This was posted 1 year 8 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Victorinox Classic Swiss Army Knife $18.53 to $24.73 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon JP via AU

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Half the price compared to local stock ($49.95 from Victorinox)

Classic SD Colours

Classic SD Translucent Colours

Some also qualifies for 'Buy 2, Save 5%' and 'Buy 3, Save 10%'

If you prefer the premium Classic Alox Models:

Classic SD Alox

Classic Precious Alox

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Japan Store
Amazon Japan Store

closed Comments

  • Nice find! I think the AUS stock went up in price this year as well.

    • That's correct, all Victorinox SAK went up earlier this year.

  • +32

    Should be renamed - Ozbargain Orange.

  • +1

    Are these illegal to EDC?

    • +5

      Varies from state to state.

      For example in ACT:

      Does this mean my Swiss army knife is now a prohibited weapon?
      Swiss army knives are not considered prohibited weapons, however, be mindful of carrying such items in public if you do not have a lawful excuse, such as needing it for work.

    • IIRC only in QLD are you allowed to carry a pocket knife for general "utility purposes", all other states you need a specific reason.

      • +1

        Thats what section 51 of weapons act says, but Qld police will charge you anyway if they find you in the street with a SAK in your pocket. It has been an issue for some time.

          • @G-rig: stop deletin. i wanna read

          • @G-rig: Everybody should be MacGyver or at the least ascribe to a desire to increase their MacGyveresque character.

            • +1

              @jacross: True, but he wouldn't need tiny scissors or little knife to open a box haha

        • +1

          A competent lawyer will get that thrown out. The legislative intent is very clear.

            • @G-rig: You can stab someone with a pen, what is your point? You can harm someone with just about anything if you are intent on doing so.

              The legislative intent of putting Swiss army knives as an example of a lawful excuse in the legislation was (and is) very clear; they have a multitude of tools which make them very useful for general utility purposes (i.e everyday tasks) and their design makes them impractical weapons.

              Consult a lawyer if ever challenged and you'll be fine. Just don't enter schools or restricted areas.

          • @Wafflel: Yes and that will cost you much more than a $27 SAK

        • Is it though? Not in QLD, but I've never even heard of anyone getting done for carrying a utility knife / multitool.

          • @djsweet: I see it at least once every month or couple of months. In terms of specifics, there was a matter that went to district court, an electrician charged with possession of a boxcutter. Cant remember the name but it was reported. It was quashed on appeal, but still…

            • -1

              @cannedhams: I'd be interested to have the citation please. A district court case quashed on appeal would make binding case law.

            • @cannedhams: Wow thats nuts. Why would the cops bother bringing this kind of stuff to court which is obviously not going to stand up? Even with the non-QLD laws, you can have one with a lawful excuse. Seems vague enough to get let off anyway. Your Honour, I was going to a friend's house for a drink and I need it to remove the cork from the bottle.

    • +3

      Ive been carrying some form of pocket/utility knife in my everyday backpack/laptop bag for 20 years without any issues. They're a tool with many uses.

      Be responsible with it, and not paranoid.

      • +5

        The secret is not getting caught.

        • when would they catch me?

          • @capslock janitor: on the Gold Coast the pigs walk around with metal detectors looking for people carrying knives

      • you've been very lucky not to be searched by the police during that time

        • Anecdotal, but I've never seen or heard of a police officer stopping someone at random and search their bag. If they dont have a reason to search you, they're not going to.

    • Nsw only carry a knife if you use it for work and dont go thinking you can just carry one and just say its for work.

  • +4

    As a kid I used to want one of these so badly.
    Do people actually find them useful? They look so small and finicky

    • +6

      I have mine on my keys and use the knife and scissors to open packages regularly.

      • +2

        Interesting, I actually use my main house key (normal lockwood front door key) to open packages. And I mostly have a good stanley knife on hand too.
        the key is efficient and safe (I can be brutal opening the box, and never stress about a cut).
        Would never go back to a knife for standard boxes and tape.

      • +1

        How do you carry your keys? If in pocket, would be very bulky?

    • +1

      How many times in your life have you found yourself needing a knife, screwdriver or scissors?

    • I use mine atleast once a week.

      Bought 3 more as gifts.

    • +1

      They're very handy. This specific one is a bit small for me, but I carried a victorinox Tinker for a long time, before moving on to Leatherman Skeletool/One Hand Tool. Pliers and one-hand access to tools.

    • +1

      I actually prefer this for opening boxes.

      Much more practical since I can replace the blades cheaply. A SAK is useful as a keychain accessory that is useful for smaller tasks.

    • Yes. Mine has a Phillips screwdriver and pen, I use those at least one a week, and with the knife

    • +3

      Incredibly useful for me. I carry the Explorer on a daily basis when I'm out and about. Some examples are:

      • scissors are good for opening packages that aren't boxes, or cutting paper, string, cord etc.
      • knives for opening boxes or letters, cutting fruit, or opening an avocado.
      • bottle opener for bottles
      • screwdrivers for screws, or for using the tip to pry off small things (useful for opening up electronics or removing a watch case back)
      • corkscrew for wine bottles
      • magnifier for serial numbers or food ingredients on small packages. Actually really useful especially if you have poor vision
      • sim removal tool for anyone needing to change their sim card, this makes you very popular in the office. It's an aftermarket purchase.

      These are just off the top of my head. They are seriously so useful. Anyone suggesting you don't need one probably finds themselves scrambling to find tools or asking others if they can borrow something pretty often.

    • Does this count trimming my old man eyebrows with the scissors? If yes, often!

  • +2

    You can open packages with your keys

    • +28

      Next you're gonna tell me I can open my doors with my keys instead of my fancy lock picking kit

  • Does this count as an international tx?

    • Since it's at Amazon AU, is just a standard transaction.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Got 3 for $55.1

    • Nice. Which ones qualify for the 10%?

  • +1

    I'm currently looking for Japanese Gyuto knives, any idea how to get Japan made ones from Amazon Japan? I expected them to sell tons but can't find much.

    • Not all stock is available via Amazon Japan for shipping to Aus.
      If you want to know some good brands that ship internationally you can search for
      Sakai Ichimonji
      Sakai Takayuki
      Jikko Cutlery

    • why ?

  • Are these still made in Switzerland? 7 functions? I can only see 3 - blade, file ,scissors.

    • Knife, nail file, scissors, screw driver, tweezers, tooth pick, key ring

    • Yeah doesn't look like much, must be a small flathead screwdriver on the end of the nail file.

      • That's what the SD stands for: screwdriver. The non-SD Classic has a pointed end on the nail file, meant to be a nail cleaner. It's not sold in many countries any more.

        • Yeah I got enough folding and multi tools, some of the bicycle brand ones are very handy. Can open boxes with a key or pen even.

    • All models are still made in Switzerland

  • +4

    Got one of these for the missus late last year for around $30 from Amazon UK (after multi discount), all the essentials she needs :D
    Little more now from JP and no multibuy discount unfortunately, but still a lot cheaper than elsewhere. Black also.

  • +1

    Classic red OOS

  • How do you search Amazon JP through Amazon au

  • +1

    I'm pretty sure these are the mini ones?

    • Yeah, the description on the SD classic green one says 5.8cm, that's the mini one.

  • +3

    In my personal experience no other manufacturer comes close to Victorinox’s fit & finish. I’ve had dozens of Victorinox’s SAKs including their pliers based multi tools. All are just beautifully engineered, super smooth and easy to clean.
    To anyone wanting to edc a SAK i recommend a suspension clip to hang it in your pocket or waistband. Even my four layer Explorer carries beautifully with a suspension clip.

  • +4

    Highly recommend looking at a Rambler or Manager model over the Classic. The Philips combo tool is a game changer. I've been EDCing one for probably 10 years.

    • Hell yeah. Love the Philip combo tool on my Rambler. Amazing how much a small driver fits a PH2 screw.

      • +1

        Yeah, I've built entire PC's with that tool. Lives on my keychain.

    • A phillips screwdriver is the one thing you do use most often..

    • Manager has been on my edc for about the same. Amazing how useful that tiny little pen is. I had to whip it out at work all the time.

      • +7

        tiny little pen is

    • Same, I've had a Rambler for more than 10 years and find it much better than the Classic. Besides the Philips combo tool, the way the knife opens away from the key-chain makes it much more ergonomical. But I think it's discontinued unfortunately.

  • Woah, so that's what these are worth..

    I stole a black one off a primary school bully in like year 3. Probably well over 20 years old item now, still looks like new!

    Great if needing a few little utensils to get you by during the day.

    • +1

      Brb gonna find my high school bully

  • Nice deal!

  • -1

    We cannot bring SAK, and yet those commercial cookery students are legally allowed to bring knives with them.

  • -1

    no more half price, price back to normal $49.

    • +1

      I thought the same too, for a moment

      Use the links in this post - which has Amazon as the seller.
      If you use the link, then change colour - it will change the seller and thus the price.

    • Green still in stock.

    • I've updated the description; a few colours still available (some are on back-order).

  • +1

    Bought 3 for $54.79, seems the discount is more than 10%.

    For my son's next camp, he cut his figure in the previous camp with this one(…).

  • +1

    Next OzBargain meet gonna be lit, all you guys with Swiss army knives hanging off your belts

    • +3

      My flying instructor is Swiss and he carries one all the time - for which we rag him constantly. He says Swiss children are born with them.

      • is ur instructor a suisse child?

        • He is

  • -1

    price back to normal

    • Use the links in the description.

  • Got a RangerGrip 68 under $30 from Catch clearance in Chrismas 2021. Wish I bought more at that time.

  • +3

    Useless without the bottle opener.

    • They are missing a lot of handy stuff but people will buy it anyway if it's posted on here lol

      • Agreed. Its just tiny scissors

        • Nail clippers be better, and have a file.

  • There's also the Alox version with a bit more premium look, and premium cost.

    I used to put one on the keyring along with a USB drive. Now the USB drive is paired with a RSA token, the Swiss Army is replaced by a much slimer key multitool.

    • Updated description with Classic Alox Models.

  • Genuine question, but why not buy something like this for $12 which is cheaper and has more tools?…

    • +2

      The main reason would be quality.

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