I just been tail-gated for 50 minutes while driving down from brisbane to gold coast.
Offender used High beam and very close to the car and this psycho kept following me even when i moved out of the way.
Whats the best way to get these psychos. I want to prepare for next time
90% of these road rage problems could be easily solved by just getting out of peoples way. If you're sitting in the right lane (overtaking and keeping a 3 sec gap, etc, etc) doing the speed limit and you see some nut coming up behind you fast or starting to tailgate you, just move over and let them go. Being stubborn and having this "I'm in the right and they're speeding" attitude is just asking for trouble. There are heaps of nuts out there and pissing them off will only end up getting you in a dangerous situation like OP. Yes you're in the right and yes they're an idiot, but is it worth the trouble when it takes you 3 seconds to just move over and avoid the whole situation?! They'll get what's coming to them, but your safety takes priority over being right.