• expired

AmEx Statement Credit: Spend $30, Get $30 Back @ Energy Locals


Useful Amex offer and available on all my cards and supplementaries. Will end up saving me $300 on my electricity bill as I already use Energy Locals and can’t fault them.

If you change to access this deal, use the ozbargain referral system for Energy Locals as well.

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $30 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.energylocals.com.au by 31/08/2023 to receive one $30 credit.

Energy companies generally get a bad rap on review sites, but product review is full of positive reviews for these guys. I have used them in 3 different states and never had an issue. Have found the rates to be competitive in all jurisdictions.


Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Energy Locals
Energy Locals

closed Comments

  • They missed an opportunity to brand as "Energy Locos".

  • +1

    i assumed multiple offers can be used, not like globird energy i hope

  • +3

    I cannot recommend Energy Locals after receiving wrong bills and fighting with them over this for months. Check your meter reads if you are a customer. End reads never add up to start reads for the new bill. They apologise and promise to fix it, but I am waiting since for months now and haven’t paid a bill for about 3 months because of this.

  • -1

    Cheers. Good for gas this winter.
    My gas bill will be $400 so 15 cards should cover it lol

  • Anyone on direct debit?

    Can I just pay $30 via my customer portal login? Will my next bill automatically use the $30 credit?

    • I have a direct debit, just paid through the online portal $30 at a time and the credit was immediately recognised with email received within 5 minutes.

  • I was just thinking about switching to Energy Locals after we installed solar. What do customers think? I've seen the bad review from Thehairpolice on a couple of threads, wondering if this is the case for more people too? Currently with Red Energy.

    • Their feed in tariffs aren't great, so may not be the best option if you have solar. It's worth comparing prices on https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

      As for the billing issue, every retailer has issues some of the time especially in complex cases (like being on a VPP trial as Thehairpolice is). Chances are you won't have any issues. And if you do, just switch to someone else.

  • +1

    good deal but their website is so bad

  • I found it has a monthly membership fee

    • +4

      Other retailers bundle this cost into their daily charge, for example at my address:

      Energy locals daily charge $0.6666
      Plus monthly fee $11.99
      = $1.06 effectively total daily charge

      Compare that to a lot of other retailers charging $1.30.

      But as always with energy, use a comparison site. Everyone's circumstances differ.

      • Their current promo includes 6 months free membership.
        Monthly fee has gone up to $16.99

    • Divide the fee by 30 and add it to the daily supply rate to help you compare to other providers

  • +3

    I think we need to update this page with the OZB referral system. I received an email saying that:

    We'll credit your account with $50 for every person you refer via the link below.

    • +1
    • They don’t honour the referrals. Just a marketing ploy. They will ignore all messages following up the credit.

      Their billing is all over the place too. Never the same time of the month, sometimes monthly then nothing for up to 3 months. They use the resulting confusion to then make money charging overdue fees.

    • The issue is addressed in the comments here. The URL doesn't insert the referrer's account number. You'll have to manually enter it in when signing up.

  • Has anyone else tried signing up? and in order for us to use AmEx, we have to use the 'Local member' plan and not the 'online only' plan?

    And the online only plan has a discount of 18%.

    • They do not exclude online only plan. So it should be fine

  • Why can you use Amex on online only

  • +2

    I signed up finally after originally thought it wasn't worth the hassle, but didn't realise there is also a $100 credit for VIC as per this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/772160

    I signed up with someone's referral by using the address mentioned in earlier comment and added account number to the end. Hopefully it works, but $100 plus AMEX offer is good enough anyway.

    When signing up the direct debit was only Visa or Mastercard, but if going to the pay account link then can see there is the option to pay with Visa, Mastercard or AMEX. So will give it a go, once my transfer is completed.

  • Looks like Energy Locals is a joke!
    I tried to sign up on their website and after I filled out all required details I got the following:
    "Sorry. Thank you for considering Energy Locals, as part of your application we perform a credit assessment with Equifax and on this occasion our credit criteria has not been met. You can request a copy of your credit file through Equifax at https://www.equifax.com.au/personal/"
    I checked my Equaifax report and it says that my rating is "Excellent".
    According to Equifax Energy Locals enquired about my ability to pay $0.00 but I didn't meet their criteria :)))
    Amazing! Now I understand why some people are complaining about Energy Locals being very disorganised.

    • +1

      I called them. They answered my call after about 20 min wait. I explained the issue and they signed me up. However, their daily fee has gone up to 72 cents.
      I used a referral code so someone here will also get a $50 credit. Will also use Amex cards to make some payments for additional savings.
      Even though the cooling off period is 10 days, the transfer was done in a day which is really good as my current rates from AGL too high.

  • +1

    Signed up with Energy Locals a few days ago with a fellow ozbargainer's referral. Will see how it will turn out. But will be happy for $100 signup bonus directly from Energy Locals plus cashbacks from using American Express card.

  • +1

    Is anyone having trouble paying?

    • Yes - first few payments went through fine at the beginning of the promotion. Now can't use the portal at all. Have emailed them but yet to hear back.

      • +1

        I am also having trouble paying with amex from customer portal

        Please update it you have received any news. …

        does not look good for now. They might blocked amex until offer promotion is over at the end of August

        • Same problem, keep getting error. Website response very fast so it is likely that they blocked Amex.

      • Can you confirm is this issue still exists. I'm considering signing up with them for just a month using the OzB referral system and stacking the Amex offer for a payment. Will hold off if the issue is ongoing

        • Still an issue. Tried tonight.

          • @hamza23: still ongoing issue….tried just now

          • @hamza23: I reported it to Amex. Let's see if they follow up with EnergyLocals

            • @0FoxGiven: hic did you hear back from amex regarding the issue ?

              • @XedeX: Nope but It seems like its working now

    • +2

      Just tried the $30 amex payment now and it went through.

      FYI @TitanFather @ggfatty @chanhoz @0FoxGiven

      • +1

        yup, worked for me as well

    • hey, just wondering if the payment has worked for you with amex ?

  • Update for my situation if of interest. My first bill last month I got the VIC $100 credit and a $50 referral credit. My account was also in credit from AMEX adhoc payments made. I had used referral link and I know one person signed up through my referral link, so I am not sure which triggered the $50 referral credit out of the two methods.

    I have better rates elsewhere so was going to leave after my first bill but when I checked my OzB referral clicks I had 10 clicks with last click well over a week ago, so felt like a high probability that maybe someone has used my referral code on here out of the 10 clicks. Got my second bill just now and no new referral credits, so I am leaving for better rates elsewhere and have removed my referral details from OzB for Energy Locals, since will no longer be a customer.

    I don't think I had any billing issues - compared start read to end read of previous retailer and checked current meter read on meter vs bill issued today. So overall was worth it.

  • The payment page doesn't accept amex.
    It only shows mastercard and visa logo.

    When i enter amex card details it says card not accepted.

    • +1

      I just loaded the page and it shows Visa, Mastercard and Amex logos.

      Have made two payments with Amex in the past week.

      • still nothing for me. The payment page won't show me amex logo, nor will it accept my amex details. i wonder if i am doing something wrong.

        • Try here without logging in, just enter your account number, it's a public URL and the amex logo is there (although cut off slightly, next to the mastercard logo).


          This is the direct URL it will go to, where you replace 0 with your account number: https://pay.energylocals.com.au/?supplierBusinessCode=ELOCAL…

          • @hamza23: can't use this link as i am yet to become their customer. i am in mddle of signup up and on the payment page where it won't let me proceed without putting in a card number, and won't accept my amex card.

            • @XedeX: I don't think I entered payment details upfront. Don't select direct debit or enter a different non AmEx card if you are forced to. Once your account is set up and your service is transferred, you can then pay your account in advance using your AmEx card before the 31/8.

              • @hamza23: oh.. i see.
                makes sense. thank a lot mate.

                • @XedeX: No probs. I just did a mock signup quickly and I can see at the direct debit page step 3 if you select credit card then it only has visa and mastercard. It seems for direct debit they only select those 2 payment methods, however the manual payment method also accepts amex and has the amex logo there.

                  If you click this link you can see what the manual payment section looks like, you don't need an account to view it: https://pay.energylocals.com.au/?supplierBusinessCode=ELOCAL…

                  For whatever reason my account payment method says 'Manual Payment', so the direct debit wasn't required when I joined.

  • Don't think direct debit matters, just sign up if you have the offer. Once your account is up you can make manual payment. I stacked up the $100 sign up bonus and a couple amex offers and probably have enough credits to last another half year before hunting for the new deal.
    but I agree their billing system is funny, my calculations showed my first bill should be debit but somehow I ended up with $4 credit.

  • How long does it take after signing up before you get your account number? I think i left it too late. its a same i had the offer on many amex cards

    • Looking back on my emails, I got the account number the same day, via a 2nd email.

      First I received a 'Welcome to Energy Locals' email, then later on that day (3.5 hours later) I received a 'We've created your account' email which contained the account number.

    • +1

      You have definitely left it too late. Just sell your offers, they are some buyers on the classfied.

      • thanks for the tip wish i had done that earlier too, but i did manage to do a few before midnight.

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