Hey guys, what is the RAM and memory for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070? I googled and only found 8GB which I believe is the memory. If yes, then what is its RAM?
What Is The RAM and Memory for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070

Thanks, I am guessing GDDR6 is related to the RAM. If yes, how many GB RAM does GDDR6 provide?
Shouldn’t all GPU cards have an amount specified for RAM and memory?
Sorry for noob questions.
RAM is memory.
Graphics cards have graphics memory to draw upon for their purposes. That has nothing to do with general computer memory. It sounds like you're confusing the two concepts.
You still need regular RAM "memory" placed into the motherboard for the CPU to utilise directly.
Ah ok. So let me see if I get this right (in a high level overview).
For GPUs, the RAM is memory.
For CPUs, RAM and memory are two seperate things.
For CPU, RAM and memory are two seperate things.
What makes you say this? They're the same thing too.
@Hybroid: Ok got you now. There are 3 seperate things:
- the RAM for CPU.
- the SSD.
- the RAM for GPU.@Hybroid: Sorry one quick question. I am looking at this: https://www.harveynorman.com.au/hp-victus-15-6-inch-i5-12450…
What is that 4G quoted behind RTX3050 in the title? I thought RTX3050 cards should have 8G RAM?
@ilovefullprice: RTX 3050 desktop card has 8GB memory.
RTX 3050 mobile chips have 4GB memory.
Desktop and mobile cards do not have the same specs or performance.
@Hybroid: Sorry another quick question. Is it usual laptops would normally use the mobile version?
For eg. this one https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/769027 where the description doesn’t specify if the GPU card has 4GB or 8GB. Given that it’s a laptop (rather than desktop) and looking at the price point, it’s likely the 4GB mobile version right?
@ilovefullprice: More often than not, yes, they will be mobile/laptop versions of the GPU.
Note that video cards can pull VRAM from the regular RAM as well, don't fuss over 4 or 8 GB for video memory too much. You're not playing the latest games on maximum settings on a laptop like that anyway.
@Hybroid: Many thanks again! I’m looking for an affordable Nvidia GPU laptop as I’m working on machine learning models running on GPU, so I need to consider the RAM size of the GPU card for this, with larger RAM the better to accommodate for larger datasets.
@ilovefullprice: I think maybe you should take someone more tech savvy to shop with you, otherwise harvey norman will make a killing out of you.
RAM is memory.
- Moss, I.T. Crowd
I think you should Google what RAM means…
Random Access Memory.
RAM is memory. They are the same thing and interchangeable in a conversation.RAM is memory
It is random though, so changes all the time.
Yeah - wouldn't be much use if it wasn't able to change. Otherwise the OP would be installing Stone Tablet Memory (STM)..
Actually the random in this case refers to access, because the computer doesn't need to access the memory bits sequentially.
would be installing Stone Tablet Memory (STM)..
That worked fine for Moses
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 graphics card has 8GB of GDDR6 memory and a memory bandwidth of 448GB/s. It does not have its own dedicated RAM, but instead uses the computer's system memory (RAM) for tasks such as loading textures and other data needed for rendering. The amount of RAM required for gaming or other tasks largely depends on the specific applications or games being used, as well as the operating system and other software running on the computer.
— ChatGPT
It does not have its own dedicated RAM, but instead uses the computer's system memory (RAM)
I strongly suggest not believing everything ChatGPT tells you. The 8GB of GDDR6 is a particular type of RAM.
I've got to say I'm blown away by the cluelessness being displayed in the question and replies here.
Really? It says you've been here since 2010
RTX 2070 has 8GB of GDDR6. That's the graphics memory.