Just received an email from CineBuzz which offers NRMA blue for free (12mths).
*Offer is NRMA Blue Membership for $0 valid for Cinebuzz Rewards Members and Events Cinema customers who currently are not a Member of NRMA and have no active subscription(s). One NRMA Blue Membership is offered per eligible customer. Not valid for existing Members with an active Membership. Total minimum cost of $0 for the first 12 months. After the first 12 months, the option to continue with NRMA Blue is at your discretion, at $5 per month over 12 month contract or $60 per year. NRMA Blue does not include Roadside Assistance. This offer is valid until 15 May 16 June 2023.
"NRMA Blue does not include Roadside Assistance"……..So basically useless