This was posted 1 year 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

YouTube Premium: Individual TRY ₺29.99 (~A$2.30), Family TRY ₺59.99 (~A$4.60) @ YouTube Turkey (VPN Required to Sign Up)


Welcome to the Ultimate Guide of Youtube Premium Subscriptions via Turkey

Where were we? Ahhhh… yes… we're back again, after 6 months, except this time with an upgraded guide. Most of you should be on this subscription already, but for those who are new or haven't yet hopped on the bandwagon, here's a reminder that it exists :)

After Google increased the prices for Youtube Premium in several countries worldwide late 2022, including USA, UK, Canada, Argentina, Turkey, Japan (etc), we have the following facts:

  • Argentina is no longer the cheapest country to sign up from after being the go-to for years (now ARS 389 / A$2.67 for Individual plans and ARS 699 / A$4.80 for Family plans). Further, they have changed the way they take payments and so many Australian debit and credit cards no longer work for Argentina.
  • India is now the cheapest country to sign up from, although subscribing to the Youtube Premium (Family) plan is almost impossible given India's new laws around payments and now requires a local Indian payment method, something most of us do not have access to. Youtube Premium (Individual) should still be doable using ExpressVPN.
  • Turkey is now the second cheapest and easiest country to sign up from (just under 10 cents more than India)

Since last deal, most OzBargainers have migrated from Argentina to other countries (majorily Turkey). If you tried to sign up to a Youtube Premium Family via India, you probably hit a dead end, with most cards ending up declining due to this reason and this reason. Well if that is the case, hopefully Youtube Premium via Turkey will be a breeze, especially for those who have Google One via Turkey already (confirmed working for me, you will not need to enter a new address and it took me like 30 seconds to sign up to Youtube Premium Family).

Note: You DO NOT need to change your region to subscribe to YouTube Premium (Turkey). Unlike Google One which requires a region change to an extent, security for Youtube Premium is not as tight as Google One. Simply log into your main account, use a Turkish VPN and sign up YouTube Premium.

Available Plans via Turkey:

For price references, Youtube Premium via Australia is $8.99/mth for student plans, $14.99/mth for individual plans & $22.99/mth for family plans

You can subscribe to either a monthly plan or an annual plan.

Monthly Plans

Youtube Plan TR Pricing (AUD Conversion) AU Pricing Savings (% Saving) Notes
Student TRY ₺19.49 (~A$1.49) A$8.99 A$7.50 (83.43%) Not sure how this works tbh
Individual TRY ₺29.99 (~A$2.30) A$14.99 A$12.69 (84.66%) Good for… well… yourself
Family TRY ₺59.99 (~A$4.60) A$22.99 A$18.39 (79.99%) 6 spots, no brainer

Annual Plans

Storage Plan TR Pricing (AUD Conversion) AU Pricing Savings (% Saving) Notes
Individual TRY ₺299 (~A$22.93) N/A N/A Not available in AU, hence can't compare prices

Please read the following instructions carefully. I've tested it on iPhone and PC (windows), so here's my experience - and it took literally minutes.

Instructions (No Current Subscription)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group BEFORE signing up, otherwise you may get the following error: "Looks like you're in a different country from the family manager". To add family members, go to:

Step 1: Add any family members to your Google Family Group (if needed):

Step 2: Connect a VPN to a server in Turkey (see Notes section for suggestions).

Step 3: Go to and if it shows currency in TRY (Turkish Lira), continue choosing your membership.

Step 4: When prompted, enter your Turkey address (If needed, use a fake address generator to obtain a random Turkey address) and proceed to pay by debit/credit card (preferedly with no international fees)

Step 5: Fly back home and turn off your VPN. YOU'RE DONE! WOOO! Enjoy your savings :)

Instructions (Transferring from a different country)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group BEFORE signing up, otherwise you may get the following error: "Looks like you're in a different country from the family manager". To add family members, go to:

Step 1: Go to and click on your current subscription. Click “manage” then continue to cancel. Once cancelled, the current subscription will continue until the end of the billing period. But you now have an option to resubscribe back to Youtube Premium

Step 2: Add any family members to your Google Family Group (if needed):

Step 3: Connect a VPN to a server in Turkey (see Notes section for suggestions).

Step 4: Go to and if it shows currency in TRY (Turkish Lira), continue choosing your membership.

Step 5: When prompted, enter your Turkey address (If needed, use a fake address generator to obtain a random Turkey address) and proceed to pay by debit/credit card (preferedly with no international fees)

Step 6: Fly back home and turn off your VPN. YOU'RE DONE! WOOO! Enjoy your savings :)

ISP Notes (Important)

  • Most VPN services will connect to Turkey, unlike India. Those include NordVPN, Private Internet Access (PIA), free Windscribe Chrome extension (recommended), free UrbanVPN Chrome extension (recommended), ExpressVPN, etc. If one doesn't work, use another VPN

    • If you're using Windscribe and it shows different currencies: keep turning the windscribe on and off. Each time you don't get TRY, turn it off and on, then refresh the Youtube sign up page. You'll eventually land on TRY. Go to each time you turn it off/on and see if you land on Istanbul


Q: Will I get banned by Google?
A: There’s always a chance, however only a tiny number of people (<5) have actually gotten suspended by Google (see linked previous post in OP). Proceed at your own risk.

Please note the process can be easy for some people, harder for others, or may not work at all.

  • There is no need for aggression in instances where you are unable to subscribe to an international Netflix account. Share your experience so everyone can chip in and help out. There are plenty of examples where hacks shared on this platform do not work for some people, but may work for others:

    • Modem reset for faster internet,
    • Cash back program purchase tracking,
    • Price matching an unobtainable deal or price error,
    • Targeted bargains, and
    • Limited quantity items quickly or instant (bot) sellout.
  • Similarly we know there are cash back users who follow every single step for cash back (turn off ad blocker, have no items in cart, do not click other links, etc.) on their purchases and it does not work, its probably best to move on.There are many users who successfully use this hack and enjoy paying half the price of the Australian membership. Unfortunately there are also many users who have been unable to sign up to Netflix Turkey or Argentina. After all it is intended for people who reside in Turkey or Argentina. If it does not work, I am not affiliated with any of the entities listed below or linked to and cannot guarantee any outcome. I can only read comments on this platform and others to share them with you. Your patience is appreciated. Please do not take it personally.

Other Google Services via VPN

Google One Storage via Turkey
Youtube Premium via India

Related Stores


closed Comments

        • For Netflix I think you have to change to Aussie account, put your new card details in, then get a Netflix Turkish gift card and apply it. Check the Netflix Turkiye how-to

          • @FeZZa21: did a live chat to change my credit card.

            tried different card and one of them works.

        • Hi I'm facing the same problem soon, how did you manage to edit your expired card without losing the subscription? You changed the expiry date and CVV but what about the card number itself? Did you get a new card?

          • @dogsryummy: card number remains the same. old card has expired.

  • OP. Very strange. If I use a gmail account I had premium YouTube earlier it won't let me pay in TRY, just AUD (means Australian YouTube subscription). Even the add in that YouTube account contains Turkish adds. But if I use a gmail account I never sign YouTube premium, it will change to Turkish YouTube subscription.

  • Ukraine family premium worked with my aussie card and Urban VPN. Was getting card billing address error via Turkiye. Seems google is closing the Turkish border with all their premium services, time to move to Ukraine/Philippines folks.

  • How to change my turkey individual to family?

    • Don't think you can anymore, payment will fail

  • +1

    My indian family membership has finally gone kaput. Invalid payment method. Tried to use 3 different cards but didnt work. Tried with Turkey but that also didnt work. Phillipines family membership with urban vpn worked (express vpn phillipines didnt even load for me). About $6.50 a month now

    • Hi. I've tried UrbanVPN, ExpressVPN and Surfshark but all 3 don't change the currency. Youtube still ask me to pay in AUD. You know what wrong I do?

      • Hmm I went through a chrome incognito browser on my iphone. Don't use the youtube app. Maybe try that?

        • Thanks it finally works. However I bump into another problem. I got the new CBA Mastercard Ultimate and it wont allow me to pay. It says the purchase requires payment method from youtube's billing country.

          • @Lone star: I just used an ANZ Visa card..not too sure about CBA

  • +1

    Someone here mentioned paying through the Turkish iTunes Store, worked like wonders without the need for a VPN but you’ll need to buy Turkish iTunes Cards as well as make a Turkish iTunes account. So happy to be ad-free again, it’s TRY 79.99 for a family subscription which is about $4.60

    • +1

      Hi there's im interested in trying this. Did you do this on a macbook or an iphone?

    • Do you think this will work for Google one storage as well? Thanks.

  • Anyone can help out with this?

    i have youtube (Turkey) premium family activated and had to remove a member from the family and now been trying to add another member to the family but having no luck.

    1.the member trying to join has turned on vpn to join the family

    2.the member has also added a turkish payment profile to join but then still saying not in the same country


    • I settled my family members first before I joined Turkey. None of the family had turkey profile, just normal Oz profile.
      Then I signed up turkey with manager only. 4 members are still in Oz

  • I can confirm that of Surfshark, Windscribe and Urban VPN, the only one that let me get through to Turkey or Philippines pricing was Urban VPN add-on in Firefox on MacOS (but Turkey rejected my Coles Mastercard as non-local). In the end I did Ukraine.

  • +2

    Page just keeps spinning after putting card details in, anyone encountered this? Using Urban VPN on Chrome on PC to Ukraine. Have tried with both Coles Mastercard and ING debit card. Is it a card problem?

    Edit: this worked for me - Chrome seems to stuff around and Firefox definitely the way to go. I used ING debit card and changed VPN to Philippines. Thanks @Vyktor vale!!!

    @Vyktor vale on 31/08/2023 - 22:23

    Jeez that was a nightmare.
    Had the biggest struggle with turkey, Philippines, Argentina in Edge with Windscribe or Urban VPN

    What ended up working for me was:
    Firefox > Urban VPN > Philippines > Wise Visa (probably could've worked with my CBA card but so frustrated at this point)

  • My annual subscription ending on 5/11, will it auto renew or not? It just says 'benefits end 5 Nov' and no mention of renewal

  • I've tried many of the suggestions here with different VPNs, countries and devices however constantly stuck with "Could not verify your country". Any further advice to overcome this? thanks

    • UrbanVPN on iPhone (free 7 day subscription) via Ukraine works - took about 2 mins. Turkey (had the same could not verify country error) and India (took forever to load).

  • is anyone having this issue ? I've created an addition google account to create a family and changed the region to Phillipines for YT premium, and with my normal account its all showing Phillipines currency and can't seem to see any local apps

  • firefox urban vpn amex phillipines no dramas

  • Can I upgrade from an individual plan to a family plan?

  • +1

    Anyone else having trouble paying for anything in TRY in the Play Store, seems to be blocked now…

  • How easy is it to switch from turkey to another country, I have youtube and spotify, looks like i'll loose some lira

  • Thanks guys - I was struggling getting this working as well for Turkey, even was struggling with getting the Philippines working with Chrome or Edge and Urban VPN but firefox was the key (at least for me).

    Set up two separate accounts with Firefox > Urban VPN > Philippines > Revolut Visa

  • Just to add my experiences.

    Turkey - Amex, Bankwest MC rejected
    Phillipines - Amex worked, Bankwest MC and Paypal rejected

    Thanks Op and all who provided additional advice.

  • -1

    Can confirm it’s no longer accepting Australia credit cards…..Noooooooooo

  • yea………i wanted to move to family plan and just found out out our cards dont work no more. i tried phillipines via urban and windscribe no work on both youtube app and web

  • Hey Guys, finally worked!! I used urban vpn on phone(android) > Phillipines> Youtube App(change country phillipines) and just bought the family subscription!!

  • Got it work with Urban VPN (to Phillipines) and Firefox Incognito and Revolut Visa. $4.38AUD / ₱159

    Turkey did not work for me.

  • Are there any annual plans that work? I’ve gotta renew in Feb, and with how youtube is approaching their Adblock users, I’m not really keen on dealing with their potential shenanigans on a monthly basis 🥲🥲

  • +5

    When I using VPN to make payment by Aussie debit card it has been declined: "Transaction declined. This purchase requires a payment method from your billing country. [OR_RECR_05]"

  • +1

    Tried Turkey & Philippines using Windscribe (Pro account) and Urban VPN, it wouldn't work on either of my aussie credit cards.

    Changed to Ukraine on Urban VPN, entered my credit card details and it worked instantly.

    Cheers :)

  • +1

    Argentina, Turkey, and India didn't work for me. Ukraine via Urban VPN on Firefox with 28 Degrees card worked

  • "something most of us don't have access to" that's implying a lot XD

  • Apparently you can no longer use local payment methods and Oldubill is not being overly useful now

  • I renewed my Turkey membership in Aug (had to change credit card as it had expired). It took the card right away without any problems. Wonder if it's going to get blocked at some point

  • What's best ways to mitigate Google ban? Would a dummy email as manager work

    • +1

      That's what did. Family plan. Dumny account as manager to invite main. Just want to play safe.. Had for a few years already since India. No trouble from Google

      • and can share rest with family members…. just make sure, you set up your family group first before you sign up… a lot easier that way

  • +1

    Anyone tried a Wise card with TRY currency?

    • +1

      Yes. Worked for me

  • +1

    As others above have posted: Firefox incognito mode + Urban VPN set to Ukraine worked instantly for me. Used Wise card with just AUD in it.

    • Thanks, this worked for me

  • Thought id chime in as a success story here. I kept getting the billing location error. But what the issue was, was that in my google payment profiles (this is separate to YT), i had my existing one from NZ. So I deleted that and only had the Turkey profile. Then, I opened the mobile YT app and signed up in there and it worked.

    • Ok nice, so which VPN and Credit card did you use?

      • Urban VPN and wise card.

  • No matter what i try, still can't purchase even with turkey,Argentina, India or ukraine

    • I just succeeded by using Philippines. Those didn't work for me either.

  • +1

    Also to note, getting premium means you get Youtube Music, effectively eliminating the need for Spotify etc.

  • Was trying to sign up for student plan via Turkey and wasn't having any luck when entering my card (tried Wise + Revolut). There were no fields to set my address either? I ended up having success via Ukraine though checking my Wise account, it used the Turkish Lira balance to pay. Looks like just a verification fee as it's 7.76 TRY (0.44 AUD).

  • Worked for me via Ukraine - UrbanVPN - ING Visa Savings.
    Signed up using YouTube app on Android.
    Individual monthly plan costs around $4.30.
    Was previously on the Turkey yearly plan which is expiring in a couple days.

    • my turkey yearly plan is about to expire soon. i wonder when you sign up ukraine, can you see the family plan option?

      • 149 UAH for family plan, around 6.46 AUD

      • I didn't see the family option, only individual and student when managing my individual subscription.
        If you were already on the family option then it should be fine I'm guessing.

        • When I use a fresh account, I can see the family option. But with current turkey yearly plan still active, like you said I can only see individual and student. I am thinking maybe when my current individual plan expired, I will be able to see the family option. Need the family plan to lower the cost. Thanks mate.

  • +2

    Update, purge all caches, or ReVanced

  • I have Google one and YT premium on Aus subscriptions. Would it be an issue if I only transferred the YT subscription to turkey?

  • Okie I got it working on my IPhone with HMA VPN + Google incognito mode and Ukraine as the country Thanks

  • I connected to a turkey vpn but it's showing the price as £12.99?

  • +1

    How is ARS 389 = AUD 2.67?

    • Yeah, Mine was around $3 in March but has dropped down steadily since and this month was $1.74

  • Anyone know if you can get Microsoft office can be obtained via turkey

  • Have the Indian based version it’s ok and annoying you get recommendations for Indian songs all the time in YouTube music

    • +1

      If you enter the settings of the YouTube Music app, you should be able to pick some western music through the "Recommendations" button. In my experience the issue was then totally fixed.

    • You know once you've paid for the subscription you don't need keep the Indian VPN on listen right?

      I've had my Indian YouTube/Music for 5+ years, don't use VPN and never had a single Indian video recommended or song recommended in YouTube Music.

  • time to move to youtube premium
    youtube is starting to block people from using ublock and adblock

  • Also Youtube Music now supports Homepod

  • I've been paying in Indian Rupees since 2019 just on my regular Westpac debit card. Best deal in history imo

  • Not sure if this happened to anyone, but after I changed the country to Turkey and subs on the YT premium, I am unable to purchase anything from the playstore using the account, any help will be appreciated

  • vpn - nordvpn
    turkey didnt work
    Ukraine worked
    revoult mastercard used.

    was using australian youtube before….nice saving

  • Do or do not. There is no TRY.

  • thanks! This one was much easier.

  • Thanks OP - took me a while to realise this post wasn't new.

    Just followed your walkthrough and I can report:
    - As of October 2023
    - Ukraine & Philippines still works
    - Used UrbanVPN and chose Philippines
    - Paying $6+ for a family plan.

    Thanks again for a very thorough post!!!

  • Hi all, please excuse for my noob questions (which may has already posted), I had secured one year subscription (turkey) around Dec last year. it was really enjoyable investment! just wondering is this going to be automatically renewed (turkey)? Do i need set up payment method to make sure this is happpen?

    • No. it is not Auto renew.

  • Is it risky doing it on my main google account? I’d be saving $40 by doing the individual 1 year plan for around $20 as opposed to $5 a month for a year for the family plan and then joining that family with my main google account

    Edit: to add onto this this is legal yeah? Is it against YouTube TOS?

  • Use it everyday thank you community ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • turkey not working, Philippines worked using urban vpn but windscribe wouldnt, now paying ~6 aud per month for family. before was paying ~9 aud from South Africa (ZAR currency)

    • Turkiye just got a price increase to 115TRY or $6.30

  • Urban worked for me to get LYR to show but payment failed "We couldn’t complete this action. Contact us. Learn more [OR_CCREU_06]"
    edit: same error for Philipines, they got me on lockdown lol

  • +1

    Argentina is cheaper than turkey at the moment, but I made the mistake of canceling it, and now I can't get it again. I was subscribed the whole time and never changed region, and it continued taking my money. But now that I manually canceled it, I can't get it back.

    My only free vpn that works with Argentina is Urban VPN addon for chrome, but it rejects my card now, even though it is the same card it continued billing me before I canceled it. It seems when I originally signed up it grandfathered me into it, and continued accepting my card.

  • This was annoying, but worked in the end. Signed out of google entirely on other devices. Used firefox private window with urban vpn. Tried india, turkey and philippines, all would not work. Ukraine individual monthly price worked ~$4.30 using ubank card.

  • trying ukraine and ph now but they don't work. The button to pay is unresponsive. Or I get a spinning wheel that never stops. Nothing happens. Using Urban.

    Why did you guys move from Argentina? 699 arg money is only $3.40 which is cheaper than anything else.

    I made the mistake of thinking Turkey would actually be cheaper without checking before I canceled it. Now I can't get either of them.

  • I just get infinite loading wheel. :( Had no issues with this 12 months ago.

    edit: so tried on firefox, now I get "Transaction declined. This purchase requires a payment method from your billing country."

  • +1

    I'm getting the following error when trying to make the payment:

    Transaction declined. This purchase requires a payment method from your billing country. [OR_RECR_05]

    Any suggestions?

  • Can also confirm that Commbank and NAB dont work as payment methods for turkey either

    "Transaction declined. This purchase requires a payment method from your billing country. [OR_RECR_05]"

    The question is now whats is the second cheapest country for a family plan

    • Maybe Ukraine

  • Literally not worth the hours of time and frustration unfortunately.

    • Bro really said 'literally'

    • That was my conclusion as well after about twenty minutes. My time is more valuable than saving a few bucks a month.

      • Only did once and saved at least 12 dollars a month for 2 and half years with India …
        My hour rate is not 200 yet. So I did it again with Turkey..

  • I tried using VPN express still price was in $ and then tried nord VPN which took me to turkey YouTube premium when i tried sign up YouTube premium got on screen that we cannot determine your location if you are using VPN or vps close it.

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