Reading this post about the cost of living.
Few comments say they live elsewhere.
Just wondering how many people don't live here? (given it's OZbargain)
Reading this post about the cost of living.
Few comments say they live elsewhere.
Just wondering how many people don't live here? (given it's OZbargain)
Switzerland: Inflation came in at 2.6% in April.
We are doomed.
Hon Keating is trading his pork shares for inflatable subs ?
Former East Pakistan would get you closer to the reallity.
World travellers tell me: Iran! I could have th closest mates here, never had better haspitality!
I live in Victoria.
Shhh… you'll wake jv and the Danganistan memes will start.
Thoughts and prayers.
My condolences on the weather down there
I live in the Education State. I used to live in the Garden State.
We used to be 'Going All The Way', but alas no more.
We are on the move though
S-M-R-T State here.
I mean, Sydney is pretty much Asia, does that count?
Looking at a map, the whole country is.
@buckethat: Yup, Indonesia and PNG are our closest neighbours. Darwin to Jakarta is 2700 km - much closer than Sydney to Perth even. In fact that’s about the same as Melbourne to Auckland. Perth and Singapore are in the same time zone. We are definitely much closer to Asia than some people want to believe. We were once even called the poor white trash of Asia LOL
poor white trash of Asia
Wasn't that Keating again?
From a time before gambling apps on phones too. What are we now? The dumb, poor, quadroon trash of Asia?
I frequent between major cities often because of my work.
Sydney is truly different and legitimately does feel like Asia to me. Starbucks, bubble tea, Asian restaurants on every street man. The only thing missing are good street food markets. Like in South Korea and Japan I barely saw any bubble tea stores and they are everywhere in Sydney.
Bubble tea came from Taiwan that’s why. But yes let’s all lump asia together because they’re all the same amirite.
@nomoneynoproblems: Asians eat Asian food as per most celebrity chefs, what's the problem?
Gordon has spent a lot of time in Asia especially at Street Food Markets. So today he's taking all that inspiration and turning it into a delicious Asian Noodle Dish packed with Asian greens, bacon, and of course an egg. Hopefully, this is a dish worthy of Uncle Roger's approval!
@LFO: "No, "Australians" eat food, it's only non Australians that call that same food "Australian food"."
Gosh, humanity is doomed if the above, makes sense to some people!
where is the 4th option
Yes : I live in this place run by bafoons
What's a "bafoon"?
Large musical instrument?
The buffoon of a baboon troop.
A baffled buffoon of a baboon troop?
first time in my life i have typed that :) now learned the spelling
An Australian politician.
Maybe ask @neil if they can add this statistic to the May report? Obviously it will be skewed for users that are connecting via an AU VPN, but might have some insight on at least how many users browse OzBargain from elsewhere.
Yes, but its not the Australia I used to
live in.
Hope not. Wouldn't want to be stuck in the 30's.
Well… Mr Lowe has got some news for you then
Just wait about 7 years and see what happens
Sorry for you Mr. Koala
WA is the best
Define "live" ;)
Spend 3-9 months a year in AU depending on business!
Does a Digital Nomad count?
I still VPN back to Australia before I post.
PM me, I wanna become and move to Bali 😂
Going to several different surburbs in one day, one can almost feel like one has traveled the world in a couple of hours - the cuisine, the culture, the diversity of people are all very distinctly different.
One of the intriguing aspects of living in Australia.
I love this aspect of modern Australia. On the weekend, we drove to Sydney (from Canberra) where we breakfasted on fantastic Arabic food in Lakembah, lunched on Penang mee in Campsie, just one km away, and finished the day with Taiwanese hotpot in Chatswood.
Only here do we see so many migrant groups co-existing proudly and in harmony.
you can afford to eat out?? …and the three times in one day???
It was a weekend trip for them?
There are plenty of extremely diverse places around the world. Always amuses me that Australia seems to think it is unique with this.
I was in Paris recently, and at one stage I didn't see another white person for an hour.
There was times, I was surrounded by African, Middle Eastern etc.
I actually saw less Asians than expected, not even in Italy in holiday spots.
Going to work these days feels like I'm a globe trotter each day… its like the UN here.
I live in NSW central coast but Perth looks very attractive to me.
Closer to Asia and without the humidity.
I don’t ‘live’ in Australia, I survive…
Wot? No option for Yes with either no comment or Yes, but I wish I didn't?
I hail from the distant land of Taswegia.
There's a lot of folks from Turkey
I live in Hookturnistan.
Mate. Yes, I do.
Pakistan: Inflation 38%
reserve bank rate kept at 21%