This was posted 1 year 10 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for $12 (Click & Collect) @ Krispy Kreme [Excludes SA & NT]


Diabetes time again!!
Not available online this time unfortunately

Edit: Available online now for click&collect until midnight tomorrow. Thanks 4KGrubby

*Not available Online, in SA, or NT, in Woolworths, or 7-Eleven, via 3rd Party Providers, Jesters or bp Connect.

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Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme

closed Comments

  • +18

    Diabetes time again!! HAHAHAH Best description ever for OZB deals

    • +5

      But can you get diabetes again if you already have it?

      • +8

        No, so you are safe :P

      • +3

        Yes you can, you will get type 2 diabetes.

        • +1

          I already have type 2, does that mean that I will get type 3?

      • But can you get diabetes again if you already have it?

        You can use the classifieds to sell this diabetes if you've already got it.

        • Im a sharing is caring kind of guy.

          You get diabetes. You get diabetes. Everybody gets diabetes.


    • Diabetes time again!! HAHAHAH

      Diabetes isn't funny. 😠

        • +1

          Blind and no toes is far from going out in style

          • @Laziofogna: That kind of depends on where the sugar rush takes you

        • +1

          You sure you aren’t on Montana Bargain?

        • What I don’t understand is why these things aren’t banned —

          Why is gambling and smoking not banned?

      • +8

        No it isn’t. Joking about it is, though.

      • +2

        “I’m Scott Malkison, I have diabetes.”

      • I can’t believe I am saying this but for once, I agree with you jv.

      • I'm actually a type 3c diabetic (mostly the same as type 1 but had to have my pancreas and other bits and pieces removed) and as a diabetic, you're right @jv and @OldSchoolHarry, it isn't funny but you should also know that eating tonnes of sugar doesn't give you diabetes!

        Just try to lighten up a bit and have a laugh about it, they're not malicious and just trying to have a bit of fun.

        If you aren't able to do that then take it with a grain of salt and ignore the comments.

        • oh yeah, I know it's just a light-hearted joke lol. All g.

      • For once, I agree with @jv

        • Don't you all start a precedence now.

    • My blood sugar is fine after consuming, just check.

    • it'd be a clash between 2 diabetes and hence resulting into "No Diabetes"!!

    • Easy, remove the coatings to your sweet jar and you won't have any diabetes.

    • Just bought 2 packs of Diabetes :) Thanks for the post

  • Do these donuts have trans fats in them?

    • +14

      Said no one ever. Just eat them.

    • +11

      These donuts are from the sugar free fat free tree.

    • +1

      Afaik if you fry donuts in anything other than vegetable shortening they end up very oily.
      I hope im wrong though

    • +57

      I'm trans fat, but identify as thin

      • +2

        Thats all that matters really.

      • +14

        So your trans-slender?

        • +1

          Edit: You're

          I can't believe I made that mistake 😔

    • +4

      Do these donuts have trans fats in them?

      Why? Do you only eat straight fats?

      • +5

        Cis fats.

      • -1

        They are trans fat, use the pronouns they/them/their and identify as genderless, o calories (aka donut calories).

    • +3

      are you being transphobic?

      • +1

        the fear of public transport?

    • +1


      From KK website.

    • -4

      yes, use palm in in Australia, they don't in the USA due to FDA food laws ….. aussies will eat anything ……… so they don't worry about trans fat in Australia and use cheaper Palm oil as part of their ingredients ….. if they used just canola or sunflower or corn oil like in the USA then trans fats would no an issue ……

      • +4

        It's the exact opposite. Palm oil has no trans fat in it but the other oils you mentioned do.

  • +8

    This is for the end of Ramadan / EID

    EID Mubarak

    • Genuinely curious about why this is downvoted

  • +9

    Microwave them for 7 seconds for the perfect experience.

  • +4

    Just realised they probably got rid of online after this legendary deal

    • I don’t think so.

      They had an online sale few months ago in December.

    • +3

      This deal was the backbone to my birthday that year. Gave everyone KKs. Though I do remember on pick up they only had me down for 1 box so I had to show them my confirmation email. But good times for sure.

  • My kids' alltime favourites but it's a catalyst for not yet dibetese ppl and a booster for already ppl.

  • Went at like 8am last time this was on and they already had them all loaded up in boxes ready for peak hour. Barely fresh, will sleep in this time

    • Barely fresh is the best kind of fresh

  • Does anyone know if such deals are usually available today SYD airport by any chance?

  • Can we stack with liven?

    • One dozen doughnuts should stack easily

    • +1

      Ask for a dozen and then say you're paying by Liven. Liven is just another payment method so should be fine

    • yes for sure. that's the only reason I bothered to go last year despite the inconvenience. Too good of a deal with liven to pass up

      • +1

        Just downloaded Liven, they have a $20+$10.
        I just buy the credit and pay with Liven?
        If so can we buy 2 dozen or is it a dozen per customer?

        • Yes, just let them know you want to pay with liven. Then choose the option on liven.

          I only ever bought one dozen but I think there’s no limit

          • @Jared17: Youre talking about walking up in store and asking if theyll do the online 12 for 12 and paying by liven?

            Is there isnt anyway to do a click and collect and pay via liven, is there?

    • Used to be like "buy $50 get $100", then "buy $20 get $15", and now "buy $20 gets $30"

    • I read that as liver….

  • When u go in.. do you have to ask for the deal or will they just charge you the price for the dozen?

    • +5

      You must know and preform the secret wink.

      • +1

        also the secret handshake and secret dance, and dont forget the wiggle before you enter

      • The secret donut wink.

        I like to see donut winks.

    • +5

      Don't forget you have to come dressed as a plain donut, and say the code phrase, "Put me on your glazing rack".

    • Probably a pretty important question?

      If they will match the same deal instore and you stack with a liven referral a dozen comes down to $2..

  • +8

    IMO one of the most overrated brands and products, but to each their own

    • +2

      Well in WA at least, there simply aren't many options for donuts, especially chain stores that are everywhere. It's just Coles/Woolworths & this.
      Though if you happen to know of where one can get decent donuts (with more variety than just cinnamon, iced and jam) south of Perth, I'm all ears.

      • Not sure sorry, I'm in Sydney where there are some good local options

      • Damn yeah even Top Dup Donuts seems to have closed their retail store and gone online-only.

      • Providore donuts and mimochi are pretty good over here!

      • Unpopular opinion: Coles/Wollies donuts are better than KK.

    • +1

      I'm not a fan of the assorted varieties, but their smooth glaze is second to none, and hasn't been reproduced by any competitor, to my knowledge.

    • I went there when they first opened in Sydney to see what the hype was about and left disappointed.
      I think I've had one or two of their donuts since, so around one a decade.

      Really not to my taste at all.

  • +1

    Hi! Im just wondeirng where you saw this deal advertised? I want to be absolutely sure before i send it to all my friends for a pick-me-up :D
    (Can't see anything on the website or google)

  • Is this targetted? And if not, does it run for only one day?

    • +1

      its not targeted. its only on 20/4 till stock last. as per email

    • +1

      Not targeted, it is on their Facebook page as well.

  • Tasmania? lol

  • I think it is targeted

  • can i buy more then 1 dozen? asking for a friend.

    • Ts&Cs indicate maximum 8 dozen per person.

      • Challenge accepted.

        I have multiple personality. So unlimited kk donuts?

  • Do these freeze well?

    • +1

      They do.
      Wrap them individually and freeze them.

  • -1

    Buy, eat, cancer, and die quickly.

    • No, it's buy, eat, diabetes, amputated, die slowly and painfully.

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