Looks like BigW have the Crest Smart Plug/Energy Monitor back on special at half price - $7.50 for the normal plug, and $10 for the one that includes a USB socket. Get in before they sell out (which they did quite quickly last time. )
Crest Smart Single Adaptor Power Monitoring - $7.50 + Delivery @ BIG W

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Bought 2
Then it occurred to me to ask this (facepalm)I believe they are Tuya, so they should.
My kogan tuya ones with energy monitor didn’t
At least not automatically (may need some tinkering)
Edit: talking about energy monitoring function on HA to be clear@HunterBargainHunter: They do work well..
1. Establish your Tuya cloud account ( developer) and link your Tuya app with the cloud account. You will need the credentials from iot.Tuya account for HAAdd all devices to your Tuya app
Get LocalTuya from HACS
And add/ configure devices, it has improved a lot so should show you all devices you have, works with power monitoring items as well.
@tryingtohelp: The DPS config for LocalTuya is:
DPS 18: Current (mA)
DPS 19: Power (W) with scaling factor 0.1
DPS 20: Voltage (V) with scaling factor 0.1@athua: This took me forever to configure, but finally got there after installing HACS inside a container on a Pi Zero W. Do you have a recommended HASS sensor template to get these attributes?
@nemo5: I didn't need to setup any templates to get the above attributes. When adding the switch to LocalTuya, the first item you add is a switch entity, then you can keep going and adding more sensor entities for current, power and voltage with the DPS values I posted above.
@athua: Thanks. I added them and removed them 10 times to no avail in LocalTuya, where they didn't update at all. Then I added them on the proper Tuya integration again and plot the V, W, P values seamlessly - this didn't work the first time. Finnicky indeed!
Can I flash Tasmota?
@meooow: I was considering Tasmota, but I have no idea how to pull it apart without breaking the casing. What do you use to get the plastic shell open?
@themadman: dont have one of these so not sure, most smart switches you can just pop the back off with a flat head screwdriver, and clip back / glue back on 😂
These wont work directly with the normal Tuya integration, but will if you manually set it up with localtuya.
At $7.50 it's 'buy first, check later'
They're Tuya based, which is a good start, but I haven't got any experience with HASS myself to confirm.
I can confirm that I have mine in home assistant with energy monitoring (purchased on the last deal 1 month ago). I'm using the LocalTuya extension for Home Assistant, so there's a bit of setup but it's working well.
Currently reading Power, Voltage and Current from all of them, although it can be a little finicky at times.
Yew! Thanks for this
Bought these last time. Setup directly in Tuya Smart app, work OK.
Can the app see how many energy is used?
Yes sure can
Yeah. You can see the current power draw, and a daily and monthly summary. Nothing else. i.e. no breakdown hourly.
How often does the energy monitoring update? Asking because the last Tuya-based device I bought (the Arlec Grid Connect smart plug with energy monitoring) only reports an update roughly once an hour, which is quite absurd and close to useless. I'm used to the TP-Link KP115 which updates every 10 seconds…
Wasn't looking for them, but picked up two when I saw they were on sale again (would be rude not to).
Tuya based (as all of them seem to be) and seem to work fine. Should work with Home Assistant, but not personally checked. Not sure if you can get access to the energy monitoring that way - which is half the point of these.
Yea they work with Tuya.
You need to add a little extra config for the energy monitoring to work.Not sure if this is an indicative experience with these, but I actually returned one of these I bought today earlier in the week at full price. It refused to talk to the app, so I couldn't put it on the network despite following all the directions (2.4GHz network, Bluetooth etc. on, flashing light, what have you ).
I ended up going to Bunnings and having them price beat Amazon for the TP Link Tapo P100 (which they have now matched at $17), which worked first time.
Like I said, not sure if this is indicative, but I'm not exactly in a rush to go buy another one.
Most Tuya products can be irrationally finicky for no reason. Sometimes they'll work for months with zero issues, sometimes they'll hard crash and require a factory reset every second day.
I had issues with mine caused by combined 2.4/5 GHz WiFi. It eventually got through, but the phone app identified my home WiFi as 5Ghz and refused to continue setup, which was annoying. Since finishing setup though, everything's been fine.
I have a mesh system where you cant select the wifi frequency (orbi) as well. Thankfully I just go to the garage/a few walls away from the router or satellite and phone will then prefer 2.4ghz to do the setup.
My mesh setup, Tenda Nova, has a smart assistant feature in the app settings. This switches to 2.4ghz for 30 minutes to set up devices. Perhaps your setup has a similar feature?
@revheadgl: Dont think so. I don't really use the APP anyway. Walking over to the garage is easy enough. :)
Yeah, I had that issue too with other smart devices - in the end, I set up the guest network for them as a 2.4GHz only network which they all normally happily chatter away on.
Any recommendations for smart switches?
These are great, got 10 of them a few weeks ago and the pairing, power metering and synching with google worked perfectly. The app is easy to use.
Damn no stock near me
I bought a smart plug for the Christmas tree lights last year and they worked well with the timer function. Since pulling the tree down, the plug has been sitting on the shelf unused. Any ideas on what to use these for??
I used it to see how much appliances cost to run around the house : fridge, dishwasher, etc
Just so i can see where I can make some energy savings. I've since divorced my wifeI'm afraid to ask, but where exactly did you plug this in on her?!
It's only rated for 10A
Surely the username is a giveaway
i use belkin surge protected power board behind tv to plug in tv, xbox, wii, router etc. Blekin power board plugs in to this device and i can switch it on off with my mobile as the mains switch is behind tv cabinet. Very helpful as my kid can ask google home to turn it on and i can switch it off from my phone if i forget from work etc. trying to save a little bit of power (i know it may not be much but dont like tv on standby for 22 hours a day).
First one I have was for monitoring the energy use of the computer setup, and switch off the parasitic load when it was supposed to be all turned off. Just how much is working from home costing?
Then I've got one on the fridge, both to monitor usage, and because you can't get at the switch after its installed. You can do similar for the microwave, dishwasher, washing machine etc. Basically anywhere where you can't get to the switch.
The AV setup is a similar target for parasitic loads and inaccessible switches.
As you mention Christmas setups is one, as are any lights you want to control, but aren't smart.
And finally, although I haven't done it, I'm sure there are scenarios where there is dumb demand that you'd like to turn on when the solar panels are producing; given that the feed in tariffs is now so terrible. You can control and monitor these switches from anywhere, including whilst you are at work.
Electric blankets. Leave them in the on position, switch them on and off with smart plugs. We have it set to auto turn off at midnight in case we forget.
Lamps/lights. I have one under my stairs along with a contact sensor to turn on a light bar when the door opens. Lights auto come on and off while we're away to simulate being home.
Vornado DC fan. Can switch it on/off without needing the press any buttons on the fan which is handy.
Thanks OP just purchased a few. Also recently purchased the TP-Link P110 with energy monitoring for $20 from Amazon if anyone prefers a more "premium" product. Think the main benefit of these is surge protection, which it doesn't look like the Crest includes.
Also $20 at Bunnings ( for PowerPass users)
Is it possible to export the raw energy usage data from the plug using the app?
While I haven't received this one yet, I have some other switches in the Kasa app and can't see an option to do this. You'd want to use Home Assistant for something like that IMO.
Definitely can't using the Tuya app, and since basically all other apps are whitebox versions then it's highly unlikely.
I've been charting daily totals by hand into a spreadsheet every few weeks, which is mildly inconvenient but at least the data is available.
I use the Watt app on iPhone. This allow export in csv format.
Think the main benefit of these is surge protection
FYI the P110 doesn't have surge protection, it has "overcurrent protection". I've seen extremely few smart plugs that have surge protection…
Do these work straight out of box as a dumb adapter without any app connection or setup?
All of them do apparently, they have a physical button to toggle on/off without relying on the app/wifi connection.
Can these run Tasmota?
Search for Athom smart power plugs. Preflashed with Tasmota and does not need calibration with a better power chip
It depends on your needs. Good quality plugs cost about the same price. I have been using Arlec plugs with LocalTuya for some time before I converted them to Tasmota. But after that you have a hassle of calibration (had to replace a fuse in my MM - touched 2 cables =)
If you just want a simple on/off using Tuya app or official Tuya add on in HA, then no need. I wanted a bit more accuracy and without a cloud reliance. LocalTuya works most of the time, but at times it stopsTuyaLocal is awesome too with more and more devices being added but only works with static IPs for me.
Grabbed a few of these last post. Haven't tested yet
Wondering what could be the benefit of this?
Looks like its very popular! What am i missing???
Why should I be monitoring consumption of whatever device connected?Thanks!
In short, allows you to connect a power point to your wifi network, amd then control it with an app on your phone. These ones also allow you to monitor how much power each connected device is using.
Is wifi network a must?
Can a phone talk to a power point directly?For these, yes. And I’m pretty sure if you just use the default apps, requests go via the internet too. You can set up Home Assistant or Homebridge to speak to it locally (and then block its internet access at your router), but that requires some technical tweaking.
No stock closest 23 storees.
Strange looks exactly like my TUYA, but those are 15A, this is 10A.
Be aware that the stock checker for BigW seems a little …. off.
Only way to be sure is to go take a look in person.
Maximum current for australian circuits is 10A, but that doesn't mean that's what the relay is rated to.
Anyone tried flashing one of these? if so, what works? the template mentions tuya-convert , which is worth a try.
Does anyone buy anything and just use it as designed or is it a requirement to stuff around with it first?
Good find! Now cheaper than ebay and a place to return if they die.
10A is a bit o a margin like when you plug in a box aircon etc.Bought 2 , the ones with usb port 10$ each, i think more worth than 7.50$ without usb..
From where pla? And did they have more stock at that point in time?
Richmond nsw
Yes they had few left
Dang, that's a big smart switch.
For anyone interested in flashing these with tasmota/esphome for use in home assistant, it appears to be possible for both units.
https://templates.blakadder.com/crest_SHSPM1.htmlI've opened one up, and there's a TYWE2S inside, which should be flashable. I'm going to attempt this over serial rather than using tuya-convert, but I haven't attempted it yet.
Opening it was difficult and required a lot of force. Flashing it may also be difficult, as even once open the pads on the board are awkwardly placed, and may mean the whole module needs to be removed for flashing.
Does this work with home assistant? Including the power monitor?