Lowest price since November last year according to 3Camel.
See the photos on Amazon for an idea of what the game is like :)
thats the first puzzle :)
u failed
Fun little game. High quality components.
See I really love the sound of this game but video games have ruined me for price and setup time
Video games are a different market but thank you for your contribution
No worries! I'm glad there aren't video game versions of popular board games
It's like a barbeque versus eating out. Sure, you can go and have everything cooked for you and enjoy your meal, or you can put on a big cook for everyone and be social on a big table with more people.
See I really love the sound of a barbeque but Chargrill Charlie's have ruined me for price and setup time.
@King Steuart: Yeah okay, fair point. I game by myself so the social aspect is extremely diminished for me
The description says 1-6 players, but the box and BGG say 1-4.
"Minimum age recommendation 96"