The Hunger Games books in Epub format are available from Kobo for 85% off codes are HungerGamesDeal, HungerGamesDeal2, HungerGamesDeal3
Hunger Games Book 1 usually price is $7.62 dicount price is $1.14.
Catching Fire Book 2 usually price is $8.71 dicount price is $1.31.
Mocking Jay Book 3 usually price is $7.62 dicount price is $1.14.
If you are a Kindler then epubs are easily converted to mobi using Calibre with Tools installed info
There are other Kobo discount codes currently available these are one time use only on non Agency books only
Welcome20 (20% off)
Kobodollaroff ($1 off)
JUNE20OFF (20% off)
save20offer (20% off)
survey25 (25% off)
c1auto25 (25% off)
thankyou2012 (35% off)
c1auto30 (30% off)
c4auto40 (40% off)
c2auto30 (30% off)
c2auto35 (35% off)
c3auto35 (35% off)
c4auto35 (35% off)
Non agency titles are usually the ones with 2 prices listed List price/Our price.
Thanks to the mobileread forum for the heads up on the hunger games code
Hmm. Promo code appears to be usable once per account? Got Book 1, and tried to buy Book 2 it gave me this: