This was posted 12 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kogan: FREE Shipping Store Wide (TV's iPads Phones, Some Exclusions)


Free shipping on all items today only.

TV's iPads Mobile Phones Digital Cameras etc..

Excludes some TVs all items must be in stock. No LivePrice deals are eligible.

Kogan has the right to refuse this deal to Rural Areas.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Means that the SGS3 is now $549 shipped. Tempting indeed.

  • +2

    Does this mean that the massive iPad deal is now worth getting?

    • +1

      lolll. That day was funny.

  • Hmm, One X or SGS3

    • +3

      I don't think I'll get much support, but I prefer the OneX personally. Nicer screen, more solid feeling casing etc vs mem card slot and better internals

      • +1

        Its what I've actually always wanted over the SGS3. I quite like Sense, and in my experience the HTC roms seem to have the most polish to them. Although I haven't used an S3. When the price difference was $200 it was easy. Now that its down to $50 I am having more trouble. I don't need expandable memory, and 4.7 is already a bit big, not that the S3 is that much larger. Wish Kogan stocked the One S as well so I could order both today (S for my fiance)

    • +2

      IMO i would pay extra for a decent service, i have dealt with HTC before and from experience i will never purchase a HTC again. Cant say how much better Samsung's service is unfortunately but purely based on experience with HTC id choose Samsung (it cant be worse than HTC). I'm not saying which phone is better that i think is a fine line between these two Models.

    • I have the One X, it's a good phone, design is nicer and screen is pretty good too. But if you are into modding and installing custom ROMs then get the Galaxy S3. One X has a locked boot loader, you cant even root the phone without unlocking it and potentially voiding all warranty. Sense looks better than most other custom overlays, but it can be a little annoying too (i.e with most apps a ridicules looking menu bar appears on the bottom of the screen taking up valuable space [especially those are not designed according to ICS design standards], the only way to remove it right now is to root). I have also seen more than average number of hardware faults (i.e: WiFi antenna issues , which HTC has admitted to but its a hardware issue so the only way to get it fixed is though warranty; there was also a screen flickering problem again HTC admitted to this but they claim its a software issue and released a patch (but some are still experiencing it), and graphics corruption and overheating problems). I'm not trying to scare you off the One X, but I think S3 is a safer bet, I bought One X couple of months back when there was a $250 price gap. But right now I think S3 is the better choice.

      P.S: Some developers are trying to find a workaround (search for "S-Off" if you are interested to know more), but so far very little progress has been made; considering that it took more than a year to turn off security bit in some HTC devices, there is no telling when it'll happen for One X.

  • +2
    • +9

      Guess they refuse this deal to housing commission flats.

  • That heater deal becomes a good one now for $79 delivered considering it might be a bit heavy as well. Does it work well though?

    • People on their facebook status claimed it worked well.

  • $589 for New Ipad (16gb, mobile broadband) delivered is also tempting.

    • Very tempting. I'm a bit worried about the lack of space though - it would be like wearing a very tight jacket. Wouldn't fit all the videos and games some users crave…like me.

      Still. That is very cheap.

      • +1

        why do you store videos and games in your jacket??

        • +2

          I'm just a bit more modern than my Grandpa. He used to tie an onion to his belt, which was the fashion at the time.

  • +1

    I'd probs jump on this TV if shipping was free… sadly it isnt included.

    The 64gb USB3 flash drive is back in stock and seems to be more branded than before? But with the free shipping and the KGNCOOP5 coupon its a pretty damn tempting buy…

    • Get a 46'' Toshiba 3D instead at $737 delivered.

    • -2

      You shouldn't jump on TVs even if shipping was free. You could injure yourself.

  • Unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account) they still have no Transformer Primes in stock… Oh well

  • +1

    Get the Galaxy Nexus for $379 shipped! Dirt Cheap.

    • +4

      Personally, I'd rather pay the $20 extra at thinkofus and get a local (2yr) warranty.

      But, yeah, great price regardless.

      • -2

        Do you work for thinkofus or something? I've personally bought from Kogan many times and this is a great price from Kogan (and their cheapest price for Nexus), so I don't understand the downvote.

        Also I looked at the thinkofus website and it looks really cheap and done by amateurs. I'd rather shop online with a well known online company such as Kogan. Many aussies android users on sites such as xda and whirlpool also buy their stock from Kogan for the cheapest price and quality service, so chill.

        • +16

          Do you work for Kogan or something?!

        • +1

          No I don't. I have no affiliation to any of these suppliers.

          I'm just looking at options for a Galaxy Nexus.

          There was some discussion on Whirlpool about Thinkofus and they seems to ship quickly.

          I don't see why post have has been given negative votes. $20 extra for another year of warranty seems like a reasonable deal.

        • Fair enough. Also, I don't work for Kogan, just wanted to let you guys know I have bought from them before and also bought the Galaxy Nexus when it was $399 + 19 shipping. Since then, it has dropped to $379 + $19 and now its $379 alone. So its a pretty good deal. Also I'd like to let you know that my Nexus went from Hong Kong to QLD (online purchase to at my door in 7 days and thats including non-working days!)

          I'm sure that thinkofus is also a great site, but I'm just happy I have a Nexus running jellybean 4.1

      • I've been comparing these two (Kogan & thinkofus) and it's actually only $10.99 difference, from what I can see. I certainly agree for this amount of money, 24 months & local warranty coverage is a great buy - the only problem is Stock levels (currently out of stock at thinkofus), whereas Kogan has stock.

    • you could buy local stock with same price from lots of phone shops

      • +3

        Do tell….

        • Yeah i went to my local Optus, Voda, Telstra shops and they all couldnt do anywhere close to $550.

          I would have been happy to pay 600-650 but no dice.

        • Comment related to the Nexus, not S3.

      • I agree with steptoe. Please provide example for your broad comment.

  • Hi, anyone know if we can claim GST if we purchase the new iPad from Kogan? Does the invoice include GST?

    Also are Kogan's iPad grey imports and I have to wait weeks for the delivery?


    • +3

      No GST is paid, so you cant claim it
      and yes, grey imports so you will be waiting for delivery but as for 'weeks' it will depend on their stock levels

      • Thanks for your info about GST. I almost bought it. :)

      • SBOB, thanks for that. Guess I won't be buying then.

  • +5

    Not all items have free shipping (e.g. certain tv's). I think the title needs adjusting.

      • +1

        having "Everything Included" in the title though is a tad misleading…

      • +3

        do you work in advertising Moots?

        • No Sir. What makes you think that :) ?

  • +2

    Pretty sure everything included means every item, not every category.


  • Will have to check out what they got :-)

  • If the new iPad is grey import, does it have Australian warrantee?
    Any issues with using iTunes Australian account?
    Any issues with power/charging?

    • +1

      Apple warranty covers globally. No issues with iTunes and usually they'll give you a plug converter if you purchase overseas or an AUS one.

  • Hi Guys

    Have anybody used the Kogan Bagless Vaccuam Cleaner (…)

    Its currently $69 (incl. free shipping)
    Will it be a good buy?

  • This DSLR package ( was $739. But today, with the 'free postage,' it's $759.

    • +1

      Mmm that old shifty move eh… pump up the price to cover postage…

  • If you buy the S3 from Kogan is it a grey import model? Do you get an Australian tax invoice so you can claim the GST at the airport when travelling overseas?

    • as already mentioned previously..
      Grey import
      No GST is paid, and therefore no GST invoice is supplied.
      You cant claim the GST when travelling or for 'business' if none was paid.

      • Thanks, missed it in the comments above

  • I'm thinking about buying a 50" TV from them, the price seems very reasonable. Has anyone had experience with their TVs? Please accept my apologies for being ignorant…

    • "Please accept my apologies for being ignorant…"

      apology accepted, but doesn't that still make you ignorant?

      • baahhaha tough crowd.

    • Probably not a good idea -

  • does this 'free shipping' happen often?
    if it does…i would like to wait till i get paid next week.
    instead of borrow money now.

    • +1

      living week to week…yikes

    • +1

      Last one was a couple of months ago and required you to use PayPal it also was restricted to certain categories. So you may want to consider this deal.

  • +1

    mmm tempted to get a pad…

  • +1

    Nice … bought a Canon 600EX-RT flash … the cheapest I could find at the moment.

    I found a coupon code on the net "KGNCOOP1" (Co op Bookshop Discount) which gave me 1% on the purchase … not sure if it works for other purchases … got a further dicount from $509 to $503.91 :-).

  • New iPad 32GB wifi for $559 delivered. Done.

  • +2

    Canon S100 for $319 is very tempting.

    • indeed it is! Just bought one.

  • Just bought a Samsung S3 from them. Bargain …………………. for now :)

    • me too. it sure is a bargain! hopefully it will be a bargain for more than 5 minutes before they reduce it again next week.

  • 'KGNCOOP1' code doesn't seem to work any more

    • Yeah it was working before when I left work, got home and seems it's been disabled. Damn!

  • +2

    Why does the deal look like this:

    • Avatar?

  • Great! Was looking to buy my mum a 16gb ipad refurb but apple don't have any stock (atm). $379 was around the price I was willing to pay, thanks.

    • $379? Why don't you just buy a brand-new one from a store? No need to wait, readily available, and only $16 more.

  • Just got an email from Kogan 'Can't fill order for 64gb wifi due to overwhelming demand'. This is AFTER they'd taken payment and confirmed delivery twice.


  • my new ipad arrived yesterday, i disappointed because it has dent and dirt inside a display.

    • second day.. no reply for the solution from Kogan

      • Get it replaced at the Apple store.

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