I have sold my new phone to the gumtree buyer. I did not aware he is scammer until the payment disappeared from my bank transactions.
Bank is escaping from their responsibilities and will not investigate or dispute as they only do for payment going outside.
I have found from simple google searches,he is using the my phone on his no. he is not attending my calls.
I reported to police but waiting for them to take action. Thinking of contacting Current affairs and finanicial omsbudman
is there any way I can find his street address with the phone no ? or any better way I can approach to this issue. Ozbargainers please suggest.
I have asked my mobile provider to block the phone. but the service provider saying they may or may not do it. I am powerless. even though the scammer can be easily found and punished..
Video footage of him is everywhere.no one able to provide me due to privacy reason.
The system here is more of helping scammers than to the General public..
@gromit: If this was the case surely they'd be withholding funds from new payers, not new payees.
Once someone has bought from you before, there is less chance of a problem. Withholding payment from a new buyer OTOH, in which time they can cancel, just enables scams.
Banks put a hold on outbound funds to new payees to protect from the number of people who fat finger the payee details in the app/web-form. They care about their own arses, not disabling the armies of scammers gaming their outdated methods that allow reversible and/or delay-able payments to poorly authenticated destinations.