When does the promotion run?
The promotion runs from 00:00 (AEST) on 1 July 2023 and will be available for a limited time only, for as long as advertised on the eBay.com.au site (“Promotion Period”).
Who is eligible for this Promotion?
“Eligible Sellers” means sellers registered on eBay.com.au who:
have Australia or New Zealand as their registered address on eBay; and
have an active eBay Plus membership; and
Eligible Sellers must activate the promotion to receive the offer during that period. To activate this promotion, Eligible Sellers must have received an invitation to participate in this promotion and accepted these Terms and Conditions by either clicking “Accept offer” on the Terms and Conditions page or clicking “Get offer” under the “promotional offers” section of your My eBay account; and
received confirmation from eBay that “you’ve accepted the offer”.
Once you have accepted the offer, the promotion will be automatically assigned to your account and will be visible within My eBay.
The invitation to participate in this promotion is not transferable or exchangeable.
For the avoidance of doubt, if the promotion is not redeemed by the end of the "Promotion Period", it shall be forfeited by you and the discount will not carry over into the next period (if any). You will also not receive the discount in a period if the promotion was not activated for the applicable time period in accordance with these terms.
[eBay Plus] Eligible Sellers Pay 0% Variable Fees on 3 Sales (July) @ eBay

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You've accepted the offer "Pay $0 Variable Fees on 3 new listings, thanks to eBay Plus"
thanks ebay but we need to stop existing and restart new listing .. annoying
i think i read sell similar is not goodNever had any issue with sell similar, 2 items last month got the promotion after using it.
Did it use up one of the 3 free sales available to you in the current month or from any remaining promotional sales in the month you listed the item?
The current month (in which I did the "sell similar" listing). I've had one or two instances of listings that have been up over the new month using the free sale promotion from the previous, but inconsistent. Usually I end listing and use sell similar for my biggest items.
Does it matter if you use "sell similar" from one of your own ended listings or from someone else?
A few months ago I got caught out on a sell similar and got charged a FVF.
Mileage may vary if you're saying you've been caught on it before. I've only been charged FVF when I used "relist". I've done 'sell similar' on both my own listenings (just ended) and from other people's, and not been charged the FVF.
Visit your Seller Dashboard to confirm your account is still eligible for this offer before listing.
Even though it says I accepted the offer, it doesn't show under 'promotional offers' in seller dashboard.
this ones an easy fix and check, just contact their support and have them confirm it, they will be able to see it on their side and they respond quick.
Hopefully feeBay Support can fix it. Otherwise, he will need to be prepared to contact eBay CSR once the items are sold.
While this normally works fine for me, last month, despite accepted the June offer and checked it before I listed the item. On July 1st, that offer just disappeared in my accepted offers. eBay CSR had no way to check (or that CSR just didn't know) and assumed I never got the offer. Without screenshot, I have no proof.At the very least, try accepting the July offer again and save a screenshot.
yes i would 100% SS the promotion as they tend to ask for the link/photos if they are unsure, especially if you have had issues with ebay in the past. They can also manually pay you out the Variable fees which they did for me once since i proved I was eligible through the date my listing was up and the promo time period, i didnt show them an SS but i had the link so they could not refuse.
Either way I suggest @Texhnolyze to make ebay support confirm that the promo is active under their Ebay account and save the convo for good measure if anything, makes expediting the issue much easier should things go wrong.
Does new listings include listings where you end it early and re-list?
Edit: it does not
newly listed on eBay.com.au during the Promotion Period (i.e. they cannot be relisted items through ‘Good ‘til Cancelled (GTC) or auto-renewal)
Yes, I did this last month and confirmed that I got 0 Variable fees against me. Just save it as a draft , delete/end the old listing, then submit the draft which counts as a new listing.
"‘Good ‘til Cancelled (GTC) or auto-renewal" -> GTC does not apply to a NEW LISTING if you physically cancel the OLD item early, auto-renewel is waiting for the listing to rollover after the end date.
A very good way to check is to look at your new listing and check the "START TIME" to ensure the listing sits within the start date of the promotion.
e.g my new listing started "Jul 03, 2023 11am" which is well within the time period of the promo.
Listing info xxx
Good 'Til Cancelled
Start time:
Jul 03, 2023 11:11:18 AM AESTJust save it as a draft , delete/end the old listing, then submit the draft
but after submitting that draft, will it gone or stay as draft for next month promo?
after submitting draft its gone, as it has become your NEW LISTING (which is perfect for this promo). You can just save another draft from the same new listing for future listings and promos (ensuring you delete all current listings first and confirming you have a draft ready in your "Drafts" list), and rinse and repeat the process of deleting old listings and submitting new listings through a pre-saved draft. I have to do this as I have 10+ listings going all the time, imagine redoing all 10+ listings every month from scratch, it would be insanity.
@ULT: oh ok so the steps are (if i understand correctly).
- start from making brand new listing, today, for july promo.
- once done, click sell similar, save as draft.
- next month with august (new promo): delete existing listing.
- go to draft, submit it to become new listing
repeat step 2
@CyberMurning: Yep, you can also check your listings start time by clicking on the item to view it, to confirm you’ve done the steps right by ensuring the start time is within the promo period. Promo explicitly states new listings only so delete all the old ones after accepting the promo, and you’ll be sweet when you list the new ones through draft or simply submitting a new listing altogether.
@ULT: Even if I click on relist to relist an item from last month it will still put the start time at the current time (within the promo period) and this wouldn't count as a no FVF listing. Just wondering how does the start time help us?
@Viospeed: @Viospeed good point, the Start time is only 1 of 2 checks you would need to make (ensures its a new listing but does not confirm if its relisted or created from draft). The second check would be to go to the "Unsold" section and ensure the same unsold item has a Relist status of "NOT RELISTED". This will ensure the new product isnt the same as the old one you just cancelled/ended. Steps to create new listing through draft remain the same though.
You have to change some of the listing description before relisting for it to be counted as a new listing.
I complained about begin charged a final value fee recently on a relist & was told I needed to change at least one character for it to be deemed a new listing.
Have done so ever since and no more issues of FVF being charged under these promotional offersI HAVNT had that issue in the past myself as I do not change anything after submitting a new listing through draft based on an old listing and deleting a previous listing first but may very well be a good way to avoid dealing with support if you were so inclined @ChiMot .
Possibly another reason why my method works is because my old listings are cancelled/manually ended, and I check my "UNSOLD" list, ensuring all the items have the Sold Status of "UNSOLD", and the Relist Status as "NOT RELISTED", hence the new listings from the draft are deemed as brand new, and independent from my old listings entirely as the old listings are still deemed as "Not Relisted" and should technically be unique.
If things do change and I get slapped with Variable fees ill revisit this thread if i remember and update findings here.
@spacecowboy @ChiMot just sold an item using my strategy above, did not change a single word in the description. can confirm it works beautifully. Used 1, 2 left
Pay $0 Variable Fees on 3 new listings, thanks to eBay Plus
Limited time only. New listings only. Fixed fee, other fees & T&Cs apply
Start:3 Jul 2023 at 10:56 AESTEnd:End:31 Jul 2023 at 23:59 AEST Used/Left:1 / 2ebay.com.au
This is the best deal. Unbelievable we get this every month.
This and the 50% off postage.
Not really, used to get 10 of these a month, then 5, now 3.
I know but this is worth $$$ to me. Better than the drought we got in early 2022
3 is better than nothing, but I still miss 10 (or 5). Also, way back, feeBay Plus subscription was not required.
I just don't want feeBay management to think 3 is "the best".
@netsurfer: Going back to 10 is a long shot, but if they were to go back to 5, that would be extremely good.
Though 3 is still better than nothing :)
I tried so find the T&Cs turns out they chucked a 1 in the URL
If I already have an existing 50% off fee promo (unlimited, expire 14 July), and now accepted this 100% off fee promo (limit to 3), will the 100% take priority or am I stuck with 50% until it expires ?
If an item auto relists do you get charged the full fees?
awesome thanks for the speedy response :P
Suggest people take a screenshot just in case. The system can be glitchy at times. I'm positive I accepted the June offer, but it disappeared from expired offer on 01/07/2023.
Awesome OP, thanks. Glad they're continuing it into FY24.
Brilliant! Been waiting for the new month, thanks OP!
Will new ebay plus member be eligible for this offer?
Any idea how long it takes for the offer to show up? Signed up a few hours ago and it's not available under the Selling promotions yet.
Anybody mind sharing a screenshot of what the promotion looks like after it's been accepted? Thanks
Saved thousands with this. Thanks
Is the invitation via email?
Yes or just click the link above to see if it works.
If I list 5 items, but the first 3 end without buyer, will I get 0 final fee for the other 2?
Yes, the promo are applied in the first 3 eligible sold (speaking from my experience)
Thanks 👍
Nice! So now I am looking something to buy then sell and turn into profit. Any juicy option out there?
The expiry is 30/9/23. The promo runs for the quarter with 3 cycles - 3 sales per cycle each month just like the last. There's no point reposting the exact same link every month as it doesn't need to be activated again.
Where does it say it expires 30/09/23?
Last promo:
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/778192It says “will be available for a limited time only, for as long as advertised”
Doesn’t say 30/09/23
This is a new promotion for this month - I had to RSVP to it unlike the last 2 months. I agree, the superfluous posts from the last 2 months were unnecessary, however going by the T&Cs as they stand, eBay has switched back to their previous approach of having monthly promos requiring monthly RSVPs, doing away with monthly "cycles" within a quarterly promo. Hence the additional "1" in the URL you linked above: Q31. eBay often includes the current quarter in promo links for their own organisational purposes.
No doubt this is a new promo. The latter part of last comment was poorly worded, I meant there's no point to having this marked expired then get reposted as new deals in the following months like the last quarter.
You're right they removed
The promotion resets on the first day of every calendar month starting 1 (Month) 2023 until the end of the Promotion Period (each referred to as a "Cycle").
Single activation for the quarter is much better than risk missing out the monthly ones, when eBay is always inconsistent about sending promo emails to those who the promos apply to.
I didn't receive any notification from eBay, even though I was hunting for this link on Saturday knowing it'd start with https://www.rsvp.ebay.com.au/rsvp/signup/1010874/ after seeing this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/784990
Awesome, thanks OP
Is there a way to list items but not use the activated promotion? Just because I have some cheap items that need gone
Unfortunately no.
The activated promotion is not attached to any individual listing - so you can't choose which to receive the promotion and which to not receive the promotion.
The promotion applies to the first 3 items you sell that are listed within the promotion period.
Therefore if you list 100 items - the first 3 that sells will receive the promotion. You can't control if the first 3 are the cheapest or most expensive items.
The best way is to set up a second account. List all your cheap items on the second account that doesn't have the activated promotion.
List all the expensive items on the account with the activated promotion.
Don't list the cheap items yet, and wait until AFTER you've sold 3 items (and received the promotion), and then list them after that - then the promotion won't apply as it's been used.
List, end, relist.
ahhh ok so by clicking relist on expired/ended items it doesn't use the promotion?
Theoretically, yes.
The general consensus is that the promotion only applies to NON "relisted" items.
But can't be 100% sure with eBay. I think it is a risky strategy.
So let's say you relist, and the item sells and the promo is applied - it will be nigh on impossible to ask eBay to remove the promo for the sold cheap item and make it available to another item.
Only way to be 100% sure is:
1) List the cheap items on another account without the promo
2) Don't list the cheap items until AFTER you have sold 3 of your expensive items and confirmed the promo was applied
3) List the cheap items BEFORE activating the promo (but of course if you've already activated this won't work)Yes.
I don't know what proudwanderer is on about. 100% promo does not apply to relisted items, 0 risk.
If you're worried about a scenario like this user then simple. Don't change a thing on relist, revise after it's been relisted.
Is eBay strict with the exclusion for category listings? I noted a few category listings exclusions in the terms which would make me ineligible for the promotion.
I'm guessing this deal will last while inflation/interest rates stay on the high side, well certainly wish this deal was the norm lolz
works! sold something and once seller paid i can see the breakdown of the fee, it is $0.30 only.
but weird the shipping with australia post via ebay label (its a 2kg item) AFTER 50% off is slightly more expensive than go direct with sendle.i cant choose to buy sendle from ebay
You can edit the size, weight of the item and then it'll calculate accordingly
i used custom size as it is my own box. 2kg, 55x32x18cm
on ebay:
the sendle options are greyed out.
au post options is $11.xx (that is after 50% off, i saw the original is $22.xx) - drop offluckky i have sendle option:
same measurement - $10.xx pick upIf greyed out, likely because of your from: address, is it a physical address?
@Buy2Much: yes both sender and buyer are physical. mine is house, buyer is an apartment.
its weird because when i setup the listing i make sure i selected sendle.
and yes during label checkout, i see sendle is the preferred choice something like that. but greyed out.
i should waited and get into chat with ebay but last night couldnt be bothered as i see sendle is only $10 pickup and there they just came 10 mins ago to collect.
i love sendle
Anyone know if there will be one for August?
It's been running monthly (in some capacity) since October last year, so probably but who knows.