Good Credit Card for Benefits?

Was looking into cc for personal use that provides the best way to accumulate points. Don't run a business. So I definitely can't afford the ones with crazy monthly spending requirements.


  • +1

    For the long term just get the HSBC Everyday global. This gives you 2% cashback on all instore transactions below $100. If you want points really quick, you can get the ANZ black which gives you $800 of gift cards if you spend $3000 in the first 3 months + $150 back but has a $375 annual fee.

    • The cashback on HSBC account seems to be for the debit card. Are there any options to get a cc with the same benefits?

      • Don't think there's any cc with 2% cashback in Australia. The best you can do is get credit cards with a signup bonus like the ANZ black. At least with the debit card there's no credit inquiry on our account.

        • I think the closest to that is ANZ linked with Cash Rewards. But doesn't offer cash back everywhere.

          ING debit used to give cash back, but I think that's long gone.

    • Do you have a link regarding the $800 of vouchers? Can’t seem to see it on their site

  • +2

    Westpac Altitude Rewards Black
    ANZ Rewards Black
    HSBC Platinum Credit Card

    • The HSBC platinum card requires you to receive the email offer to get the points so ignore that option.

  • -2

    Good Credit Card for Benefits?

    Pension or Jobseeker?

    • Maybe asking for a friend.

  • Citi prestige if you can make the min spend.
    $1500 in flybuys minus the $350 first year fee.

    4th night free at hotels, plus some travel Benefits such as full priority pass and $100 annual airport transfer.

    Not for everyone, and certainly not for anyone into year 2 unless you are a massive spender.

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