Hey guys,
Has anyone successfully claimed the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) for a purchase on Google Store?
Looking to buy the new Pixel7a (which has $150 in credits attached to it, as a special promotion), but I'm not sure if I can get the GST back via a TRS?
Has anyone purchased a physical Google Store product from the Australian and received an invoice from Google with an ABN and address?
It has a GST for sure, but to fulfil the TRS requirements the "store" has to have an ABN and address.
Thanks for your help.
Tourist Refund Scheme (Google Store)

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No, have not bought it yet, because I'd like to know (from anyone with previous experience) if it comes with an ABN.
Go and try to checkout, and see if GST is added or not.
and see if GST is added or not.
and if it isn't, report them to the ATO
Do you live here?
Then you'll pay the tax when you bring it back in https://www.abf.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/touris…
If TRS goods return to Australia they must be declared and the full refund paid back. TRS goods are not included in your passenger concession. Penalties apply to undeclared goods.
Are you doing an older quote. Because I swore this was repealed and when I look at your link it doesn't say the above. It says only if it exceeds the concession.
Does it matter?
Fair enough but the questions is able claiming GST, not whether if you need to declare it upon return.
Wait what ? So you can buy something in here within 60 days of an overseas trip, claim GST back and then bring it back provided it is < $900 (or try your luck if it is over) ?
Damn I thought that it was only for tourists, I bought a lens a day before my last trip didn't know I could have claimed the gst.
Pretty much.
"Damn I thought that it was only for tourists, I bought a lens a day before my last trip didn't know I could have claimed the gst"
If you're travel with family, you can combine your individual threshold ($900). For example, a family of two adults and two children would have a combined duty free allowance of AUD2700.
It was designed for tourists, but they left a loophole in there to encourage other spending too. Ideally it was so that if you were (for example) planning on travelling to the US and buying a phone over there and bringing it back, you may as well purchase it here.
So they were never too worried about who claimed it going out. However they do flag higher priced items they think you will bring back. So someone claiming a $15k wedding ring is a little suspicious if they say they are not bringing it back to Australia. So they flag it and check it on re-entry
Google (or any business) cannot claim GST without having an ABN. Also tax invoice with ABN must be provided when requested as per Australian laws I think.
Also tax invoice with ABN must be provided when requested as per Australian laws I think.
Only for purchases over $75
Then why is it than when I buy from AliExpress/ Banggood etc they always charge GST, but never supply an invoice with an ABN on it?
Google Store Australia uses ABN: 33 102 417 032
which is for GOOGLE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD.Do you have their phone number?
Did you Google that?
Had previously purchased pixel 6 from Google store and the pdf invoice is still available in my Google store account online and it has all the right detail with ABN and google Australia address.
Thanks! That's all I needed to hear.
Yeah I've redeemed it before for my Pixel 7 Pro. Just got the invoice printed out and showed that, nice and easy.
Thanks! That's helpful to know.
Google store right? https://store.google.com/au/?hl=en-GB for some reason, tax invoice is not visible anywhere in the order history, but tax invoice can be downloaded in the Google Payment Centre page instead: https://pay.google.com/gp/w/u/0/home/activity - if not visible after your order, it should appear once shipped.
One thing I experienced that I used a credit card which later charge me overseas transaction, thus why I just used 28 Degrees to pay for things - please help someone confirm this for me - they may change. My last purchase was around August 2020.
Thanks! This is exactly the answer I was after. The tax invoice is indeed in https://pay.google.com/gp/w/u/0/home/activity
The TRS counter at the airport is very busy most of the time. It pays to visit their website BEFORE the day of travel. You can do most of the transaction on-line & this generates a QR code. They usually have 2 queues, one for "QR" code & one for paper forms. I'll let you imagine which line moves fastest. You will need the original receipt, the item & a bank account to deposit the refund. Everyone in the line is trying to get the business done & not miss their flight - stressful -good luck
Please keep atleast 2 hours in your hand if you want to claim TRS for mid morning flights. Otherwise most likely you may be running late to reach your gate.
You got a invoice with ABN ? if no then NO (if they took GST amount, then you can request a GST invoice with ABN)