Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday? Tradition? Religious beliefs?
I thought in primary school that it was just a thing everyone did, so continued doing so until I realised I wasn't religious at all and stopped..
Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday? Tradition? Religious beliefs?
I thought in primary school that it was just a thing everyone did, so continued doing so until I realised I wasn't religious at all and stopped..
Balmain bugs?
Moreton Bay bugs.
Ricky the Baptist
Did you go to a Catholic school?
I did, still ate some lovely brisket on Good Friday.
Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday?
Who says we are?
Do you only eat fish on Good Friday?
No, I eat fish lots of other times as well.
Do you only eat fish on Good Friday?
No, I eat lots of other things on Good Friday other than fish.
Do you only eat fish on Good Friday?
Yes, that's the only thing I do with fish on Good Friday.
The only thing…?
Do you like fish sticks in your mouth?
You have any $5 notes lying around?
I think I ate pork burritos on Friday so I guess I have to go with no.
That would exclude you from not only being Catholic because of what you didn't eat, but also from being Jewish, Muslim or Hindu because of what you did eat.
I always wondered if the name of the food was based on its shape, or what it was originally made from, a little donkey.
Hindus can't eat beef.
They choose not to eat beef, but have they have the ability to eat it.
Hindus are primarily vegetarian, some do eat meat but they aren’t meant to have any meat including pork. Many don’t eat eggs either.
@morse: Most my Hindu friends eat chicken. Some eat pork. Very few eat beef. Only 3 / 15 or so are vegetarian
@Boioioioi: I had a good chat with a Hindu about this recently. They said yes many Hindus now eat meat, particularly when they move to a predominantly meat eating country, but their take in it was that meat is not the done thing by the beliefs. Another Hindu colleague does no meat, no fish and no eggs. I suppose it’s similar to many Christians where the teaching is no sex before/outside of marriage but many if not most people who identify as Christians do it.
Porcus is the Latin word for pig. When the French took over England about a thousand years ago the French names for meat took over, boeuf (cow) to beef, porc (pig) to pork.
My dad doesn't eat pork because there's a bit of a Scottish thing about not liking it too. These days though the scots probably deepfry ham wrapped in bacon though.
They meant the word "burrito", but ok
Get some pork on your fork
I do it so people won’t question me when I get the double fillet o fish (so good)
You don't find fillet o fish not as good as before (10-20 years ago)?
Well I’m only in my 30s … but to me it’s about the same. Only have it maybe 4-5 times a year. I average prob close to about 50 times a year to maccas and usually go a large angus meal with a vanilla shake. If shake not available I settle for coke :(
50 times a year just for maccas? Do.you hit other take aways e.g. KFC and HJs? Or others outside the holy trinity?
@Jackson: yes kfc probably about 25 times, hj's sadly only maybe similar time too.
I reckon it was way better in the past too.
You eat potatoes too instead of only fish on Good Friday? Heretic, nail yourself to the cross!
Where’s the poll? These things are much more fun with a poll.
What's Good Friday?
Any Friday that is a public holiday.
I ate 3 different animals on that day and not one of them was fish.
Kitten, puppy, and pet goanna?
Human, human, and human. The other white meat.
I eat whatever I can afford at the time. If that happens to be meat or fish, so be it.
Personally, I think some people take Lenten fast to a silly level. Especially when the Church has stipulated that it is no longer necessary for them to do so. It is a discussion I had over many years with elderly relatives who would persist in fasting for Lent when realistically, their bodies could no longer take it.
I do not fast because fasting is bad for my health. I stick to Drs advice. The Church is happy with that. I focus on other sacrifices during Lent.
None of the younger gen in aus does the proper 40 day lent fast . Only the oldies . The most people know in aus about Christianity is celebrating Christmas and easter
“I desire mercy not sacrifice”
Thanks for correcting.
I think some versions have typos
“I desire money mercy not sacfifice”
Man. That link. The cognitive dissonance is strong in that one.
And some of the articles (Catholic YELLING, not mine):
"Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday?"
Why do you assume everyone conforms to some/one religion's superstitions/customs?
comfortably prepares to get downvoted to oblivion
Except you weren't. I guess a martyr complex is appropriate at Easter though.
At Catholic high school, tuckshop's sausage roll in a bread roll was replaced with fish fingers in a bread roll for Friday's in Lent.
Now it's a nice excuse for fishnchips.
What city was that in?
Had the memories of the "Three in One" from Toowoomba 40 years ago!
I eat fish on other days too.
Im not religious so i don't follow any tradition like that. And its silly when i see relatives do this that aren't religious at all either.
How about canine protein with ginger to have a dog of a day?
Its hilarious
It says fins and scales only
All the sheeple with their prawns pipi/cockles squid octopus doing the right thing
Eating fish on good friday isn't in the bible, was just made up after so there's more do's and dont's for the religion so people can identify.
half the disciples were fishermen.
it was the original "jobs for the boys."
also for the carpenter….
"we need some merch. how about we nail two bits of wood together in an X and have people put them up on walls. we can even make them into necklaces"
1 out of 4000 different imaginary sky wizards dosent have enough power to keep me away from kfc. Maybe one easter he will show up with a grumpy face in my original piece like he does on toast and dog butts. Then ill get the message.
Personally … to me Easter is ALL about reconnecting with family … first and foremost (no matter what we have to eat).
Growing up (a general Christian upbringing - but NOT practicing Christians) … we did often eat fish/prawns/salad during this period … but think it was also as much about trying to save afew $$$ more than anything else.
Was also reading recently … Lamb was also considered a popular meal during this time WAY back in the old times (more so on Easter Sunday). As Lamb was a very common meat back then.
In some some ways - we (as a general society) - have kept this tradition alive through the ages.
EG. the weekly family Sunday Lamb/Beef/Silverside roast … which so many of us grew up with - even after leaving home.
Which helps bring us back to our families to reconnect with each weekend.
I only eat fish on Good Friday, but not out of any religious sentiments. It's a thing my family has done and so… we keep on keeping on.
My family is the same, so I continue the tradition.
But not fish and chips, just fish, either grilled or steamed.
Not sure why you got negged, people are terrible.
Have some Easter spirit please!
I think the answer to your poll pretty clearly indicates the question should be changed from "Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday? Tradition? Religious beliefs?" to "how am I so out of touch with society that I still think anything but a minority only eat fish on good friday".
I smoked a rack of pork ribs and a Brisket for Good friday.
Jesus and the easter bunny died for your sins, so eat your dam fish.
I'm not religious, I don't go to church, and I wasn't brought up in a religious household. Never read the Bible.
But I figure for one day if I can show respect for Jesus, it's not too difficult to do so.
Is he the son of God, did he do everything they said he did in the Bible? Probably not.
I reckon there was probably a man called Jesus, and he was treated very poorly by the Government of the day…. died horribly.
Is the Bible a form of societal control in a time where there wasn't a cop on every corner and repercussions for bad people were few and far between? Definitely yes. The fear of God watching you 24/7 definitely changed behaviours.
To be honest I don't necessarily believe in Heaven and Hell, and I certainly don't believe all of the accounts that have been handpicked to be in the Bible (and consequently some accounts to be purposefully omitted). But someone or something turned the lights on somewhere at some stage. Our knowledge of science doesn't explain everything, and maybe there are some things we don't understand. Maybe there is something afterwards or out there? I don't reckon its a man with a book judging your entire life before getting admitted to Heaven, or sending you to Hell. But maybe its like The Force or something, an energy or life force? Who knows.
But if not eating meat one day of the year shows respect to someone who by all accounts was a nice guy that didn't have to die, and put his beliefs, principles, and word above saving his own life…. then why not? All he had to do was renounce his beliefs and tell everyone something he didn't believe. And he didn't. That takes courage and being a man of your word. If you're going to martyr someone, why not someone like that? There are so many pathetic 'celebrities' these days who garner more favour with people for doing absolutely nothing with their lives… held to such high regard for what?
And if I'm wrong and there does happen to be a Judgement Day? Well at least I've lived a good life and haven't tempted fate. It's not out of fear of Hell… its out of respect for a guy who tried to do right and told The Man to go get stuffed.
what if your wrong?? so might as well only eat fish on one day to cover your bases??.. there are over 4000 religions. why dont you cover your bases a little on all of them because what if your wrong? or are all those other ones just stupid fantasy BS? but not Christianity, that one is definitely real… do you also cover your doorways in garlic incase there are vampires? well you should, what if one day its to late and you realize you were wrong..
To live in your world with such extreme jumps of logic and reasoning must be fascinating.
Tighten up the tin foil and realign the 6G mate… your craziness is showing.
The old Straw Man argument, eh?
@ChrisLevo: Hardly.
Here's the definition for you: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/straw-ma…
in fairness he is pointing out your highly selective logic. Their are a lot of religions in the world, many more reasonable, less violent and logical than Christianity. why pick that particular belief from that specific religion to obey? If you believe in something by all means follow that belief. What you are doing makes no sense at all.
@gromit: No… what makes no sense is that you've responded with the impression that I believe in ANY religion.
Did you not read my post?
@UFO: well you did say you believe Jesus existed and you are obeying a ritual from that religion based on respect for that mythical person..
@gromit: And this is why I make sure to occasionally sacrifice a child on top of a pyramid. Maybe I'm wrong, but what if there really is a Quetzalcoatl? Have to respect the way he taught us to make chocolate, got on a bender, banged his sister and then accepted the consequences of his actions by burning himself to death.
@gromit: I believe a man called Jesus existed. I never said I believed he was the son of God, or that I "obey" any rituals or beliefs regarding the religion he represents. I was very clear on that point. I don't believe the water into wine stuff. The poll wasn't "Do you believe in God?", the poll was asking what meal choice you have on Good Friday. It's a meal choice for one day, yet you're likening me to being a religious nut. Thou doth protest too much.
@UFO: Not likening you to a religious nut at all, merely pointing out the logical flaw in claiming you dont believe yet are picking a character out of a religious story, one that has no reference in historical records of the day as being real and then obeying said religious ritual out of respect.
Buffy says the garlic thing doesn’t work against vampires. You have to stake them or use holy water or curse them with a soul
Buffy is too old-school. More effective vampire control is achieved by creating a new virus (hep V) to infect them à la 'True Blood'
Not eating meat for one day? Isnt seafood meat?
@UFO I appreciate your outlook.
This is like a review of a product that the person has never bought or used before
Very well written and honest response. Although there are others tearing your logic apart they seem to be missing one key aspect. We are talking about Easter which is literally based on Jesus. Why the need to mention other religions and ask why you don't practice traditions 'Just in case'. We all get to enjoy the Easter long weekend every year so does it really hurt to show some respect for someone (Jesus) who lived the life he did. I am truly baffled by people who do not believe Jesus actually existed. He is one of the most well documented humans to ever live in ancient history. I am not saying you have to believe him to be the Son of God but he did exist. The hypocrisy evident in todays society is so, so sad. We must respect others and take what they say as the truth but at the same time so quickly spit at others if that is the status quo. I admire your reasoning and level of respect. If others could even fathom that we as humans, individually, are literal scum, and that your life is of absolutely no more importance that your neighbor, the world would be a better place.
I lived in Italy and learnt why they eat fish on fridays. It was too help fisherman who earned very little so Catholic Church asked people too eat fish on fridays too help fisherman nothing to do with religion.
Nothing to do with religion. So I always have a BBQ with steak and beef sausages. It's my way of saying "up you"⁸ to anyone in the area who thinks you have to have seafood.
So…imaginary people? People who don't know you and don't care? People who didn't see you eat the steak? And all of these people are somehow oppressing you?
You sure showed them, tough guy
Wifes family traditional this way but i will eat what i want.
had an awesome rump steam in mushroom sauce…. might have another tonight..
I don't eat any meat, just like every other day!
'Why are we all still eating fish and chips on good friday? Tradition? Religious beliefs?'
not my tradition - AFAIK no-one I know has ever eaten fish and chips on Good Friday.
I read recently that fish and chips in England may have been a response to the Catholic custom of not eating meat on Fridays - or Lent or somesuch (it's so long since my childhood church-going that now I just DGAF)
I understand there is a custom in NYC of Jewish people eating Chinese food for xmas (passover?) - something to do with not working during the sacred time
and there is a newer weird thing in Japan of eating KFC for Christmas
so you can pick your weird custom and hang your coat on it
Im a catholic and think that rule is a farce. Jesus never asked any of us to do this silly tradition. and why eat fish when in theory its still an animal based product. still has protein etc so it makes no sense to me.
I ate chicken and lamb on good friday. And i didnt do it to disrespect Jesus, but i did it because the church and people of the faith put these ridiculous rules which make absolute no sense, and make you feel bad because you ate a food on a baseless origin.
[google - oh god it takes so long to get 'About 20,400,000 results (0.55 seconds)'] …
'because, according to Christian teaching, Jesus died on a Friday, fasting on Fridays became a way to honor his sacrifice. However, this type of fasting didn’t mean not eating anything (unlike trendy modern-day fasts). It simply meant abstaining from eating the flesh of warm-blooded animals—since the thinking goes, Jesus was a warm-blooded animal. Fish, though, which are cold blooded were considered okay to eat on fasting days. Hence, Fish on Fridays and “Fish Friday” (among many other religious holidays) was born' - https://www.thebetterfish.com/learning/fish-fridays-lent
Well, atleast Fish And Chips on Friday doesn't have 10% Weekend Surcharge, 15% Holiday Surcharge and 1.5% Transaction surcharge.
I am 73 years old and other than when I was a baby and probably still having milk and later baby mush, I have probably only ever eaten fish on Good Friday maybe twice as far as I can recall. I don't have any objection to it, and any religious connotations are irrelevant to me. It's just that I don't eat a lot of fish, and less so now due to cost. Was probably the same when I was growing up. We rarely ate fish any time, other than when my uncle went fishing and he would give Mum some flathead that he'd caught. I never liked it much because of the bones. Another reason why I mostly only like flake or Tassie salmon.
Our family were not religious, and certainly our grandparents on both sides of the family were anti-Catholic for some unknown reason, so I suspect none of that nonsense was countenanced under any circumstances.
I did have fish on one Good Friday many years ago as my brother had married a Catholic. They had invited me for a meal and of course the meal had to be fish. Didn't bother me, and I enjoyed the meal and being with family. Nothing else matters as far as I am concerned.
Tuna Tempters Onion and Tomato Savoury Sauce i eat all the time, have been for 20+ years, it's delicious on sandwiches.
To me it's just a public holiday
We are a Christian family but we are not catholic. Food choice has nothing to do with our religion teachings, but we say our thanks before meals. We also don't fast on Easter. Not all Christian teaching the same.
Skipping red meat one day in a year. In return for an eternity of endless free buffets. How is that not a bargain?
I'll believe it when someone reports back that it actually exists. With solid evidence, not just 'because I said so'
I'll believe it when someone reports back that it actually exists. With solid evidence, not just 'because I said so'
Kerry Packer went there. His heart was kicked started, a few days later he said Be inspired by living … I've been to the other side, and let me tell you, son, there's (profanity) nothing there.
No, I eat fish on other days too.
No because I think, religion and it's followers are stupid
Most Australian's aren't catholic or protestant so we do chockie eggs!!
We eat a pescatarian diet on Good Friday out of tradition. Both my husband and I did this in our families growing up. My mum said when she grew up they always had fish on Fridays in general not just Good Friday. We do it from tradition, and it really isn’t a problem as we eat meat free lots of days anyway. I quite enjoy it as I like vegetables and fish.
I prove my commitment and sacrifice by only eating bugs and insects…