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Samyang Hot Chicken Ramen Spicy Flavour 140g | 5 Pack $7.50 @ Coles


Been looking for a special on these for a WHILE! Cheaper than your local Asian store!

DISCLAIMER: These are bawl your eyes out asian kinda spicy 🔥🌶🥵; not your standard white person 'spicy'

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closed Comments

    • +21

      These retail for about $11-$12 at Asian grocers, so this is a deal.

        • +10

          You just said it yourself, before the great inflation.

          It's a deal as its cheaper than what you can get it for currently.

          Not what you paid many years ago.

          • +4

            @SpeedRunnerLink: back in my day these were (insert random price from 5yrs ago :D )

            • +5

              @quikstix: quick ozbargain search they were $5 in 2021

              • +1

                @overlook: lots has happened in the last 2yrs lets be honest… pretty much like 5yrs change.

  • +4

    As a noodle lover, thanks OP great post

  • +3

    Hot deal!
    thanks OP.

  • Oooh 2x spicy! Just how spicy are we talking here?

    • +40


    • +4

      If these are the ones I'm thinking of / have tried - the spiciest instant noodle I've ever tried, by far. I love spicy food so it was fun

    • +1

      You need to try Bulmawang The Devil of Fire Ramen, Should be able to get it from HanaroMart.

    • +4

      There's also a 3x spicy variant, I'm still making my way through that pack but it's quite deadly!

      • +2

        I half the Shin Ramyun spice, and that has a SHU score of 2,700. 3x would be over 13000 - suicide heat!

        • Supposedly Bulmawang is 14444 SHU.

        • If you think 13,000 is suicide please dont go anywhere near Habanero, 350,000 or Scorpion which are up to 1.2m SHU. Just pretend Reapers dont exist as even I dont enjoy that…

          • +15

            @Ravensbane: The thing with these ramens though vs a hot sauce or whatever is the starchy sauce really coats the mouth and sticks around. I enjoy things about as spicy as they can be but something about these noodles is beyond the numbers quoted.

          • +4

            @Ravensbane: The Scoville rating on these is an absolute troll. These burn easily as hard as any bird's eye chilli or even a low end Habanero (imo.)

          • @Ravensbane: Yeah the Scoville rating on it is a lie. It does not feel like merely "13,000". I recommend you try it. It's torturously but addicting spicy.

        • +1

          I caved and bought this stuff for the first time based on comments here. Wow. This stuff brings the heat. WOW!! I am impressed! It's so hot, I taste no chicken at all. I had to wait for it to cool down temperature wise. That makes it easier to eat.

          I will never understand this SHU scale. I have the #10 sauce from Hot Ones which is supposedly 2M+ Scoville. I can eat that on a wing, and while its extremely hot, I handle it fine. No rushing for milk or anything. These noodles though…. wow. Different league.

          Another super spicy thing: "I can't feel my face" crushed chill flakes: https://www.flatironpepper.com/products/i-cant-feel-my-face

          List as 750K+ Scoville. Really really hot if you use too much at once.

          Additional thought: you can save on your heating bills by just eating these noodles. Offsets the $7.50.

          • @bk1973: Did you finish it?

            The next morning isn't worth eating these haha. The noodles itself are so good though.

            I find eating it with about 1/4 of the sauce pack is a good sweet spot.

            • @Circly: I did. I'm a little worried about tomorrow morning. :-) I think my favourite instant noodles are the Paldo Fun & Yum Teumsae Jjajang. Not nearly as spicy as the 2X noodles, but definitely a lot of taste. The Shim Ramyun made with milk is also very good (add a medium-boiled egg too maybe). I use Aaron and Claire's (from YouTube) cooking method.

      • +3

        I assume you're slowly making your way through 1 packet? I tried the 3x spicy a little while back and it took me most of an afternoon to get through

        • Yeah similar experience whenever I have these, sitting there for ages trying not to die haha.

          I add a bit of milk into the mixture which helps and makes it more creamy too but yeah almost to no avail.

      • Oh yeah that 3x gave me experience I never had before with spicy food. My finger tips tingles while eating. Painful! I ate 3 out of the 5 packs, couldn’t bear eating the rest.

        I also learned that the best way to tame the heat was a side of milkshake. Milk and iced water just made it worse

        • LMAO! I don't blame ya. I got gastritis from these. Expensive.

    • I don't think it tastes 2x compared to the normal packs, it is very spicy though!

    • Can confirm - as a moderate chili lover I tried these once and almost couldn't finish (and regretted it later), very spicy.

      • +1

        You did well grasshopper. Keep practising and you will conquer.

  • +20

    I love the taste of this but far out my bum hole gets the flames of hell treatment afterwards

    • +2

      not a great idea to have it before your Sunday long run…

      • Park Runs?

      • +1

        Can second that comment did a 10km after one of these (standard black pack) for lunch and it was a regrettably dumb move.

    • Thank you for letting us know. I was just about to ask about the butt hole factor. I'll pass on this deal. ⭕

    • Looks like you need this. Freezing cold winter water will give you relief.

  • +13

    FYI, 핵 means Nuclear in the package.

    • NUCULAR!

    • The toilet definitely gets nuked

      • Do it in the garden and no bug will ever visit near there.

        • Won't be the only thing it will deter.

  • +1

    "Will it burn my mouth? It'll destroy your mouth."

    • And french kiss your b.hole so you get to enjoy it twice!

      • LMAO! Doubt it. By the time it reaches there it will be 0.25 strength. What you need is 2x!!!!

        • 3x for the lava escaping ones rear end.

  • I usually get the black x1 spicy packs and even they are too hot, even though I eat spicy food daily

    • +17

      "white" people or I guess Anglo Saxons aren't very good with spice.

      • +2

        This is a true generelisation.

        • +4

          That is the nature of generalisation. In general, white people don't do well with spice.

          • @D3m3ntia: Some people are so sensitive. In this case, we know who.

      • +4

        it's completely unnecessary.

        So is this comment, but who's keeping count?

      • +3

        Everyone got what that means and so did you..
        All you wanna do is pick a fight over nothing lol.

        • +3

          True, but I bet you would be the the first to defend it if it was said against another race. Just saying.

          • @pufffdragon: It's a shame the mods don't do anything about such blatant racism. Racism is racism, no matter who it is against

            • +1

              @BargainMe: Yeah, but us Aussies are terrible with spicy food.

              Nowhere near what Koreans can handle

            • +1

              @BargainMe: This isn't racism though, just a generalisation. Just like saying Indians can handle lots of spice.

          • @pufffdragon:

            I bet

            Another one 🤦🏻‍♂️
            Well that would have been one stupid bet because I don’t play that woke nonsense, never did
            All you grown ups here getting so emotional over ‘words’ is just a sight a watch.
            Intent over Content

    • +2

      Why u don't understand? Simples my man.

    • +1

      If you don't follow the history of this brand/product you don't understand. This is the "fire noodle challenge" created by the Korean Englishman. All people were white and couldn't handle the spice…

    • +4

      They're just saying that Asian cuisine is spicier than most western cuisine. It's not that serious, Twitter.

    • Means it is spicier than Sriracha.

    • -1

      Go to Korea and watch little kids happily eating spicy Kimchi that you as a Honky cannot go near, you will know

      • -1


        • Honky is a joke word that urban black guys would call white people especially in the 60's and 70's. It can also be used self-deprecatingly by white people about themselves. You can see references from Family guy to Platoon and many other movies.
          You really didn't know that?

          • @King Tightarse: Honestly did not know this too. I only know Hongky for Hong Kong people

            • @John: Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHi3FD4o-S8 Peter is saying the jury is stacked with white people (honkies) but of course he, is too. So it's a joke…
              I guess it makes sense about Hong Kong people being also called 'Hongky' but I have never heard that one before.
              The closest is 'Honkers' for Hong Kong - that was used in TV ads for years

  • +1

    That's not a deal. The asian store near me sells a 5 pack for $6.99.

    • +6

      Lucky for you, all the ones near me sell them for a minimum $9.

    • It’s different for every place

    • +2

      I found the ones in Brissie sold them at a good price, but the ones in Melbourne are not. Sad. :(

      • Yeah I'm in Brissie. Sometimes I even see them at $5+ for a 5 pack.

        • i have seen them for $4.99 too in Syd Tong Li, but they are short dated

    • You must be incredibly lucky. The Asian store near me sells a 5 pack for about $11.50.

  • I thought there got to $5 on specials. I guess not anymore..

  • +1

    I like mixing a table spoon of peanut butter with it or with a side of tuna/kewpi/spring onion mixture

    • Peanut butter eh? never thought of that.

    • +1

      never thought about it. I shall try

    • Interesting… Will try that.
      I tried cooking in milk based on a reddit recommendation and liked it too.

  • +2

    How are these compared to Shin Rhamyuen?

    • +7

      These are about 20x more spicy and also not served in a soup like shin ramyun. But they are delicious.

    • +8

      From 1-10, Shin is 1 and this is 10.

    • +3

      If you have hemorrhoids, you will know with these. Not with Shin.

  • +6

    Love eating these. My tastebuds get stronger to handle more spice, but the other end never does 🔥🔥

    • +1

      REALLY? HAve you eaten about 4 weeks in a row. The other end does get stronger. DO TRY IT.

      • Can't risk getting a haemorrhoid again… 😂

  • +2

    wow covid really brought in some serious inflation on these. fairly sure when the spicy noodle challenge started in social years ago it was just $1 a pack…so like $5.50 to $6 for this

    • +3

      I know what you mean. For example indomie mi goreng box used $15-18 now $25 damn

      • +2

        I used to cringe at having to pay over $9.99

        Is it seriously $25 now? Fkn rip

      • +1

        this is way worse…we talking about 100%. DOUBLED

  • It's only spicy if it comes out spicy. Can confirm that these come out spicy!

  • -4

    Ugly packaging

  • Taste good with cheese

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