Time to get into Sim Racing. With Assetto Corsa and ALSO the new competizione Also on sale for $20.xx
^newer game.
the base Version is $5.xx for Assetto Corsa
Time to get into Sim Racing. With Assetto Corsa and ALSO the new competizione Also on sale for $20.xx
^newer game.
the base Version is $5.xx for Assetto Corsa
You can mod this version, you can get a program called Content Manager from assettocorsa.club, then download mods from Race Department.
It is probably the best racing sim out there just cause of its versatility, the shader mods make it look amazing,
Csp and gt3 racing at night in a storm. Chefs. Kiss. Incredible lighting, cars behind you headlights have your roll cage cast shadows.
This is one of the versions, there is an LA canyon version too. Probably more
Any good for steam deck?
They both really need a wheel
I play on Steam Deck but only to support my fix when not at the PC wheel.
It is 'playable' but I doubt you'd in anyway be competitive for online.
repeating like mantra "I have way too many games and holy crap an Ultimate Pass, I am set for years to come"
Thanks, grabbed it since I'm in the process of buying a racing wheel (mainly for American Truck Simulator) so this will be fun to mess around with as well!
I can't buy Ultimate because I own the base game. Bastardo!
This offer is only available when buying all items at the same time.
Yes very annoying.
You can't even un-own the base game to buy the Ultimate. The only way I found to get the content is to piece meal buy the DLCs, at which point it's more expensive than the Ultimate.
Have you tried this?
People had to do this to redeem Death Stranding from HumbleBundle the other day. Anyone want to take one for the team and see if it works for Assetto Corsa?
Edit: I don't take responsibility if someone loses access to the base game and can't buy the Ultimate. If someone has a spare key for the base and can test on another account or something, that would be safer.
I haven't found that option on Steam.
@ElectroFoX: Did you follow the steps? Obviously change Death Stranding to Assetto Corsa. If I follow them exactly I do see "I want to permanently remove this game from my account"
I tried last time it went on sale but it still said I owned it even when it was removed and I couldn't buy the ultimate edition. Just had to get it reinstated,
Basically punishing early adopters/loyal fans? Sorry don't know the best term for it but I think you know what I mean.
@ozbs25: although my list shows i only own assetto corsa standard when i go to dlcs it says they are "in library" so i probably do own the ultimate edition?
i have a massive pile of shame
I wish they did this with Forza horizon 5 too and discount it 90%
They might once FH5 has been out for 9 years.
Is it worth buying the competizione version? Or would they likely have an ultimate pack later?
I have both and once I downloaded Content Manager for AC and got into mods, I have never played ACC.
Which edition has better graphics? Which is better for VR? I would’ve thought the more modern edition blitzes the old.
Natively ACC has better graphics. Both work well with VR (I use a Quest 2). But mod support for AC is just on a completely different level - there are graphics mods to take it up a notch as well.
@kungfuman: I play ACC in VR with both Quest 2 and Reverb G2.
Yes… a good experience - I actually race better in VR because depth and speed perceptions are apparent. Eg. I can definitely feel if I'm coming into a corner too fast, but that's not exclusively a VR thing. There are a number of other game indicators that inform this, such as wheel vibration/slipping etc etc etc.
While I find I'm more competitive, the downside is I become more fatigued. Holding the VR mass on your face for 30mins does become tiring.
As an aside, the PSVR2 and their headstrap design is significantly more comfortable for long play - yes, I have that VR headset too… :\ There are other headstrap designs for the other headsets, but death by a thousand cuts is what I'm trying to avoid.
@Porker: @Porker, hey mate, I was expecting ACC to be too demanding for VR. What is your GPU, and what resolution % is set in SteamVR?
I play mostly rFactor2 and some AMS2. On an RTX3070, I need to do all sorts of tweaking to get it right on the Reverb G2. Not only with the in-game settings but upscaling and fixed foveated rendering with either OpenXR or OpenVR.
I have AC, but needing to remove the VR to use the UI is too much trouble.
@karkassa: With my previous setup, the CPU was a definite bottleneck for ACC, being i7-7700k with 2070 Super. I've since gotten an i5-13600kf but still have the same GPU. Game runs much smoother.
In terms of VR when using Reverb G2, I've had to step away from SteamVR and use OpenXR - SteamVR for this game was a horrible experience.
If I can be bothered with tinkering with settings and general setup, I'll use the Reverb 2, but now mostly find myself using the Quest 2 as it just boots up and works. There is a decrease in the graphics department (from Reverb G2), but I like being able to just turn on and race.
@kungfuman: I also used a Quest 2 and it's a good experience once the VR hardware settings are dialed in.
Best fun I've ever had in a driving sim, but I found out that I get motion sick in VR (even with the awesome 'Lock to Horizon' view setting) so I've reverted to 2D ultrawide.
ACC is not optimized for VR
ACC is the best sim out there if you like GT3 and GT4.
AC is excellent for the huge amount of mods and is broader.
The answer is to get both. They are amazing.
This. Acc is heavily GT focused. AC is a good all round car game
Yes, laser focussed on serious GT3 and GT4 mainly with a few others and GT2 incoming.
AC is broader and less serious.
Really stupid question… is this 'fun'? My boy has been into consoly kart racers for a while and is thinking of getting a steering wheel / gaming PC to get into a more grown up style of racing game. Not sure if this is too hardcore off the bat? It looks sim-sim, if you see what I mean but I don't know anything about this kind of stuff.
Pretty fun for sim racing. Of course not as fun as real kart or racing if you can afford.
Everyone has different concepts of fun. Id get assetto Corsa ultimate and a used Logitech wheel ($200) and give that a try. They'll either love it and use it all the time, or not. Worst case scenario you can sell the Logitech wheel back for the price you got it for.
i just had a thought
all the money i waste on ozbargain impulse buys I should just a 1 v 1 racing sim setup at home. would provide hours of fun and great when people come over. Just need
now all i do is monitor ozbargain for the above deals
- 1k TV 1k PC 0.5k racing wheels
- 2.5k well spent with other uses/resale value i reckon
am i being stupid? thoughts?!
I think 1 set of racing sim setup is enough, spectating is fun too, taking turns to set records.
what racing wheel and pedal brand were you thinking? i'm looking around too, also want a shifter
logitech g29 - i dont actually know much. just a ozb favourite and people here know their stuff
I just had another idea. get a projector instead and mount it perpendicular to TV to you're projecting onto an empty side wall
that way two people can sit next to each other but face 90 deg apart. Corner sofa behind for people to watch and i can also switch between regular TV and projector for movies
Oh yeah thats a good idea - i guess something like this wouldn't interest you? haha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKOachoVj_8
@KYoohu: I am just looking at the rigs now. probably going to stay off that path because a. its really expensive like 5-10k for the structure and b. it has only a single purpose and will take up a lot of room.
If I do just regular chairs already at home with one screen living room TV and second player on projector only the logitech wheels are single purpose and need to be setup on a table and can be put away easily to return the house to normal after guests are gone
@ChatCPT: You don't need to spend 5k for a cockpit. There's a heap here https://pagnianimports.com.au/collections/racing-cockpits
I got the V2 extreme and a G27 wheel off Gumtree for $250 off Gumtree - admittedly pre-covid. But definitely got money worth.
@BigTacoBandit: thank you so much, these look great and are much less than I thought!
edit: i really like this one. https://pagnianimports.com.au/collections/racing-cockpits/pr…
expands out to car proportions and can be folded away under the sofa when I'm done
@ChatCPT: Next minute you're looking at direct drive wheels and need to upgrade to a more stable rig
@ChatCPT: Look on Facebook Market Place & Gumtree… They have some great deals occasionally …
I got a Next Level F1-GT Cockpit & Logitech G29 for $300… Barely Used…
These are a fad thing for some people hence why some good deals when they try to offload them…
@ThePunchingBag: thats a good point. i'll just favourite searches for 'racing wheel' and 'logitech g29' and wait for a bite
This game is rather hard for anyone to just jump on and have fun.. Get some arcadey game like daytona, wangan midnight, initial D
for sure. i imagine there will be a few in my list
Forza Horizon 5 is awesome fun, especially with a wheel.
I bought ACC recently and I really don't like it - it's far too serious.
ye sim vs arcade pick your own poison. For myself, I like a bit of both.
Same, ACC it's too serious for my liking.
If I was rich with a huge house I'd definitely have an identical set up beside my current one. Would be awesome
im definitely not rich mate. its just the racing wheels/seat that are a bit lux and single purpose.
the tv's/projector can be used for multiple other things too so just have to convince yourself
or get used ones off fb/gumtree
Are both AC and ACC multiplayer?
So what's better - the ultimate $12 one or the cheaper $5 on?
While mods will give you lots of cars, 100s more than in the base game, some of the better quality mods use the DLC cars as car "bases" for the mod to attach to. If you really, really want to save every last dollar you can probably get away with the dream pack 1 and japanese car dlc.
Hugely recommend downloading Content Manager if you're going to get into the game at all - without it the UI is a mess and configuring graphics mods (like the Custom Shaders Patch which brings it up to around the level of Madness engine games like PCars 2 and Automobilista 2) can be an absolute nightmare.
Just get ultimate. It has a lot of high quality laser scanned tracks and car dlcs. Best money you'll spend.
Is this worth grabbing without a wheel? KB&M or a PS4 controller or not worth it?
controller or wheel, that is totally personal preference. Some find better time using a controller while some can't play without the wheel. But kb tho… that's a big NO.
While a wheel is obvs the best choice, I wouldn't knock the kb + mouse combo - mouse steering on this game is surprisingly intuitive, and I've actually low key been quite enjoying it whenever I cbs setting up the wheel on the desk.
absolute monster :D
Any of the DLC worth it for ACC ?
Paypal doesnt work via steam on iOS devices
It's not coming up for me. Is it expired?
Which version has the mod that allows you to drive on a street with civilian cars?