This was posted 1 year 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Breville The Barista Express (Black) BES870 $499 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ Bing Lee

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I just bought one last week for$549 from good guys ebay. This is the best price I have seen this for a while. If you miss out on the last deal, here is your chance.

This is part of Mother's Day deals for 2023.

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Bing Lee
Bing Lee

closed Comments

  • +4

    Price in title

  • +1

    Good deal. $499 + del

  • +20

    $474 eBay plus, and free delivery from their eBay store.

  • This is crazy!

  • +23

    Thanks OP, got the eBay Listing( added a $5 Home & Garden item from TGG and used the coupon "HGMAY" to get it for $454.

    • +1

      TGG, Bing Lee always check their eBay listing for extra discount.

    • +1

      Add a $2 sim from bing Lee and makes it slightly cheaper :)

    • Thanks for the tips, terrific! 🙏

  • Really making that 600 Bambino Plus a hard buy

  • +17

    I just bought one last week for$549 from good guys ebay.

    Ozbargain rule 271A(3.2) : do not research current prices on recently purchased items. Witholding period : 6 months.

    • what is this rule book?

      • +7

        Enter the passcode you received when you signed up to platinum membership.

        • Hmm i was thinking a rulebook like this should be accessible to everyone not just platinum members 🤦‍♂️

          • +1

            @kaleidoscope: @scotty

            Can we make this happen?

            • +5

              @MS Paint: Sooner it later people will be asking for all the premium features to be available to everyone, and you'll need to be in the premium plus membership to be exclusive…

              So nah, it won't happen.

    • difficult when the price is in the title and you're scrolling the homepage

    • +1

      I though it was: "Buy again and return the old one" or "Buy again to average down"

      • +1

        Dollar cost averaging. I like the way you think

  • +2

    That's even cheaper than pre-covid era price.

    • +5

      It's what I paid the week prior to covid. Great value for that money

    • This is what I paid a few years ago with a eBay plus deal. Good to see it comes back again

  • Are Breville about to announce new models or something? These prices keep dropping, I'm hoping my sunbeam kicks the bucket now so I can justify getting one!

    • +2

      They did some time ago. The Barista Impress.

  • Great price for a great machine!

  • That is cheap!

  • Normally I'd say save up for the dual boiler - but it's a great price

    • what advantages do you have with dual boiler other than make more coffees often

      • +1

        More consistency and stronger steam, apart from simultaneous brewing and steaming. from what I heard.

      • +1

        Far better temperature stability, ability to brew and steam at the same time and 58mm portafilter just to name a few.

      • +1

        I would recommend the bambino plus (tho not for 600+) and pair it with a decent grinder. The newer Brevilles dont have boilers anymore, most have switched to using a thermal block meaning you can turn the machine on and get hotwater/steam within seconds, so the advantage of having another boiler for steam is somewhat reduced.

        The other meaningful different would be the portafilter size 54mm vs 58mm and with the bambino plus you need to get a non pressurised basket for the portafilter for about $10.

        • +1

          The bambino plus come with 4 baskets (at least in aus), both non-pressurised and pressurised, in single and double shot.

          • +1

            @chew_chew: Not when I bought it but that was a couple of years ago.

            • @try2bhelpful: Fair enough, my mate recently purchased one and it did come with 4 baskets. YMMV

              • @chew_chew: No probs. With the increase in price they may have added the two extra baskets. The overseas ones always came with all four.

    • -5

      Some of us are too lazy to use the steaming wand, and have a separate frother.
      And serious coffee drinkers would never add milk.

  • Banger deal! Decent entry level machine, will make you a good cup.

  • Great deal! Thanks OP

  • I bought this from The Good Guys last year… Very happy with it :)

  • +1

    What is a decent Automatic Machine? One that makes espresso without having to tamper and dump? Don't drink milk so that's not important.

  • Great price! Our Breville is 8 yo and still going strong.

    • +1

      Mine lasted 9 years, at 8 years its at the end of its life. I would jump on this deal and sell the old Breville on Gumtree as it can still make a cuppa

      • Mine lastest 11 years years before getting on its last legs. Still managed to sell it off for $150 on FB Marketplace before I upgraded to a Prosumer Esspresso Machine (ECM Casa V).

        I wish they had a shot counter, I would love to know how many shots it did over the years.

        • How was it on its last legs?

          I grabbed one out on Hard rubbish. Replaced a leaking elbow inside ($8 on ebay) and 3D printed a new bean hopper. It seems perfect again. Makes great coffee.

          Keen to know what tell tails you had that it wasnt working like it used to?

          As for shot counter. We also have a Jura auto machine, coming up on 15 000 shots. All still looks like new inside. Give it a lube occasionally.

    • I've got an ol' EM7000 still kicking along and always ponder if it's overkill buying a spare with these $400-500 deals.

      (I've rarely been able to make use of the dual blocks to do water and steam simultaneously)

  • +2

    Wow, this is what I paid like 4 years back, didn't think we'd see that price again

  • Would good guys price match even though it's same product but different colour?

    • +1

      Probably no, but let us know.

      • +1

        Just tried. Nope because it's a different "product model"

  • Thanks, not sure if I really needed it. I added a "Breville The Big One BTS100" for $49, with $14 postage and HGMAY as the code bought it down to $512. So $50 off with the code. Pretty good for non-plus.

  • Great deal

  • Can we extract coffee and milk frother at the same time? Or nedd to extract coffee then wait the steamer to get ready for frothing…?

    • The second option. It's got a single block in it that does one, then the other.

      • Then i'll pass… i already have rachello

    • You need dual boiler in order to brew and steam at the same time.

      • Gotcha… Brew is the word slipped off my head… They pretty expensive right? Need deal for that around $500

  • Holllllldddd


  • Damn, my one from GG deal arriving today….

  • How does this compare to single button press delonghi units ?

    • +4

      From the information you provided, this one surely has more buttons and is of a different brand.

      • -1

        Thanks, very informative

        • +1

          The cryptic message that I tried to convey was that you EITHER gave us little chance to guess what machine(s) you had on your mind OR expected us to do a full segment comparison for you. Obviously I assumed no bad intentions and that you were simply not precise.

          So, WTH are "single button press delonghi units"? :)

          • +1

            @pizzaguy: Calm down man, I'm just messing around. I couldve been more detailed for sure, but you could have been polite and ask for more info. But instead you took an opportunity to just write a snarky comment and not offer any valuable information.

            A lot of Delonghi units, like the magnifica, are single button press units. Fully automated machines.

            I was after candid anecdotals, but feel free to do a full segment review, I'd love that :-)

            • @[Deactivated]: Can't help comparing here. Fully automatic ones gives you less control for sure, but more convenience.

              If you prefer milky coffees (esp. sweet ones), don't care about espresso and can't be bothered with the entire process, go for the convenience.

  • +2

    Binglee website wouldn't ship it to South Australia, but the Ebay option seems to have worked

  • don't forget 8% from CR

  • Bought one via this share and tips. looking forward to it,
    many thanks for ozbargin :)

  • +2

    If somebody is ordering via ebay and need to add something to the cart to get a better deal, you should absolutely consider Breville the Dosing Funnel BEA201(

    Well, even if you don't need to fill your cart, that funnel is a must-have for this machine. Changes the whole experience into a way more convenient and less messy.

    • I think it's included, maybe wasn't in the past

      • From the product page on breville site:

        "Includes Dosing Funnel™ attachment to reduce mess and waste"

        • You're right, it's listed there. It's not listed on Bing Lee product page, however. One of the reviews mentions it on Bing Lee, but that review is pulled from Breville's website.

          If it's not included in the box from Bing Lee (because it might be some previous stock - who knows), I'd totally call them and demand one.

  • Amazing price pull the trig boys

  • Says out of stock but not from BING Lee On eBay? Do you think they will cancel?

  • Buy this or stick with my nespresso?

  • That's crazy deal!

  • Do any of these espresso machines do hot water for tea as well? Have a nespresso, milk frother and hot water dispenser on my bench and it would be great to get rid of all three for something that does coffee & tea.

    • +1

      Yes, if you turn the frother switch in the opposite direction it pours a cup of hot water for tea!

    • The Bambino Plus can dispense hot water as well.

      • It can?…….please enlighten me! i too want to p1ss off the kettle lol

    • +1

      It does, as do most machines, but may not be at the temperature you want for tea.

      I think generally it's better to separately boil water for drinks, i.e. long black, tea, etc.

      • For black tea all those hot water dispensers in coffee machines might not be hot enough, but for other tea types or for topping up you cup they work perfectly.

  • can anyone please enlighten me with some information , as i wanted to buy a coffee machine for long and get so confused whenever i come here. is it a good coffee machine? can i make cappuccino with this one? if yes then i am buying it. some referring to Bambino !! now what is it? Please help this coffee lover

    • +2

      Bambino plus:

      The bambino plus is another popular option but doesn't come with a grinder. Pairing bambino plus with a decent grinder will prob be better (but also more exy) than this.

    • If you are new to coffee espresso making, then this deal is extremely good deal to start your journey. All you need is some coffee beans and milk and you can make delicious cappuccino with some learning curve to master it. I would buy this machine as you won't find a better value at this price.
      Edit: seems to be OOS anyway.

  • +1

    Already have the Breville smart grinder so will wait for a BES920 offer

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