Terms and Conditions
Visit Everyday Market at https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/discover/everyday-market. Promotion runs from 00:01 (local time) 24/04/2023 to 23:59 (local time) 30/05/2023 (Promotional period). Offer is available on your next Everyday Market order when you shop from Woolworths online only. This offer is personal to you and will be available on your Everyday Rewards Card. To collect 2000 points on your next Everyday Market order, simply spend at least $50 (including GST but excluding the value of any Woolworths grocery items) in a single transaction with Everyday Market from Woolworths during the Promotional period and link your registered Everyday Rewards Card at the checkout. Offer is valid once only and can only be redeemed by the recipient of the email containing this offer. Everyday Rewards may reverse any points which have been allocated to you where your order is cancelled or refunded for the items in respect of which those points were collected. Everyday Market products are sold by our Everyday Market partners (and not by Woolworths Group Limited unless the Everyday Market partner is "BIG W"), are shipped by our Everyday Market partners and delivered separately from your Woolworths groceries order. For details on Everyday Market, see the FAQs here. See https://www.woolworths.com.au for full terms and conditions and delivery areas. Your points can take up to 14 business days from the date of dispatch of the final Everyday Market item in your order to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card. This offer is only available on Everyday Market items. Woolworths Online grocery items are not included in this offer, and will not contribute towards your minimum spend. No points will be collected on withdrawal of cash, delivery and shipping fees, Delivery Saver items and Delivery Unlimited items, internet cafes, purchases of smoking/tobacco products and accessories, liquor purchased at woolworths.com.au, Gift Cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, travel cards and tickets, Carpet Care, Donations, lottery products and Pre-order Kiosks. For details, see this FAQ here https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/discover/everyday-market. Everyday Market products are sold by our Everyday Market partners (and not by Woolworths Group Limited unless the Everyday Market partner is “BIG W”), are shipped by our Everyday Market partners and delivered separately from your Woolworths groceries order. In addition to the above terms and conditions, by participating in the Everyday Rewards program you agree to the Everyday Rewards Terms and Conditions at everydayrewards.com.au/terms. Campaign code: EDM-6768
2000 Rewards Points (Worth $10) on Min $50 Spend @ Everyday Market
Referral Links
Everyday Extra: random (965)
Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.
Gimmicks. Most products are half price when on discount anyway.