This was posted 1 year 8 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] 50% off Warcraft III: Reforged $22.45 Standard Edition, $29.95 Spoils of War Edition @


As far as I know this is the first time Warcraft III: Reforged has been included in a Blizzard/ sale. Get it for 50% off for a limited time. Spoils of War Edition includes the World of Warcraft Meat Wagon Mount as well as some other cosmetic items for Blizzard games.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    This remaster was a disaster at launch. Have Blizzard re-reforged?

    • They have fixed a few things but it is basically dead

    • +39

      Campaign still crashes non-stop, saving your game is crucial if you don't wanna lose progress. Still isn't fixed from launch.

      There's also still a slew of random bugs in the game, like in melee when you alt tab in "reforge graphics" and then alt tab back in the game, the textures go utterly abysmal and units turn invisible.

      TL:DR; The game is still a pile of shit and isn't worth $23

    • It's worth it if anyone has never played the original. They're also gradually improving the multiplayer (e.g. added tournaments again recently). Overall it's a shameful product though.

      • +2

        If its glitchy, and someone hasnt played the original (but isnt new to gaming ie. Played the original and warcraft 2 when they came out) would you recommend it? Or are we better off just playing the campaign from the original release?

        I'm bot necessarily gonna complain about graphics from a 15-20 year old game looking like they came out 15-20 years ago.

        • +5

          I would go the original in that case. Essentially reforged is an update on graphics, mostly. Original is rock solid and a great game and still looks fine.

        • +4

          I agree with zubzub. Just play the original. If you don't own the original, you can just purchase this version and use the original graphics when playing. I think the original campaign with original graphics is not really glitchy. The new graphics were not well received and can introduce bugs. Overall, if you've never played WC3, it's a serious serious recommendation!!

    • +3

      They have added a ton of the missing features and have patched it heavily since launch.
      I'd definitely recommend getting it now :)

      • +3

        So they've got more than two people working on this game now?

  • Is this the campaign as i like those but don't like the multiplayer ones

    • +1

      It includes all the campaigns of the original WC3 and TFT expansion, although all units are balanced as per TFT

  • +4

    Torn because I get annoyed with this unoriginal nostalgia bait, but I remember enjoying it back in the day. ~$10-$15 I'd consider.

  • +6

    Would've paid hundreds for this at launch if they did it "Right" but everything I read it was a mess, designed bad fundamentally, I bet they could patch all they like it's never going to be, what it should've been.

  • Can you still buy the original without the remaster?

    • It came on a CD - ebay .. :)

    • +1

      I believe they killed the original to boot.

    • I still have the CD somewhere but can just search online for it. Possibly torrent

    • +1

      not officially, and I heard that when you connect online to it "upgrades" you to reforged without prompting.

      • +3

        Wow so they closed battlenet?

        No custom maps, ranked or anything??

        That's downright stupid!

  • +4

    apparently it's worse than the original - a few people have told me

    • +1

      NOoooo, i loved the original same with starcraft. Hope it's not worst, gonna buy this and try it out whenever i get a chance

      • Well, let me know what your professional opinion is, Michael.

  • -2

    when is Diablo 4 on sale?

  • +6

    Diablo II: Resurrected for 67% off is a good deal.

  • Finally. But do I want to risk it?

    • Yes!

    • would suggest no, it looks worse than the original, is a buggy mess and is a slap to the face for people given what was promised. To boot, Activision/Blizzard are not in great general standing right now.

      • +1

        The last is what puts me off the most. Sounds like a crazy toxic company.

        I miss the early 2000s.

  • +1

    OK deal, but think I got a better deal on this game in 2003. Kind of funny to see a remade version still being sold.

  • -2

    wow surprised blizzard is not dead yet

    • -1

      Diablo 4 is actually pretty good, I'll admit. I hated D3 and everything they've done since (except D2 remaster).

  • A bit off topic, but does anyone know if classic diablo 2 still works on bnet or did they scrap that too?

    • +1

      It should still work, but the remaster is really good. I'd recommend picking it up on sale for like $23.

  • +4

    WC3 is and always will be my favourite game ever. Unforeseen circumstances stopped me from being around when this “re-master” reforged version came out, and it seems I dodged a bullet. But at this price it definitely is tempting me. Although I don’t want to taint my memories of the great Warcraft 3.
    If anyone can input, Can you still get a melee game online pretty easily? Are there any 2v2/3v3/4v4/FFAs of only 1v1 melee?

    • +1

      I think this reforged WAR3 is ok, we have the option to choose the old version skin.
      And in the, seems to be pretty easy to do 1v1 2v2, but I am old now, I don't know how many apm I can output now, maybe 60?
      haha, my precious memory, I even try to teach my kid, but she is not interested.

      by the way, if you go to Argentina, this game is super cheap, I guess less than 5AUD

      • Can you buy from Argentinian through a VPN and gift it to yourself?

        • I think there is no need for a VPN, you just register an Argentinian account.

        • I just log in to my Argentinian account, it is ARS790, around 4.8 AUD for war3.
          You can register a new account which region select Arg, then you can purchase war3 with this price.

          • @nowich: How did you purchase? All my CC getting knocked back.

        • Just tried, but I need to be friends with my Argentinian friend (ie: the account I just made) for 3 days before you can gift. Not sure if you can gift between regions, but will test in 3 days.

          • @dansozb: how did you go? were you able to gift it to yourself?

            • +1

              @lonewolf: Nope, Blizzard are smart enough it seems to not allow gifts to people with different currency (ie: Pesos to AU Dollar)

              • @dansozb: oh damn,thats a shame. Is it worth buying in that region and just using that account in that region to play the game?

      • Thanks, I can't try this as I am at work and VPNs are blocked, but are you saying I could VPN in Argentina, log into my account and purchase it there, then turn the VPN off?

        I will test it either way tonight. Thanks

        • I remember I didn't use a VPN to register an Arg account, just when ask me to choose a region, I choose Arg.

      • Haha, yeah 1v1 is a bit more full on and need to keep your APM up, but 2v2 and above, doesn’t matter too much can get creative with some pretty funky unit combos and strategies 😆
        That’s cool thanks for the tip I will have to give Argentina a go.

    • +1

      name checks out

      • +1

        Thank you.. waited 12 years for this comment 🥹

    • +1

      Incredible game, the value you got for that box at the time was mind blowing, just mind blowing.

  • +2

    I preordered then refunded this back in the day, but always said id buy it again at half the price. I never thought that day was going to come, but finally it has. Thanks for the post

  • Warcraft 3 is not bad I like it but nothing beats original as that's how it all started….. just like Starcraft!!

    Worth the $23 as i know i will get more then 2hrs worth of game play also because i use to play custom maps like 3 Corridors and the original DOTA so buying it for that reason/history ;)

    • Does it work on Battlenet? I am tempted to buy it to play DOTA on Battlenet again. I coincidentally dusted off my old ROC and TFT CDs and installed them but could not connect to Battlenet! If this reforged pack works on Battlenet then I will give it a try again (I sucked back then LOL) for $23.

  • +1

    But does it have footmen wars?

    • yes

  • Haven’t had time to install it yet. But it’s on the list for the next week.

    Anyone on here interested in getting some friendly games happening? Maybe even start a Warcraft 3 OZB Clan! (If you can still make clans on bnet?)

  • zug zug

  • It's easy as hell to find the original version for free. That being said Reforged isn't so bad, you can still run original graphics except without WC3's weird capped framerate. W3Champions is a great community-made matchmaking + feature mod too.

    If anyone has never played WC3 though definitely give it a shot, addictive gameplay with an amazing campaign/story to boot.

  • There was a time blizzard remade the whole Warcraft 3 engine because they just didn’t like it.

  • Even though I loved Warcraft 3 back in the day I'm still not sold on the reforge. Think I'll only play it if the Acti/Blizz deal goes through and it ends up on Game Pass 😛

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