This was posted 1 year 7 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

100/20 $69/M, 100/40 $75/M, 250/25 $85/M, 1000/50 $99/M for 6 Months + Free eero 6+ Router (New Customers, Min 18mo) @ Superloop

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Seems like pretty good prices. Cheaper than the long running deal.

250/25 and 1000/50 is only available on nbn FTTP and HFC.

There is no contract if you only want nbn.

Contract length:
No lock-in

You may cancel your service at any time by giving Superloop thirty days’ notice (including if you do not wish to continue to use your service during the notice period).

There is an 18 month contract if you want the free eero 6+ router + $20 shipping.

eero 6+ with free eero Secure

Plug & play eero gigabit Wi-Fi router with Free eero Secure subscription. For a faster, safer internet connection. Zero cost upfront when you stay connected to an eligible plan for 18 months.


$20 shipping

The offer of a Free eero 6+ router with eero Secure is only available to Superloop residential nbn customers and only applies to the purchase of the first router per service. Your service must be connected via FTTP, FTTC or HFC technology and your service must remain active for 18 months. Should you cancel your service before 18 months you will be charged a once off router clawback fee of $8/mth inc. GST times the number of months you fall short of your 18 month commitment. See Terms & Conditions here.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1318)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    hows superloop compare with ABB?

    • +10

      I have been considering moving for a while now to save some cash but apparently their support and evening speeds have gone downhill over the past few months, also hoping to hear some comparisons.

      • +26

        I've been with superloop for years, No drops in speed here during peak hours. Local POI IS tullamarine

        • +1

          Same here with the Hobart POI - Superloop has been rock solid for the 2.5 years I've been with them.

          • +2

            @raisinberry777: So Solid I don't want to do a back and forth between superloop and ABB every 6 months just so I can get the 6 months sign on bonuses.

            FTTN 50/20

            • @nicktids: You can just ring SL after the 6mo and they will honor the current promo pricing for another 6mo period IME. ABB will never do that and they were so arrogant when we switched too. Seems like heaps of ABB fanboys which is weird; we left them because they wouldn't give us current pricing and have been with SL since; 3yrs no issues other than like 2 30 min~ outages.

        • Same here, metro Sydney. Very stable connection, usually several devices running here plus all our TV watching is via streaming.

      • I left Superloop because of their night time speeds on POI 5MOD. That was a year ago at least. Would be completely unusable if it is worse.

      • Speed is still ok for me but support became worse. They used to be onshore support, but seem to be offshore now. The support quality is lower as well…

        • I think they still have onshore support, but a majority of their support staff are now based in India as per their acquisition of Exetel

      • I have been with Superloop for 12 months, and the speed has been fantastic. Full speed at all times. 100/20 Mbps.

      • +1

        Well here's my speedtest on Superloop 1000/50 plan I'm on FTTP St Kilda exchange…

      • I'm with Superloop on the Port Melbourne PoI and get around 550Mbps all day on their 1000/50, definitely not as good as Aussie BB from my experience, which was above 900Mbps.
        I'm on FttP.
        Of course it's different for every PoI, I'm only referring to the Port Melbourne one.

        • Have you called them to report your speeds? Another fella had the same problem and it turned out it was a problem the network provider could fix on their end. Tell them if they can't fix it, to give you a discount

          • +1

            @ttacx: I sure have, they can't work it out and said to keep an eye on it over the next couple of weeks :/
            I will try an call them again to see if I have more luck, thanks.

    • +4

      Exetel was my best experience, Superloop comes on 2nd best, having said that I have just tried 4 in last 3 years.

      • +8

        Exetel was one of the best for me.
        Superloop has dropping issues and speed drops to around 10-20mbps at peak hours

        • I'm with Superloop and haven't experience any speed drops. I had complete network drops but that was due to shitty HFC. I'm on the Ringwood VIC POI.

        • I am the exact opposite, exetel was a hell in my experience, whereas Superloop for the 2 x times I was with them and so far are great! Castle Hill NSW POI

          • +3

            @mountaineer: It must vary a lot depending on POI, we've had great experiences with excetel.

            • +1

              @lancesta: Same here, exetels the first provider I've stayed with beyond the 6 month intro.
              Although now that my referrals have changed providers it's not the cheapest option..

          • +1


            exetel was a hell in my experience

            Sounds like it was exeHELL for you?

        • Exetel was the worst for me. ABB, Superloop even the crappy Belong was better than them.

          • @AMelbournian: Was that before Superloop took over Exetel? Exetel and Superloop are identical, it's purely just a different brand name for marketing now.

        • Telstra was my best experience. Next was Exetel. Now with more and planning to exit, the speeds drop to 2mbps sometimes n im in their 100 mbps plan.

        • +1 Exetel has been my favourite so far. Tangerine wont make my regular rotation anymore unless im desperate

        • +2

          Those complaining about exetel should try asking for static ip rather than their crappy CGNAT implementation. Was night and day. Never had speed drops on exetel or superloop except after nbn works, solved by a quick modem reboot. Chatswood poi

      • Exetel is great for me, also the first ISP ive stayed with past the 6 month churn cycle. I love the Speed Boost bank.

        • This is my reason for staying too. Although this deal is tempting

      • I switched from Exetel to Superloop and can’t be happier (much lower ping rates) but as usual YMMV

      • Exetel has been great for me too, I’m on 50/20 and have locked in $60.55 price by threatening to leave. I thought it would end and revert but so far 11 months in still that rate.

        I was worried because of offshore support which can sometimes be frustrating but have to say quite good.

        I’d been jumping deals up to now but with locked in price will stay and save hassle,

      • Superloop has owned Exetel for quite some time now… So in theory there should be absolutely zero difference between the two, at any one given location. The thing is, for most, Superloop is great - They've rolled out their own infrastructure, and the acquisition of Exetel has expanded it greatly, but unless you fell within the original Superloop network, or considered important enough POI for Superloop to upgrade. Unfortunately, as long as Exetel exists alongside Superloop, Exetel will always be the "lesser/budget" between the specific two. So back to them being equaled at any given POI, I would say that contention is higher on Exetel links.

      • FYI Superloop owns Exetel and all Exetel customers now run on the Superloop network. I've used both and with Exetel when doing a tracert there's a few extra hops to get you on to the Superloop network, apart from that latency and speeds were effectively identical on equivalent plans.

      • Exetel is Superloop, fully owned and managed by Superloop with all the same network, purely a different brand name.

    • +1

      Can't compare it, but I've been super happy with SL. We had an outage a week or so ago which made me realise it was one of, if not the only decent loss of service we'd had in 18 months. No complaints with speed either. HFC

    • +12

      I've used both within the past year.

      Using a HFC connection
      on each i was on the 100/40 plan

      Speeds for both were fine, got what was advertised, Peak time usage was giving me as advertised or above for each as well.

      Only outages I had were at fault of NBN, not ABB/SL.

      Summary of service:
      - Outages and quality of service: Both were excellent
      - customer service: Both were excellent, with a slight edge going to ABB with slightly more explanation of the issue
      - Speed: Both gave as advertised or more, however I believe ABB overprovisions a little bit more as I was getting faster than 100M/bs at times (closer to the 105-110 mark on most tests)
      - Features: The ABB app is impressive, but SL wins on features. The major feature that SL has over ABB is: 5 free speed boosts (Allows you to jump up to the next tier speed plan for 24 hours 5 days a month at no extra cost, comes in really useful when you need to download a big game)
      - Pricing: SL wins in this, Not only is it's standard pricing cheaper, they also offer free static IP (opt in), whilst ABB charges an extra $5 a month for it.

      Other people may have different experiences to me.

      • +1

        Last I heard Superloop were charging $5/month for a Static IP,

        From the CIS

        Where CGNAT is available, your IP address will default to using CGNAT, unless you specifically request to opt out of CGNAT, which may be approved by Superloop in its discretion. When opting out of CGNAT, a dynamic public IP address will be assigned to the service, however, you may request a static public IP address (at additional cost).

        • not sure if that document is outdated, but i signed up a couple of months ago, after signing up went online to the members portal and managed to opt in for static IP and didn't cost anything. Looked at my latest invoice and i'm being charged $82.95 - price from the long running deal

          • @whitepuma: The document is dated June 2023, and the link itself says July 2023. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

            • @gamerkonks: i can't see the document sorry. But i hope this doesn't mean they are going to start charging for static ip…lets see how it goes

              • +1

                @whitepuma: It could just be a case of them covering themselves so they can charge for it if they want to.

        • +1

          I’m on the promotional offer so no charges from CGNAT to static ip but it may change after it ends

          • @atali: Being off CGNAT does not equal static IP address.

      • +1

        Thanks for this write up. Have been with ABB for about 6 years now and no issue but more competitive pricing with SL is enticing me to make the jump

        • Yeah, i honestly can't fault ABB service, i can understand why you have been with them for 6 years.

          Only thing i can fault about them is price. There use to be a day where they were competitive with price, now they are one of the priciest options.

          • @whitepuma: My discount has ended, $99 for 100/20 is a little to steep, they offered $10 discount but…… The 75/25 plan for $79 post discount seems alright.

      • The major feature that SL has over ABB is: 5 free speed boosts (Allows you to jump up to the next tier speed plan for 24 hours 5 days a month at no extra cost, comes in really useful when you need to download a big game)

        Neat, didn't even know that was a thing when I was on SL.

        • +1

          Yeah look it up.

          It's really easy to do from the superloop app.

          Word of warning though, don't do it whilst you are doing something important online.

          It takes up to 15minutes to happen, and in that time you may experience a disconnected service for up to a minute

    • Ended up having non-stop issues with ABB so switched to Superloop. Never had an issue since and never had speed issues in evenings either.
      I can see in my Superloop account a dashboard that shows my CVC also never hits 100% - this is a nice inclusion and helps show there's no issues.

      • +12

        Not entirely true, with NBN the ISPs have to buy CVC traffic from nbnco and the amount they buy per customer per speed tier will vary and definitely impacts your speed. Traffic will also be routed through the ISPs data centers and depending on what equipment they have in there can impact speed too.

        Not every network outage is caused by NBN, there's still a lot that can go wrong with ISP routing, peering, caching & DNS servers

      • +1

        That's wrong
        Not all outage or speed issues are at the NBN level.
        Start learning about POI's & caching servers and how different resellers have different for each and you will understand part of the reason why the fault can be on the reseller.

      • +1

        i can tell you failed your cisco cert lol.

      • What you SHOULD be shopping on is price and level of support - both of which Superloop and Aussie excel on.

        Aussie has not been competing on price since its ASX listing some time ago. It's literally the same price as Telstra NBN now if you include a VOIP bundle.

        The suggestion that all RSPs are the same is also wrong. Routing, CVC, support all differ between RSPs.

    • +1

      I changed over from ABB to Superloop about 2 weeks ago and I’m totally happy 1000/50 plan get 980/38 all day and night, the uploads speed a bit disappointing but not a biggy might call up about it.

    • +2

      Overall my experience with them is the same or slightly better than ABB.

      They've been quicker to adjust cvc bandwidth, similar (both very low) outages and maintenance windows.

      I only seitch to superloop due to ABB treatment of exisiting customers compared with new and was going to churn back into ABB after the grace period… but have had no reason to.

      • I left Superloop cause they were giving better deals to new customers. I left for a month and came back and got a better deal than I was previously receiving. Today is day 2 of my new superloop plan and I'm now paying $10 more a month than this bargain offer.

        TLDR; what ABB treatment of existing customers doesn't apply to superloop? They're all as bad as each other wanting new customers rather than keeping existing

    • +1

      Better than ABB, but there are better such as Launtel/Leaptel.

      • AM currently with Leaptel. Looking to change.

        • Why’s that?

          • +1

            @j1nx: Nothing particularly wrong with the service except for being capped at ~500mb/s . Gigabit plans would be nice. But am about to finish the $20/month for 12 month promo. And they haven't paid out any (10+) of the referrals.

            But at the end of the day 1000/50 for $99 is better than 500/50 for $109 but soon to be $129

            • @Bruceflix: YMMV, but I have been on “gigabit” plans in the past but you’ll find that they will only promise 600mbps during peak times. Obviously depends on the CVC but whenever I actually wanted speed I couldn’t get the advertised 1000mbps. Leaptel on the other hand, never dips below the 530mbps I have always gotten.

              When NBN eventually move away from the CVC model things will change in this regard but for now, my pick is Leaptel.

              For what it’s worth I have done lots of tests with various ISPs and found Leaptel’s international routing to be the best of the bunch, closely rivalled by Launtel.

              • @j1nx: Understood but it's not only bandwidth. I can tolerate slower download speeds if not I'd stick with ABB for a rock solid 980mb/s+ but with superloop it was the latency to game servers in the evenings spiking to 250ms. Just making it unplayable. After midnight and AM would be fine, just that evening peak.
                I'd happily go back to them if that issue is resolved.

            • @Bruceflix: As far as I know, if you're on promo pricing then you won't receive any money from referrals, but the people you refer still get their discount.

        • Leaptel has been great for me

      • Aren't these superloop plans cheaper than Leaptel? Am with Leaptel and looking to move away.

        • You get what you pay for. I haven’t heard particularly good things about Superloop’s support if you ever need it, but if you’re after a cheaper price give them a go. It’s so easy to churn these days.

        • I'm on Leaptel however their support is very good and it's only $5 a month difference. They are fast on response better than Superloop

    • +1

      My experience with ABB was best and never felt low pings and consistent speeds in oeak hours. Will recommend for wfh people if you do lot of online or voice meetings.
      Superloop is good, but more clients means it sometimes cloggs in peak hours. School holidays little worse too.

    • +1

      I moved to superloop on the 1000/50 plan. Pings are not the best gaming wise. Not horrid, but was expecting first class low latency. Previously with tangerine and mate before that on lower speeds and found pings comparable. Struggling to see the benefits of 1000 plan except for the fact that updates, downloads etc are super speedy. Quality of Life isn't astronomically better for a high usage household.

    • +1

      I switched to SL a few months back after being on ABB for years, it was one of the most terrible onboarding experiences I've ever faced. I am still with them until my sign up bonus expires, but then I will switch straight back to ABB.

      • Didn't get my sign up pricing for FTTP. They put me on some other plan, then no one on support could assist.
      • Was promised multiple calls back, never got one.
      • Live chat can't do much, all my calls ended up with them telling me to try call their finance team. I would request a call back, that wasn't possible. I had one chat with them where they took 30 mins to respond to my question, so I went and did other things. When I can back I had a message 'You have not responded for 3 mins, so I am closing this chat'. Overall experience was terrible.
      • Got billed incorrectly for a few months.
      • Reset password didn't work, I had to use the generic one they provided on sign up. Apparently it was a known issue.
      • I used a sign up code of a mate who has been on SL for years, he was never credited the bonus.

      The only positive I have is that once it was up and running there have been no issues.

    • Had a pretty much flawless experience with ABB in comparison to Superloop. Although not too often, I've had a few disconnections in the past 2 months I've been with SL where I'd need to just do a power cycle to fix. ABB on the other hand I've only run into that issue once in the year I was with them.

      • -1

        If you needed to power cycle then your router is the problem.

        I've been with TPG/ABB/Superloop. I haven't needed to power cycle in in the 4 years I've had my router.

        • Hmm, I have had the ABB provided one for several years, any recommendations for a HFC connection?

    • On ABB now, signed up on Friday. Waiting for cutover - delayed I suspect because of voip service. Going from 50 to 1000. Fingers crossed will be worth it!

    • I was with Superloop when I first moved into Postcode 2017 area and it was most comparable to ABB now. Superloop is most definitely cheaper as a direct comparison and have churned through many other providers like MATE and Spintel before none which can compare. Considering switching back with this deal now. But I'm hoping I'm considered new given it's been 2 years now.

    • Absolutely fantastic.

      Getting 990 mbps / 48mbps during peak hours, 2ms latency to AWS ap-south-1 and local Microsoft servers as if I had a point to point circuit straight to Equinix.

      2ms to Riot Games oce league servers as well.

    • change last Black Friday, no problems at all, is same same for me…

    • I was with Superloop for a few years. They were great for a long time but about 6 months ago they started to go downhill really fast. That might just be because of where I am (NSW Central Coast) but I'm not sure. I heard someone say they went downhill after new ownership. I wrote to them to give 30 days notice. When I didn't receive a reply I rang them and they said that they need the customers to call to cancel because they can't accept written notice and I was able to cancel within a week.

    • I was with them at the Thornbury poi and had no complaints.

      Haven't had Aussie in years (I was like a good 5 year old veteran) and during my time; they did have a lot of maintenance that was annoying tbh.

      Routes, Peering caches seem to be about the same. Aussie did have a bit of a DNS / idk problem with the speed of lookups when you type the address for a website and hit enter. Like it took it a second before it executed the operation.

      Support is a little lacking. If that's important then I would steer clear.

    • Can't speak for ABB but have been with Superloop for just over a year now and speeds are at 92/20 during peak. I have called them up a few times coz I'm on HFC and it has been down a few times and their support is great.

    • superloop sucks.
      i am trying to switch. i had myrepublic and was fantastic. my republic left australia, and now turned into superloop. Now i have to restart my router almost everyday since superloop took over. which is really annoying in a smart house with cameras, alexa's, and everything else that needs wifi to work.

      i highly suggest you get something else.

    • I have been very happy with Superloop.
      Using it for almost 2 years now . Never had any problems.
      Also SL support free upgrade to the next speed tier for 24 hours ( 5 times every billing cycle which can be accumulated to 30 days in total )

  • +2

    good price but only for 6 months so wont bother

    • +5

      Prices at the end of the 6 month period are quite good too I thought.

      250/25 for $99 and 1000/50 for $109 is some of the cheapest pricing I have seen for those speeds although can’t comment on the quality or reliability of their service as I have never been with them.

      • not good enough to warrant changing for me

        • +3

          What plan are you on now that's less bother than switching?

      • +1

        With More on 250/25 for $83/m 12m intro offer atm. Might actually switch to Superloop once that expires if the price stays as above by then.

      • reliability sucks. i have to restart my router almost everyday. it goes out randomly, so it isn't consist when it fails. the most annoying is when it happens when im asleep and my alexa's don't go through its routine to wake up everyone because wifi is down.
        im in the process of finding something else.

    • +2

      I think it's still worth it with the speed upgrade and you can always downgrade after 6 months.

    • +1

      Chat to the retention team and you can get a discount.

      • +2

        Exactly what I just did. I was on my second six month offer at $74.95 for 100/20. Called them up, threatened to leave and they have given me $69.95 for the next 12 months.

    • +8

      not a real OzB

      bounce from 6m offer to 6m offer like the rest of us

  • +21

    to get the free modem note the amount of time you have to stay on the plan - it's 18months!

    • +6

      ya its like a contract, I dont think its a deal IMO

      • +9

        Then don't get the router. The prices on the actual service are good though.

          • +5

            @dagold: If you provide your own router you don't have to go on any contract. There's no trap.

              • +3

                @dagold: This take baffles me. Have you even been to the signup page? There are two router options - one outright for $140 or the "free" eero 6 which quite clearly states that is zero cost up front when on the plan for 18 months. Term lengths for free items is standard practice in various industries.

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