Price reduced from $249 to $229. Most recent low price was $219 in January (probably price matching Aldi).
My Ozito corded mower carked it after 10 years of use, so I'll give this a go for my ~10m² nature strip.
Price reduced from $249 to $229. Most recent low price was $219 in January (probably price matching Aldi).
My Ozito corded mower carked it after 10 years of use, so I'll give this a go for my ~10m² nature strip.
Why stop there? Just trim it with a pair of scissors.
Yes.. That's my approach to doing the edges! No joke..
The cylinder mower is skin only.
Do they not have goats in your town?…
Agreed. I have one, does a decent job (could be a little heavier) and much more compact to store as well. Has seen a few price rises since I got mine though.
this one doesn't come with a battery though…
Kinda assuming most Ozbargainers have a PXC battery by now :D
It is $37 cheaper, though seems is a bad time for cheap batteries or other kits.
I'd still take a cylinder mower over a slasher though.
@HD9990: You mean in general or this one? A cylinder mower cuts like scissors. Slashers are just that, they cut like a whipper snipper.
As far as this one goes, I've only got about 30m2 or so of grass but on a battery I usually don't even drop a light on the gauge. I don't think the motor has to work too hard, the blade spins when you push it so it's assisted but doesn't require much effort to push.
It helps not to let the grass get too long of course, and it's always good while the blades are nice and sharp. I've had it about a year and still happy with it though.
@HD9990: I did spend an extra $20 to replace the plastic roller at the back with a steel one like this, gives it a little more weight and stability (though mower plus roller were still cheaper than current price :/)
i have the 36v version of this and even that stalls out pretty easily
Thankfully, there's many different factors between lawns and mower operators!
You've got buffalo grass?
yes, i also agree, the 36v is good enough, I can not imagine how bad this one would be
this one is great, just have to not let the grass get crazy overgrown
that being said i'd checkout gumtree and facebook marketplace for cordless ozito mowers, heaps of great deals
actually picked up a 2017 36v for free for my parents place, no batteries and the blade needed to be straightened out and sharpened but with a spare charger and the 3x 4ah ozito battery pack for $99 it was a good deal
Had one of these briefly, thought that having a few pxc batteries would get me through even though it's only single battery in the unit. If you use it enough to drain the whole charge, the motor and housing will be hotter than the sun by the time it's run down, to a point where I think it would be quite dangerous to keep using it for another full charge.
The 2 battery aldi unit I replaced it with runs a lot cooler even going through a full charge in one go.
ed - this one
I have this. Pretty awful. Regret purchase.
Fine for regular light cutting like nature strip etc which it does well, but has a sook at anything resembling tall or wet grass.
man i love it
but then again i cut my grass regularly
it's a 18v machine, you have to appreciate it's limits, if you aren't going to cut the grass regularly then you shouldn't have bought it, this is not the machine to bring a completely unleft and massively overgrown lawn, borrow your neighbours victa for that, once you are set this thing is a dream - provided you have a smallish block of land < 600sqm
I know that now!
lol yeah, it's why this mower gets a bad wrap, wrong expectations
@desync: Found a relatively new 2x18V Ozito in the last throwout.
Had batteries already so wheeled it home to see how well it cuts my small grass spaces.
All four of the plastic levers that lock the handle were not locking- they were not strong enough for keeping the handle together as the plastic just spread out under pressure. I replaced them with nuts, bolts and washers- so no more flopping handle. Or so I thought, , the next trouble was the pivot of the handle on the mower, it can't take much either and needed a bit of attention. Defo the weakest plastic location and second failure point- certainly the first crack here will be the end of the mower.
So I don't push it too hard and let it chew through the grass, which it does okay with. The blade is just one bar underneath with a sharp edge on each end. With my new batteries it manages a good job if the grass isn't tall, but the handle is appallingly weak. The whole thing is near breaking point whenever you need to manoeuvre it around difficult terrain.
In conclusion, I see why people throw them out after the first few goes.
Even if the handles worked fine it would still be rubbish for mowing even a small garden (as it would barely manage being used lightly as it is). But if you figure out a fix for the handles, and your lawn is all on the flat- no steps, rock obstacles, etc. yeah it may do you for a year or so… assuming you are very careful with it
Agree with this. I wouldn't say I love it, but I ended up buying it second hand from someone who probably thought that way and wanted to get rid of it. It performs adequately as long as you mow regularly. I have about 70sqm of grass to mow so this is a perfect budget buy.
same to me. really not recommended.
It may be suitable for a very light cut. But if the grass is a bit taller than average. It almost is unable to cut.
In a lot of cases, even at average height, it is hard to cut smoothly.
I got around this by lifting the back wheels one notch above the front. This allowed a decent cut of average height grass.
Problem i have is uneven growth, so some of my massive garden grows super tall, while the rest is average growth
Tried cutting it while wet on the weekend, complete waste of time. I wound up putting it on the highest setting just to trim it a bit, it'll grow like crazy if we get some sun after all these wet days in Melbourne.
Really wish I bought the cordless telescopic 36V one, the handle on this model is also too short for me.
A shame, this seemed perfect with just a nature strip and little front yard to do.
for a nature strip check out gumtree/facebook market place for a bargain, even with a half dead battery it'll be good enough for you job
Yeap, because people buy this expecting it to do everything, they end up disappointed and flog it off. Great bargain if you know it's limitations and can work with it.
I have been curious to know how you guys could possibly spot any deals in Bunnings website? Unless I am looking to buy something, I wouldn’t remember the regular RRP of a particular item.
Had this unit for a crappy rental when I lived in Hobart.
It has a really, really narrow deck. And not a lot of grunt. I'd avoid this, and pay a little bit more and get either a cheap 2stroke, or a 36V Ryobi.
Don't recommend torturing yourself.
Better buy this one for $255
2 x 18v, comes with 2 x 2.5Ah (hopefully you bought that 3 x 4Ah pack for $99) and cut as low as 2.5cm with a 30L catcher. Happy with mine.
That grass trimmer is just a crappie product….purchased and i regret
Ah yeah the trimmer is just a freebie. No expectations there
The 36V line trimmer is good, but the included line is so thin & shit, literally have to unspool every 2-3m of cutting.
I am interested in the 2x18v model.
But when did you get yours? As it appears to be out of stock everywhere in Bunnings.. I suspect it's been discontinued.
"~10m² nature strip."
Get some exercise
I got second hand for $30. Just cut 90sqm if kikuyu, took 10 minutes
Hi guys , what to you think this :
I have been usiing it during last 2 years, it gets.job done, however, sometimes it will take ages to make the lawn if grass is a little wet, and nowadays grass is leaking - can see from the lawn just mowed, think to get exactly new one as it does job,… But wandering if there is any better option. I have roughly 600sqs yard divides to back , front and outside fence where street is etc thanks
18V???? ….pleeeeeease
I'll give this a go for my ~10m² nature strip.
Council have been regularly mowing my much bigger nature strip about every 3 weeks for years. As they do for some others in area.
Do a pretty good job, at no cost or effort to me. Drive past on way to maintain park at end of street. They just started mowing the council owned footpath😊
If only..
There's very little difference in look of neighbours & my footpath. One carefully mows his, other pays for mowing service. Both are a little jealous😊
If you've got any rocks/pebbles that make it into your yard on occasion, or palms that drop seeds (or any chance of hard things landing in your lawn and you not noticing it) I wouldn't recommend this mower. We initially had this model, it went over a small palm seed which blew a whole in the side of the plastic deck. We ended up buying the steel deck model (I haven't seen it in store for a hot minute though, so possibly not made anymore) and haven't had any issues.
Many local councils will mow the council owned footpath in front of your place for free. A considerable saving in your cost & time each year!
(For the OP, $229 for this new mower "for my ~10m² nature strip, just to start with.)
They mow mine free
Check your council's site. Some require a reason (hardship, old age, disability, medical condition, etc). No reason in my case - they just turned up long ago & now do it regularly👍
10sqm? Just get their cylinder mower, is cheaper again