Scan the app barcode for the free coffee only valid through May. Apologies I didn't get a photo of the app showing the deal but there were lines of people this morning scanning for free coffee.
Free Coffee @ Soul Origin (App Required)

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I have the pic, how to share? Great deal!
Yep i have it on all 5 accounts
Noticed it yesterdayAlso have fake may birthday so could stack with free bday cake lol
u r so cheap
Yep. This is ozbargain
No the fact that you are lying about your birthday is poor form.
@bobwokeup: So are you suggesting i should trust them with my personal info.
Been there, done that with Floptus, medibank and flexigroup and see what happened.
Good luck to you if they ever get hacked
@easternculture: If that’s all you care about just put your dob as 1-Jan and correct year.
Anyways, you are your own judge, unless you believe in God or another higher power.
How's life going? Just asking for a friend.
Something something inflation something ….. awkward silence
Don't spoil it for everyone
how about 12 accounts of free cake each month and same face
Assuming same person works everyday and only one location available.
Anyways, i dont think the person will remember you after one month unless you do something that makes you noticable.
what's the app barcode, or scan the barcode with the app?
Scanning the barcode in your app
I got it too in the app. Valid till the 31st of May 2023
Can't find it in my app!
Just saw it! It didn't mention the coffee size though………………
I used the voucher today and can confirm that it can be used for any size. Naturally, getting the large is the ozbargain way. This is the way!
The free coffee voucher in the app says free hot or cold coffee. Does that mean iced coffee, which is a little more expensive, are free too?
Signed up and was delighted to find two free coffee voUchers. Just used one and the other is still theres, cheers op
did you order the small size first or the large one?
As the small size expired in 10 days. I would rather use the small one first then large one but not too sure if the app is smart enough to do it?I got a small coffee and annoyingly it used the large voucher first. Still cant complain with two free small coffees
In addition to this offer I've been offered a couple of free soups too.
I don't have the app. Just the barcode in my wallet.
Isn't the soup free with purchase? I have a few "freebies" too apart from the two free coffees.
They need to scan the barcode in order to get the free coffee
Thanks chichee1
Signed up again thinking I could use the small coffee first but nope he scanned the other code grrr
Hopefully @bobwokeup wont critisise you for doing that 🤣🤣
Sall good. I have two main email addresses and for a work project I was required to set up numerous dummy emails when we registered accounts on our company mobile app/website so in theory I could have a whole month of coffees in true oz bargain style
Do they ask for a mobile number these days per account
@Sydneyswans: Yep thanks. Made a few more mainly for the $10 credit vouchers they add to account every few months
Made a new account today. Before you order ask the guy to select the voucher you want.
The welcome coffee is any size
The free coffee is smallI think you meant the other way round:
Welcome coffee= small
Free coffee (this campaign)= any hot/cold coffee. I redeem an iced matcha on Friday
Need extra to change milk
Signed up, no rewards showing up.
verify your email address first mate then you'll be all good
Already done
Still working. Just tested
Thanks op for a reminderr. I just claimed a free large coffee.
How long is the welcome drink offer valid for from when you sign up? As I don’t have a store close to me, so I’d rather sign up and get the offer when I know I’ll be in that area.
Welcome i think 2 weeks
The staff said any drinks and I got a $7 white chocolate shake. Great!
They caught up on us. If you update the app, it will require mobile verification.
I was about to post the same thing because I tried with another email. Thankfully I still have a work number unused.
Can confirm – Coffee is any size, so took a Large. RRP $5.8 at my local. Sweet deal.
"idn't get a photo of the app showing the deal but were lines of people this morning scanning for free coffee."
you can take photos of those people instead :)