If you have a Kindle, you can order this directly from your device. If you don't, you'll have to install Kindle software on your mobile phone or PC. You can use 'calibre' eBook software to convert it from Kindle .mobi format to .epub or another format if you want to read it with another type of eReader.
This appears to be a ONE DAY SALE so it will expire some time in the next twenty-four hours, based on whenever Amazon stop their one day sales.
People are probably fairly familiar with The Hunger Games from hearing about the movie, but I don't know too many people who've read the book. The books are much more descriptive and (in my opinion) much better than the movie. It is supposedly aimed at teenage readers, but I enjoyed it and even my grandmother quite enjoyed reading it. It's a good read if you like blood and guts, revenge stories, and don't want anything too brain-taxing.
It shares a few plot points with Battle Royale, but is quite different in execution. It's NOTHING like Twilight despuite the media continually comparing the two.
EDIT: This appears to be only the first book, not the trilogy. I misread the Amazon title, which says 'Trilogy' but means it's PART of the trilogy, not the entire trilogy. I do wish they'd write 'Part 1 of Trilogy' instead of just writing 'Trilogy' to save confusion.
Unfortunately I don't think it's the entire trilogy, just the first book.