20% of TCL and Hisense TVs
End 5th July
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20% off TCL and Hisense TVs + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 02/07/2023 - 11:16 by 1 other user
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I just put through an order for c735 65” for under $1k, worth going up?
Any other tvs under 1k thats better performance vs value?
How do you get <$1k price?
Better to get Sony X90K
What's better about the Sony?
JDM is goated
Pretty much everything.
@Stormwalker: well that's both useless and sensationalist, the TCL has much better local dimming, overall brightness and a cheaper price
@Stormwalker: "TCL C845 is around 2000 nits windowed at 10% and professionally calibrated with probe (D65) and 800+ fullscreen nits" - https://www.avpasion.com/review-tcl-c845-qled-aprendiz-super…
@SwarleyAUS: That's not even in English.
There is a flatpanelsHD review out there which supports the claimed nits, however, that review does make the valid point that brightness does not equal good image. TCL might be pumping up the brightness of their panel, but at what cost, my guess it's probably why they have such a short lifespan. There's plenty of reddit threads out there as well with TCL owners who have had their TV die after 1.5-3 years.
TL;DR big whoop it's bright, but what about contrast, imaging processing, blooming, warranty, build quality, internal componentry, and the Mediatek chip inside it which runs slower than other higher-end sets? Not all stats get an equal weighting, and from what I've observed in the show room the TCL is subpar when side by side with a Sony, Samsung or LG, and it looks like a cave painting once you put it near an OLED panel.
Depends on your needs, different technology.
Better to get Sony X90K
I looked at both in store, the TCL had a better picture and was $500 cheaper.
TCL & Hisense TV's are junk and likely to burn your house down. Only good for a throw away. If you want a good TV Sony is the way to go.
If you want a good TV Sony is the way to go.
Sure bro, you keep throwing your money away at labels… This is OzBargain, not OzLabelJunkie…
@1st-Amendment: A bargain doesn't have to be cheap.
A rich man buys it once, a poor man buys it twice.A rich man buys it once, a poor man buys it twice.
Cool Story. It's exactly the sort of thing someone would say who has no idea how anything works so just blows money on labels.
@1st-Amendment: I predict my Sony will outlast your TCL and I won't be clogging up internet forums complaining about the lack of service I received.
I also can sleep a little bit better knowing that I'm not supporting the CCP.
I predict my Sony will outlast your TCL
Another cool story. So you can't actually say why or how, you just paid more for the badge on the front…
I won't be clogging up internet forums complaining about the lack of service I received
Even more cool stories. Every manufacturer has a certain amount of problems, only a fool would think that a badge on the front could save them from that: eg. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/698498
I also can sleep a little bit better knowing that I'm not supporting the CCP.
Every electrical device uses parts from China. Your house, your car, your phone, your computer. The NBN itself is built on Chinese components. You are living in a world of delusion…
@1st-Amendment: It's cheap junk - move on. Unless you work for TCL in which case, please, continue to astro turf.
It's cheap junk - move on. Unless you work for TCL in which case, please, continue to astro turf.
Lol, more cool stories… do you have any other cool stories you can share?
The TCL is significantly better, has around 5X the local dimming zones
Sony has 1 year warranty and TCL & Hisense give you 3. Why Sony and other BIG brand?
@Jamesx: Because the Chinese brands have something to prove. Once their credibility is established they won't be significantly cheaper than the Korean and Japanese brands. Take advantage while it's available
S tier brands
Hisense is actually really good in Australia. Their after sales service is fantastic.
Can only speak for myself, but I had an absolutely horrendous after sales service with Hisense. TV came DOA, it took 3 months total to send a replacement.
Wasn't a smooth 3 months either, nearly every day I would contact support, get reassurance something would be sent to me (technician appointment, form to sort out shipping a replacement, etc.). Nothing would be sent to me, and I was chasing up Support again. Was exhausting
I think I just about cycled through their entire Hisense support team in Australia.
We had a pretty poor time with their support team also. Our tv was older though and hit 2 years old constant intermittent freezing making TV unstable and unusable had to be unplugged to fix. Three motherboards later and and 6 months of back and forth we are getting a new replacement tv from them under warranty. Let's hope the new one isn't terrible after a few years.
Can I ask why you didn't go to the shop you bought the TV from to vet a replacement or refund?
@diddy50: I did, purchased at Betta Home Living.
They told me to contact Hisense directly as they no longer would have stock on hand of the particular TV I needed a replacement for (65Q8, was the flagship in 2020 which I bought in 2021).
@diddy50: Same here, went back to domayne they said can't do anything you need to deal with Hisense.
Can also confirm, had a shockingly bad experience witha TCL TV (55P6US). Was always super slow to load with 30 second boot times and fairly laggy when on, but just after the 3 year mark the TV started to brick itself and then would not power on at all. Just outside the warranty period by a month.
Contacted TCL as I figure 3 years is crap for a $1.1K TV (in 2018), and was told bad luck it's out of warranty as the motherboard needed replacing, so it was basically ewaste at that point.
To only expect 3 years from a lightly used TV is crap. Still have a plasma and LCD that are much older that are used more often and still work today. Would not touch one ever again. Would spend the extra coin on a branded product any day.
Joking right? Hisense is awful in Australia. Intentionally releasing inferior products for our region with the same product codes but with "AU" on the end. Its pathetic.
He 1000% joking. Probably forgot thr /s
AU localisation means you get an ABC iview button
Said no one ever.
Can confirmed that. My TV was displaying black lines on one side, called them up, got it replaced with newer model with same grade within 2 weeks. My warranty was almost expired towards 3 years warranty provided.
more like SS
for Super Shite
from personal experience with both, TCL had some issue with audio output, support refused to fix after a lot of back and forth, and JB Hi-Fi refused to help either, it's so shite they said what do you expect at this price mate. I sold it off for $200 and good riddance
then Hisense disappointed me with having same model in US and here in Oz having different specs, aussie model being plenty inferior.
you get what you pay for! I managed to snatch a 65" Samsung Frame for $900 with loyalty discount super deal around new year and I am happy with it.
Does the S stand for Shit?
According to wikipedia it's for "Special" or exemplary … I can only assume the thread OP is being sarcastic.
Any opinion on the hisense 65u9hau?
Pretty good for the price. Some blooming, but need to spend oled money to avoid blooming. At ~ $1000 you’d be hard pressed to find a better TV for the money IMO
75U9HAU here. Price per performance, hard to beat. I have a small amount of blooming in one corner on a dark loading screen but it's not perceptable watching content. Happy with it.
Read above?
I am very happy woth my small Hisense tv. But thinking f gettimg another bigger one. Any good recommend for below $450
Depends how big is your current TV. Only bigger ones available within your budget be max 43". Even 55" might cost little extra than $450.
I loathe the Hisense TV I bought. The TCL at work is equally trash.
Cheap for a reason.
Sony, Samsung or LG?
Sony (have had 3 - all lasted 7+ years and I sold one second hand for a reasonable amount).
Samsung if you don't care for Dolby Vision (have had one, lasted a long time, sold cheap - didn't hold value like the Sony).
LG are good middle brands, but I have never seen one kicking after 5 years without a fault (I personally owned 2, and they died after about 4 years).
I'm about to try and return our TCL which has been horrible.
Any picks of the bunch at 43" or smaller?
Hisense, Samsung, Sony
Avoid Hisense.
Hya any one had the tcl p745 or hisense , equivalent in 43 or 50inches? , looking a bedroom TV , I guess the picture quality is the main thing I'm looking for as I'll probably hook up a Google tv or 2015 Nvidia shield for more apps or performance.
If it helps Over the standard app store?
Any one recommend a lg or Sony equivalent , possibly upto $800 to spend if they hate these.Damn, was after the Hisense PLH1 UST projector but not included in the deal.
what do you think, is this any good for 85inch tv ?
TCL and Hisense are both Chinesium panels.
This or a projector ?
Picked up a TCL 65C845, thanks OP
Nice one mate, enjoy your new TV
I've been turned off by Hisense TV's, bought a 65" for gaming and movies In 2017, but they never warned me about input lag. JB HI Fi wouldn't take the tv back as they considered it "change of mind", told me to contact Hisense. They sent me a firmware update on USB via post after I contacted their support.
The update didn't do anything, tv was useless for gaming completely. Sold it and bought a used Bravia. Maybe their TV's are better now, idk.
I seem to have a different experience from everyone else. I have 4 or 5 of the little Hisense 43” and they haven’t failed me yet in the year I’ve used them. Much better than the kogan brand ones and ffalcon which I believe is jb’s home brand. I’m probs gonna pick up 2 more through this sale.
FFalcon is owned by TCL.
Any recommendations on a cheap 65inch? Less then 1k if it’s possible to still get a decent picture.
The c745 for $1200. It's considerably better than anything in that 1k'(ish) price range. Any LG, Samsung or Sony in that price bracket is not good.
Right now, nothing under 1k for a 65 inch is good until further discounting/sales occurs.Oh, and avoid hisense. The C745 and the C845 have completely invalidated any Hisense TV's in this price bracket.
Hisense U8 at ~ $1,000 would be my pick.
Appliance Central have the 65" for $1,020 with free delivery to selected cities:
https://www.appliancecentral.com.au/65u8hau-hisense-65-inch-…If your going Hisense the upgrade to the u9 for not much more is reccomended over the u8. Better sound and more dimming zones.
Fair point. If you're going for the u9 its ~ $150 more expensive when you factor in shipping.
Personally, if on a tight budget I'd probably get the u8 and put $150 towards a soundbar.
Remember to add a TCL $199 soundbar if over $1000 to take the advantage of 20% off!
add a 199 sound bar , 98 inch TCL = $3,996.00 !The 85 inch c845 was a better deal imo at 2700 odd plus delivery
I'm sure alot of buyers in this thread feeling the burn tonight knowing they could have got another 20% off :O I know I am, had had to repurchase and hopefully get refunded on one of the orders.
Nice deal
The newer TCL c845 (newer of the ozb fav. TCL c835) has cheapest price yet; 75" ~$2400, 85" ~$3200