This was posted 2 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus Deluxe TL₺460 (~A$36.87) for 12 Months (+ Card) @ PSN Turkey (Using Proxy)


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Source (sort by Newest first):…

After spending few hours trying to figure out how to buy the Turkish Ps Plus Deluxe subscription I bumped upon the hotdeals UK forum and found that using a digital card Turkey proxy I finally managed to renew it. I did followed all the steps over the period of 3-4 days, also different steps at different times but finally got it done!

Please note: This works only if you have a card or card. I have not tried other methods but you are welcome to try!!

For NEW Users:
1) Create a new Psn account ( and select Turkey as the country and use fake address generator to create a Turkish address ( After creating the account go to the (Your information) in setting and edit residential address and add a street address, which is not asked during the account creation. The address should be an exact match

2) Login to you PS5 console (should work on PS4 as well). Go to Network, settings and edit your existing SSID. Go to Proxy, select Use and give - 8080 and let it connect. If it says 'Failed', try again at a different time. (Proxy source:

3) Once connected, Go to User & Accounts, Account, Payment Method and add the card or card using the same Turkey address used for setting up the PSN account. If it fails, try again at a different time.

4) Using your card or card add 460 Turkish Lira funds into your wallet

5) After adding the card via account management on a console, purchase the ps+ subscription directly from the console for it to work 100%. That's it, enjoy!

And also you can stack the subscription multiple times!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Worth noting that you need to create the PSN account via your PS4 or PS5.

    Sony won't let you create accounts on PC/Phone/Tablet for some reason.

  • Can also use a Wise digital CC for this. That's how I did it last year and the exchange rate and fees were great.

    • Can't anymore, Sony shuttered it.

      • I did it few days ago using the Wise NZ digital card method and same proxy as above

  • I did use WISE card from the last deal but that doesn't work anymore.

  • +1

    I've moved countries so many times, I already have 3 PSN accounts. F U Sony for not letting us validly change country/region. PITA.

    • Yeah, it is annoying. Also, disc and digital version are different versions. Save games work between digital and physical in the same region, but it is still a pain to download (reinstall) basically the same game when you switch version.

  • +3

    If you are on Turkey PSN already, then this is fine. However, if you are on AU PSN, then you will not be able to play PS Plus games collected via AU PS Plus once the AU subscription expires.

    Also, save games (for AU based games) are likely incompatible. It is probably no issue if you are the type of person who doesn't replay games often nor have a big backlog of PS Plus games yet to be played.

    • I have 2 PSN accounts (different regions) with the same PS5 as primary console, I can play any of the games I own on either account irrespective of which account I sign in on. I haven't noticed any incompatible issues or saves not working.

      • Same titles (in 2 regions) or different titles? Different titles, you don't notice the issue. It is generally not an issue except when you are in a transition period where you collected both PS Plus versions for both regions. Or, you had elapsed PS Plus games on a non-AUS region and you decided to pick up the disc version here. Some games do work, some games provide a converter (in game). Some games simply treat them separate (cannot resume).

        When I had both PS Plus AU and PS Plus USA both active at the same time, a game I started with PS Plus USA couldn't be resumed on the PS Plus AUS version. Also, on that same account, I can see 2 different save game profiles for that title. Even to delete the right one, all I have is the last save date time to determine which one.

        Another slightly less annoying issue is that due to purchasing LOU part 1 USA version a while back and still have it installed, not wanting to lose the save games, I have elected to keep it installed so it just makes claiming the PS Plus Collection version on PS Plus AUS account unpleasant.

        • Ok I see what you are saying, yes I think the same game from different regions probably has a different SKU on the Sony catalog.

    • What are the differences between being on Turkey PSN and AU PSN?

      If I have never made an AU account before nor have any saves (brand new console, never had a PS4/5 previously), is there any difference?

      • +1

        I assume Turkey PSN would have European version of games. It is generally not an issue (a lot of OZBers have or had PS Plus in other regions (I also did)). The possible issues for new PS4/5 owners could be:

        • You don't get cloud save for your Australian profile account (assuming you are setting up 2 accounts, 1 for getting the Turkey PS Plus, another one for your actual AU playing account). Game saves do store locally first anyway.
        • If you were to purchase any game in Australia (physical or digital), and Sony decides to offer that game free on PS Plus later on, there is a good chance your save games won't work properly (when running on Turkey PS Plus version of the same titles).
        • If you elect to switch back to AU version of PS Plus later on, then those games you collected on Turkey PS Plus (assuming you won't continue using Turkey PS Plus) will no longer be playable.
        • Default subtitle, language options for some games might be different.

        Most of those generally aren't big issues and most people are willing to accept the minor inconveniences.

        • Thanks for the run down, seems like your 2nd point is the biggest inconvenience

    • +1

      Australia and Turkey are in the same EU region on PSN, so no issues with DLC or save games

    • Games from the Turkey and Aus stores will be compatible save data and DLC wise. As they are both essentially the same region.
      As long as you stay withing the confines of the following main regions you will be fine.
      - Aus/UK/Euro
      - US
      - Japan
      - Asia (HK, Indonesia etc)

      This is why you had a problem with crossing between US and AU.

  • +1

    too much the effort, plus sony being a d**K

    They are since the days of PS3 jailbreak, very anal about smallest thing

  • +2

    Haha, similar post was made this morning:…

    Guessing it got shut down because OP was suggesting changing PDF bank statements to say you live in New Zealand 🤣

    • +2

      OHHH I was wondering where that post went 😅

      • I used that wise method and worked great lol

    • +1

      Hi 👋

  • Anyone had issues with the cards before? Listed in their fees I'm seeing there's a $5 monthly inactivity fee after 12 months, and a $10 fee to close the account. Are people depositing an extra $10 to make sure there's enough in the wallet to close the account before the monthly fees start, or do these fees only apply if the card has a balance?…

    • I use a as my daily use card. the app lets you manage how much money is available on the card vs your wallet, you can bpay to it, or even payid to it for an instant money available (at least form commbank). zero fees on transactions inside Aus or online (in AUD). Pretty much the same as revolut i think.

  • Admins - please don't remove this is relevant

    Thanks heaps OP.

    I was disappointed to find out that Wise AU stopped working, I had only subscribed to 1 year because I didn't know you could stack.

    I struggled with step 5 using my card. Constantly received message "an unidentified error has occurred", tried multiple times.

    I managed with work around step 5 by Adding funds to the wallet instead, needed to add funds multiple times to reach TL₺460. Sometimes an error occurred, I think because of the proxy, but tried again and again and it eventually topped up.

    Once wallet has this balance then this payment method appears in Step 5 rather than using the card and I could add another year of PlayStation Plus Deluxe

  • I've tried getting the card and it seems like an impossible task. I follow all the instructions, login in the app and it keeps shuffling back to the login page. No support.
    If anyone knows, help will be appreciated

  • Well I just renewed mine a few days ago. I was on the Deluxe tier and it was asking me to renew for AUD$156 then I clicked the change plan and it offered me 25% off. I paid a few cents less than $117.

  • +4

    Here is another option for those with WISE card/account:

    1. Change your address in WISE to New Zealand
      You can do this by clicking your name on top left corner —> Edit your personal account —> Put in a random New Zealand address (you can use address generator for this)

    2. Create a Wise virtual card
      Create a new Wise virtual card with your New Zealand address. Please note that the New Zealand card will have **** 9400 **** **** instead of **** 9300 **** **** for Australia. Remember to load your WISE account with Turkish money before moving to the next step.

    3. Add this card to your Turkish PSN account via your PS5

    4. Turn on proxy for the PS5
      I used - 8080 then click connect. It may say failed to connect but disregard that.

    5. Go to PS Market on your PS5 and purchase the subscription plan that you want. This method also allows you to purchase games in Turkish currency as well which is approximately 30-50% cheaper than AU market.

    6. Once you have done purchasing everything you want, remember to turn off the proxy for a better connection when playing online. By far this is the only method I know that works for purchasing both subscriptions and games.

    I have tested this method, and it still works this afternoon (around 5:00pm 10.03.23) so I think it should still work for you guys.
    PS Plus can be stacked. I purchased all the way till 2030 today.

    Enjoy :)

    • Don't have a wise card right now, how can I only order wise digital card instead of physical card? Because it's need a delivery address in NZ to get the card.

      • You can't order the digital card without the physical one. You can open wise under your real address first in Au, get the physical card mailed out to you, then change the address on the app as above to continue.
        Wise don't do any checking or limit the amount of digital card as far as I know (i have more than 2 digital in both Aus and Nz)
        Hope it helps

        • you dont even have to wait for the physical card to arrive before requesting a digital card.

          1. keep real aussie address in wise
          2. request physical card $10 fee
          3. change wise address to random NZ one
          4. request digital card
          • @FeZZa21: How do you request a NZ digital card. After I changed my address to NZ, it is asking that I verify my address before I can get a digital card.

            • @jekng: You have to do a dodge

              • @FeZZa21: What kind of dodge? It is asking I upload a document with my NZ address

                • +1

                  @jekng: There were talks of altering/photoshopping random NZ addresses onto AU statements.

      • Mate don’t do that that, You are asking for trouble by doing it. It is a FRAUD, to change address like this.

      • use your common dodgy sense ;)

        • Lol there is no sense to apply.. when you are committing a fraud then it is FRAUD

          • @Logda420: Changing my home address on my bank statement is not FRAUD lol. Where's the personal or financial gain in changing it? Only gain is a $0 virtual card which you top up with your own real money. Wise already has my real driver's license and other personal information. If that's still FRAUD for you, then you don't do it and others can make their own choices and decisions.

            • @FeZZa21: It is more of a tax regulation purpose, If you are living in a country you are suppose to pay tax for it, It is not possible that you are living in two countries and paying tax for only one country.

              WISE clearly mention it as a FRAUD and they close your account or ban it under Fraud once they found out. If you have read their policies you would not be questioning me lol.

              • @Logda420: Like you said, if they have/find an issue with it, they can close my account. Won't be the end of the world and can instead create a account as per this deal.

                • @FeZZa21: Lol, it may have consequences on your credit history… and it is a FRAUD. In country like AUS i would not take the chance fir few dollars and doing such stupid stuff

    • I'm stuck at step 3. Tried a few times and it says verification errors. On the wise side I can see playstation has checked the card. Address is the same as my PSN Turkey address. Can someone confirm that NZ Wise still works?

  • Can anyone confirm whether this can be applied to an existing AU account? My ps plus just expired yesterday and keen to resub!

  • I can confirm it works with existing accounts as well, With Aus cards ….. Stacked it upto 2031…. Lollll

    • Did you mean existing AU or TR accounts?

      • Yes mate, existing accounts. Sorry, did not get you on TR accounts.

    • @Logda420 how did you manage to use an Aus card?

      • -1

        Just follow the same process as mentioned above by the OP, Did nothing new

        • Mate, pls correct me if I am wrong

          1) Login with AU account
          2) Same OP
          3) Add AU card info to Payment Method
          4) Add AU $ to wallet
          5) Buy and enjoy

          Is that what you did?


          • +1

            @konggiaday: Yes mate

            • @Logda420: @Logda420 so, in fact, the only thing you did differently from a "regular" purchase in Australia was buying through turkish proxy?

    • Hey bud, I bought PSPlus the "normal" way in Australia and it expired. Are you saying that you were able to extend your expired PSPlus plan using the above method?

  • Anyone else having an issue with step 2?

    I can’t seem to connect to the internet with the proxy.

    EDIT: Connected to the internet and was able to add my card but stuck at the payment stage. It says “An unidentified error occurred. Try again in a few moments”.

    Did anyone get past this error?

    • Yep, the guy further up the thread did.

    • It depend upon the proxy that you are using.. sometimes when the connection is made, the proxy may stop from behind.. I literally tried with lots of them and eventually got sucess

    • Try doing it again at different hours and it should work!

  • I've tried with lots of proxies with no luck yet. I've successfully created a Turkish PSN account but cannot add either my card or my Australian card. I just get "Please check your Credit/Debit Card information and try again". The card has $20 on it and I'm using my Turkish address, has anyone else had any luck solving this? Do I need to add my payment info when connected to the proxy?

    • Mate, don’t try it too often as Sony has the limit to how many times you can try it . Once too many attempts have been made then it basically locks you for 24 hrs

    • Correct too many attempts will lock you for 24 hours, the next time time try after 30 hours!

      The only proxy that works till date is - 8080

      The steps should be done on your console only. Your Turkish address should be exactly the same ( including same data fields and special characters, if any and it should be an exact match as per your Turkish psn address).

      After adding proxy and connecting to internet, First add the card under settings - payment method.

      See if this works. Good luck

      • Any proxy mate, the proxy you mentioned did not work for me

  • I suspect the pathway is closed.
    I configured a VPS for myself in Turkey and installed a proxy server to get a reliable Turkish proxy going (DM me if you want to try it out, I paid for a year…), and managed to add my card just fine, but once I try to add funds, I get the "We've encountered an error while processing your order. Please try again later." error.
    Some googling shows that that error happens when the creditcard address and the Sony account address don't match. My address definitely does not have a Turkish address…
    Anybody have any other suggestions to make use of this deal?
    I'll try again in a +24 hours to see how that goes.

    • Nah, I believe the cards are blocked. I've tried several proxies, and even did some openvpn magic in the house, and ultimately then even tried adding funds using a proxy from my browser on my laptop, and opening up the web dev tools shows the following error when trying to use my card: "EVE Purchase returned risk decision as DENY." - I can't find any information about where the error comes from, but it clearly means either my card has been blocked, or all cards were blocked.
      I still have a year's worth of time on my VPS in Turke available, and i can start up the proxy service on there for anyone wanting to try on a reliable proxy server. DM me.

      • +1 here does not work

      • Hey buddy, I cannot DM you. Would you mind enabling it? I'd like to try it out. Many thanks!

  • Is anyone able to add their NZ Wise card (with the 9400 number) to Turkish PSN now? I have enough funds and my address is correct but cannot add the card.

  • I'm unable to get any of the proxy's to work on the ps5.

  • What do you mean by stacking subscriptions? Can we buy for multiple years? If so what is the limit?

    • +1

      I stacked 5 years, there's people on OzB & Whirlpool that have stacked until 2040+

      • thanks I'll try for sure

        • +1

          FWIW I did mine using the wise ccs back before Sony blocked them, unsure if these ccs are still accepted by Sony.

          • @Hawk Tuah: i have a turkish card, so don't think it's going to be a problem for me. but thanks anyway 😊👍

  • Guys, I got stuck at step 2) of OP. I am using PS5 console. When I go Network > Setting > Set Up Internet Connection > Set up Manually > I have 2 opts : Use Wifi or Use a LAN Cable here.

    When I chose Use Wifi > Enter Manually > Proxy Server > Use > then put address ( and port number (8080) > Done and NOTHING happened.

    I am trying @Logda420 method. Login with AU PSN account and try to use AU bank card.

    Help me please.

  • Proxy not working. Any tips please? I've googled but nothing is working

  • Ive tried the Wise NZ + Windscribe hack last Sunday. While it can be frustrating, I was lucky to try it again randomly and it worked. Got 2 years subs now. What I did is used Chrome on Turkey server, around evening AEST and purchased a random game first. Then tried adding deluxe and the purchase went through. Good luck to everyone 🤞 hope this helps a soul just as other posts helped me

    • Hi. How did you get a Wise NZ card. When I change my address to NZ and try to get a new card, it is asking that I verify my address.

  • I can't seem to comment on the previous expired deal but thank you mate!
    Just got this to work last night after jumping so many hoops but well worth it. This is pretty much the best deal in my view as gaming on my Playstation is pretty much my favourite hobby.

    • Did you get it working with the suggested proxy address or a different one? I have tried many different proxies but what happened was the suggested one always failed to connect while the PS Plus page won't load for some others that connected.

      • +2

        No, you'll need to find your own proxy. That's why it takes time. Luck of the draw pretty much.

    • Would you be able to outline the specific steps as well? Since many commented that the ones in OP no longer works.

      • You're saying many have commented but have you tried it? I followed what's here and in the other post. Did nothing different.

        • +2

          Sorry, Hvent been checking this post,
          Try this method :

          I tried it through this app
          Free VPN Turkey APP

          1. Install it on your phone (i used IT on my S22 Ultra)
          2. Turn off wifi on your phone
          3. Choose Turkey server hit connect
          4. Create hotspot from your phone
          5. Connect your PS5 to your hotspot created on your phone
          6. Add bank card (i added cryptopay card and everything worked for me)
          7. Save money

          Source : sort by Newest first

  • Over the last two days I've managed to get as far as adding my card to my Turkish PS account - but now when I try to purchase PSPlus or "add funds to my wallet" it just gives an error saying "try again later". I hit the button to try a few times and now I get an error saying my credit card has expired, despite it expiring in 2028.

    What a battle this has been to get sooo close but have it just refuse to take my money at the last step =(

  • Is the card still working? An error comes up telling me to check my details even though it's all right.

    • +1

      I had the same issue. I was able to add the card to my PS account on my PC using the Windscribe VPN and connecting to Turkey.

      I've been able to get that far but I still get an error if I now try and use the card to buy PSPlus or add credit to my wallet. I've tried from my PC with various VPNs and I tried using a VPN on my Android phone then hotspotting the PS5 to my phone - both methods just give an error when it tries to take money from the CC. I tried with proxies on the PS5 but on the rare chance a proxy actually connects it still won't connect to the PSN so the accounts page just refuses to load (even though it claims to have internet).

      If you get the card added (try from your PC with a VPN) my only ask if if you manage to get over the last step and actually use the card to buy PSPlus you let me know ❤️😊

  • For those of you who cannot get it to work I recommend just give up. I spent ages too get it to work and now have 3yrs but everytime you make a purchase it will need to connect to PSN 100% or else there is no point. The proxies are hit and miss and the Hotspot method is fake and does not work.

    • See, all I'm taking from this post is that you did manage to get it to work.

      Was it a proxy in the end? And if so was it just trial and error over a few days until one worked?

      • +2

        It worked 5 days ago and it does not work today. You'll spend ages trying to find a working proxy. With the time and effort spent, IMO it is not worth it because it'll just frustrate you even more. If a proxy is working now, there is no gurantee it will stay working by the time you even read this comment. However, if you have that patience and persistence go for it.

        I have also heard that people have been getting banned as well. Not sure how much of it is true but if it is, it will apply across the board over time. So even if you get it to work my recommendation is don't stack.

  • I was able to add a Wise card with an NZ address to my PS (Turkey) account. However, everytime I try to check out, it will say "Something went wrong". Not sure what else to try.

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