This was posted 2 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] Original Glazed Doughnuts: 2 Dozen $13.04, 3 Dozen $19.56 C&C @ Krispy Kreme


Full credit to Wakrak for the find. Site seems to be glitched when you add multiple dozen to your order.

Choose a store for C&C. Will not work for delivery.

Update 10:15pm AEST - Party is over. Price is now back to the advertised special of $12 per dozen.

Related Stores

Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme

closed Comments

  • The thought of 2 or 3 dozen of these bad boys sounds dough-licious…

    How long can you typically keep them before they go bad?

    • +2

      They supposedly freeze pretty well

      • I googled this before I hit purchase. Great tip

    • +4

      Best on day 1!

    • yep, can confirm that they freeze well, just make sure they are flat and put them in a cliplock bag, single layer…be gentle with them

    • they don’t go bad as in mouldy, just not as soft ….ok with coffee or milk after 5 days ……

  • +2

    No love for South Australia!

    • What I came in to say. We only get $12 a dozen every now and then and that's it. :(

    • +5

      Anakin: Krispy Kreme deal for NSW, VIC, Qld, WA
      Padme: SA…
      Anakin: ….
      Padme: and SA, right?

    • Different ownership I believe
      They dodged a bullet!

  • Shows as $19.56, but reverts to normal price when checking out sadly

    • +5

      Must choose a store for C&C

      • Neither work unfortunately

        • Shows cheap price, then full price, then back to cheap at the checkout page for me. Did you click passed putting in a store and pick up time, then it goes back to cheap at the payment method page.

          • +2

            @teereb: Yeah it flashes the cheaper price then reverts to full price. Probably just my browser playing up. But to be honest it's probabebly a good things I can't buy them haha

  • +1

    Worked for me Click & Collect in WA. 2 dozen for $13.04 paid via Paypal. Cheers legend.

  • Guess I'm getting 3 dozens then.

  • +2

    thanks OP, bought 3 dozens

  • and offer is over. Lets see if i can still pick up the order for 3 dozen i got in.

    • +8

      Nope, it still works

      • yup… Still showing discounted price of $19.56 for the click n collect of 3 dozen but delivery option comes up $52.41.

        • +1

          you have to choose pickup

      • +1

        still works for me!

    • +1

      I've just bought 3 dozens.

  • +1

    I got 2 dozens, thanks.

  • +18

    I regret to say it worked for me.

  • Great find, was debating if i wanted 2x for easter… I had my answer when i saw this

  • Thanks, got 2 dozens for Saturday pick up.

  • +1

    Got 3 dozens, thanks OP. Price changed to $52.41 when I selected C&C store but reverted to $19.56 at the payment page.

  • It's still working for me thanks OP

  • +1

    Got 3 dozens too… thanks OP and @Wakrak!

  • Cheers, OP, got 3 dozens!

  • Ordered 2 dozen, cheers OP

  • Ordered 2 dozen. Thanks!

  • Cheers! Got 3 dozen, 1 for my neighbour

  • Worked for me. Pick up Mascot NSW <3

  • Thanks OP, ordered 3 dozen C&C from Liverpool but only available for the 14/4/22. Unless, I could have selected other dates but looked greyed out.
    Still great time for the beginning of the easter long weekend anyway.

    • +1

      Next day requires pre-order before 5pm

  • this working for anybody still?

    • Yup just did for me

  • +1

    The price changed a couple times through the process - but ended up right.
    Thanks OP - I'll be sick, but I'll be happy.
    Great bargain.

    • you can freeze them. I've done it and they are fine when defrosted

  • Thanks OP

  • Ordered thanks.

  • I've never scrambled so fast, thanks OP

  • +4

    Thanks! Bought 8 dozens for $52.16. My friends are going to love me.

    • +4

      Hot Cross Buns Donuts

      • Doneaster.

  • Thanks, bought 2 dozens, hope the order wont be cancelled.

  • Bought 2 dozens, thanks

  • Thanks! Got myself 2 dozen, surprise the site is holding up well considering there's already been over 2k clicks

  • I am going to pick up at 6am tomorrow for breakfast.

  • Got 3 dozen for 14/4 C&C thank you OP hope they honour it

  • +4

    Someone is going to get glazed for this

    • +8

      Do nut go into work on Thursday if you work at KrispyKreme.

      • +1

        I read that nut as something else entirely

  • -1

    Looks like it has been fixed

    • Not fixed yet. Make sure it's C&C and go to checkout.

  • legend

  • +5

    This deal could start a new pandemic in this country. A pandemic of diabetes!

    Btw I ordered 3 dozen, Thanks OP

    • +1

      I needed the laugh, thanks

  • Such a great deal omg

  • Just bought 2 dozen and got a pleasant surprise. Still working. Confirmed with the truth that is OzB 🙇

  • Worked for me

  • Can we check out as guest?

  • -2

    Does this work for 7 Eleven stores?

    • no, this is direct through their online ordering only

  • +1

    3 dozen for 19.56

    Hope they ll honour it

  • +1

    I'm starting to think these price errors are free ways to collect consumer data.

    • +3

      What consumer data? That people like cheap donuts?

      Someone is getting either promoted or fired over this

      • +5

        Not picking a fight here - these online orders require customer email, contact details, credit card info from people that probably won't order them online if not for the price error. They can legally cancel the orders and still keep the info. Someone will be reprimanded for the extra work, or rewarded for getting all these details.

  • Looks like the boys at work will be having donuts on Thursday. I'll be loved.

  • no confirmation email received

    • +4

      Mine went to my promotions folder on gmail

      • still haven't received confirmation email but i can see it in my account under "processing".
        paid via Apple Pay.

  • boom, ordered for easter weekend

    "Why are we getting so many orders"
    "Hmmm….uh oh"

  • Geez pre order before 5pm for next day pickup is god awful. Counts me out unfortunately.

  • +1

    Showed $19.56 for 3 dozens in Cart, however once on check out page, amount changed to $52.41

    • +3

      It did this to me as well until I checked click and collect

      • +1

        ordered 2 dozens for $13.04

    • +2

      keep going, itll turn back to cheaper rate on the next page..

  • Must… Resist… Temptation…

  • +3

    Just got mine. 4 dozens for 26.08

    • Me too….$26.08 …loll
      Pick up Thursday

  • +1

    Do you have to collect on the specified date? Or can be any day after?

  • Was Thursday the earliest date? Rushed it and wasn’t paying attention

    • Yes, I choose Thursday, as it is the earliest available

    • 7-9am but can we pick up late, like afternoon?

    • Might depend on the store. I got mine for tomorrow.

  • love Krispy Kreme, but just can't justify that amount for donuts. They are great if you are having people over though and you get a deal like this

    • freeze and thaw at a party

      • +1

        I lied. Of course this is a great deal! lol. Just bought 2 dozen. Picking up on Monday and hoping I have more room in the freezer by then lol

        • lol maybe get another freezer

    • i tend to buy the woolies cinnamon donuts ….$2.50 for 12, not as nice as krispy kreme but woolies is handier , and it’s $2.50 all the time …. i tend to get kripsy kreme when 7/11 has the deals as they are handier.

      • yes Woolies 12 pack is my normal go to, for either the $2.50 on special or $3 if I am running low….just chuck them in the freezer and take 1 out at a time, in microwave for 30 seconds on high….just like new. I did succumb to this deal though. I rarely get Krispy Kreme…usually just the 4 freebies on my birthday lol. These will definitely be going in the freezer…..will last me for ages.

  • Thanks,did an order for Saturday. An easy and cheap birthday gift 😜

  • Is it an error, would it be honored?

    • +2

      we are all crossing our fingers and toes hahaha

    • +1

      depends which one cost more, getting someone to cancel all orders, emailing people etc or is it cheaper to just supply the donuts

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