A Close Call on The Road

Hi can you have a look at the video and share your wisdom?

That guy suddenly turned left from the far right lane, I was on left lane. in a split second, I took decision to turn left and luckily there was no one on the footpath, my car hit the kerb hard, got on the footpath and could stop it before hitting the fence.

It was a miracle that car didn't hit my car. I saved right side of my car, left side of that car and also the fence of the property….

That guy came to me and said a dry sorry. He acknowledged that it was his fault. We exchanged number and licence. I didn't say anything (was in shock) and let him go since there was no crash…

The guy who lives in the adjacent home came out and asked if i am ok…. after listening everything, he said I saved all the properties….so it was like we all won the lotto today.

Then after 15 min that guy called again to know if i am ok. then I told him that I would go to my mechanic on Monday to check the wheel balance since I hit the kerb really hard….if I need wheel balance, will he pay my bill? He said, well you can send the bill to my insurance.

so my question is…if my mechanic can find any problem in my car due to this, how can I proceed?

I have NRMA comprehensive insurance.


  • +1

    The other driver is a moron. Idiots like that should not have a license and it'd be safer for everyone if they caught public transport instead.

    • i also think the same. it will be safer for everyone of us

    • +3

      Do you have no consideration for the public transport passengers who would have to deal with this moron?

  • +1

    No crash, no claim.

    Any damage you suffer avoiding a crash with another vehicle can't be claimed against the other vehicle's insurance. The dashcam footage should convince the police they have evidence enough to book the other driver, but that doesn't get you compensation.

    Frankly, the only way you're going to get money out of this may be blackmail. Threaten to hand the footage over to the police unless the other driver pays any costs you incurred. But then he gets to keep driving like that.

    • It might not come from the other drivers insurance, but they absolutely would still be liable and as long as you have comprehensive insurance it is not your problem who or how your insurance get compensated from the other party.

    • +1

      my experience is police is good for nothing. they have other "more important" things to do

  • +2

    That is seriously fk-ed up. People like this should be banned on the road. If OP was a cyclist instead of a car, it would have been a bad one.

    • you are right

    • Seriously? No one was hurt.

      You should see the other accidents.

  • No crash no claim unfortunately - the other driver still may pay you, but his insurance won't.

    But luckily in this case it looks like you avoided any damage anyway.

    I'd be surprised if this had any effect on your wheel alignment given the slow speed when you jumped the curb.

    • I have worked in this space before. NRMA will source the damages from the reliable party. Not the OP's problem who payes.

      • I was talking about the other drivers insurance.

        OP's can claim on his own insurance of course, but he would be paying his excess in that case as it was a single vehicle accident.

      • in that case i have to pay access fee

        • +3

          Not necessarily. NRMA are generally pretty good with this. However, some insurances charge both parties an excess fee until the matter gets investigated and becomes clear who was or wasn't at fault. This practice ensures that both parties are back on the road ASAP.

          • +1

            @thenavman: Agree. Especially with the Dash Cam and driver details, I cant see them charging excess.

            • -1

              @RedDevil860: It's a single vehicle accident, there is almost no chance the other driver would be required to pay anything.

              • +3

                @trapper: Mate I worked in insurance. The other driver is 100% liable for it. Insurance does not work that way.

  • Wow, thats just crazy, who in their right minds would take that turn regardless of if they thought there was no-one else nearby, just not worth it from that far away. Just go a little further and turn around or take the next left.

    • this is saturday noon pacific hwy, one of the businest roads in whole australia

    • +2

      If you look at the beginning of the video it seems like this driver is into wide turns or don't know where they going, as they are not in line with rest of the vehicles when making the first turn. As part of defensive driving it's a good idea to spot such drivers and give them a wide cautious berth.

  • +1

    holy hell. At first I thought you must be whining about the late merge before the first turn which seemed silly. But WOW surprise ending, what the hell were they thinking. Dashcam makes it a no brainer for at fault if there is any damage.

    • that stupid didn't even thank me for savind his ass

      • +1

        with that in mind if you find anything wrong make sure you get the insurance to screw him over. Don't take any crap about letting him pay for it separately as you lose your warranties etc for the work then.

        If I was the other driver I would be utterly ashamed and embarrassed and apologizing profusely. Would also completely understand whatever action you wanted to take be that report to police or insurance.

  • Give it to NRMA to handle.

  • +1

    I understand the occasional mistake but that is pure incompetence. Even when correcting for something like that, surely you check your mirrors and blindspots before performing such a dangerous move. Or, just accept the extra 400m drive.

    If you do go to insurance, please let us know the outcome.

  • +2

    Should have just rammed it. Trying avoid these idiots puts you in even more serious situation.

    • this is all split second decision. i never had this experience before…..

      • +1

        more like reflex not decision

    • +1

      If i had a back up vehicle i totally would. But without it i’m extra careful with these idiots on road

  • -4

    because he didnt touch your car, he is not at fault, you turned voluntarily…… yes it sucks.. but if he pushed you and he damaged your car .. then thats a different story and yes he would be 100% liable.

    • thats how all big criminals get out of jail using loophole in the law and those big barristers are there to serve them for money

      • its not a loop hole, thats the law, he didnt touch your car, no one forced the turn.. if someone's car jolted and i got scared, and i turned and crashed, whos fault is it? mine

        • You can't make a turn like that from a far lane mate, unsure how you can even think that's legal.

          • @Zondor: yes its not legal but has nothing to do with the cause and effect of the accident, the other car must collide with your car, thats why they call it an accident

  • +1

    I dunno, id say its risky to try claim their insurance.

    Looks like they stopped in time before smashing into you and you didnt stop post hitting the kerb.

    Not taking anything away from their bad driving tho.

    • You don't need to claim against their insurance. You make the claim against your own insurance, whether the other drivers insurance covers the issue is a separate matter and not something you have to worry about, they will be liable for the damages regardless of whether their own insurance chooses to cover it.

    • Hopefully your own insurance can cover but it's way harder without a collision. They may make you get the details of the other driver and police might not come to the party to help.

  • -2

    can't seem to view the video?

  • -2

    Accent or ethnicity of offending (profanity)?

    • sexual orientation, age and profession of offending?

      lets not stop at racism, let's go for sexism, ageism and professionalism, also.

      • +1

        I was thinking 'stoopid' >cos swerving genius was 'possibly' used to driving on other side of road like America or Euro country.
        That factor has killed plenty of tourists on rural roads
        But thanks for the pigeon hole.

        • When you state it like you did it’s easy to jump to a conclusion. Especially when you’ve used a profanity.

          Perhaps next time consider asking wether the driver may have been from a place where they drive on the other side of the road and leave the ethnicity bit out of the equation.

          • -2

            @Euphemistic: The profanity was aimed at the moron. Hint >penis attached to head.
            Thanks for the tips.
            You do you

  • nice reaction OP

  • +2

    A bad driver never misses a turn…

    That was one bad driver…
    Well played OP.

    • I don't get it. Maybe because I got a bit older and chilled out, but honestly wtf is the big deal with taking the next turn? I see stupid stuff like this all the time, maybe not quite this bad all the time, but same logic of people thinking they'll spontaneously combust if it takes them 30 seconds more to get the next turn.

      Absolute nation of morons nowadays.

      • +1

        I think the issue is that a lot of people have absolutely 0 logical and critical thinking while driving.
        They may have it in other areas of their life, but when driving it goes out the window…

        The funny thing in me saying only bad drivers never miss a turn is, i reckon if you asked them about their driving they’d say they are an excellent driver 😂

        • +2

          😂 I’ll be honest and say that I’ve probably become a worse driver over the years. I went from driving daily in peak traffic and in the city to generally driving off peak and on weekends in the suburbs. I’m generally not in a rush because I’m not driving to make a deadline, happy to give way and it’s not a big deal if I miss a turn/take a bit longer.

          • @kiriakoz: you are one of those rare kind

            • @nataliaava: hahaha, I think I've just become an old fart (and so I've mellowed), but thanks, I'll take it.

        • 100%, i can't say it here but i have seen from my personal experience that certain people severely lack driving skill but their financial or business skill is world class

      • effect of social media and screen time. we are loosing our focus spanning time. we become so impatient that if it takes 1 sec more to load a website or app…. we go to next

    • thanks.

  • What did the professional post incident vehicle inspection report show op?

  • This is the reason people like us pay for full comprehensive insurance. Let your insurance provider do all the leg work because that's what they're getting paid for. Given the fact you have sufficient evidence (dashcam and resident) to back your claim, you will not be held at fault.

    • From my experience if you want to make someone else pay the excess, you have to do the legwork to provide the contact details to insurance. Also it's not that easy to prove fault especially in a case of no collision.

      • Yeah that’s correct. So in this case OP hands over the opposite party’s contact details to their insurance and thats it. It can be tricky to prove fault but there’s compelling evidence in this scenario.

        • +1

          hmmm we exchanged license and phone number

          • @nataliaava: That's great work. Contact details and get out of there, don't block traffic.

            After collisions, always make sure you get a photo of front and rear of license - the change of address sticker goes on the back.

            Most insurance companies just need the name and current address of the person you claim to be responsible for the collision (assuming you don't want to pay the excess). That's a key part of each insurance policy everyone should check.

  • -5

    Nothing happened, noone was hurt. Move on.
    Consider yourself lucky, not a super hero that you try to make it out to be.

    • +1

      No No No No . OP A Hero .

      • -1

        Super Power = common reflex

    • Hi Mazda driver.

    • +1

      i wish i could move on so easily…but you know your memory is your worst enimy…..it hunts you down

      i strongly believe at least for few seconds i was a super duper trooper hero….i saved 3 properties (nearly 100k)…..not a joke

  • What an absolute tool!

    I wonder what people that drive like this think as they drive. My suspicion is they believe if they miss the turnoff (they suddenly realised they wanted) they'll end up on the other side of the planet and never make it home.

    • so true, wish this type of people would understand this

  • +1

    Can you come back and post an update when insurance tells you the outcome? Just would love to know whether or not you have any excess to pay or what happened. Just based on a few people's comments it sounds like it's a single vehicle accident even though the other driver caused the accident so they may not be liable? Confusing which is why i'd love to know what the actual insurance company says instead of people in the comment section. :)

    • +1

      already contacted nrma. have not heard back yer with any solid response

  • +2

    @nataliaava , Just to say, terrific driving by you. As that truly is some of the worst and most thoughtless driving I've ever seen by the other driver, who literally had their indicator on to move right until they suddenly decided to instead turn left off, across an entire lane of traffic!

    They must have broken around 3+ road rules with that alone.

    I've no idea how that other driver can make any excuses for such actions and they easily could have killed you or another driver - and safe to say they likely drive like this regularly as there's no sign they looked or give any thought to any other vehicles.

    I would contact your insurance company, tell them the incident, advise your car has been making 'funny noises' and is slightly off since the incident - and that you'd like it thoroughly checked. I'd imagine they'd be obliged to do so and will seek full costs from other party.

    You can be very vague with what the issues are - noises, rattling, slightly unsteady, pulling to one side etc - you are obviously the innocent party here and this is the absolute least you're entitled to. Shame on the other driver, well done by you, great defensive driving skills.

    • thanks nikko. thank you so much

  • +1

    Frk me … these are the ¢$#s I have to share the road with when I'm driving my family around.

    That d!ckhead should be straight to the nearest licence shredder and never allowed near the road again.

    • lucky that i was alone in the car.sadly, if you are a good driver on the road ….that won't help you much. others also have to be same good

  • Doesnt look like you hit the gutter too hard. Maybe a wheel alignment required or worse a new rim and tyre. Hopefully old mate helps out with the bill. Personally, I wouldnt have been so generous to run up a gutter to avoid a nutcase like that. I would've just simply braked as hard as possible and if they hit me then so be it.

    • +1

      actually as i research into this in last 3 days, i find that some people are conflict avoidant and some are conflict lovers. i am an avoidant and my reflex shows that

      • I think conflict avoidance does come into play a little bit. But in general I don’t think swerving is a great tactic. Cars can brake pretty hard so I’d be relying on brakes to try to avoid accidents. The issue with swerving is that you are putting yourself in a situation where the car is out of control.

  • -2

    This is precisely why I keep a loaded nail gun in the car

    Taking out the road trash

    • oh god. what is nail gun?

  • +1

    It's on dashcams Australia already.

  • Classic not checking their blind spot with a head turn

    I wonder if it's related to this?

    'The reason for this state of affairs is the fact that Australia is a driving license laundering service'


    • i don't want to say but certain people should not get license that easily…..

  • +2

    The rego's literally got a BJ in it - so perhaps the guy was rather pre-occupied with something something

    • No. If the plate was accurate it would have AF.
      Auto Fel8EO

  • -5

    You were shaping up to overtake him on the left well before he slammed on the brakes which is not legal. May come up in any claim.

    • +1

      Firstly, you don't break a law by 'shaping up', you either break the law or you don't.

      Secondly, You are allowed to overtake on the left if (and I quote) "you are driving on a multi-lane road, and the vehicle can be safely overtaken on the left".

      Pretty sure a vehicle in lane 3 can be safely overtaken on lane 1.

      • +1

        The video is evidence that the vehicle in lane 3 could not be safely overtaken on the left in Lane 1.

        • thanks. you said it. where from people get such rules?

  • +1

    He did the wrong thing, you saved the day.

    Unfortunately, as others have said because he didn't hit your car, you probably won't have much success chasing him through insurance. He may or may not know this.

    I would find out if there is any damage. If there is, pay the costs, submit to him a letter of demand, and hope he pays. You could also go down the route of small claims, but that's a further risk you'll have to consider.

    Best case scenario for you: There's no damage.

  • +2

    for those who wants to see the response from NRMA:

    Thank you for contacting Customer Relations.

    I am unable to provide you with any advise as to what you should do as there is no claim or anything in then system for this incident.

    If you were to go and get the car checked and realised that you need to make a claim then please make a claim and provide the footage as evidence as to when it happened.

    • +1

      I am unable to provide you with any advise

      Is that verbatim?

      Customer relations officer must be an ozbargain member.

      • Please advice how you came to that conclusion.

        • " or anything in then system"

  • Hey it’s Turramurra.

    Hello friendly North Shore-ean.

    Good job avoiding the other car. Your dashcam footage will protect you from the insurance perspective.

  • what happened with insurance? did they ask you to pay the excess or did they find the other guy at fault?

  • literally they ask me to claim. that means i have to pay

    • ofcourse then deny claim

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