Cheap Grange for those who have $700 to spare.
Dan's isn't showing stock available but $849.99 (in Brisbane) if they did
First Choice has it for $855 with 10% off storewide
Qantas has it for $849 with a Nactmann Bossa Nova vase worth $53
Cheap Grange for those who have $700 to spare.
Dan's isn't showing stock available but $849.99 (in Brisbane) if they did
First Choice has it for $855 with 10% off storewide
Qantas has it for $849 with a Nactmann Bossa Nova vase worth $53
new penfold releases will be in august …. many places will have tastings including grange …..dans has tastings for $20 of new release including a grange , check events on your dans app…so far burwood has a date…so for $20 you can decide if you like it or not … need to buy a whole bottle to learn what it tastes like …… went to last years release and they had grange, bin311, yattarna, 389 ….was 6 wines for $20 inc grange ……. vintage cellars didn’t advertise but when i walked in they had 389, and st henri ….. depends on suburb and of course demographic …..
how do these tasting sessions at Dans work? do they do it like at the wineries, where they explain each wine and let you take your time tasting and talking to them etc, OR do they just give you a sip of each wine and then tell you to move along, to make room for the next customer?
It's a few hours event with food. It's a proper tasting event.
these tastings are typically 1 hour …. the $20 ones don't include food, the $60+ ones do include food, but go with the $10-20 tasting as dans stores don't have catering for hot food ….. wines are about 30ml a taste, so 6 wines would be 180ml, more than 1 std drink and $20 for a std drink doesn't get you much in a pub or wine bar …. no 389, no st henri, etc so are great value …..
They are sit down so you have time, they limit the number wines incase people drive and swallow all the wines ……
Some stores have select wines under argon gas that they serve tastings from anytime, so you can try for free ….. varies with stores and demographics ….
Does the.. Tasting…. Include grange?
yes, burwood has online booking for their one $20 inlcudes the grange, but some stores just have QR code poster for locals, I can't be bothered to drive to drive 12km to try the new penfolds release including grange, they will have close to home
you don't need to be loaded to try great wines, just if you want to buy a whole bottle, and makes you appreciate the value in good cheaper wines..
thanks OP - working 2 jobs, and spending less of food so I could afford to buy 2 of these
I would like to be mentored by people who buy this, on how to make it big in life.
ask the RBA governor - seems to know all of the answers
Buy 10 bottles on credit card then never pay it off and dodge the phone calls. Sell them for 2-3x the price in 5 years.
Bikies will find you, and they will kill you.
They won’t kill you as that’s bad business. Dead men can’t pay. They will threaten to kill your loved ones
selling grange days are gone …..the 1990 was $110 on release and went to $500 in a month as it was rated top wine in the world by a magazine ……the mugs that bought 1991 missed the boat … price rise ……so since 1990 grange has only gone from $500 to $800 …. not much of a price rise in 30 years, even compared to the cost of a four n twenty pie over 30 years ….. grange as an investment now you have missed the boat … many hind sight investments ……
Do you always use ……. to separate your sentences or is your full stop key stuck?
Does it come with insurance?
Bought ten because I am not feeling inflation
2017 was a bit of an average vintage. Save your avo money for the 2018. :D
yeah, 2018 was a top year so moved quick …..2017 isn’t a top year so we see discount for stock that won’t move because it’s average vintage ……. with wine it’s not just the brand but how good is the year that creates demand ……..
grange isn’t penfolds top wine ….. there is tuff that make in top years that cost more than grange ….. and grange is cheap compared to some french burgundies or petrus in a good year hence the demand for grange ……. on. a global market $$700-$800 for bottle of wine isn’t expensive …
$700-$800 for bottle of wine isn’t expensive
I bought 10. How many did you buy?
he's right though, the key words being on a global market. Some of the high end french stuff is just absurd and really does make grange look cheap.
Not saying it's right!
Huon hooke seemed to rate the 17 higher, which reviews are you basing this on?
this is a good price for a whole pallet.
So overrated. Much better wines to buy at half the price.
Name one please?
Cant remember, the username checks out
You commented the both parts of the joke, that's cheating!
Sogno di Ulisse Montepulciano at $20
Basket press? But if it doesn't need to be Shiraz or Australian, you can get great brunellos, valpolicellas, chauteuneufs for the $350 you're spending
Thanks. I tried Rockford before. Might try others too.
I'd go with a Cullen, Torbreck, Henschke or Seppeltsfield if getting something equal yet cheaper.
A hill of grace is similarly overpriced
Olivers Taranga DJ Shiraz
d’Arenberg Dead Arm Shiraz
Ox Hardy 1891 Ancestor Vines Shiraz
Plenty more…..
Thanks for the recs RD. Give me those plenty more !
Go on…
Because they are skinless from Aldi lol
Last time I bought this my Mrs used it to make gravy
It was good though, right?
She told me she wouldn't tell.
Excellent. This is great in a reduction for roast lamb!
Best before date?
Is this good for deglazing?
Yeah it'll do the job.
Bin 28 is fine
Yeah but grange is finerer
Both good in the bolognaise.
Imagine seeing that in a restaurant… + $30 for grange bolognese
@G-rig: Yes and no.
It still imparts its flavour into the food. So if you use a horrible tasting wine then it will be transferred to your meal. Obviously don't go ultra premium though.
@kickling: The thing is you don't need wine in bolognaise anyway, it's just an excuse for piss heads to open a bottle.
@G-rig: Yeah, don't disagree that you don't need wine in bolognese, but it does add a richness and depth.
depends if the quality of the meat complements the wine or overpowers it ….
Thanks, makes a great cooking wine
It makes your bank account disappear and your taste buds question your life choices.
Gotta save money real hard that’s why been cooking at home ever since. This one is a good addition to cooking at home. Bought 10, thank you OP. 😜
Thanks OP, kris kringle sorted
Perfect! Will go nicely with my can of baked beans
landlords need to spend money on something ….this is as good as any ….. grange tastes better when tenants have paid for it …… only so much money you can put under a mattress before it’s uncomfortable to sleep on …..
One full stop is enough to end a sentence btw.
Said like someone on their period.
Went over a few heads here lol
Can probably claim it as a loss too
Nice quaffer
Thanks bought one instead of paying rent. Guess who's getting evicted but will have a bottle of wine.
I thought the ozBargain way was to buy $5 wines at Aldi?
the aldi $11.99 chianti superiore is great ….. Aldi has some great wines in the $10-20 range for european wines, need to remember they have they are huge in europe and have buying power that follows through to australian shelves for european products.
What colour is your Bugatti?
Which one?
I drank the '04 a few months ago and it was truly the best wine I've ever had. Will not forget the taste in a hurry.
how much was the '04?
What do people usually mix with this? Pepsi max? Ginger ale?
LA Ice
water, last about few months
Coke, but not the coke you get at supermarkets.
I'm truly wondering about how Penfolds feels about their pinnacle brand being available at Costco.
You should try visiting one…they have scotch priced in the 0000s.
It is likely they had excess stock to shift and selling at Costco enables them to sell it so I assume pretty happy
it's 2017 not the 2018, and a large parts of Treasury Estate that owns Penfolds is market presence that sells other Penfold wines …… Harley Davidson are the same , the presence of the motorbikes sells lots of cheaper life style items e.g leather jackets ….. Grange on shelf creates a conversation and people buy Koonunga Hill but it grabbed their attention.
The comments lol
Main reason I posted this, tbh.
700 buck chuck
what a unique way catching tax dodger~bravo !!
Remember to get myself a bottle to go with the Costco frozen bolognaise.
Thanks OP. Bought a dozen for my bolognaise sauce.
Been waiting for this, thanks.
Wow! That’s cheap. Now I can have one bottle everyday
hodl for 5xxx series.
You will never convince me that any bottle of wine is worth this kind of money.
Once I got one of these as a present. I did not realise it was that expensive. I broke it out when some random guest came to the house. They were amazed and delighted. It tasted the same to me as an Aldi wine.
It was explained to me that expensive wine tastes better.…
I spend like $15 to $20 compared to $5, and the difference is notable. $20 feels like expensive wine to me, considering that my youth was spent seeking out the best standard-drink-to-dollar choice. I wonder if the difference between $20 and $40 would be significant.
Do people actually even drink the super expensive stuff? Maybe breaking out something like this during a business or social dinner in some circles could be a power move (look how wealthy, fancy, cultured, and generous I am).
I can see how it could be a good investment, but I recently read something about how vintage wines lose value after a certain point, and that future value can be a bit of a gamble.
thx OP, didn't have avo and toast so bought 2