pushing false narratives and pseudo-science as real otherwise they would have had to face legal punishment, and required literal POISON be pumped into people, and STILL ARE!

            • +4

              @[Deactivated]: Ah some rando on OzBargain… such trusty experts

            • +3


              NOT qualify as "pandemic"

              There are links online, on the Wayback Machine,
              where it became apparent that
              that definitions were changed in a co-ordinated way,
              around certain times, before / during 2020-2021.

              I mean, where do we look for information, to confirm our own beliefs & biases?
              The Internet, right?
              Now, if this place where we look, is not free from interference,
              that means, it's much, much easier than any time in history,
              to interfere with what we belief.

              So, if "knowledge is power", and where that knowledge sits,
              mean those who control that knowledge, control your power as well.

              If the situation was hopeless, then their propaganda would have been unnecessary.

              • @whyisave: @whyisave Only about 15% of people can see what you and I see bro, so we are pushing it uphill here where 85% will shoot us down, but we have to keep pushing and hope to change something..

                • @skysurfer:

                  Only about 15% of people can see what you and I see bro

                  Global populations have been traumatized, demoralized
                  and emotionally bludgeoned, to the point of rejecting anything that is opposite one's beliefs.

                  Check the 1h 20m interview on Youtube, of Ɏuri BezmenОv

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: Bruh u got it bad, when I had it was like maybe 3 bad days and the rest was just recovery

      • +5

        These tests merely embolden sick people to go out into the world and spread their virus. “Nah, I took a RAT it was negative!” Why should the specific antigens associated with your illness matter?

        • +2

          I think in that scenario the problem is with the person and their circumstances not the test. I had a proper cold a couple of months ago, I was sick for at least a week. Numerous RATs negative, assumed it was something else. Stayed home anyway. Some sick days and some WFH. I don’t condone it but some people can’t WFH or have casual jobs where if they don’t get income if they don’t work so aren’t as fortunate as me.

          The RATs may make some people take it more seriously and stay home. In other circumstances it might be very mild but if the person tests positive they’ll know to stay away from vulnerable people in particular. It would be actually great if there was a triple at home test for COVID, influenza and RSV. But I’d say humans will be humans and some will choose to go out when sick regardless - these people are probably less inclined to test anyway.

          • +2

            @morse: Update such a test does exist
  … For covid and influenza at least

            I get free COVID tests from work, but it would be great if they moved to these once they run out of the COVID only ones

            • @morse: Unfortunately plenty of reports indicating these + flu tests don't pick up omicron well. Their tcid/50 is too high. Lyher is still your best bet imo - maybe in combo to test for flu.

      • If…

        And what if they just cost a lot of money and waste a lot of time which then contributed to record inflation that is ruining the economy? What if that is the case? How do you decide which is closer to reality?

        • -1

          The cost of influenza in Australia has been estimated to be between $828 million and $88 million per year (CPI adjusted from 199 values)30. These costs included indirect costs from days of work lost due to influenza. However, direct costs dominated those estimates contributing 68–70% of the total costs.


          • @AustriaBargain:

            The cost of influenza in Australia has been estimated to be between…

            Cool story, what does this have to do with cost effectiveness of unreliable test kits for Covid that are funded by the taxpayer?

          • @AustriaBargain: The flu cost us nothing for the last 2 years, there wasn't ANY recorded because it magically disappeared while covid took over the show. And now its back just like that LOL.

            • @skysurfer: Yeah reduced flu was a silver lining.

              • @AustriaBargain: I cant tell if you're joking or serious. Its amusing either way.

                • +3

                  @skysurfer: So you believe it's not possible for the spread of flu to be reduced when the population wears masks and takes hygiene more seriously?

                  Instead of the logical conclusion, that COVID is more transmissibile than the flu, you lean into your ignorance and act as if you are the knowledgeable one?

                  Let's all laugh together

              • @[Deactivated]: Not really because those precautions didnt work for Covid and wouldnt have worked for the flu either. Flu didnt actually disappear it was just diagnosed and recorded as Covid by scam "tests".

    • +1

      Oh now you muppets upvote comments like this.

      You'd get banned two years ago for saying anything rational about how stupid government was being.

  • +1

    The tests are like $1.50 per unit online, delivered. The fuel for driving to a Service NSW would probably cost more than that.

    • not for me it aint but the time aint worth

      • Even a bus ticker there and back is more than $1.50. Service NSW should be posting them out to people really.

        • -3

          ye lucky i am a 2 min drive from one but i cbf to grab coz i dont need

    • -1

      I had covid the first time a bit over a month ago and was glad I had the early warning of the rat test, instead of wondering if I had it or just the ordinary flu. I tested positive for a full 14 days. Though I had the flu about 10 years ago and it was worse than covid. I hadn't had a flu vaccine before at the time and had the covid vaccines, probably helped. Anyway it's kind of fun sticking things up your nose.

      • +6

        Doesn’t sound like it really had any benefits other than satisfying your curiosity? Knowing whether I have Influenza A or COVID-19 isn’t really going to change my behaviour - it’s stay home and rest either way.

        • -1

          Influenza vaccines provide very good protection - covid not so much against the current variant soup.

          So my reading is you clearly live alone and aren't concerned about infecting family? Maybe that's the difference?

          • @bargainshooter: Please refrain from the snarky tone. You’ve clearly misunderstood my comment.

            Last time I had the flu I was in bed crook as a dog. If somebody could have told me “you have influenza a” or “you have influenza b” or “this is covid-19 sigma delta variant” it wouldn’t have made a difference. I’d be laid up in bed and not wanting to pass it on to my wife / children whatever name you give it.

            Yes, there are vaccines available but once you’re sick it’s already too late to benefit from the shot (in this specific instance). It’s probably even too late for your immediate family members to benefit in this specific instance (because it takes two weeks to develop the antibodies).

      • +1

        So how did it help you? Doesn't sound like it did anything to help you

        • +5

          Well I probably would have gone out that first day if I didn’t take the test, and the first few days are when you are most infectious. I was actually planning on visiting my father who has late stage lung cancer, but is still mobile. I’d feel guilty if I took his last remaining year.

          • -2

            @AustriaBargain: Lucky you had covid then and not a bad flu. Cause sounds like you would have taken the flu to your dads if you tested negative. Try harder

            • +2

              @Fishesass: Lucky these tests exist and are readily available. May have saved my father’s life.

          • @AustriaBargain: You shouldn’t be visiting him with any kind of cold or flu.

    • +2

      Except for the hypochondriacs stuck in the past.

  • +1

    You mean rat test thats gonna expired haha i still have it from kids school.. not sure it can detect new variance and all but last time i got symptoms it cant detect, perhaps the flu virus this year is worse than covid

    • +5

      Partner and i are just getting over covid, we done 4 RAT tests all negative. Went to the hospital last Saturday because my partner has compromised immune system, triage done a RAT that also returned negative. Then sat in the waiting room for 5 hours with a bunch of people. They done bloods etc and the PCR came back covid positive.

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